(7) An encounter with a dog
(No pov)
She regreted it very much. She didn't know who she hurt, but it surely was bad... the sky was setting as she went to bed. She cried a lot. She hadn't meant it, none of that.
(Cloaky pov)
Hungry... Hungry... Hungry... Hungry... Hungry... Hungry... Hungry... Hungry... Hungry... Hungry... Hungry... Hungry...
Need to eat... or will die... Camera no here. Flower no food. Me hungry... no food here... no energy... Me stuck here... Me die soon... (A/N Cloaky isn't able to think properly anymore)
(No pov 3 weeks after the incident)
Expeditions began searching for Cloaky, but to no avail. It was beginning to look hopeless even though they tried to ask Camera and Aqua both of them were unresponsive. Aqua stayed still. While Camera was paranoid not allowing S.B. to heal her. The search team consisting of: Cheesy, TV, Profile picture (2.0 cuz people will think i meant Profiley), Booklynn and... Lollipop (my version not bfdi). They had all went out into the forest searching every inch when Cheesy found something (no puns cuz he's in distress cuz he's afraid HIS BOYFRIEND is next) a cave.
- Hey guys look what I found a CAVE! I've never seen it before. What could lie inside?
- Cheesy no it might be dan- - soft crying was heard coming out of the cave - welp guess we found Cloaky we should g-
- No Booklynn we have to.
- Nope - skedadles back to her house
- Shit...
Everyone backs away but Cheesy the dimwit he is goes inside. He soon stumbles onto Cloaky's cloak. This can't be good.
(Cheesy pov)
Oh shit. Cloaky NEVER removes his cloak. This isn't good... Then suddenly something bites me...
- What the- AhhhhAHHHH - what looks to be one of those carnivorous plants what was it a venes flytrap. No Venus Flytrap. Oh shit not now Cheesy. I pull my arm back it almost gets ripped. No time to scream just RUN. I ran. I ran. Until I couldn't no more. I got out all bloodied. That flytrap had been chasing me but then it stopped. I saw Aqua who was very much not in good shape approaching ME? Why me?
- Am I delusional or am I finally seeing someone?
- Don't scream please. Just give me a moment. For weeks I couldn't see anyone. Now you out of all people? I see your injured go to the medical bay. Please.
- Your talking and moving again?
- I go on walks. IS THERE AN ISSUE?
- N-no ma'am!
(No pov)
Aqua was pretty confused but happy to see anyone! Even though it was Cheesy out of everyone... But as she was escorting Cheesy to the medical bay she spotted something at the entrance of the cave. What looked to be a Venus Flytrap but mor dog like. It sat there with it's tongue(?) out like a puppy. She paid it no mind as she got Cheesy to the medical bay.
The flytrap entered the cave again and scaled up the wall. Waiting for it's next victim. The flytrap was dripping with acid from it's mouth it wasn't acidic to it but to anything else oh it could burn. Burn. As if the person was dunked into lava mixed with acid at the same time.
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