Who Am I Tag
Okie dokie so I actually didn't know that there were friendship tags on Wattpad until today. Which means that I am one of da cool kids now. He he he!
No but for real, my friend (and most favorite author here on Wattpad) Tadashi-Targaryen tagged me for this cool little thing.
So I know there are rules, but I am not gonna follow all of them, but I will do my best.
•Post all the rules (check)
•Post 13 facts about yourself
•Answer the 13 questions given, and add 13 of your own
•Don't say you don't do tags
•Tag backs are okay
•If you choose to participate, you have one week to post
•Give it a creative title
13 Facts about me:
1- I live in Northern California
2-I'm the only one in my family with blue eyes
3-My mom was born in South Africa, so I get the Mean Girls "why are you white" question (ironically) all the time
4-I still have all of my baby doll and stuffed animals. And I love them.
5-I met a guy through Instagram, and we have since adopted each other as siblings. I always wanted an older brother, and now I have one!
6-I wear two rings on my left hand, one on my ring finger and the other on my middle. But I am not married.
7-I actually like broccoli
8-I'm really obsessed with dream catchers
9-I'm also really obsessed with Alice in Wonderland
10-My all time favorite food is Chicken Pot Pie
11-I wear Bare Minerals foundation
12-My best friend and I almost never hang out, but we talk all night long every night
13-I try on all the dresses I own when I am sad
The questions I was tagged to answer:
1-What is my favorite Disney movie? Why?
Ugh! That's so hard! I love Disney movies. I have a top 3 that I'll say. Alice in Wonderland, because I read the book. And I would love to go to wonderland. Brother Bear, because the music is amazing!! And it's such a good story. Tangled, because again the music was awesome. And Flynn Rider is my male counterpart.
2-What is my favorite thing about myself?
I like my thighs. They're cute!
3-Do I have any crazy hopes of dreams?
I guess I would be crazy to hope for a house and my army of dogs! Okay that's crazy.
4-What's my favorite thing I've ever done?
I don't know... I guess gotten a debit card... That's not interesting. Oh well.
5-What inspires you?
Ronda Rousey. My lady queen!
6-Who's your favorite fictional character?
Um...... I have a reverse harem of fictional characters. Including but not limited to, Bucky Barnes, Pietro Maximoff, Matt Murdock, Clint Barton, Finnick Odiar, Steve Rogers.... And many others.
7-Are there any antagonists I've related to?
No.... I don't think so. Although I do find Loki hot.
8-Favorite thing to read/write?
Favorite thing to read, Historical Romance and Fanfiction
Favorite thing to write, avengers Fanfiction and realistic fiction.
9- What's you Hogwarts House?
Slytherin!!!! We aren't all evil, although I kind of am.... But don't judge as a whole you guys!
10-If I were a Superhero what would my hero name be, and what would my power be?
My power would be invisibility and I would be called Specter.
11- Do I have any hobbies other than Wattpad?
I like to watch Netflix, babysitting, reading books, being an asshole with my asshole friends. But it's okay, we love each other.
12-Do I collect anything?
I collect a couple different things... I collect pillows, tea cups, Alice in Wonderland memorabilia, stuffed animals, tumbler cups, cute notebooks, blankets, colorful markers... Lots of things you guys! But pillows and tea cups are the biggest things.
13-Coffee or tea?
Okay I like coffee, and tea. But I prefer coffee.
Questions I'm asking:
1-What's your guilty pleasure?
2-What is your favorite color pen to write with?
3-Disney? Dreamworks? Or Both?
4-What's your favorite season?
5-Do you prefer ordering things online, or shopping in a store?
6-What's your favorite kind of junk food?
7-Who's your favorite Avenger?
8-Do you prefer jeans or leggings?
9-Apple or Android
10-Do you wear glasses?
11-What do you call pop? (Soda, Coke, Pop, Tonic)
12-What's your favorite show?
13-Do you Pinterest? What do you have pinboards for?
I tag supermiss98 love4fandoms and kayannie those are the only people I read for/know... Well except for Miss Jessica, but she's the one who tagged me! So!
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