Prologue: Eve of Trials
A man meets with a little girl at the grand staircase of the royal palace. For someone so young, she gracefully descended the steps. As her feet touched the floor, she immediately approaches the man who greets the young lady. He explains that today the little princess' tutor will not be able to teach her so he has to take over.
He brings the little girl to a hidden hallway and shows her a grand mural depicting the history of their planet. He then explains that the grand scale painting was made by their best artists and also informs that today he shall teach her the legendary history of their planet. He narrates it like a fairy tale to appeal to the little girl.
"A long time ago, there was a planet torn by never-ending wars. One leader, a good but firm woman named Fliska, emerged from them and became their first queen. Shortly after being crowned, she died and left her kingdom to her twin sons, Delion and Corvan. After their mother's burial, the sly Delion seized the throne while having his siblings executed.
However, Corvan escaped with their sister, Lischa. Both counterattacked by raising an army to overthrow their brother. Delion fled to another world and eventually became known as the renegade prince.
Now, Corvan was ready to take the throne but the people spoke up and preferred Lischa to be their leader. Another civil war came to be wherein Lischa emerged as the victor while Corvan fled to the lone moon in exile braving the harsh storms of his new home.
Meanwhile, the kingdom was looking forward to crowning its new queen when the heavens suddenly glowed just after the queen addressed her subjects. A magical gem emerged from the skies and slowly fell into her hands. All who were present that day knew that their leader was chosen by the divinities.
No one would ever contest her claims on the throne. Everyone knew she was given the magical gem which resembles the sun. They called the gem, the Crystal Cross, and their land, Fliska, in honor of their first queen. Since then, the crown was passed from mother to daughter.
Afterward, the new queen, Lischa, sought out his other brother who hid in the moon colony. During her visit, she managed to reconcile with her brother and bestowed upon him the title Duke of Craiine.
Since then, the moon colony has become known as the dukedom of Craiine. Not long after their reconciliation, the queen discovered a magical gem causing the massive storms plaguing the region. She subdues it using the Crystal Cross and the storms finally cease.
After learning how to control its power, she teaches the skill to her brother and gives it to him as a sign of their alliance. The gem became known as the Sapphire Sphere."
The little princess was walking and gazing at the mural as the tutor narrated the story. When she encountered the part of the mural where a woman with shimmering tattoos surrounded by glowing gemstones held back the darkness from dark stones, everything instantly faded to darkness.
Princess Elzilaura, the heir to the Fliskan throne, suddenly wakes up in her room. She had just finished her meditation and must have dozed off while resting. Anyway, now that she is awake, she must get dressed.
Like a typical Fliskan, she had jet black hair and mid complexion however her eyes were brown, unlike the hazel or caramel iris that most possess. She had a slender frame and though she wasn't as beautiful as most ladies in the Fliskan court, she had a charming look.
Today was a special day that she has been preparing for a long time. She was about to undergo the trial of light, a sacred ritual that an heir apparent must complete to be deemed worthy of taking the throne. With this ritual, she will also be able to fully harness the power of the Crystal Cross, a magical gem which the Queen of Fliska uses to govern and protect her kingdom.
Not for long, servants came in bearing floral arrangements and large golden boxes sent by Prince Jarin of Galmar. This kingdom on Planet Havo once waged war against Fliska ending with great losses for both sides. So many lives were lost in this great battle including the Queen's brother.
The two kingdoms decided to send envoys to work out a peace treaty which took years to iron out. When negotiations finally came to a close, the monarchs of Galmar and Fliska agreed to have their children be joined in matrimony to solidify their new treaty.
Jarin sent word that he won't be able to attend this important event. According to his traditions, he must complete a series of requirements a Galmaran must do as part of his initiation into important designations especially when they hold a government position called the Asefi. Until his training is completed, they cannot meet in person.
To compensate for his absence, a Galmaran envoy brought these gifts from the prince with a message expressing his deep regrets for his absence. All of a sudden, the princess' room seemingly turned into a mini garden with all these flowers courtesy of the Galmaran Prince.
Soon, Kanunia came in and was astonished to see how her bedchambers turned into a floral paradise. The servants came in joining the other attendants in arranging the flowers and clothing gifts from Prince Jarin.
"Wow! You are lucky to have a fiancé so generous!" The royal sister exclaimed. Kanunia had brown hair but her eyes were typically hazel to caramel colored iris. She wasn't so slender. Though she may not be as graceful or pretty as her sister, she had a unique appeal that men found irresistible.
"I know. He is so generous but he's not here. There's always something that keeps him away." Her voice seemed bored but not so sad.
"You will meet soon. Just have a little more patience. do remember that we are all trying to abide by Fliskan and Galmaran customs. You cannot meet in person until Jarin completes his Asefi training."
Elzilaura knew this but couldn't mask her disappointment. She just changes the subject. "By the way, Kanunia, will the Duke of Craiine and his family be attending?"
"Unfortunately, they won't make it. The duke has just recovered from his ailments. That is why the family is very cautious. I hope you understand. Since the duchess' death, they have been more reclusive." Kanunia explains.
Elzilaura nods but soon shifts her gaze to the distance viewing the Fliskan horizon with the floating crystal rock formations steadily looming above the planet's surface. They were sky islands made of precious translucent minerals that are distinctive of Planet Fliska.
According to legend, they were warrior heroes who lived their lives defending the kingdom. Even in the afterlife, they have chosen to watch over the planet.
Foreign and local space carriers came in going past the sky islands to land on the surface for this special day. The space above Fliska was also busy filled with transporters waiting for landing permissions. Wormholes created by transporter comets opened to ferry visitors from faraway planets to attend this special event.
"After the meditation, I felt fine but as I see more space vessels coming in and getting past the sky islands, I think I will need more meditation time." She tries to breathe in and out.
"It's all in your head. One day, you will rule well but you just have to get through today. I am sure you will be fine."
"I hope so too," Elzilaura responds as she dons her robe. A servant assists her and wraps a cord belt around her waist.
Soon, more servants came in with a big silver box and a bouquet. One of them announced that it was from the royal family of Craiine. Kanunia reaches for it and the servant bows his head before leaving.
She hands it over to Elzilaura who was trying to hide her excitement. She hurriedly removes the traditional blue ribbon and crest seal of Craiine. The box had a card with the duke's handwriting expressing their congratulations in advance for the accomplishments that Elzilaura will achieve. It was attached to a pouch with a simple bracelet.
Then, she took out a book with a dedication from Zora, the Duke's youngest child. Next to it was a bottle of wine from Zedon, his eldest son and heir. Then, she notices the flowers with good wishes again this time signed by Zyric, the Duke's second son and the former marshal of Fliskan Defenses. Elzilaura smells them gleefully and adores the flowers.
"You have so many lavish gifts that most women would swoon over and yet those simple flowers are the ones that excite you." Curiosity got the best of Kanunia.
"I like these flowers and Zyric knows. I used to pick them when we had our vacations in Craiine and it made my day."
"What made your day? The flower picking, the flowers, or Zyric?" The older sister had to ask.
"Everything." She smiles as she plays with the floral arrangement.
When Kanunia's eyes widened, the younger sister began to rationalize her statement.
"I meant that I enjoy flower picking as well as Zyric's thoughtfulness. He remembers how this makes me happy. He knows how to make me happy. If only-"
Suddenly, someone knocked on the door.
Soon, a lady enters and conveys a message from the queen that it was time.
Immediately, the two princesses hurriedly leave the room and descend the grand staircase. Elzilaura moved ever so poised and graceful while Kanunia moved somewhat stiffly but maintained a regal composure. Just when they reached the bottom, the queen arrives as well.
The princesses curtseyed as custom while the queen examined her daughters. Queen Azestina came in her off-shoulder ball gown made of Galeera silk which is spun from the gemstones of Fliska. The gown had lots of ruffles and floral fabric manipulations with gold metal butterfly ornaments and crystals attached to the fabric flowers.
She first looked at Kanunia and taps the latter's shoulder.
Then, her attention shifts to Elzilaura. "You look troubled, my lianka." She moves closer to the princess.
"It is nothing, Mother," Elzilaura responds. "I had an interesting dream. It was about the traditional history lesson from the royal tutor.
Everything about it seemed different. All the clothes, the tutor, and the lesson are not the same as before. There were glitter markings I couldn't explain."
Queen Azestina was surprised. "I had the same dream. I saw the markings too and I wondered what they are." For a moment, they lay silent. Their eyes were filled with questions. Then the queen seemed lightheaded and almost lost her balance. The people flocked to her but recovered her footing just before they could come near.
"I'm fine." She raises her hand to keep them away and then turns to her daughter.
"Perhaps, we can talk about our dream later. But for now, we have other matters to attend to. Let us not keep the people waiting." The queen says and walks ahead.
The princesses and entourage follow her into the balcony. Upon seeing them, the people cheered. As the queen began to speak, the noise subsided. She was feeling a little lightheaded but it must be the warm climate. Anyway, she carried on. Midway through the queen's speech, laser shots were heard and people started to panic.
In the space above Fliska, transporter comet wormholes appeared with an outpour of enemy vessels rushing towards the planet.
Some invader ships hit the floating crystal rock formations which slightly damaged their vessels. But as they recovered, the strength of their forces overwhelmed the natural wonders and these rock formations started crashing into the Fliskan surface. The people panicked causing a stampede not just in the palace but in the streets. There was chaos everywhere.
Instantaneously, the queen uses the glowing power gem levitating in her hand to release a barrier to protect them.
However, she felt so weak. Throbbing pain from within slowly made her arms numb and the levitating power gem slipped from her control. Luckily, Kanunia caught the jewel.
It felt so warm it could burn her hand but surprisingly, she was able to tolerate its heat. She restored it to the queen's hand. As the guards surrounding them brought them away from the balcony. They noticed that blood was leaking from the queen's dress. Her majesty was shot.
The queen loses balance and could no longer stand up. One of the guards carried her while the princesses and ladies were nearby. The rest of their security detail were scattered at the sides and some trailed behind.
The queen then recalls the drink Lady Palmina gave her earlier while she was taking a break. As she glanced at the lady, Palmina's eyes were filled with guilt.
"Forgive me, your majesty. I haven't told you the truth. They captured my sister. They will kill her if I don't follow their orders."
The weakened monarch responds. "You should have trusted me instead. Pray that she hasn't been harmed or killed yet."
The team stops momentarily when Kanunia suddenly grabs Lady Palmina bringing her to the side and hitting the traitor's face. Kanunia's palms connected well. It lands on the lady's cheekbones and portions of her ear that the latter lost balance. For a moment, Lady Palmina's vision swirled. The irate princess was supposed to strike again when Lady Karea grabbed her arm.
"We have to move, your highness. Let the security team take care of her." She pulls Kanunia away.
The team moved on ahead. Lady Palmina trailed the guards but one of them cast her aside causing her to fall. Not for long, the invaders came in and before she could explain that she was their ally, they shot her at close range.
The enemy forces breached the palace and entered the hall. The security team urgently led the queen and her daughters back into the palace hallways trying to get to a secure area. They will need to tend to the queen's injuries and also wait for backup.
As they were trying to escape, the royals were caught in a crossfire. Lady Karea receives laser blasts to protect Princess Elzilaura. The heiress tries to break Lady Karea's fall but fails. The princess tries to help the lady to her feet but Karea was badly wounded.
"Go on without me, your highness. Please keep safe for our kingdom needs you." She then faints and a pool of blood surrounds her.
Elzilaura tries to hold on to Lady Karea but the guard reminds them. "We need to hurry, your highness." She would not budge until Kanunia pulls her up. "Let's go, Ella! Hurry!"
With a heavy heart, the princess leaves the lady behind so that their team can flee to safety.
They ran continuously until one by one the group of guards protecting them was reduced to a handful.
They arrive at the royal chambers to gain access to a secret passageway. Alas, it would not open. The invaders were fast approaching. Soon they will break down the doors.
Above the skies, the enemy ships poured in damaging infrastructures and natural resources on the Fliskan surface. Some people were killed immediately while others were injured. For the Fliskans, their tribulations are just beginning.
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