Part 15
So I was thinking that there will be 26 parts in all, and if the story needs more fleshing out, then I will make a sequel for you pookies, okkk? Ilysm. Don't forget to comment and vote <3
Bucky tied his hair back, frowning at Yelena, who raised her eyebrows at him. "Really, Bucky! It's alright! I don't need pizza right now. It's okay that we didn't go eat in the city."
"No, it's not! You were excited for it, and I was too," Bucky said diappointedly.
"I'd be excited about eating anything, if I could eat it with you. You know that, right?"
Bucky rolled his eyes, while blushing like a teenager. "Liar. Don't even try to sell that mushy crap. You were gonna tell me what your favorite flavour is,"
"I can just tell you now, can't I?"
"It's not the same,"
"I know, but this is better than the loud city streets, anyway. And gosh, you're stubborn."
"Yes, Bucky. I know you wanted to take me, but I think we'll both like a home cooked meal better, anyway. One that we make,"
Bucky puffed air out of his nose like a buffalo in a really cute way, leaning back on the couch. Yelena smiled at him reassuringly. "A nice, quiet dinner is exactly what I need to calm down, too."
Suddenly convinced, Bucky nodded, and Yelena grinned at the small victory.
"Yelena, did you... is that really true?"
"Is what true?"
"That we can't be together."
"Oh, Bucky. I mean it... but it won't last forever, just until I'm ready for it, you know?"
His face softened. "Yeah, I understand."
"I know, you're the best at that, aren't you?"
Bucky leaned closer. "I hope that wasn't sarcasm, Belova,"
"I hope that wasn't flirting, Barnes,"
"Who knows? Maybe it was,"
He pressed a kiss on her nose, his lips soft on her skin. Yelena couldn't resist a smile, but she pulled back away from him. "Bucky. I..."
"Hey," he told her, "I can make us dinner, and you can watch TV."
"What? No! I wanna help with dinner!" she whined.
"Not happening," he muttered, getting up and walking into the kitchen. "And it's a surprise, too, so you aren't allowed over here."
"What if I wanna shower?"
"You already showered, but nice try."
"Hmph... Bucky?" Yelena stretched herself out on the couch, feeling at home. Safe. Loved. Sheltered. Valued.
This was the oposite of the Red Room, and much better than that appartment in New York that she had spent her first few weeks out of the Red Room in. Bucky tried so hard to welcome her, even though if it was her owning the house, it would feel like an intrusion.
"The garden looks great. I think your mom would be proud of the mint plant, too."
There wasn't a reply for a few seconds, and she wondered what he was thinking.
"Thank you,"
"You're welcome, Barnes." The mint plant had sat on the counter for the last couple days, sprouting healthily under Bucky's caring and attentive hand. That was so attractive, she realized, him growing plants. And so unlike the Winter Soldier that it showed just how much he was trying to change himself, to be different from his past self.
That was a form of heroism itself, after how much Hydra had ingrained the Soldier into him, and she loved him so much for it. He really did deserve so much more than he had.
"Hey, Asian sesame, or ceaser dressing?"
"Asian sesame. Gotta mix up the palate, you know?"
She wondered how often he thought of his family, and how much he wished they could be here with him. He must've gotten so lonely before she came to live with him, alone in a place that used to be full of loving friends that he grew up with.
That time was gone, and sometimes it showed in his eyes, how old he felt, and how out of place he felt.
The next time that would happen she'd hold him tight.
She would.
"Hey, Bucky?"
"Yeah." He called out, sounding focused.
"I love you,"
"I love you, too," He choked out, sounding slightly emotional. When was the last time he had been told that? Yelena's heart swelled with sadness.
She grabbed the remote from the stand under the TV and pressed the power button, then plopped back onto the couch. Bucky had almost no streaming services, but for sports channels and all that. Such a man thing to do.
Yelena signed into her Netflix and listened for the deep, opening notes as the big N flashed across the screen. She leaned back and scrolled through some movie options. "Bucky?"
"What movie should I watch?"
"I don't know... Lord of the Rings, maybe?"
"Oh my gosh, are you a Tolkien fan?"
"Yes, very much."
"Right, I wouldn't have guessed, but you're old, so what can I expect?"
"Yeah, and what about you?" Bucky laughed.
"You could say I'm a fan."
She grinned to herself like a maniac, glad no one was looking at her, eyes pinned on the ceiling. I love Bucky Barnes, she thought, lost in a deep reverie about him. How times have changed.
His prescence in her life had shifted dramatically. He wasn't taking care of her as much, he wasn't the only one protecting now, he was happier and had control.
Now, she had still barely caught up with him, but she considered how close they'd gotten an accomplishment nonetheless. Whenever they sit down together and just talk, there's a flahs in his eyes, an acknowledgement of how many years have gone by.
She needed to erase that, to make him feel more rooted in the present. He still struggled, especially with her there, and if they were really going to live together, they'd both have to work a lot harder so it didn't go up in flames (the chances of it happening were high). But the right outcome, if they reached it, would be worth it.
They had a lot of work ahead of them, and she was unsure about the future. But he'd pull her through, like when he made her leave the Red Room.
"Yelena, dinner's ready," Bucky said, coming into the living room and scratching Alpine until she purred deeply.
Dinner was a cute-looking salad and drool-worthy alfredo pasta. Bucky laid it all out on the table so it looked all fancy and to die for, with napkins and wine. He must've felt bad about forgetting to buy pizza.
"You know, Bucky, I think this is even nicer than buying pizza out,"
"Why's that?"
She sat down, her stomach making a loud growl, and touched her plate. "You made it."
"I'm so glad we got out of there," she murmured as he sat down across the small table. A little burst of longing lit up her heart. She wanted Natasha there with them, she wanted her to smile and look at how changed Bucky was.
The corner of his mouth lifted. "Me too. Here," he sat forward and served her some pasta. "Is that enough, or do you want more?"
They met eyes. "That's enough," she whispered.
He nodded and served his own food, glancing up at her with a smirk every few seconds.
"What is it?" Yelena asked, amused by his facial expressions.
"Oh, nothing... I'm just really glad I got to see you again after so long. I've been wondering where you ran off to all those years."
"Yeah. I got worried a few times, but... you're you, so... you could take care of yourself, and if you didn't want to see me again, I'd understand. You usually make good calls."
"Why would I not want to see you again?"
He looked at his plate, and it became obvious to her. "Bucky, you're worth staying for. You're worth visiting."
"I know," Bucky said evenly.
"Good. Now eat,"
He raised his eyebrows and narrowed his eyes. "Okay, bossy."
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