Chapter 2
Natalie's POV
My eyes opened to sunshine streaming through my curtain. I always just liked to lay in pajamas and lay in bed not being able to sleep. Ugh that new girl who Alice visioned about is coming today. Bella I think was her name. I got up and entered my personal bathroom. I undressed and turned on the water. Once I got out of the shower I wrapped a towel around my body and got dressed into my clothes I picked out.(MEDIA) I walked over to my mirror and confirmed that it looked good with my pale vampire complexion and golden eyes. I got a hair tie and put my hair in a simple braid and walked out with my back pack. I felt hands on my shoulders. I turned around and found Edward with his crooked smile on his face. "Morning Edward, Natalie." Carlisle said entering the room along with our also adoptive mother Esme. "Morning Carlisle and Esme." I said sweetly going in for a hug form Esme. Her hugs always comforted me when I was stressed and I was. This new girl Bella, she didn't feel like a good thing. I parted from the hug and went to go find Alice. I walked into her room and found her trying to pick out an outfit. "I like the flannel outfit." I said leaning against the doorway. "Me too. Thanks for the conformation and no I haven't had anymore visions about the new girl." I read her mind in case she was lying. Nothing. "You can read me like a book Alice." I sighed and sat on her bed as she went into the bathroom to change. "Look Natalie I understand that you don't like the feeling Bella gives you already, but just leave it. She may not even get involved with us." Alice explained exiting the bathroom. "I know. At least I'll be the first to know if she meets Edward or does anything to or with him. I might be fifteen and Edward is seventeen, but it's my job to protect him." I said walking out and into Emmett. "Oh hey teddy bear." I said to my huge brother. "Hey Nattycat." He replied patting my head and walking off. "You ready to go Nat." Edward said from the bottom of the stairs. I nodded and ran out to his car. "You know I'm going to be keeping tabs on you at all times." I said laughing lightly. "I thought you would. I can take care of myself you know." He said staying focused. "Is that why I had to save you from that bear." I retorted. He punched my shoulder playfully and I started to laugh. I looked into his eyes. They were black. "Why haven't you fed." I said getting upset. "You could hurt yourself or someone else and this is our home Edward if someone found out we would have to leave." He looked at the road sadly. "I have been worried for you so I have been busy." He said driving into the school parking lot. "I'm sorry for getting upset. You know how I feel about moving. I haven't been able to stay stable since we were turned. I'd rather be here for as long as we can." He put a hand on my shoulder and pulled me into a tight hug. We separated and got out of the car as Rosalie, Jasper, Alice, Emmett got out of Rose's car. We all talked until people started arriving. The rest of my siblings stayed in the parking lot while I entered the school and got to my locker. I was getting my books out when Mike Newton leaned against the one next to mine and gave me a wink. "What do you want Newton?" I asked already dreading today. "I wanted to know if you wanted to go out sometime?" Help Edward. I thought. "Umm..." I didn't want to be rude. Soon enough Edward appeared behind Mike and tapped on his shoulder. Mike turned around and was scared I could feel it. "Beat it Newton and don't flirt with my little sister again." Edward said putting his arm around my shoulders and walking off with me. "Thanks Edward." I said walking into my soft-more class while he walked to his junior class. I sat down in the back an listened to the boring lesson that was history of Texas. I know Jasper would be enjoying himself for this lesson. The phone rang and the teacher listened to it for a moment. "Natalie Cullen the principle wants to see you in his office." My teacher said returning to the front of the room to continue the lesson. I grabbed my bag and walked in the direction of the office. I got called to the office. I thought creating a link to Edward. You're fine probably nothing. He thought back in a calming voice. I walked into the principle's office and sat in a chair. "Ah yes Ms. Cullen. You have been doing wonderful in school from what your scores and I.Q. read. I have changed your classes for you. You shall be in all junior classes with your brother Edward. You'll be going to Mr. Molina for biology next after lunch. Here is your new schedule." He finished handing me a paper with all my new classes on it. Great. See you next period bro. I thought sarcastically and listened as he chuckled. I walked out of his office and realized that there was a minute before the bell rang for lunch. I walked to my locker and put my stuff away and waited for my brother. The bell rang loudly and my brother walked over to me and put his arm over my shoulder like he always did and we walked to the rest of the family. We all walked into the cafeteria and I could here her. It was the new girl Bella gossiping with Jessica. "The blonde girl, Rosalie and the big dark-haired guy Emmett, they're a thing. I'm not even sure that's legal. And the little dark-haired girl, Alice, she's really weird shes's with Jasper, the blonde one who looks like he's in pain." She snickered to Bella. It made me upset I didn't like when people thought weirdly of my family. Edward grabbed my hand to calm me down and Jasper used his powers. "Who are they?" Bella asked looking at me and Edward. "Oh that's Natalie and Edward Masen Cullen. Natalie is Edward's younger biological sister. She is kinda more involved with other people I guess, but her and Edward are really protective of each other. I sometimes I wish she would be away from him so I could at least try and hit on him." Jessica said taking a bite of her food. I sat down at the table next to Edward and he stole a few glances at Bella. I hit him in the ribs and he turned his attention to me. "Don't get yourself involved Edward." I said getting up and walking out of the cafeteria. "Weird Natalie usually leaves with the rest of them." I heard Angela comment as I walked out. My non-existent blood boiled as I walked to my locker and grabbed my stuff and waited for the bell to ring. It finally rang and I walked by myself to Mr. Molina's classroom and handed him the note the principle gave me. "You can sit next to your brother over there." He said sitting down at his desk. I sat next to Edward and watched him fidget with his pencil. Bella walked into the classroom and stood in front of the fan. The smell was rancid it made me gag as for Edward he tensed up. She walked over to us and sat down in the seat in front of us. I grabbed Edward's hand and he calmed down slightly, but still stood tense.
The class ended and Edward shot up out of his chair and walked quickly out of the room. When Bella wasn't looking I sent her a fierce glare and walked out of the room. It was me and Edward's free period and we always went hunting so I ran to our meeting place. He was sitting on the ground and held his head in his hands. "She's my blood singer Nat. I'm sorry." I froze at his words and then fell to my knees in front of him. I let it all go all the love and sweetness. This is what it's like to be heartbroken. I ran from him and shifted into a wolf and ran off into the woods and kept running not crossing the border. Blood singer ran through my head it all ran through my head. She's going to kill us all. I attacked at dear drank from it and transformed into a human and jumped onto my balcony and redressed myself. Bella Swan was going to get us all killed.
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