Interview #1
A/N: So interviews with the characters, hopefully I won't screw up too bad...
Loki, Becky, Peter and Avengers.
Q: First of all, is there anything you'd like to say to your fans?
Bruce & Becky: Do we have any fans?
Tony: Ah the Fangirls, an insane bunch of species. I love you girls, but please return Pepper, the hostage pay has already gone through.
Peter: *winks at camera* *Becky slaps him on the back of his head*
Loki: What are Fangirls?
Everyone: *turns and looks at Loki*
Tony: They are a species of insane girls and occasionally boys who have one target. All their life, they try to obtain any info of their target and one day dream of being the one to capture the target.
Loki: They sound... Dangerous.
Becky: One day we'll show you dad.
Q: Becky and Peter will we be seeing any intimate scenes later on?
Becky: I wouldn't think so... After all, I am supposed to be uh *cough* brainwashed *cough*
Peter: You can never be sure. But I kind of hope so.
Becky: You're shipping us?
Peter: Heh. No...
Loki: What is this term shipping, are you going on an ocean voyage?
Bruce: I hope not. Basically, it's like rooting for two people to get together, you ship it?
Tony: But if Peter is shipping him and Becky...
Natasha: It's basically a crush.
Loki: Where is this ocean voyage to, exactly?
Q to PETER: do you reeeealllly love Becky (if yes, if ya like it then ya should put a ring on it, and if no, tell me you didn't use her to get on the avengers bc you're basically part of them now tbh) (@laineyruth)
Peter: Well. Um it's complicated.
Tony: How so? The fangirl asked a pretty easy question. Do you like her? Cause if not, your basically using her to get onto the team.
Loki: Is this one of what you'd call a fangirl?
Clint: Yes.
Loki: Well than mortal, would you like to join my army?
Becky: Loki, now isn't the time to be handing out a recruitment form for your army. Peter's being asked a serious question.
Everyone: *Looks at Peter*
Peter: Well um, I do love Becky. But she isn't ready, and I respect that. Marriage? She is only nineteen, but I guess that's young enough... As for joining the team, my main interest is keeping Becky safe, working with the Avengers is kind of a bonus that comes with that...
*door slams open*
*Nick Fury kitted with Avengers initative stands in the doorway climatically, duster slow mo flapping dramatically*
*music plays*
Tony: Where is this music and dramatic fan coming from? I want one!
Loki to @laineyruth: So that's a yes?
Q to Clintasha: what the hell happened in Budapest!? (@laineyruth)
Clint: Well you see-
Natasha: Classified.
Tony: Classified happened in Budapest? Why was the North Wind in Budapest?
Clint: But I was gonna tell a really good story.
Peter: North Wind sounds like a certain type of fart.
Becky: Ew.
Natasha: About that guy you met in Budapest?
Clint: Which one?
Natasha: Precisely
Q: Do you guys (not Clintasha) know what happened in Budapest?
Tony: I have read too much fanfiction to know not went down in Budapest *wiggles eyebrows*
Loki: Is this a place I should rule?
Becky: You read fanfiction?
Peter: I saw the Avengers movie but like the rest of the world I don't know.
Bruce: *no comment*
Becky: *bites lip and looks away awkwardly*
Tony: oh my gosh, she knows.
Bruce: Trust the telepathic not to know, Tony.
Becky: It says nothing about it in Age of Ultron.
*sirens go off*
*everyone starts fighting*
*world blows up*
Loki: Who wants to join my army?
A/N: So there's my first interview with the characters, I'll probably do another one soon... Try and get in as many chapters before the end because I am really dreading writing it #:(
I will post the next chapter now
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