Chapter 8: Advise
Chapter 8: Advice
After entering the house, her mom asked how her first session went. She said it was okay but she needed to rest now as the doctor recommended. She stayed in her room but could not sleep.
She sat on her bed holding the Crystal Cross in her hands. The longer she held it, the gem felt warmer so she wrapped it up and kept it in her pocket again. As she was thinking, her phone rang.
"Hello, Ella! Just checking if you're good."
"Yes, Kania. I am. Thank you for asking."
"Just reminding you also that you have to make up your mind as soon as possible. We have communicated with our allies and leave by tomorrow night.
Whatever you decide, I will support it. I'll give them a good explanation if you choose to stay here. I'd probably say we found the cross but you did not survive. Something like that.
Elle, you've been obedient all your life. You've always tried to be selfless. I don't think it is wrong to choose your happiness and well-being now. I assure you someone will succeed you. I am hoping it would be me. If you choose me, I will undergo the trial of light and I will make you and our mother proud."
Elzilaura retorts. "It's not an easy task. You will sacrifice everything for it and feel as if your existence is for Fliska alone."
"It will be my penance for all the disappointments I caused our mother and you. I will live up to your expectations. I will do everything in your honor to safeguard our kingdom." Kanunia paused.
"Well, I think I'm taking too much of your time. Better rest and inform us soon of your choice. Good night my love, my sister."
"Good night Kania. I love you too." Elzilaura blows a kiss.
When she placed her phone down, it began to ring again. This time it was Dazifae, her cousin.
"Hello Elle, is this Elle? It's me Dazi. I know Kanunia called you and I'm warning you she is not who you think she is. Deep within, she wants to be queen and have the Crystal Cross for herself. You must leave with us tomorrow night and fulfill your duties. Show Kanunia her tricks will not work on you. Alright? Got to go before they discover me learning about their plot and do something cruel to me! Night cousin." Dazifae hang up.
She thought about what Dazifae said about Kanunia. She had known Kanunia to be different from how her cousin had described her sister. Kanunia often caused displeasure to their mother but her sister was morally good and she was sure of that.
Perhaps, Dazifae only wanted to place Kanunia in bad light. They were rivals long ago fighting for the attention of a dashing young lord. Kanunia was said to have won and since then, there was friction between the two. Dazifae was a good woman but easily gets distracted by matters of the heart.
But then, time has passed and people change faster than time itself. Time, in their situation, has roughly changed. Could circumstances have altered through this time phenomenon? Could Kanunia have had a change of heart? Could it be possible that she is a scheming conniving lady all along and has managed to present herself as a loyal loving relative? Could Dazifae be the ill-mannered true ally that she had all along?
Before she could think further, her phone rang and it was Alednos. He also offered advice like the previous callers.
"Hi, Elle! It's Alednos. How are you?" The royal adviser inquires.
"I am good. Thank you, Alednos." She gives her assurance.
"I called because of Dazifae. I overheard the last part of what she said to you earlier. I think you should ignore what she said and trust Kanunia more."
"And why is that?" She said softly. Truth be told, she was so confused at this point. She was also getting tired because of the many callers. She was twirling the cord of the phone as she listened closely to the royal adviser.
"Firstly, she is your sister and she cares deeply for you. Secondly, you know the rivalry between Dazi and Kania of being the greatest flirt in court. It was my father who advised the queen to suppress all rumors to save Kanunia's reputation."
"Oh, I didn't know that," Elzilaura claims.
"But I hope you don't hate Dazi. I believe she means well. She just wants to catalyze your decision to choose Fliska instead of Earth." The royal adviser says.
"I'll take note of what you said," Elzilaura responds.
"You're welcome. I am curious about your life here. We already know through the journey when Caracan showed us in the wormhole but I want to hear it directly from you. How do you feel about your life here? Why is Earth so important that you want to stay here more than to return with us?" Alednos couldn't contain his curiosity so he had to ask.
"In truth, I love Fliska. It is my planet of origin but I have come to love Earth." She clarifies. "I love the freedom I have here. I have no anxieties or inhibitions. I am free to choose to do whatever I want with my life. There are no prophecies against me here. I have a family here. My life is simple but more truthful than being a princess wherein I have to often pretend. It's hard to put on a show." She starts to cry.
"It feels as if I have to prove myself all the time that I am worthy to be the next Queen. I'm tired Alednos. I feel like succumbing to my own weaknesses every single time. I think I'm always failing."
"No, you're not," Alednos assures. "It's all in your head Elle. I've seen it before and you are talented. Best of all, fortune is always on your side. Trust in our words of encouragement for they are true and more importantly, trust yourself. By doing so, you will create the wonders and miracles that you seek."
"Thank you, Alednos. That was so nice. Indeed, you are your father's son. Thank you for your advice."
"You're welcome. I'm compensating for making you cry earlier. So, I hope you're okay now and I think you better get some rest. See you soon. Good night."
"Likewise, sweet dreams, Alednos. Goodbye." She hangs up the phone.
She was already tired and wanted to go to sleep. Before she could do so, her phone rang again and it was Dazifae once more.
"Elle, sorry again for disturbing you but please ignore what I just said earlier. Stay here for the betterment of Fliskan lives and mine. Zyric will be happy with me. I promise. I got to go. Good night and take care. Bye."
Not long after hanging up, another phone call came. It was Kanunia giggling even before she spoke.
"Hi Ella, Sorry for calling again but I heard Dazi." Kanunia laughs again but cuts it short in order to continue. "I want to know first if you believe her?"
She was reluctant to answer. "Well, do I have any reason to doubt or believe her?"
"I won't hold it against you for believing her. After everything you've been through, I know it's hard to make up your mind. "
"But I trust you more than Dazi. Don't get me wrong. I love her but she seems flaky at times." Elzilaura clarifies.
"I agree but I won't hold it against you if you side with her now. Hahaha." Kanunia starts to laugh.
What's so funny? Elzilaura had to ask. "You've been giggling since you called me up."
"I overheard Dazifae talking to you and caught her after she hung up. I told her if she continues to coerce you to come with us, she'll lose her chances with Zyric. That caused her sudden change of heart. Hahaha."
"Oh, I see? What happened to her fiance?" Elzilaura asks.
She knew that after the rivalry between Kanunia and Dazifae, the latter had some sort of crush on Zyric until she met his elder brother Zedon. Initially, there were sparks between them but it was short-lived. Dazifae found someone else who adored her truly and has expressed intent to marry her so why is she interested in Zyric again?
"He was killed during the Fliskan invasion. Dazi joined us so she could avenge him and aide us in reclaiming Fliska."
"Oh, I see. Poor Dazi." Elzilaura felt sorry for her cousin.
"Yes, and during our journey, her feelings for Zyric had returned. She tried to seduce Zyric but failed. I'm sure our marshal here has feelings for someone else. He's been keeping it a secret but it's obvious."
"I know. I feel sorry for him when Lyna-Kyre married and moved to another planet." Elzilaura replies.
"No! Not cousin Lyna. It's you of course."
"What? It's obvious the way he looks at Lyna-Kyre." She makes a strong affirmation.
"Everyone is smitten with cousin Lyna. No one is immune to her beauty and charm but I know that it's you that Zyric wants."
"I find that hard to believe," Elzilaura claims.
"You both are obviously attracted to each other. I really don't know if you're just stupid or in denial of Zyric's obvious affection. Maybe you still have feelings for Taurthe?
Elzilaura was catapulted back to the past, remembering her former lover. After returning from the temple studies, she was introduced to the royal court where she met Taurthe, a young trainee almost her age. Being a brilliant student, he was trained in diplomacy earlier than expected.
Spending time together made them close until one day, he proposed to her which she refused to accept claiming that it was her mother who must decide her fate. In truth, she was still confused as she knows that she has feelings for someone else.
When he was gone, Elzilaura realized she had reciprocated Taurthe's affections but her fears clouded her judgement.
She found ways to contact Taurthe and reach out to him. She asks for another chance but Taurthe reminds her of all his efforts to make her love him but she just turned away. It was too late now because he has made a choice to move on with his life. Elzilaura was devastated in the days that followed but luckily, Kanunia was there to console her.
Shortly after Taurthe left, a proposition from Galmar brought about by the Flisko-Galmaran treaty was finalized. Not long after, Zyric also returned from his military training in Minthria. Last she heard, Taurthe has become a diplomat away from his home planet.
"I've moved on since the day he left Fliska and I hope he is happy wherever he might be. Though it didn't work out between us, I'll treasure my memories of him. He is my lesson not to take anyone's efforts for granted."
"It's getting late and we are certainly off-topic." Kanunia yawns. "I do hope that you have learned your lesson."
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