Chapter Sixty-Three
Joyce did not sleep well, exhausted. Her face, covered in cuts and bruises, told the world her story.
Rupert poured Joyce a coffee and placed the mug in front of her. "You don't have to go in today. After yesterday, you could take a week off. Let the bruising subside, relax, and smell the roses."
"I need to write my report while it's still fresh in my mind."
"My love, you are the victim. You never pulled a trigger. Cummings shot Tony twice, and he, in turn, fired once and killed him, saving your life."
"True, but you know how rumours spread. I intend to put them to bed before they begin."
"Okay, I'll drive you to the station and back home."
She placed her hand on his. "Will you hold my hand when I report to Julian? I'm not ready to listen to his ravings and might have to hit him again."
"Of course." He laughed. "You might have to stop me if the idiot starts. Finish your breakfast, and we'll leave when you're ready. No rush."
Joyce knew what she looked like when she entered the station. "Don't say a word sergeant."
"Great to see you, guv." From behind the counter, he produced an overly large bouquet. "We were going to give them to your other half, but as you are here. With our best wishes, guv."
"I'm not stopping. I'll be out of here once I've given my verbal report to the Chief superintendent. Sick leave, my wedding and two weeks leave."
"You've earned it, guv. I'll return the flowers in the bucket. You can collect them when you leave."
"I'm embarrassed, but I doubt my blushes will show on my multicoloured face. Will you say thank you to everyone?"
"Will do, guv."
"Inspector Stevens will take my place while I'm away.
The sergeant nodded. "He's in your office, guv."
Joyce turned to Rupert. "Did you know about the flowers?"
"I suspected something but didn't know. Ready to face the man?"
Might as well get this over with."
"I'm right behind you."
They took the lift and strolled into Sara's office on exiting.
"My god," said Sara. "You should be at home."
"Needs must. I'll go straight in."
Julian shook his head in disbelief as Joyce and Rupert entered. I did not expect you to come in. Still, it saves a phone call. Chief Inspector Parsons, you are, from this moment, suspended on full pay. I will accept your warrant card. The federation will advise you as to your conduct involving the killing of a police officer and the shooting of a security guard."
Joyce laughed. I feel sorry for you, but as a senior officer, you have the authority to suspend me from duty. She turned to Rupert," The world has gone mad. I will let this run and let the Chief Superintendent fall on his sword when it's over."
Rupert laughed. "I agree. What scares me is that we are supposed to fight crime, no matter what. The lunatics are running the asylum. Let's go."
Julian instantly grasped at Joyce's behaviour, but the expression on her face was not good news. "You do not appear to be bothered by being suspended?"
Joyce nodded, "I'm many things, sir, but I'm not stupid. When the investigation is over, I will be vindicated, and you will have to wipe the egg off your face."
Rupert did not say a word as they both left the room.
"I did not say you could leave," shouted Julian.
Rupert held up his right hand, showing the V sign. "Up yours, Julian."
Julian dialled the office of the Chief Constable, but the direct line was engaged. "Sara, contact the Chief Constable's office."
"His secretary will want to know why you want to talk to him. He's a busy man, sir."
"I intend to report Rupert Parsons for inappropriate behaviour. You saw him make that sign."
Sara smiled. Excuse me, sir, but Rupert Parsons is a civilian employed by head office. I was reading your notes before typing. What sign are you referring to, sir?"
"You can be pleased I'm leaving because you would be out on your ear if I weren't. You're an incompetent bitch."
Sara rolled her eyes. "And I thought you like me, sir."
You need to remember who I am. "Get out. I do not want to see you again."
Not bothering to comment, Sara stood, lifted her bag and grabbed her coat. With a wave of her right hand, she left. As she walked towards the lift, she heard the door to Julian's office slam shut.
In Rupert's Office, Joyce sat and sipped her coffee. The hot liquid stung her lips.
Rupert, seated behind his desk, could not help but take exception on Joyce's behalf and gather his thoughts. "I never thought he'd suspend you. I can speak with the chief constable if you want me to."
She shrugged. "I could be wrong, but I'm prepared to let this run its course. Julian's out of his depth and struggling to cope. If we break this down, he's shown his true colours."
"You're right. Why didn't the fool ask for help?"
"Pride. His problem is this snowball is unstoppable and rolling down the hill." She placed her empty mug on his desk. "I've had enough excitement for one day. I want to go home."
"Don't forget your flowers."
Joyce smiled. "I wouldn't dare."
Rupert wanted to talk to Julian but chose not to. However, it was strange waving goodbye to Joyce as he drove away. It was not like they spent time at work together talking. Rupert was nose down at checking reports when his telephone rang.
The caller interrupted. "Rupert, it's Norman Roberts. I need to see you right away."
"Can I ask why, sir?"
"No." the line went dead.
Various thoughts entered his mind. It doesn't sound like good news. But God has called, and I'd better get a move on."
He put on his coat and lifted his car keys from his desk. Then he waved for Maggie to come over.
"Yes, guv."
The Chief Constable wants to talk to me and not over the phone. I don't know how long or if I'll be back today. You know what to do. Bye." "I bet you a large gin and tonic is good news."
Rupert shrugged. "If it's not mine, it's a large brandy."
Twenty-five minutes later, he parked his car in one of the empty visitor's spaces at the police college.
He strolled to reception and signed the register.
"The governor is in his office. He phone down and told me to direct you straight up."
Rupert nodded. "I think I know where he lives, sergeant."
"I'm sure you do, sir. I'd use the lift. It's quicker."
Rupert strolled towards the lift and remarked. "Only when it works."
Norman's secretary smiled at Rupert. The coffee is fresh, and he's told me to tell you to go straight in."
"Good mood or not?"
She looked up at him. "I would say strange. I'll take the coffee and chocolate biscuits in now you've arrived."
"Can't be bad news with the biscuits."
"On my way, sir."
As Rupert entered his office, Norman lifted a folder from his desk. "Your life in a folder." He pointed to another file on his desk. "A report on your partner and her suspension. That is absolute rubbish. The idiot is insinuating it was Joyce who shot Cummings and the security guard. The SOC's report clearly shows who shot who, and a short conversation with the security guard confirmed the main facts. You could have called me."
"May I sit, sir?"
"Of course. You do not need to ask."
Rupert leant back in the chair. "I never contacted you because there was no need. Joyce told me what happened, and I had no reason to doubt her. I'm sure you're aware of Julian's problem."
Norman churched his fingers. "I have heard a few things. Can you explain a bit more?"
Rupert smiled. "That's a great question. I doubt you'll enjoy what I have to say, sir. He considers female officers a waste of time. However, I know right up to his promotion, he appeared to do the job well. Since then, I've been informed he had others do the work and claim the credit. He achieved his goal and was made Chief Superintendent."
The office door opened, and Norman's secretary entered carrying a tray. "Mint tea for the Commander. We're a bit short on biscuits."
Thank you," said Norman as he waited for her to leave. Okay, let me break this down. I was hoping for Julian to vacate his position, for you to succeed him, and for the problem to disappear. How we can make this happen is up to you, Rupert."
You want my answer, don't you?"
Norman leant forward. "I do."
"I'll take the job for five years and then retire. You need to know Joyce is not unhappy with being suspended on full pay. It gives her time to finish the wedding arrangements and go shopping in Oxford Street without me. Right, sir, what's the bigger picture?"
Norman grinned as he opened the right-hand drawer of his desk, removed a bulky brown envelope, and tossed it towards Rupert.
Rupert opened the envelope. "How did you know I would accept?"
"I know you, Rupert, but my mistake was listening to others. I wanted to promote you, but you know how it is."
"I'm not a politician, sir, never will be. I tell it as it is. Who is my second in command?"
"In the envelope, you'll find a list of my proposals. You choose."
"I'll tell you without looking. Superintendent Chalmers. He's a hard nut from a tough estate. Got his experience the hard way. Three commendations for bravery. Honest vas the day is long. I want him."
Norman nodded. "Number one on my list. "He doesn't take prisoners. You do the job, or you're back on the beat. The rank and file love him."
"When do I start, sir?"
"You already have. Julian will leave the station tomorrow. I'll suggest he resigns on health grounds."
"If he has any sense, he'll take the offer. I'll remain in my office until he leaves. I'll not embarrass him. Could you do me a favour, sir?"
"If I can, Commander."
"Will you contact Chalmers and tell him I want to see him at midday tomorrow."
"I will. Thank you."
Rupert retrieved the envelope. "I have someone in mind for the records office job."
"It's no longer my responsibility, Commander. I shout when it goes wrong, but then you know that."
Rupert held out his hand.
Norman shook it.
Maggie did not expect to see Rupert back so soon. "Did your meeting go well, sir?"
"It did, and now I need to run something by you."
Maggie followed him into his office. "Is this good or bad news, sir?"
He smiled. "Pour two mugs of coffee, and we'll chat."
Rupert waited until he had a cup of coffee in his hands. "Please sit, Maggie. As an inspector, how would you like the job of investigating Domestic Violence cases?"
"I'd love the job, but I'm a newly promoted inspector. I can't honestly see it happening."
From the day after tomorrow, the job is yours, and I'm sure the victims of all kinds of abuse will be listened to."
A strange expression filled Maggie's face. "Are you able to give me the job? sir?"
Repeat this to anyone. You'll be checking parking tickets for life. As the officer commanding this station, I can do it, Inspector."
"I'm pleased to hear it, sir. When is it official?"
"Now, but out of respect, I intend to wait until Julian resigns from the force. I intend to ask Chief Inspector Roger Brown to take over records management. He's not the same since his run-in with Mitchell. What do you think?"
"Thank you for telling me, sir. Roger is a good man who gets on well with people. Hasn't long until he can retire."
Rupert grinned. "Exactly. I can tell you that Julie passed her Sergeant's exam, and I intend to promote her as your replacement in records."
"Julie and Roger are a great team. He will keep her right."
"Anyway, I'm off to the tailors in the high street. They are making my new uniform, which I need like yesterday." He lifted his jacket. "See you tomorrow."
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