The Battle - Part III
A/N: For this chapter, I suggest playing any sad/depressing music you have.
"Steve are you okay?" I trembled over Steve, my hands fluttering.
Heal him.
I pressed my hands to his bruising chest, feeling nothing but weakness underneath them. I ignored the first gag reflex and used my sudden desperation to focus the energy and push it into Steve. He cried out and my breathing increased.
"Sorry, Steve," I gritted my teeth and winced as Steve finished gasping.
"Are you?" He winced as he sat up and watched the discolouring in his hand return to normal.
"I'm fine, your death, whatever happened, I think re-calibrated my senses," I smiled.
I'd woken up to a suspicious Castor, and had to quickly explain myself about the situation. It was too long by flying so we'd decided to teleport. It took a couple of times, China, Greenland, Mexico seemed nice when we weren't falling through the sky a thousand meters above it. It took us a little time but then we found the battle.
Peter fell out of a portal and onto the ground, his spidey senses kicking in at the last second. He kneeled next to me and surveyed the scene.
"You can do force fields? That's so cool... And useful,"
I looked up and realised that a ring of Inhumans were surrounding the force field I'd created. It was a rippling shimmering dome of Tesseract energy. A few Inhumans ran at the dome and were thrown back.
"Oh really?" I gasped and it disappeared, "oops, still getting the hang of it,"
"The. Inhumans. Are. Being. Controlled." Steve grunted between offensive punches.
"I'm going through, can you hold down here?" I asked, sending the Inhuman who I'd assumed had hurt Steve flying back into a group of her other friends.
"Be my guest," He grunted.
Now what had happened to Castor and I during the awakening, I wasn't sure. We were a combination of both each other. Somewhere between brunette, blonde and silver haired, glowing Tesseract eyes and a firm, lean figure. I often found myself talking to myself.
When we were falling through the sky above Mexico, it was a bit like;
"Good one genius,"
"I-I know!"
"Well what are you going to do about it?"
"Something better than you are,"
It wasn't until a few moments later that I realised I was talking to myself. Even though it'd been barely an hour ago, I was beginning to question my sanity.
Focusing my energy, desperation and emotion into teleporting I flew to the portal's place of origin, not using it as my mode of transport but rather my guide. I could see the stars and galaxies whizzing by me in a cosmic blur. Beginning to feel the impact of flinging across universes, my feet abruptly hit the ground and I stumbled to a fall.
I was on a platform of a species of rock, the gaping portal behind me. Further out were the stars of the Galaxy. Around it, crowds of armies glittered in the dim light. Thousands, possibly millions of them waited. If they passed through the portal, then all would be lost.
I needed to stop them.
Come to me Sacha. A deep voice resonated throughout my bones, it sent all the hairs on my body prick up.
Thanos. I furrowed, bolting after the direction of where the voice had come from.
Think about this though, the other voice who I'd normally assume was Caster spoke, you're chasing after a voice, in the middle of a different world, you don't know what your up against, nor do you still know the capabilities of your own abilities.
Correction, I replied, my enemy is Thanos, true I do not know my abilities, but I do know that I need to close the portal before his army gets through, it doesn't matter which side I'm on.
I ran in the direction of the voice, leaping from flying rock to flying rock. It wasn't until I found a staircase that the voice spoke again.
Have you come to join me Lost Warrior? He asked, I caught sight of him. A large, hulking mass of dark lavender, shelled in golden armour. He was standing, his wrinkled lips widened to form a chilling smile filled with malice and dark intention.
I scowled, "I will not join and I don't know why you'd bother asking,"
Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted what I assumed was powering the portal. A blue, glowing gem was situated in its centre. Rings of energy shimmered on the exterior of it, resembling the portal in New York, just more, compact. If Loki's sceptre was powered by the Tesseract and managed to break through, couldn't I as well?
Do not believe that I didn't spare you for a reason Sacha. Your first interaction with the Tesseract would've killed you. If it hadn't been for my gracious sparing, you would've currently ceased to exist.
"Sacha," I wondered, trying to remember my minimal research on the subject, "defender of man, avenger in greek. I was supposed to be your warrior. Powered by the Tesseract and practically unlimited,"
Thanos looked slightly amused. Eventually they all come to terms, but now that you know them, will you join?
"No. I won't, you expect me, just because you spared me when I should've died that I'd be eternally grateful towards you and give up the life of my friends? You must be a fool to consider that," I snarled, the power beginning to build within me.
"Your mind is weak," He stood, "you think that it was a coincidence that your first assignment was to target the Avengers? That such a valuable asset would simply be wasted on chasing impossible assignments? Your mind is still weak Sacha,"
I was thrown into a tumbling array of confusion. Trying to differentiate what was real.
"I'll explain Becky, on the way, we need to get you out of here,"
"I can't go anywhere, I might hurt you," the hysteria in my voice evident.
A single shot sounded, I felt something pinch my shoulder and saw a dark sticking out of it.
My face contorted into a state of anger, my hair paled to a silvery colour. My form rippled until I was in a skintight suit, rippling with silvery blue hues.
In control, again. The voice sung and threw a blast of some kind at the agent.
I shook off the memory, realising I was on my knees. Thanos standing over me, his face twisted into a grin.
Will you give in Sacha? He grinned. If I gave in now he would win. Billions of people would die, and that's only be the beginning.
"Your missing the point. There's no throne, there's no version of this where you come out on top. Maybe your army comes and maybe it's too much for us, but it's all on you. Because if we can't protect the Earth, you can be damned well sure that we'll avenge it,"
"You need to be strong, even though I know you are. Your a beautiful, smart girl who is going to change the lives around her," I sobbed into his shoulder, "your going to heal the most broken, and thaw the most frozen of hearts... Especially mine," Loki Lafeyson's voice broke on the last sentence.
I began to stand to my feet, glare into the face of the titan. I wouldn't cry in the face of death. I wouldn't lose, I'd fight him, then destroy the portal.
"Frankly. I'd trade an Asgardian lifetime for one more day with you, even if it was when you were yelling at me to let you go back to your friends... Please don't go Becky. They need you, we need you, I need you. Don't let go yet,"
Castor? I asked weakly.
If there's any way to return the memories to the Avengers, please do it.
I-I don't know how to.
Please, just do it. I whispered.
I felt my arms buzz with the oncoming charge of energy. The glare I gave Thanos was unholy. With a cry, I ran at him. The amour I was wearing shimmered in the low light. An explosion of light send me flying back, however I managed to stay standing on my feet.
"It would be better to, you know, do something rather than cry,"
"It hurts," I whispered, "I'm scared of what he's going to do to me. To them."
"Then fight me!" Thanos cried into the air in response to my memory. The army cheered and shouted and jeered even though they were miles away.
"I'm sorry Peter," I said pulling away.
"That's ok," he mumbled, looking anywhere but me, embarrassed.
"How about just friends?" I tried carefully.
"I'd like that,"
"To friends," I raised my hands in a fake toast. He clinked glasses with me.
"To friends," He smiled.
I ran at Thanos once again, swinging blasts of energy at him. He defended himself, sending an offensive blast back at me.
"Please Becky," the dark haired boy gasped, clutching at a wound in his stomach. I simply pushed him aside, my blade seeking the blood of the Avengers who had ruined my Masters plans for Midgard, for the universe.
"Becky!" they cried, "Stop!"
Tears began streaming down my eyes. "Stop!" I slashed at Thanos. "Messing!" Another slash, "with!" Another slash, "My!" Another slash, "Emotions!" And sent him flying to the edge of the platform we were on.
Breathing heavily and feeling quite weak, I stumbled towards the Titan, my hands still pulsing with the energy. Molten-hot fury surged through my veins. He had made me feel weak, cause me to abandon my friends, caused lengthless heartache and misery. Another surge of anger radiated through me. Blue electricity ran up and down my arms, my hair floated in a super badass heroine way.
"And for the future, my name's Becky, the Lunar Castor," I snarled.
I punched the Titan with enough force to kill a thousand of them. Thanos' head snapped back with a sickening crunch. Unfortunately, the edges of his form began to shimmer and he morphed into another form.
Instead of killing Thanos, I'd killed his second-in-charge, the Other.
Anger filling my vision, I ran to the portal source. The Tesseract within it glowing at my touch. I grabbed the rock and tugged it from the portal.
Pain seared up my arm and my skin began to pulse blue. My lineage attempting to try anyway to save me from my certain death. I gritted my teeth, pulling at the Tesseract harder from the portal. With a strangled cry, I managed to wrench it free.
I tumbled onto the ground, the Tesseract still clasped in my grip. I began to scream, the pain rendering my ability to pull my fingers from the infinity stone impossible. Every fibre of my being, began to burn, slowly flaking away like ash in a fire.
"And one more thing, Becky" Loki called to me, "sometimes it's better to let go,"
I began to writhe in pain, distantly I could see the portal closing, the cried of outrage from the army. I had succeeded. It was worth it. What was one life to spare some time to the billions that would've died?
Granted, I was selfish, the drive of survival, like any other living being, one of my most basic instincts. But I was alone, and my life was unjustified if it couldn't be remembered. I writhed on the rocky ground, crying out.
"It's okay Becky," Loki face filled my darkening vision.
"D-dad?" I trembled, tears streaming down my face.
"Everything is going to be alright Becky, you hear me?" I felt the Tesseract being pried from my fingers, and suddenly the pain lessened an inch.
"I-I'm scared dad," I cried, tears filling my vision. "I don't know what's there, I'm afraid,"
"It's going to be alright Becky," Loki assured me.
"Hello child," Loki stroked the face of the newborn baby, she bubbled in her cot at his touch. He picked her up, "you're going to be one beautiful girl. You'll have men awaiting at your door and even the sun and moon will be jealous at your radiance,"
He walked around the cot in the deathly quiet house, entertaining the child. It was like this a few nights a month, Loki would visit his baby daughter. A door creaked open and his urgency increased. "Rebecca Banner, listen to me and never forget these words," he whispered to the child, "At any point in time, you have to power to say, this is not how the story is going to end. Do not let others forge your chains. Let go of them little one, remember that,"
I cried a little more, the pain becoming numb.
You know, they might forget, they might forget our attempt at a redemption. I said to Castor, and I think I'm ok with that, well, because I don't deserved to be remembered. I deserve to be forgotten, I deserve to be hated, forgotten, disgraced.
Your the disgraced Avenger, Becky. Castor said.
And the Forgotten one.
"This is how the story ends," I whispered, "now it's time to let go,"
And as the new day dawn light of the portal was closing, the Tesseract glowing by my side, the stars glittering around me in harmony, the illusion of Loki burning away, I finally let go.
Finally, the Disgraced and Forgotten Avenger, took her last breath.
After all, it was dawn, a new beginning.
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