a/n : it's not finished, but it's over 1000 words and it's been two months, so enjoy
There was something so relaxing about the way Logan read, perhaps it was his voice and the way he whispered the words, as if it was a secret only they knew, maybe it was the way he would occasionally look up from his book and squeeze their intertwined hands whenever something exciting was happening.
Whatever it was, it never failed to make Patton absolutely melt.
"Life is a storm, my young friend. You will bask in the sunlight one moment, be shattered on the rocks the next- Are you even listening to me?"
Patton was sure that even if you threatened him he wouldn't be able to tell you what was happening, but he nodded, squeezing Logan's hand and placing his head back on his chest. To his surprise, Logan did not continue reading, instead closing the book and placing it on the floor. He wrapped his arms around Patton's shoulders and placed a kiss to against his hair. He hummed, clearly pleased and Logan just held him closer.
A few moments of comfortable silence fell over them, until Logan spoke again :
"How long do you think we'll keep doing this?"
There was something vulnerable in his voice and a feeling Patton could only describe as dread, settled in his bones. He wasn't ready for that conversation, not yet.
"Well, I don't know about you, but I'm not moving any time soon!" he smiled, not daring to move his head, because if he met Logan's eyes, it was going to be back to real life, back to a world where there were so many rules and where he would be disowned for even looking Logan's way with a feeling that was not superiority.
Logan was silent for a few seconds. "Patton, you know that's not what I meant."
He didn't answer.
"We aren't supposed to be doing this. It's only a matter of time until we are caught and-"
"Logan, please, I don-"
"No, you need to listen to me!"
Patton sat up almost immediately, startling Logan, seeing as he stopped speaking. He cupped Logan's face, finally looking him in the eye.
"We won't be doing this any longer, I promise, you just, you have to trust me, okay, Lo?" Patton whispered the last part running his thumb across his cheekbone, as Logan placed his hands above Patton's. There was a certain level of distrust in Logan's face and Patton's felt like some one placed a weight on his chest, right above his heart.
"You have to believe me, okay? I have a whole plan devised to normalize relationships of different statuses and I'll start working on it as soon as I am coronated, you just have to trust me!" Patton started again, a tad hysterical, because Logan looked so hesitant and all Patton wanted to do was prove to him he would do it. For them.
"Patton.." Logan took a steadying breath, shaky and unsure.
"No, no, I'll do it, I'll do it for everyone who's fallen in love with someone beneath of above their status and I'll manage! I know I can! And then we can be together publicly and we'll go to dances together and we'll get married because I'm doing this for us!"
"...You want to get married?" Logan asked, his voice so small and his eyes wide and Patton's brain had just caught up with his words.
He had said that.
Patton hadn't been able to even formulate an apology until Logan pulled him down and kissed him gently, cradling his face like he was the most precious thing in the world.
"You want to get married!" Logan repeated when they pulled back, a tiny happy sound escaping his lips and Patton's heart was throbbing in his chest.
"Yes" he said breathlessly "Yes, of course I do, I want to spend the rest of my days with you."
"As do I" Logan leaned in to kiss him again and Patton smiled, slotting their lips together, his mind a whirl at the breathtakingly happy noise Logan had made from the back of his throat.
Logan pulled back first, looking at Patton, the corners of his eyes crinkled slightly at the edges and that breathtaking smile on his face that was saved only for Patton.
"I want to-" Logan stopped in the middle of a short laugh, squeezing his arm and Patton was sure he looked absolutely besotted.
"Go on, starlight" he said, pushing a strand of hair away from Logan's face and giggled slightly.
"I want to get married now" he looked up at him and how could Patton not kiss him when he said things like that.
"Right now?"
Logan nodded, smiling and Patton felt all jittery and the happiest he had ever been in his life
Logan sent him another breathtaking look and kissed the palm of his hand, getting up from under Patton and sitting on the couch next to him. He took a deep breath and the moment he looked at Patton they both grinned at each other.
"How do we do this?"
"I'm not so sure. I just know I want to get married to you and-" he squeezed his hand and Patton got the message.
"Me too."
Logan looked around him and grabbed the book from the floor. He pulled out the bookmark and untied the two ribbons from the end.
He reached out for Patton's hand and shakily tied the blue ribbon on his ring finger.
"Patton, ever since we were children, I've always felt like you meant more to me than anyone I had ever met and I-" Logan took a shaky breath, as if collecting his words and Patton was feeling too much and not enough at the same time, so he pressed a quick kiss to Logan's lips, that was met at the middle.
"I love you so much" he whispered, stroking his thumb across Logan's knuckles.
"I also love you, but you have to do it too now!"
Patton giggled, taking the white ribbon and tying it carefully around Logan's ring finger, making a little bow at the end, as if to replace the diamond. Logan looked at his hand for a few seconds, an indescribable emotion overtaking him and he flung himself at Patton, kissing him square on the lips, arms around his neck. Patton, cupped one of Logan's cheeks, pressing the other hand against his back.
"Lo, you have to let me say the vows too"
Logan ignored him, hugging him tightly and burying his head in the crook of Patton's neck.
"I promise I'll wait for you. However long it takes."
Patton only held him tighter "I know"
There had always been a cloud of doom floating over this relationship, but Patton couldn't bring himself to think nor care about it, not when Logan was right there, holding him like he was the most precious thing in the world and pressing kisses between promises that would never come true.
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