Chapter Fifty -Three
Arriving home to an empty house never worried Joyce, but she did not like it. Since she and Rupert became a pair, they went home together on most days.
She wandered into the kitchen, made coffee, removed her shoes, and sat on her chair. The aged armchair stands in a corner, its cushion moulding her body, hugging her in an empty house. For the moment, she enjoyed some quiet time in her own company.
The front door opened, returning her to the real world.
"You in the kitchen," asked Rupert
"I told your girlfriend to go home."
"Damn, and I was on a promise."
Joyce chuckled. "You still could be."
"What have we got to eat?" He asked.
"Today's special is a frozen cottage pie from the freezer with day-old French bread."
"You must have read my mind. I was thinking of a cottage pie during the drive home."
"Liar. House the exhumations going/"
"We removed the last victim to the mortuary this evening. The vicar is reburying the true occupants of each grave during the week. At least they can rest in peace now."
"You know what I find intriguing with your cold cases."
Joyce forked a chunk of lamb and potato into her mouth. "they were as near as damn it identical. Six attractive women of similar age, reasonably educated. In many ways, entirely ordinary."
You forget the common denominator. Each one was in a sexual relationship with the vicar."
"You have no proof, only hearsay."
He wiped his remains of the pie with a crust of bread." "I have solved six missing persons who were murdered by persons unknown. I have my suspicions on who, why and when, but as you cannot charge a dead person, why waste taxpayer's money? That was a great pie. Fancy an early night, or shall we watch a DVD?"
Joyce yarns and rubs her eyes. "I have a confession you need to know."
"Sounds interesting. You robbed a bank during your lunch hour."
"Shut up, Rupert, this is important."
"I punched Julian and broke his nose. I then threatened him with attempted rape if he said anything."
Rupert starts laughing. "I shouldn't laugh but can visualise the damage. When will you be leaving the station?"
"I told him I'd take the first Chief Inspector vacancy in the county."
"You and him would never have got on. He detests female officers, and having an instruction to promote you was hard for him. I bet you enjoyed the moment."
She smiled. "You'd better believe it. I put maximum effort into it."
"Can I suggest an early night?"
"Best thing you said for a while."
"You go and relax in a hot bath. When I finish the dishes, I'll shower in the utility room."
"You'll need a towel. I'll drop one to the bottom of the stairs." She wrapped her arms around him from behind and kissed his neck. "You need a haircut."
"How romantic."
She let him go. "You want sex and romance."
"No, I want to make love to you."
"I'd better go and have a bath. What's that noise?" Joyce opened her handbag "Shit. Forget a night of sweaty passion." She picked up her mobile and pressed one.
"Sergeant Roberts, Beresford Police Station."
"Chief Inspector Parsons, I have Julie Oddman's silent alarm operating at Sergeant Bell's flat in the Greenwood district. I want an armed squad out there like yesterday. My immediate orders are not to enter but to seal the area. I believe A Hugh Talbot, a police officer, will be on the premises and will be up to no good. I'll meet the squad OIC when I arrive. Any questions?"
"No guv. We are on to it right now." The line went dead.
While dressing in her uniform, she handed Rupert a piece of paper. Can you contact Arthur Cummings and ask if he can join me at Maggie's place? I need someone with experience on my side."
"I'll come as a helping hand."
"You can only be an adviser."
"Yes. Right. And if you expect me to run around after you forget it. My sergeant and constable have a nutter visiting. I'm going for them."
"If I have a problem, I will ask for your advice."
"If Arthur is by your side, listen to him."
"I have two flak jackets in my boot. I'd like you to wear one."
"Ready? Asked Rupert.
They dashed out of their home, slamming the door. In ten minutes, Joyce stopped at a barrier of armed police.
"Evening, guv, Inspector Jackson. Hope this hasn't spoilt your evening."
Joyce jumped out of her car. "Situation report, Inspector."
"Not good. A Julie Oddman has been stabbed, but despite her injuries, she managed to drag herself along the street to a neighbour's house. An ambulance is on its way. "
"What about Sergeant Maggie Bell?"
"The front door is closed, and the curtains are drawn. We have listening devices in the next house loft space. So far, we have heard nothing. The area is sealed tight as a drum. No one can go in or come out without a team member knowing. Your orders, guv."
"Where constable Oddman."
"Number 24."
"I'll check her out," said Rupert as an ambulance with lights flashing and siren blaring entered the street.
Joyce removed her mobile and entered Maggie's number. It rang for a few minutes but was not answered. "Have we a megaphone?"
"In the van. I'll go get it."
I'll come with you. It'll save time.
Joyce stood facing the lounge of Maggie's flat. Lifting the Megaphone, she pressed the on button and began. "Sergeant Bell. This is Chief Inspector Parsons. If you can hear me and can, move a curtain so I can see you are safe."
Her eyes fixed on the window. A curtain moved, but she saw no one. "Inspector Hugh Talbot. I know you are in there, and I'm sure you know the force is looking for you. At the moment, you have rape and wounding a police officer to contend with. An ex-officer's life in prison is not easy. But then maybe you don't care. My team can stay until you give up, or we can charge the flat and shoot you. I suggest you talk to me."
The bottom sash window in the lounge opened. Joyce and her team could see Talbot with his left arm around Maggie's neck and his right hand pressing a kitchen knife to her cheek.
Talbot screamed. "I wanted to talk to her, but her partner attacked me, and I defended myself. You know what lesbians are like when they get mad."
Joyce listened to the hint of madness in his words. "Hugh, come and talk to me. I don't know all the answers, but we can sort this out before someone gets badly hurt."
"What do you mean I stay alive until one of those trigger-happy idiots says he has a shot, and you nod your head? Well, Lady, I'm not going to make it that easy. Maggie and I are going to have a good time. And there's fuck all you can do about it." The curtains closed.
A shiver of fear circled Joyce. They could rush in or wait it out, but what would he do to Maggie? A decision needed to be made and quick.
"The paramedic tells me Julie should be okay, but she's lost a lot of blood," said Rupert as he stood next to her. "The blade entered her lower left side and, thankfully, missed the important bits. Anyway, she's off to the hospital. What's the score here?"
"Talbot's up there with Maggie. There's one way in, and that's up the stairs. I think he'll rape and kill her. What's he got to lose?"
"I have a message from Arthur Cummings. He's on his way."
"I suppose that's better than a hole in the head. I'm going to call Talbot again. You never know."
Joyce retrieved the Megaphone from the ground. "Hugh Talbot. You need to know the officer you stabbed will be okay. She'll be back on duty in a couple of days. Please speak to me. Let's find a way out of this."
The curtain moved to reveal Maggie with no clothes on her upper half. Talbot used her as a shield and placed a knife against her throat. The top half of the window inched down.
"As you can see, Officer Bell is helping me with my enquiries. Nice tits, don't you think? Shake them about Maggie. Give the boys a thrill before they go home and do the missus."
"What the..... Where's he gone?" asked Joyce
Maggie screamed as she wrapped the curtain around her.
"Go go go, "ordered Joyce.
An almighty crash and the main door fell inwards as armed officers entered the building.
Inspector Jackson leant out of the open window and roared. "The suspect is dead. I think you should come and see this." He turned to his sergeant. "Robby muster the men and check every weapon. I need to know who fired the shot."
"On my way, boss."
Joyce entered the room and saw Maggie naked, her clothes discarded where they fell. Her panties protruded from Talbots trouser pocket. "Has he hurt you, Maggie.?"
She shook her head. "Talbot never stopped talking about what he would do to me. Standing at the window showing the world my tits with a knife to my throat is it. Would you mind if I went and found a top to wear?"
"I'll come with you," said Joyce. "Inspector, you can leave the flat and do what you must. I'll stay with Maggie until forensics arrive. If I were you, I'd turn your attention to finding out who shot Talbot."
"Already on it, guv. I don't believe it was any of my team."
"I agree with you, but others will want an answer." She followed him to the tiny hallway and watched him descend the stairs. "All clear, Maggie. You can get dressed with no prying eyes."
"Thanks, guv. From what you said, you don't know who made the shot."
"Don't suppose you've given Talbot a thought. From a brief look, the bullet entered his right eye, scrambled his brain and on leaving left a crater at the back of his head. We would never use such a bullet."
"How's Julie?"
"According to my husband, the paramedic told him she'd be fine. Lost a lot of blood but no significant damage."
From the bottom of the stairs came a familiar voice. "I understand I missed the gunfight at the okay corral."
"I needed your expertise earlier, but before forensics arrive, will you look at Talbot's wound? Don't move him."
"Joyce, I know the drill."
"Sorry, Arthur." She left Maggie, changing into fresh clothes.
Arthur knelt close to Talbot's head. "Precision shot and on target. The man or woman deserves a medal. Who was it?"
Joyce shrugged. "No idea. What type of bullet does such damage?"
"Fragmental, they disintegrate upon impact and believe or not cause less damage to the surroundings. You can see that from how far his brain travelled."
"What delayed your arrival?"
"Traffic on the bypass. A lorry with a puncture on the big roundabout killed the traffic."
"Chief Inspector Parsons."
Joyce turned. "Hi, Millicent. We meet again. You can see the victim. I understand the bullet is known as a fragmental. I'll leave you to it. Arthur, do you have any idea of the bullet trajectory?"
"You'll need to describe the position of the victim and his hostage."
Joyce stood at the window and explained Talbot's position.
Arthur stood a distance behind her so as not to move the corpse. "I suggest those two houses from the tiled roof or the first floor. Someone must have seen something."
"For the safety of the residents, Those houses and others were empty. Whoever did this would have known that. I'll have Inspector Jackson and his team check the empty houses. You never know; we might get lucky."
Arthur stood to the side as Millicent wanted to examine the body. "Seeing I'm not needed, I'll love and leave you."
"Where did you park your car?"
"A couple of streets away."
"Thanks for coming anyway. It was relatively short notice."
He smiled a cheerful smile. "Always happy to help a fellow officer."
Joyce watched him stroll along the road from the window. "If you don't need me, Millicent, I'll leave you with a uniformed officer. Maggie, come to the station with me. Once I finish the paperwork, it's back at home. Are there any problems with that?"
"No, guv."
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