Two Years Later
It's been two years.
Two years since I left SHIELD.
Two years since I made the Avengers and everyone else forget about the seventh Avenger.
I woke up, stretching the cramps out of my shoulders. After deciding stretches was enough exercise for the week, I made my way down to the kitchen. Last night was rough, I brushed my left cheek where I could feel a bruise forming. The agents were prepared but I had taken out the target, and gotten a nice wad of cash for it.
Only a few more assignments, Castor said telepathically while appearing beside me, pouring herself tea.
Castor was my dark side, a personality formed when I touched the Tesseract.
Many years ago, my brother, Bruce Banner, sent me away for my protection. I lived in a quiet rural village, until I was walking home one night. I passed a Nordic church in which SHIELD agents had swarmed, gaining control of a very powerful object. The Tesseract. A cube of sustainable unlimited energy.
Being the curious scientist I was, I touched it. In doing so, I accidentally created a bridge to it with my original abilities. The Lunar Castor was formed, becoming the bridge. In the first few years, it was a fight for control. Like my brother, my dark side was dangerous and unstoppable. Destructive.
I was a murderer, of innocent people, thousands had died at my hand.
SHIELD found me, and after a little while, when I proved to be controllable I was sent to live with my brother. Why, I wasn't sure. However, he made the fight bearable, he was the only one who knew what it was like. I lived like him, in nearly slum-like conditions, helping others and in my spare time, searching for a cure. For a little while, I was happy, content even.
Then SHIELD interrupted again.
I was pulled from my life when an Asgardian man threatened our planet. I was called in to locate the weapon that he was using as his weapon. The Tesseract, the same thing that powered me. The man was captured, his name was Loki, Norse god of lies, trickery and mischief. But the Tesseract was still out there.
Alongside my brother and Tony Stark who was better known as Iron Man, we searched for the Tesseract.
However, Stark was a man who didn't understand the word secret. He delved into SHIELD's files, searching for an answer. He got something completely different from what he was looking for. Or more correctly I did.
A basic search into my dark past showed that my birth was not what I thought it was. My father being the very man that we were fighting against; Loki.
Caught up in his plan to escape, I was in the perfect position to be captured by him. And I was. After rendering me unconscious he took me to Stark Tower where I awakened. Loki controlled me long enough to keep me from killing him, father and all.
Luckily Stark saved me by Loki practically killing him. My concern for him enabling for me to break out of Loki's control. I then joined the Avengers in the fight against the Chitauri, Loki's army. We had almost succeeded, closing the portal which Stark had directed a nuke through. Until I made a mistake.
In my concern for Stark's lack of appearance, I had let Loki's sceptre rest upon the Tesseract. Waves of energy came upon me. In a last minute attempt to survive, I released the energy. In doing so I killed the remains of the Chitauri army but not without killing thousands of humans.
I had violated my deal for my freedom and once again was placed under SHIELD's containment. Where I would study those alike me, lost in a repetitive routine like a lab rat.
Several months later, true to his word, my father came for me. Abducting me out of my cell to spend some 'quality bonding time' together. Note the sarcasm. Eventually, I warmed up to him, it once again seemed that I was in the perfect place.
But it seems that my time spent is bliss is numbered because the Avengers came to 'rescue' me. By rescue meaning they killed my father and locked me up in a cell. Several days later I managed to telepathically connect back to him through a dream. Surprise, surprise, the god of tricks had another in up he sleeve; he wasn't dead. But a ghost from my father's past returned and haunted us both. He cursed Castor, making her become unstable. Her abilities began playing up, she was like a grenade that was going to blow. In the end we detached the cell from the helicarrier, with us in it, at Nick's unspoken request.
At the last second before the blast affected us, I unconsciously teleported myself to my father's location. Which just happened to be a cell in which he had been captured and tortured for his failure against Earth.
Together, we endured many tortures, physical and mental. Visions made me believe that I was in a safe place, rescued. I was rescued in every situation possible, each of them taking a turn for the worst. Visions of the deaths of my friends haunted me. In one of them Thanos, the monster pulling the strings, revealed to me that he would kill the Avengers- by my hand.
Eventually I was rescued, it took weeks for me to be convinced that it wasn't another vision. Even then I was still haunted by what I had seen. I made a decision, one to protect the ones I lived, who I was weakened by. The Avengers.
I gathered them one day, erased all memory of me from their minds. From the spell that I casted, my father, my enemies, everyone I had known or spoke to would've forgotten. Forgotten that I existed.
Then I fled.
Now I was known as Abby Cadelle. Herbologist, weapons manufacturer, assassin. I had come into close calls with SHIELD many times. Each time slipping out of their fingers one way or another. Clint and Natasha often lead the chase, every time I was them it was like a shard of glass had been thrusted into my chest.
I wasn't ready to revive my past yet.
Castor often accompanied me throughout my work day. I would work a herbologist during the day, creating new organic remedies. At night, I would rotate between private weapons manufacturer and assassin. Assassin? It was a good way for quick money. Besides, I barely needed to get in close with my target. Their minds would often 'shut down' as one police officer described scientifically. He was a lifetime testament to a diet of Krispy Kreme doughnuts.
"Your late today," Kirsty-Rachel said, looking through a microscope at a newly farmed plant. Kirsty-Rachel was my science partner, I often called her Kirsty or KR. Kirsty had blonde wavy hair, worthy of a mermaid. Her face was slightly pointy at the chin. Aside from her hair she was quite pixie-ish, her lips scrunched together when she thought of something cute. At first I had refused a lab partner, preferring to work alone because of my worry of creating more weaknesses. But KR was insistent, eventually I let her try. She was extremely smart, graduating top of her class, she put a new perspective on my work. Together, we had advanced the company's flawed medicines.
"Bad dreams," I grumbled, she shot me a sympathetic look only knowing I had a dark and troublesome past.
"You should try some therapy,"
"It won't work, Kirsty, it's me, I don't open up easily."
"I still think you should try, otherwise they'll just keep happening,"
I sighed and gave in, knowing she'd only give me more reasons to do so if I refused, "Fine,"
I zipped up a firm windbreaker, knowing I wouldn't need any weapons for the assassination. The client had told me to meet at a location before the assassination where he would deliver half of the payment.
Easy as pie, Castor said confidently in my head. From the whole Loki thing, Castor had become more than an ally, she had become like a sister to me.
Pie is actually really hard to make, I replied.
Don't get me started. She grumbled back, both of us thinking about the same thing. Being the scientist I was, I had decided to bake a pie to test the saying. Let's just say that there's a reason why I work in science, not hospitality.
I climbed out of my apartment window, knowing that I would have to move again soon. It had been almost three months since my last escape with SHIELD and no doubt they were closing in again.
I ran across the rooftops, occasionally using my telekinesis for an extra push. I used to be afraid of my powers, like using the smallest of them would trigger Castor. Now that I had made my peace with her I no longer lived in fear and when people weren't looking, I'd use them, just for a bit of fun.
I reached the location, a shady teen walked up to me, his face hidden under a hood.
"Lunar?" He asked, my stage name for my assassinations.
"That's me,"
He pressed a wad of cash in my hand, I spent a brief second to spin through it. "This is all of it?"
He nodded, "Agents are on our trail, couldn't risk it, be careful Moonshine, but get the job done,"
I winced at the name Moonshine, quick memories of the Avengers flashed by. "You doubt me, don't you?"
"One can't be too careful,"
He kicked a beer bottle away and faded into the shadows. In the wad of cash was the target's address. I grumbled to myself. It would probably be a twenty minute walk at least.
I took to the rooftops, gliding smoothly along them, careful not to make any noise. I wouldn't rely on an escape vehicle, chances being that they would find something to trace to my DNA with.
I found the target, he appeared single from the lack of children toys and photos. He was working late at night. Waiting no time I focused my energy, he slumped onto his desk, a trail of blood trickling down his lips.
Until a bright light blinded me.
A helicopter swooped in above me, the surrounding windows with a view of me filled up with soldiers. Snipers peeked from the rooftops. The logo embellemed on them, I recognised all too well.
"Bloody SHIELD has joined the party," I grumbled.
Two agents that I knew very well jumped from the helicopter. Natasha's red hair sweeping over her grim face. Serious Clint stood at her side, an arrow notched for my innocently played face.
"Tasha! Pidgeon! What a wonderful surprise! You should've called though, not that I don't enjoy visitors as the next assassin. But well, it's nice to know," I said with a fake enthusiastic voice.
Clint grunted a few profanities, "Jokes aside Abby, your coming with us,"
"I'd rather not, you know, I have a dentist appointment, as nice as it would be to stay and chat over tea. I do have better things to do,"
As I had my hands in mock surrender, I mentally blocked all the surrounding agent's guns.
"Your coming with us," Natasha's voice was deadly low.
"Um yeah no," I said, backing up the the edge of the roof.
"Don't," A new voice said, seems like Patriot himself showed up.
"Hey! Stars and Stripes! Why don't you get the whole bloody Avengers while your at it, you still won't get me,"
I backed to the edge of the roof, falling backwards and into a portal that I had created.
A/N: Well THAT was a long first chapter, probably close to one of the longest I've ever written, sorry for any mistakes. I'm utterly parched for sleep.
But hey, the sequel is up. And thanks for saying with me this long.
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