Chapter 6
Natalie's POV
Me and Edward walked in and we separated immediately to go to our lockers. I grabbed a few unneeded textbooks and closed my locker. I turned around to find Jessica. She had a cold glare on her face. She punched my jaw as hard as she could and I heard a crack come from her hand. "Stay away from Mike." She said angrily grabbing her hand. I glared at her and slapped her. Not hard in my book, but the noise echoed the halls causing people to stare. She grabbed her face and I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was the disciplinary officer and he looked at me in disappointment. I sighed and looked at the ground. "Both you girls follow me to my office." He ordered in a firm tone. I followed his order immediately, but Jessica scoffed and followed. Once we got into his office he motioned to seats and we sat down. "So what happened?" He asked. Before I could answer truthfully Jessica opened her mouth and started talking. "I came over to Natalie and told her to stay away from my boyfriend and she just slapped me very hard." She lying through her teeth. She pointed to the forming bruise on her cheek. I rolled my eyes and opened my mouth to speak. "I don't want to hear any excuses you are expelled for three days now go and leave the school!" He snapped at me. "Yes sir." I said before grabbing my bag and walking out. I opened the exit door and exited the school and ran as fast as I could home. I entered the house and ran a hand through my hair. I walked upstairs to find Carlisle in his office. "Why are you home so early?" He asked as I entered. "Jessica got jealous that Mike Newton liked me and not her and then she punched me and I slapped her back not hard in my book, but hard enough to leave a bruise. She lied to Officer Finick and he suspended me for three days. I need you to call and tell them that I'll be home schooled for the rest of the year. I'm not going back to that insufferable school." I vented pacing his office. "Okay I'll give the school a call, but Edward isn't going to be happy." He said looking at me with a worried expression. "It doesn't matter I can still stay here. I just can't be there to keep him under control in front of Bella. I'll have Jasper or Emmett try their best to keep him back." I said exiting the room to go in my own. "So what are you going to Port Angeles for?" Edward asked. "I'm going to help Jessica and Angela pick out dance dresses." Bella said. I sighed and held my head in my hands this was going to be more difficult. It's almost half-way through the school year and Edward hasn't gotten any farther away from her. I got up and went to my mirror. I traced my hands over my porcelain skin and noticed that my eyes were black as coal. How did I control myself around her if I haven't fed. I jumped out of my room through my balcony and ran deep into the woods to find something to feed on. I found a panther stalking up on a deer. I sneaked around and pounced on the panther and drained its blood. I wiped my bloodstained lips and began to walk back that's when I smelled it. I took a long sniff of the air and located where they were. I ran, ran faster than I ever have. I stopped when I came to a fishing dock. I saw it a red haired woman, a blonde haired man, and a black man with dark hair. The leader I suppose. They finished feeding off an elderly man and stepped off the boat. I hid as they ran out of sight. I narrowed my eyes at them and ran to La push. Paul met me at the border and I crossed onto Lapush territory. "We heard your thoughts. We just had Sam call the police so they think that he died from natural causes." He said. "Okay good I'm going to need to intervene at some point though. They are killing too many people and they will give us up. Even the pack. I need you to stay low for as long as I say. The whole pack has to lay low and I need you to tell Sam that we need to have a council meeting. This has gone too far." I said shedding a few tears. "Keep me distracted so I don't go back and rip their heads off." I sucked in a sharp breathe. "What? What happened!" Paul asked. "It's not what happened it's what's going to happen." I mumbled before running back to the house. I found Edward at the front door. "We have go to Port Angles something is going to happen to Bella." I said in one quick breathe. Edward gave me a worried expression. We walked to his silver Volvo and got in as Edward sped down to Port Angeles. I held my head in my hands trying to see anything further. I saw a book, men, drunk men at that. "THERE IN THAT ALLEYWAY!" I shouted pointing. Edward swerved in almost hitting one of the men. We both got out and I went to Bella's side while he stayed near the car. "Did you know that was very dangerou-" A man slurred. I looked over at Edward and noticed his eyes turn black. The man cut himself off and gave me a wink. Something in my brain snapped and I walked up to him. "Natalie no!" Edward yelled, but it was too late. I had the man by the throat and threw him to the ground and stepped on his leg hard. It was satisfying crack that made me return to Bella. I grabbed her arm gently and guided her to the back seat. I got in the front and let Edward start driving. "Keep me distracted so I don't go back and rip their heads off." Edward said. I could feel the anger and pain radiating off him. "No you shouldn't." Bella said panicking. "Just talk, talk about anything." He said strain coating his voice. I put a hand on his shoulder and let calmness run through his body. I could feel him relax, but I could still see the anger in his mind. "Put on your seat belt." She said. Edward started laughing. "How about you." He retorted. Bella clipped the seat belt and sat back. We pulled up to an Italian restaurant and we got out and I noticed Jessica and Angela. My eyes narrowed at Jessica, but she seemed not to notice. "Bella there you are we were going to wait for you, but we were like starving. Where have you been?" Jessica asked looking at Edward with love struck eyes and me with hatred. "I'm sorry me and my sister got caught up in talking with Bella." Edward explained in a calm voice. Jessica looked at Edward then to me and then to Bella and they both walked away. We entered the restaurant and we were sat immediately. Bella ordered food, but me and my brother didn't. "So how about some answers?" Bella asked taking a bite of her food. "Yes, no, to get to the other side 1.772453851." He said smirking. "I didn't ask for the square root of pi." She retorted giving him a look. "How did you know that?" I asked smiling. "How did you know where I was?" She asked. "I didn't." Edward said looking at me. Bella scooted out her chair. "Please don't go." He said. She scooted back and took another bite. "Were you following me?" Bella asked with a look. "I feel very protective of you." I got up roughly and walked out angrily of the restaurant. I didn't think that he would say that, but he did. I walked down the sidewalk and saw they guys from earlier carrying their friend with the broken leg. I glared at them and raised a fist. They ran straight ahead trying not to get anything broken. Once I got into the woods I sprinted home and went into my bedroom. I flopped down on my bed. I needed someone...anyone to talk to.I ran across the border and ran to Billy's front porch. I hesitated before knocking. Jacob answer the door and glared at me and started to close the door, but I stopped it. "I need to talk Jake." I said letting tears flow down my eyes. He looked at me with sympathy and let me in. He towered over me for some weird reason, but it didn't phase me. "What is wrong?" He asked. "I don't know for sure...I think I'm angry or upset. I just wanted to ask you something." I said. He sighed and pulled me into a hug which surprised me. I hugged back. "Why do you hate Sam Uley's gang or that's what people call us?" I asked as we sat down on his couch. "I just feel uncomfortable around them. It's like they are waiting for me to join them." Jake said fiddling with hands. "Trust me we aren't. We just want to embrace what some people that others don't...we teach them how to control it so they don't do something bad."I said looking down at my own hands. "For someone younger than me you are much wiser like you're from another century. "You have no idea and Jake if something does happen...something different tell me or Sam." I said smiling. "I'll see you later Natalie." He said before I walked out the door. I just walked to the border and found Edward with a guilty expression. "I know I broke the promise." He said. "You know what Edward I really am so done with you and Bella. You need to choose me or Bella." I said crossing my arms. "Natalie you don't understand. I can't stand you like this." He said putting his hands on his hips. "I know damn well what you are going through. Now choose. Me or Bella!" I demanded. "Bella." He said finally. It hit me like a truck. I felt like everything had just stopped time, death, love. "You know what Edward. Fine!" I shouted as I walked past him. He would never be there for me.
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