An Opened Chest
"I found another key do you think it might open it", Steven said to Pearl with excitement."Oh Steven it could open anything you might never know",Pearl said,"You get your hopes up far to often"." It never hurt to try you know", Garnet added grinning,"I mean it could be the one". Pearl retorted with frustration,"All I'm saying is Steven will probably never find the key to open that chest, when Rose wanted to keep a secret it stayed a secret"."Quit being a fun killer Pearl", Amethyst interjected,"Let him have his moment"."Ugh fine, Steven can go try", she gave in,"I just don't want to get his hopes up"."Yes finally", Steven shouted as he disappeared into Lion's mane.
He held his breath as he ran to the chest and fumbled with the key for a moment. The chest swung actually opened. In it was a diamond shaped turquoise purple gem. "Woah", Steven breathed as he took it. And as with what happened with Bismuth he stumbled, he fell and he popped the bubble.
At first the gem seemed to enlarge but could find no space so it shrunk to roughly the size of Garnet.
"Where am I and who are you?", the gem asked with a puzzled expression on her face,"I don't believe we've met have we". She had delicate features, her skin tone was turquoise but her looked like as mixture of purple and the colour of her skin tone. Her gemstone was on her forehead and her dress included the colours of all the diamonds. Her hair went just passe her shoulders and the wavy locks almost covered an eye.
"Hi I'm Steven nice to meet you", Steven said callously forgetting himself,"Who are you"."But you didn't answer my first question, where am I?", she asked."You're in the temple of the crystal gems", Steven replied,"Now it's your turn to answer my question"."The Crystal Gems" she said icily then grabbed Steven and walked out of Lion's mane as if she knew she was in a pocket dimension."Steven oh my goodness", screamed Pearl, then babe stopped and just stared at the gem."Garnet barged into the room,"Are we under attack......oh no Steven". The gem ran outside quickly growing to full size."Garnet,Amethyst and Pearl fused into Alexandrite but was quickly subdued by the gem who had suddenly grown extra arms. The fusion was broken and the three Crystal Gems were left in the dust."I'm sorry Turquoise I had to do it", Pearl said suddenly."You didn't 'have' to do anything you were just so blinded by your love for Rose Quartz that you forgot to listen to my plan",Turquoise said,to Steven's surprise,while trying to hold back tears,"In fact if it wasn't for Rose I would be shattered by now". She then noticed Steven's gemstone, she stared at it as if trying to figure out a code." your mother shattered Pink didn't she",the tears falling freely now,"My best friend is gone, my Pearl abandoned me and my court is scattered and it's all your mothers fault".
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