A Sad Tale
"Calm down....Turquoise",Steven tried to comfort her,"We can talk through this"."What do you know anyway you're just a child",she screamed in reply. "Just calm down Turq",Pearl tried to add fondly,"It could be like it was". She looked at Pearl with such hatred that it silenced her,"Never ever call me that again"."I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that to you",Pearl told her,"I'll make it better trust me". Unbeknownst to Turquoise, Pearl had her spear in her hand ready to poof the diamond. "No Pearl stop",Steven shouted at Pearl. Turquoise saw the spear and hit Pearl so hard that she fell into the see, a long way too. As she got ready to pound her some more, Steven grabbed her by the hand,"Please don't hurt her",he looked into her tear streaked face,"I also want know the truth but if I don't hear your part as well as hers we'll never find out". That calmed her a little and she decided that there was some truth in what he said.
Back in the temple Pearl was sitting as far from Turquoise as if disregarding the others existence and the diamond seemed to do the same thing. "OK so since Turq lived longer than Pearl we'll start with her part",Steven said trying to ignore the slight flinch after being referred to with that name.
"Pink and I were the youngest diamonds after Blue and Yellow. In case you didn't know Yellow represented the military,Blue the diplomacy, White the government or as I like to call it the mindset,Pink the compassion and me the intelligence.",she took a pause and for a moment looked happy then returned to her sullen face. "Together we ruled homeworld while having fun doing it. Before we fell into our roles we were very carefree and back then Yellow and White didn't wear headpieces. We fused without White knowing at first but when she found out she told us to keep it to ourselves or homeworld would turn on us. As you know others developed a bond that slowed them to fuse",she continued taking a sidelong glance at Garnet when saying the last part making her blush. "They could fuse because of friendship or for love and it was finally ban. I realised the potential for organic life to help us but White would hear nothing of it, I told Pink about it and she agreed but we, the minor diamonds, could do nothing to stop the exploitation. We then decided that if we completely protected a portion of a planet with its ecosystem intact we could use the organic life left to regrow the planet. Ever as she would White found out and put a stop to it I devised another plan which led to Pink's human zoo. Everything was fine until the Crystal Gems came along. Pearl joined them and informed them that if I was out of the picture they would have a better advantage. They planned to shatter me but Rose stopped them. Even bubbled I could still communicate with White Diamond". "But why can't any gem remember you",Steven asked. "After Pink's demise White thought that it be better if gemkind lost only one diamond",she replied. "OK but why not make them forget Pink plus how can you erase all their minds",Steven asked curiosity filling his eyes. "If they lost a diamond forever they would want revenge and if they remembered me the Crystal Gems could bargain. As for the memories of me they are there but locked so no one can remember them and the insignia also changed there was a purple diamond right in the middle to signify the unity of the diamonds that is all I know". "I haven't heard Pearl's part but I'm starting to understand your anger towards her", Sapphire said who for some reason wasn't fused with Ruby sitting next to her,"So Pearl let's here your part to play in this story".
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