Chapter 5
Rosalie's POV
"What happened to Natalie?" I asked Emmett as Edward rushed upstairs. "We were out hunting and she knows Edward made contact and she showed me her new powers. She has more than one it's amazing, but she has blocked Edward out and today she collapsed when she got out of the car and she clawed at her head. I have no idea why and I feel like it's my fault Rose." He explained holding his head in his hands. "It wasn't your fault Emmett." Natalie said from the bottom of the stairs. I rushed over to her and hugged her tightly. "You're okay. I'm so glad." I said letting go of her and leading her to the living room to explain. "It's just because of my new powers. They just overwhelmed me. I'll be fine." I nodded and hugged her tightly. "I think I'm going to go to the Voltori maybe they can find a use for my powers. I don't have anything holding me here. Edward has lost me and you guy aren't safe with me here." She said letting tears fall down her face. "Natalie I don't know if I'll be able to stop you and I can't believe I'm saying this. If anything Edward is a good guy and needs you he just made one bad choice. If anything we are more safe with you here. The more in the coven the more we are safe. You know the Voltori you know that they could easily take Edward, Jasper, and Alice with them because of their powers." I explained.
Natalie's POV
I listened to Rosalie as she told me all of this. They could be put in danger, but the Voltori wouldn't take them because I have all of their power. "They wouldn't be taken. I have their powers they would be safe." I said getting up. "Natalie please don't leave." Edward said. I turned to him and stared into his golden eyes. "Why? You'll just leave me, it's better this way Edward." He grabbed my arm and pulled me into a hug. "No it's not. I'm not having you become evil and killing innocent people. I may not be able to stay away from Bella, but I am not letting you leave." I nuzzled my head in his chest. "Do you mean it?" I asked. "Yes. I do and I'll never leave you I promise." He whispered and kissed the top of my head and rested his chin on it. Maybe he won't do it, maybe he will, he just promised that he would stay and that's all that matters right now. "I love you Nat, I don't want to see you hurt people when you don't want to." He whispered letting go of me and holding my shoulders. "You may not be perfect, but you are a Masen and always will be." I said smiling. "And Masen's stick together." I finished. I sat down and Rosalie left to give us some time to talk alone. "What are your powers?" Edward asked. I looked down at my hands. I stayed silent, afraid of what he would think. "I can read minds, I can see the future and if I make physical contact with someone I can show them. I can manipulate and feel emotions, but if they are stubborn making physical contact does the trick, and I can transform into any animal I want." I said leaning against him as if he had some secret warmth I didn't. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and we cuddled for a bit. "Edward." I said looking up at him. "Yes?" He questioned removing his arm so he could turn to look at me. "I love you." I said hugging him tightly. He chuckled and hugged back. "I love you too Nat." I got up and ran out of the house into the woods. It was cold and rainy my favorite part of Forks. I found a tall tree and ran at it and climbed it effortlessly. I sat down on a branch near the bottom and got comfortable. I watched as the sun set and the sky filled with the darkness of night. I jumped down and smiled. Perfect, I thought landing and taking a whiff of the air. There was a strange smell. Another vampire scent. I search minds of countless people before finding them. Two male and a female and they're feeding here. I ran to the border and waited Paul and Sam came in their human forms. "Did you pick up the scent?" I asked. "Yes but we can't decipher where it is. Me, Billy, and the other Elders have decided on something. We have been informed of your new powers and we will need your help often enough so we made it to where you are allowed across the border and you can come to the reservation." I stood there awe struck. "It is an honor." I said politely. "Yes it kind of is and be ready to be under full pack protection while you are with us." He explained putting his hand out. I looked down at it and shook it with a firm grip. "Thank you and don't worry I'll be able to know all about them soon enough." I said turning to run back. "Natalie...just be careful technically you are part of the pack now and we look out for each other." Sam said. I nodded my head and ran back to the house. "Everyone to the kitchen!" I ordered sitting down on a stool. Everyone zoomed into the room and Esme looked at me concerned. "Carlisle has informed the pack about the new powers I have acquired. They picked up the scent of three new human feeding vampires. As did I and they altered the treaty to where I am allowed onto the reservation and now I'm part of the pack." I explained getting up starting to pace. "Carlisle why would you tell them?! They could hurt Natalie, you know how rough they can be and they could hurt her!" Emmett shouted motioning at me. "Emmett she is stronger than you think. Probably stronger than you, she can take care of herself." Edward said giving our brother a disapproving look. "Emmett don't." Edward started. "I completely doubt she could be stronger than me. Let's prove it." Emmett said giving me a challenging smirk. Emmett motioned to the woods and started to walk, but Edward stopped him. "I'll be fine Edward." I said reassuring him. "It's not you I'm worried about." He said laughing. I watched as Edward stepped back and we all walked outside to the woods. Emmett and me got into our stances and waited for the signal. "Alright 1...2...3!" Jasper counted. Emmett ran at me big mistake. I jumped and dodged him as he flew forward. He grunted in frustration and charged again. I stood still and waited for him to get close. He jumped up trying to land on me, but I stepped aside and grabbed him by the neck. "Big mistake Emmett." I said cockily throwing him into a tree. He hit it hard and stayed down. "You were right she is strong." Emmett said before getting up. He walked over to Rose and wrapped his arms around her and Jasper and Carlisle did the same to their mates. I stood next to Edward awkwardly not being able to be held. I sniffed the air and my eyes widened. They killed a man in Seattle. They were getting closer to Forks. "I'm going to head to the reservation. I need to see what the pack knows about these new vampires." I said walking off, but Edward followed. Sam was waiting at the border for me smiling, but he stopped as Edward came into view. "Take care of my sister mutt." Edward snarled at Sam. "Don't worry about her leech." Sam retorted. I sighed and shook my head in disappointment. "I'll be fine Edward. Really just go back." I said walking across the border. Sam and I ran as fast as we both could to the reservation. We arrived in front of a tiny house with a small garage next to it. Sam walked to the front door and knocked lightly. A man with long black hair sitting in a wheelchair opened the door. "Ah Sam welcome back I see you brought..." The man said probably trying to remember my name. "It's Natalie, Natalie Masen Cullen. I'm Edward's biological sister and the freak show of the vampire world." I said stuffing my hands into my pockets. "Oh yes Natalie. The name is Billy Black and that is my son Jake." He said introducing a boy about 16 years old. I waved and the boy gave me a cold glare. Guess he knows what I am. "Jacob hasn't become one of us yet so he doesn't fully understand the pack right now. He thinks it just a gang I made." Sam explained giving a disapproving glare at Jacob. "We haven't found anything out about the new vampires I'll meet you at the border when I do." He said smiling at me as we walked along the beach. "So who is in the pack as of this moment?" I asked pulling my jacket closer to my body. "Me, Paul, and Jared. Soon enough they'll be more." He explained stuffing his hands in his jean pockets. A russet wolf and myself ran across the border trying to get to Bella's home. I snapped back to reality and looked at Sam. "Are you okay?" Sam asked. "Yeah I'm fine just trying to read the minds of the new leeches." I lied. "I'm sorry about calling you guys leeches. It has just always been that way with us werewolves." He explained. "Hey I have to get back to my house. It is almost time for me to get ready for school. If I need to talk to you I'll come swing by okay. I'll see you later Sam." I said turning to leave. "Wait Natalie here." Sam said holding out a small charm bracelet made out of string and had a silver wolf charm. I took it from his hand and slipped it onto my wrist. "It'll let other werewolf packs know that you are under our pack protection." He explained taking a step towards the beach. "Thank you Sam. I'll see you later." I said before sprinting off back home. Edward was waiting for me at the border. "Have you been here waiting the whole time?" I asked as I crossed and hugged Edward tightly. "No I read your mind to see when you were coming so I just got here." He said hugging back. "Come on lets get ready for school."I said holding Edward's hand. We got into the house and I went into my room and dressed myself in a black tank top, a red and black flannel, a pair of skinny jeans, and combat boots. I walked out of my room to find Edward wearing the same thing just regular jeans and a black v-neck. "Why must you be like this?" I asked crossing my arms and pouting. "Because we have to be the cutest siblings in the entire school." He said laughing at me. I punched him playfully and Alice came out unexpectedly and took a picture of us.
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