Chapter 46: Aftermath
Chapter 46: Aftermath
Kyron's tricks left many injured on both sides. When he perished, the Nybian officers immediately called their troops to retreat. They sped toward the skies. The Fliskans initially tried to target the escaping Nybians. Elzilaura takes charge and asks help from the Pataran units with aid from Invoris troops to follow their enemies for they had the most advanced ships. She then tells the Fliskans and the others to regroup to help out the injured.
She then approaches Zedon.
"I am sorry for your loss." With a heavy heart, she consoles him
Zedon was confused. "What are you talking about?"
"Zyric is gone because of me." Her voice was shaking.
"Who is Zyric?" The Duke of Craiine asked.
Elzilaura was shocked that he didn't know his brother. It dawned on her that the Oblivion Orb erased Zyric's existence. Thus, no one not even his brother remembers the fallen Fliskan Marshal.
She refuses to believe so and then turns to Zora who was fast approaching.
"Zora, your brother is gone!" Elzilaura utters hoping that Zora would sympathize.
"What are you talking about? Zedon is just beside you." Zora was confused. She opens her palms pointing to the Duke of Craiine.
"No, I'm talking about Zyric." She almost cried.
"Zyric?" Zora asks. "Who is that?" Have you gone mad?"
"Perhaps, the battle has weighed hard on her and made her delusional," Kanunia says as she caught up with Zora.
"Yet my brother is fine." Zora points to the Duke of Craiine.
"Well, our princess was in combat longer than the rest of us." Zedon defends the Crystal Princess.
Elzilaura froze in pain and horror. No one remembers Zyric. She asks them all who is the Fliskan Marshall but mentions Zyric's predecessor. She tries to recall all their memories and it seems that in each story, Zyric was replaced by another person. In all of their accounts, Zyric just disappears from the main story as if he never existed.
Alsuva decides to go after the Nybians and the rest of them follow. They took some refueling and repairs in Desdan then headed for Nybos. Since the Nybian terrain had always been undesirable, it was not easy to attack.
The planet of Nybos itself has become unstable as the weapons from all sites unavoidably hit their volcanoes and geysers. Pretty soon, the ground trembled and everyone had to evacuate. In a matter of minutes, the planet exploded erasing it from the maps of the universe forever.
The Nybians who escaped the planet were eliminated by Alsuva's troops together with the incoming Pataran backup.
After learning that Lenron has died and that the enemy forces were fast approaching their planet, Dorrelia diligently took action. She left Nybos with General Haxani and his men. They head for the Nybian moon and rescue Kyron's half-sisters.
The two princesses remained in deep sleep since the last time Kyron visited them. Hurriedly, she tells the attendants to move quickly to the space vessels. They first attend to Princess Najena since she was attached to a life support system and the vessel flew away soon after.
Dorrelia tasked the guards to carry the youngest princess who didn't need any life support system.
As they tried to head for their escape pod, they encountered rebel forces who stormed the fortress. They engaged in combat before they boarded the other vessel. Just as they took off, Pataran forces reached the fortress. Dorrelia's vessel was shot and it exploded in the air.
The remaining Nybians stationed at Fliska sought help from Mudrogos Vel and Galmar. The Mudrogos Vel Empire declined as they were conflicted from within. The Galmarans persecuted the Nybians who sought refuge in Planet Havo to appease the Mudrogos Vel.
Riots and unrest grew within Fliska as the captured Fliskans and other slaves learned of the Crystal Princess' victory. The Nybians occupying Fliska tried to assert dominance by putting out executions of prisoners and rebels against Nybos but were slowly defeated once the Fliskan resistance came to the rescue.
Soon, Harrion led the Fliskan troops back onto the planet aided by Patarans, the Kalinian fleet led by Lord Ovded, and Ludinian Fleet led by General Vedro. Together they recaptured Fliska while the Craiinians led by Zedon together with Desdanin support fleet reclaimed Craiine. At long last, they have once again regained control of their kingdom.
Afterward, Elzilaura and her entourage arrived on the planet and the people rejoiced to see their victorious princess return to them. The restoration period began in Fliska. The people who fled the planet displaced by the Nybian occupation returned to their homes. It was the same scenario in Craiine.
The rest of their allies returned to their respective kingdoms after Fliska was liberated from the Nybians. Each monarch was well received by his or her family and celebrated by their subjects.
The Pataran aid came in a few weeks after. There were security teams, medical staff, social workers, and other professionals who were members of the Patara together Invoris assisted the Fliskans in their restoration. The Selcians and the Sh'l D Argakani of planet Akara who have pledged support finally arrived in Fliska to give their assistance.
As the rebuilding process went on, Elzilaura discovered that her mother's cryocoffin was torched by the ruthless Nybians. Luckily, a group of Fliskan refugees called the Salstaras gathered the ashes and placed them in an ancient urn.
The new high priest gave Elzilaura the golden ornate ancient urn containing the remains of Queen Azestina. The daughter held it in her arms and paused for a moment. The rest followed in reverence. Some even bowed to honor the late queen. Then, she returned to the palace and kept it in a special hall until the restoration is completed.
Lord Ocvon's remains arrived in his palace together with the royal family of Craiine. When the Craiinian restoration was completed, a state funeral was held for Ocvon. He was then laid to rest beside his wife in an underground crypt for the royal family. Dazifae's remains were then buried next to her mother.
Afterward, Elzilaura then held a state funeral for her mother, the late Queen Azestina. Her urn was then laid to rest in the Fliskan Royal Mausoleum. As it was the tradition, the late queen joins all of the other monarchs who served their great kingdom in the designated resting place. In turn, three days of fasting and prayers were observed in her honor.
Invoris then announces that they have found an antidote to mutations done by RAXA tech. Mutants have mixed reactions to the said announcement. Some chose not to try the cure as they believe that their mutations have made them better than their original forms. Others chose to undergo the remedy offered.
Elzilaura sponsored these treatments supervised by Sabaria. Aside from this, the doctor was allowed to continue her research in partnership with Invoris. Her greatest financial and moral support came from Alednos. Soon, she became the director of the re-established Fliskan Research Facility.
Aside from the restoration of facilities, Elzilaura opened her home world to their allies. She allowed the Patara and Invoris to conduct trade and research on their minerals allowing other worlds to learn the science of safe and efficient mining as Fliskans do. Invoris has also begun experiments on crystal technology which will allow ships to travel just like transporter comets.
When the restorations in Fliska were completed, Elzilaura's coronation took place. She became the new Queen of Fliska. She drops the title of Crystal Princess and gains the highest honorific in all of Fliska, the Crystal Majesty.
As tradition dictates, Queen's coronation is the most grandiose event in Fliska. But because they came from a state of devastation, Elzilaura chose a simpler ceremony. Though it lacked the usual flamboyance, it made up for being the most attended coronation by a queen. All the nobility were present as well as government officials. The largest crowd ever recorded in Fliskan history gathered outside the palace gates in support of the new queen.
Foreign delegates came in from different parts of the universe especially the ones from Patara and Invoris. More importantly, their greatest allies came to witness the ceremony and join the festivities. It was the first time in history that all the gem bearers were present at a Fliskan Queen's coronation.
The ceremony itself was followed to the letter sans the grandeur. Having the traditional pomp and splendor of coronations might offend the people and grow more support for anti-monarchists.
It starts with the Crystal Princess entering the great hall with the crowd bowing in reverence. Midway through the aisle, the prime minister and the high priest approach the Crystal Princess and they all move towards the dais. They face the crowds as Elzilaura swears her oaths.
As she went on, the crowd inside the palace lay silent. The crowd outside stood still as they watched from special screens placed by Invoris and Patara.
When she was done, the prime minister and high priest escorted her to the throne. She sits down and the prime minister places the crown on her head.
Elzilaura herself chose a much simpler crown, the Dieljuran, which has lesser gems and a space at the center for where the Crystal Cross may be fixed. Since the Fliskan restoration, she sold most of the crown jewels to generate funds for the completion of projects and increase their national budget to uplift their economy. She kept this classic crown for its versatility and its historic significance.
The high priest assists her as she places the Crystal Cross on top of the crown. The prime minister then utters. "Behold, our Queen, Elzilaura, ruler of Fliska, and Craiine and the outer territories, Crystal Majesty and keeper of the Crystal Cross, may your reign be long and legacy be great."
When he was finished, the high priest then utters. "Descendant of our great queens Fliska, Lischa, Colvelia, and Maurelin, may you serve your people well just as your ancestors have. In turn, we pledge our everlasting loyalty and respect." He then adds a different line aside from this traditional phrase.
"Receive our immense gratitude for delivering us from the Nybians and restoring Fliskan independence. Let your reign be the start of peace and prosperity."
Both the high priest and prime minister knelt before her. Soon, everyone else in the room followed except for the foreign heads of state present who showed their respect by bowing their heads instead. The crowd outside the palace knelt in reverence as well. This was another first in Fliskan history and their coronation procedures.
After a while, the Queen, assisted by the prime minister and high priest, goes into the grand balcony to wave to her people. This time the silence was broken and the crowd roared in excitement seeing their newly crowned sovereign. The people chant in an ancient Fliskan dialect a line meant to honor a reigning sovereign. It translates as "For peace and prosperity, long live the Queen! Long live Fliska!
Once the ceremonies had finished, celebrations both inside the palace and out in the streets took place.
In the royal palace, Elzilaura changed into something simpler and donned her "Hope for Tomorrow" tiara. It was designed by the children of a Fliskan orphanage and forged by young new artisans. The metal base of the tiara itself has fingerprint carvings symbolizing the children of Fliska. The fine branches of Fliskan diamonds that sprung from the said fingerprints are the future achievements of these children. Part of the queen's commitment to the orphans and marginalized was to form a fundraiser each time she wore the crown in public.
This was her way of making amends for the atrocities done by some of her cruel ancestors. Somehow, this gesture of hers pacified the majority of anti-monarchists and changed the way people felt about the monarchy.
Before Elzilaura retired for the evening, Ovded approached her and requested a private audience. He asks for the Queen's blessing for an upcoming marriage. It used to be a tradition that was forgone for centuries but Ovded wants to revive the said custom. He first tells the Queen of his decision to dedicate his whole life to the service of his people. To secure the line of succession, he has named Harhil, his nephew, as his successor. Upon the nephew's return from his goodwill missions, the young man expressed his wishes to wed Crina. The lady who was released from her temple duties has agreed to be Harhil's wife.
Elzilaura was elated and gives her approval immediately. She then asks how Ovded feels. The duke claims he is pleased that his nephew is to wed the girl who is like a daughter to him. Ovded also claims Crina was his gift after taking the trials.
The night before his linking process, he had asked to have someone in his life wise enough to advise him. One day, while he was taking a morning stroll, he went deep into the forest and found a huge flower. It bloomed before him revealing a glowing column with an unconscious woman inside. He slowly walks towards it. Suddenly, the Ruby Ring in his pocket levitated and glowed. The column disappeared and the woman fell. He quickly caught her. Ovded then found his way back to his bodyguards. They helped him bring the woman back to the palace.
When she awakened, the woman does not remember who she is. He sent her to the temples where she was looked after by the priests and priestesses. Soon after she was named Crina who studied with them and took their vows.
Ovded visited her frequently and cared for her like a father looks after his daughter. He then learns from her mentors how wise and gifted Crina is. In his succeeding visits, he sought her advice. She proved to be a good counselor and trustworthy adviser. Not long after, she was raised as one of the high priestesses and was allowed to live in the palace. There she became closer to him and caught the eye of his nephew.
Since the servitude of Kalinian priests and priestesses is not permanent, Harhil waited until Crina's term came to an end to propose marriage.
Ovded shares that his nephew and his gift are the two people he considers family. He could not be even more proud than seeing them together. Before being an uncle, he was easily irate and a bit hot-tempered mostly because of his fears and insecurities. When Harhil came into his life, he became more patient and understanding. After meeting Crina, he learned how to care for women.
Elzilaura then asks about the Duke's decision not to marry. Ovded states that he feels he is happiest and content when he is committed to public service. He claims that not all people are for marriage or end up happy in matrimony.
He was briefly married but lost his wife to a plague outbreak in Naruya. Though their union did not last long due to her untimely death, he feels that she pretends to be happy with him just to prove to others she is a successful housewife. He was eager to marry her just so he could have children and be an ideal family man. Not thinking things through became burdensome for both of them.
In parting, Ovded shares some wisdom with his queen. "What matters in life is that we are happy whether we are single or in a relationship. Love stories don't always have to be romantic. My love story is about my passion for serving my people and the joy I feel when I am with my nephew and his soon-to-be wife."
Elzilaura smiles and thanks the Duke of Inva. After hearing his words of wisdom, she says to herself that maybe she is meant to be devoted to her people. Maybe her love story is about a commitment to care for her constituents just like Ovded's.
Days after Elzilaura's coronation, she and her allies proceeded to Craiine and formally make Zedon their Duke. The event was followed by festivities. Soon, she appointed Harrion in a formal ceremony as marshal of all Fliskan defenses. People congratulated him on his reinstatement. Only Elzilaura knew that this was his first appointment for no one remembered Zyric. In their beliefs, Harrion served as Queen Azestina's Marshal before retiring instead of Zyric for the latter was erased in their memories.
Since his disappearance, she too felt as if he was fading in her memory. To prevent this, she recalls their moments together most especially their time in Desdan when he confessed his feelings and also the time he proposed to her. Each time she does so, she felt as if he was still alive. She searched all her things for the tokens he gave her but they seemed to have disappeared as well.
Since her coronation, Elzilaura had a series of dreams regarding her mother. In the first dream, Azestina spoke to her. The late Queen claims to be proud of her daughter. In another dream, Elzilaura finds herself in her mother's sitting room with the conch nearby. When she approached it, the conch broke apart and was blown away by the wind. A voice from behind her says the conch was a gift from the trial of light. She looks back and sees her mother.
The late Queen then tells Elzilaura that her daughter's gift shall come soon and that she'll love it. The best dream she had about her mother was when they went to a garden and started talking about their past issues. Conflicts between mother and daughter were resolved and she woke up so happy the next day.
After Elzilaura and Zedon's respective coronations, Alednos leaves for a while to fulfill a promise he made to Kalmera. He sought help from the connections they had with Patara and Invoris. Not for long, he was directed to go to an orphanage on a distant planet. His contact person brought him to a biotechnological facility called the orphan cryocenter where infants were stored frozen individually in a large incubator-like machine.
He held in his hand a clearance pass which he gave to one of the robot attendants. After confirming the access pass, the robot leads him to the large incubator-like machine. The robot claims that the child he was looking for is inside. All he needed to do was press the button on the side of the machine. This button was a sensory button that allows for the quick extraction of DNA samples.
The machine was programmed in such a way that only DNA samples from relatives can open the machine containing the child. The closer the blood ties, the better chance to open it. Alednos thought to himself that this might be Kalmera or her Nybian husband's doing to protect the child from Kyron.
After pressing the button, there was an indicator showing a quick DNA test comparing the extracted sample and that of the child inside. It shows the percent probability of how close the two samples are. It was indeed a high probability rate that indicates the person who is trying to open the containment unit is a parent of the child inside. Soon, the baby was thawed, and not for long, the incubator opened up. The robot took the baby and gave it to Alednos.
The robot asks for a name for the registry. Alednos formally names the baby Rolune Kalmera after his mother and the late Mortezia. He then returns to Fliska and asks for Queen Elzilaura's blessing. The latter did so and formally allowed the child the right to be addressed as Lady of Vanaris, his rightful heir.
Shortly after Zedon's enthronement, Soradina gives birth to their first child. They named the baby Scydian. When doctors declared that Scydian is in good condition, the Duke and Duchess of Craiine presented their child to the people. As they headed out, the day started sunny but then the sky went dark as if the rain will pour soon. Suddenly lightning flashed across the sky almost hitting the Duke and Duchess with their baby.
Before lighting struck them, Zedon's pet eagle came to their aid. It transformed into a gigantic metal creature with its large wings shielding them from the lightning. He then takes the family immediately transporting them from the balcony to the nearby open field. Lightning struck again but it stretched its wings deflecting it to the skies.
The darkness soon faded and the sun was up again. The eagle returned to its original size and flew back into the palace gardens. Zedon soon realizes his gift from his gem linking has finally appeared.
Ever since his disappearance, Elzilaura's dreams are most often about Zyric. Memories of them together would run through her mind all at once. In the last dream she had of him, she visualizes him in a crystal coffin protected by lightning. She couldn't open the coffin no matter how hard she tried. She even used the Crystal Cross but still did not work.
After exhausting all efforts, she bids him farewell and a good night's rest while leaving behind the Blood of Ramia necklace on top of the coffin. Just before she left, she says that the only way to hold on is to let go.
She deemed it best to move on with her life. After all, she had so much work to do. The kingdom was facing adjustment issues that she needed to address. Aside from that, an unknown threat is fast approaching.
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