a/n : angst :)
Patton drummed his fingers along the table, humming silently to himself as he looked over the reports he had been sent. Something about a group of criminals set to kill the royal family. He sighed, skimming through the pages once more. Sure, there had been several attempts at his life before, but by the pattern they took in other kingdoms, it seems as if they were trying to destabilize the people, not the economy or something similar.
The most worrying information, for certain, was who they were targeting.
The heirs.
Patton sighed, running a hand through his hair. This wasn't bound to be good.
Janus Gray 25(?) - leader
Janus Gray(goes by mother's maiden name), son of Evelyn and Theodore Brooks, older brother of Diana Brooks
Orphaned at the age of 5, he lived at the White Lily Orphanage for the remaining years of his childhood.
Patton frowned. That was where Virgil and Remy had lived up to a certain point. The living conditions were gruesome, but Patton had donated some money to it. He wondered what had shaped the boy's morals in such a way. After all he was so young...
He made a name for himself as a brotherly figure, in contrast to his pickpocketing hobby. Due to his behavior, it is clear he is a pathological liar, his brotherly instincts sprouting from the loss of his sister and parents.
He has proved to have great leadership skills, as he has gathered many followers over the course of three years.
Birth certificates were never found, but judging by his last sighting, he is most likely around 25 years old.
Other information unknown.
Patton snatched his gaze from the text, his eyes settling on the picture instead. The recent photographs were blurry, as if he had been rushing to not be seen, most of them surprising him with a cloak over his face. He skimmed through them, most of them not very helpful.
Patton came to a halt when he found a picture from when Janus was younger. He was around 8 years old, around, holding a small kid on his hip. His hair was ruffled, but his eyes were obviously shining with happiness, like he had finally found something worth his time. Something he could take care of. Someone who wouldn't leave him. There were burn scars on one side of his face, going from his neck to his cheekbone.
Patton shuddered. It wasn't a pretty sight.
The kid he was holding was not more than three, head tilted in confusion, but not disgust. He had a handful of the other's blonde hair in his fist, clinging to it. The smile on Janus's face was wide and Patton couldn't help but feel a hint of remorse for the boy. He would've been the outcast of the whole orphanage, scars and all. He still wondered what made him turn against the royal family. Perhaps his views were altered by his no doubt traumatic childhood. There were no records of him being adopted, after all.
He sighed as he pushed the documents away, rubbing his eyes tiredly. There was no use continuing now, he hadn't had his coffee and it was getting late. A voice in his head nagged him, telling him to stay up at least until he finished re reading the leader's reports and characterization. He complied, scowling to himself.
There was a knock on the cabinet door, that startled Patton. He cleared his voice, telling the person to come in.
"Salutations. I hope I'm not interfering on anything."
Patton couldn't help the grin teasing his lips as he beckoned Logan inside.
"Of course not!"
Logan nodded, pushing the door using his back, which revealed to Patton that he was carrying two cups of coffee, one blue, one grey.
"I hope you don't mind. I brought coffee." Logan gave a tentative of a smile, one that still made Patton's insides flip.
"You know me too well." Patton replied, gladly taking a sip from the mug as Logan sat down on the chair opposite to his.
"I would be concerned if I wouldn't have known you so well."
Patton nodded, looking up at the man through his lashes. He had already taken the documents away from him, reading through them quicker than Patton thought possible. But then again, he had always surprised him.
A soft sigh escaped Patton's lips, as he gently thread his fingers through Logan's hair. He tugged at the tangled sections, the knots coming undone. Patton looked down at him, watching the tenseness in his frame disappear with every movement he made.
Patton nuzzled his nose in Logan's hair, the faint smell of lavender shampoo flooding his senses. Logan was so light in his arms, head buried in the crook of his neck. His arms were thrown around Patton's neck, holding onto him as if his life depended on it. He would miss it so dearly.
"It's going to be alright." the lie was sour on Patton's tongue, as he kissed the top of Logan's head.
The answer came after a few moments of silence, slightly muffled.
"I don't believe you"
Patton's heart sank. He was right. There wasn't much of a chance it would be alright. He would never be able to hold Logan's hand in public or dance with him around other people. He would never be able to go into his room after a tiring day and have Logan waiting for him, a book in his hands.
Logan had already accepted that.
Patton hadn't. Not yet.
The pressure behind his eyes had returned, Patton tried hard to ignore it. He wouldn't let one of the last moments he could spend with Logan be ruined by any negative emotions. He pulled him closer, the hand around his waist tightening. Logan understood, leaning against Patton, shuffling so he was as close as possible.
"I love you"
Logan sniffed, pressing his forehead against Patton's neck. He shuddered at the words.
"I know."
It sounded like a choked sob. The sound broke Patton's heart.
Patton felt so heavy, so useless, unable to do anything. The feeling of helplessness had settled down, wiggling it's way into his chest. Logan had refused to say it back.
The knot in his throat returned.
It was over, wasn't it?
It was actually over...
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