Chapter 4
Emmett's POV
Natalie and I walked out to me Jeep and she tossed her bag in the backseat and buckled up. "Hiking here we come." She said happily. I laughed at her and got into the driver's seat and buckled up as well. "So what was the conversation between you and Edward? Did anything get broken?" I asked turning the corner and going onto the trail I always took. "It wasn't heated or anything just him apologizing and me explaining things. I also got a new power." She said looking quite antsy to get out of the car. "That's good. I am really sorry of what happened to your blood singer." I said knowing she would question it. "How do you...Alice." She said laughing lightly. "It's fine it's over now and I don't have to worry about Bella I hope. I know she isn't going to give up easily and neither is Edward."
Natalie's POV
It wasn't a sunny day sadly so the rest of my siblings went to school. I didn't have the chance to introduce myself last week. My name is Edward Cullen. "Oh god." I whispered to myself. Emmett stopped the the Jeep abruptly. "What? What happened?" Emmett asked panicking slightly. "Edward made contact." I said staying silent trying to read her mind. It was easy. She was shocked and wondered why he was talking to her. "God dammit Edward." I said slamming my fist on the dashboard. "Hey come on let's go hunting and then you can show me that new power you were talking about." Emmett said trying to distract me. I nodded happily and got out of the car and smirked at Emmett. "Race you to the mountain. I'm craving a goat or maybe a mountain lion." I said. He smirked at me and we took of running at vampire speed. I watched as the forest flew past my eyes and I beat Emmett to the mountain. "Not fair you're faster than all vampires." Emmett said playfully pouting. "Awe come on teddy bear let's go eat." I climbed the mountain and found a mountain lion getting ready to pounce at the sight of Emmett. He saw me behind the lion and nodded slightly and stayed still as the lion stalked towards him. I launched myself at the lion and sunk my teeth into its neck and drained its blood. "Thanks for keeping it distracted, makes it more fun." I said. "You're welcome now it's your turn I can smell a bear near the bottom of mountain." I nodded and jumped down and landed at the bottom on my feet as for Emmett he wasn't as graceful he landed on his back. He groaned and I held out my hand to help him up. "You good Emmett?" I asked looking at his back just in case. "I'm fine. We're vampires I think I'll live." He said looking around for the bear. I noticed it and tapped Emmett on the shoulder. I ran into its range of sight and stood still. Emmett sneaked up behind it and pounced as it charged at me. They tumbled and kind of wrestled, but Emmett finally got a hold on the bear and snapped its neck. I walked away from Emmett and the bear and connected to Edward. You're very hard to read. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. I sat down on a rock and looked at a tattoo on my arm. It was the eternity symbol. It was meant for love and how it lasted for eternity and always. "Hey Nat is there something wrong?" Emmett asked sitting next to me. "Just Edward being an idiot. I swear I am going to end up killing Bella. She is already falling for his velvet voice and charmingly good looks." I said sarcastically throwing a rock into the forest. I sighed and just listened to nature. "How about that new power?" Emmett asked getting up. I shrugged and ran to the jeep and got my bag from the back and ran back to Emmett and put it behind a tree. "Here goes nothing." I whispered concentrating on a rabbit. "What the hell! Awesome." Emmett said picking me up and petting behind my ear. I thumped him in the chest signaling him to put him down. I hopped behind the tree and transformed back into a vampire and put new clothes on. "Natalie this is amazing just imagine how happy Edward must be." Emmett said. I looked down at the floor in guilt. "About that. I kind of blocked him out. He can't read my mind and we can't talk telepathically. He doesn't know about any of my powers yet." Emmett looked at me in curiosity. "I can manipulate emotions like Jasper, but it comes with what Alice has. If I come in contact with another person I can do these things and show them what's going to happen if they decide to do something. I can read minds keep a connection with my brother. Emmett if being a vampire was being a freak show enough I have multiple gifts. I should just go to the Voltori and have them actually use my powers or maybe they'll kill me either one should do." I ranted pacing nervously listening to Bella's mind. Edward is handsome and charming perfect boyfriend material. I couldn't stand it much longer the more she thought about him the more he lead her on. "I need you to take me home Emmett." I said as rain started to pore from the sky. We ran to the Jeep and I threw my bag into the back seat once more. I slammed the door close and held my head in my hands. "Natalie are you okay?" Emmett asked concerned putting a hand on my shoulder. I nodded roughly, but a searing pain appeared in my head. "Just drive." I ordered. He pulled out and drove as fast as he could back to the house. I opened the door and got out, but collapsed on the floor. The searing pain in my head only got worse. Emmett picked me up and rushed me inside. "CARLISLE!" Emmett screamed. I clawed at my head as if it were on fire. Carlisle rushed into the room with Esme. She took one look at me and a horrified expression painted her face. "What happened?" Carlisle asked as he ran upstairs and Emmett followed. "I don't know. Natalie and I were hunting and she showed me her new power. She has more than one Carlisle and she said that Edward made contact with Bella. I don't know if it's from being away from Edward or something, but she collapsed when she got out of the car." Emmett explained as he laid me down on Carlisle's medical table. "The others should be home any minute so as soon as Edward gets into the house tell him to come here immediately." Emmett nodded and went downstairs. I clawed at my head and tried to ease the pain, but Carlisle made me look at him and forced my hands away from my head. "Nat look at me everything is going to be okay." Carlisle assured me. Edward ran into the room and looked at me. I could smell her on him. Her rancid smell that he thought was irresistible. "" Edward said upset he walked over to me. The pain somewhat died down, but was still there. He grabbed my hand. The pain was gone, like it just vanished. "Edward...why?" I said turning my head to face the opposite wall. His heart hurt looking at me like this. I could feel him read my mind that I once blocked him from. "I'm sorry. I couldn't help it and I can't read her mind." He said letting go of my hand. "Well I can. Don't you know what is going to happen. She is going to find out. She is already suspicious."
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