Chapter 43: The Proposal
Chapter 43: The proposal
Sabaria approaches the Fliskans who were just outside the room. "I am sorry for your loss. I did everything I could." Everyone could see Sabaria was weary. The exhaustion was sinking in.
"We know how hard-working you are. We could not have asked for a better doctor than you." Elzilaura says as she squeezes the doctor's shoulder.
"I have not known her long but I liked her a lot. She was fun and amazing. In the short period we were acquainted, I learned to live a little. She might be my exact opposite but I enjoyed her company." Sabaria claims.
"Yes, she wanted to befriend you too that's why she was excited about being trained by you," Elzilaura says.
"That's true." Kanunia backs her sister up. "She enjoyed our sightseeing escapades." Kanunai's remark made Sabaria grin.
" Yes, it was an experience I will never forget. Anyway, please follow me." She leads them to a separate holding room where Dazifae's body lies. The doctor asked to be excused as she needed to see other patients. Sabaria informs them regarding the medic and a nurse on standby to assist. After the doctor left, the Fliskans circled the body and all of them lay silent. Each one tried to remember how Dazifae affected their lives.
A few hours later, Lyna-Kyre arrives on site and sees the dead body of her sister. Her friends and relatives gave way so she can be with Dazifae one last time. She holds the lifeless body of Dazifae and muffles her cries on her late sister's chest. For years, she has been working not only as a diplomat but also on relief operations. She assisted people the bereaved who lost their families in wars or natural calamities. In all those experiences, nothing prepared her for this moment when she was on the other side of the spectrum wherein, she was the one in grief.
"I am sorry for letting you down. It was my fault." Kanunia stays by Lyna-Kyre's side.
The lady propped up and faced the royal sister.
"It was an accident, Kania. I would have done the same thing Dazi did. I would have given my life for you or Ella or any of our dearly beloved friends here." Lyna-Kyre scans the crowd and then continues.
"At least, my sister died well. For the longest time, Dazifae was selfish. All she ever cared about was to be in the spotlight. Thanks to all of you, she is so different from the person I grew up with. She learned to care and even give her own life to protect another." She then returns her focus to Kanunia.
"And she loved you so much. She may not have been vocal about it but I believe that she did love you. I'm glad that you were able to discipline her because I could never do that. I'm always away and since my mother died, she is looking for a parent figure. Perhaps, she found that in you and I'm grateful for your guidance." As Lyna-Kyre said her piece, Kanunia held the grieving lady's hand.
"I don't know." Lyna-Kyre sighs as random thoughts and worries sink in. She tries not to crumble. "I am now alone. I have no one." She felt so numb saying these words.
"No, you are not alone. You will always have us." Kanunia faces the lady and holds her shoulders. "We are your cousins and lifelong friends. You can always count on us and we will always have your back no matter what." Kanunia then hugs Lyna-Kyre tightly. Elzilaura joined them and caressed cousin Lyna's back.
Yonanes comes in and expresses his condolences on Lady Dazifae's passing. He offers his full assistance for anything they might need. He even asks for options Lyna-Kyre prefers for burial.
Yonanes suggests that the Desdanin have their version of cremation wherein the body transforms into a gaseous state and the remains are placed in a Haria Urn. It looks like a small urn but is lightweight. The Fliskan lady claims she wants the traditional cryocoffin and to have her sister buried in Fliska. Everyone respects Lyna-Kyre's decision and Yonanes pledges to provide for what she needs in this difficult time. The Bealyx had Dazifae's body placed in the cryocoffin and sent to Desdan with Lyna-Kyre.
The next day, Elzilaura felt stronger so she walked around and observed the whole camp. While watching her troops and her allies, she thought of a plan that will be appealing to Kyron but will avoid further bloodshed. After having this idea, she shared it with Zedon and Yonanes who both agreed to her plan.
The Bealyx then called for a meeting. A communicator was sent and they were all face-to-face. Kyron and Elzilaura were with their respective companions.
"Greetings ruler of Nybos! I trust that you are well." Elzilaura begins their talks.
"Of course, Crystal Princess. I hope you are not being coy with me. It's not like you." Kyron replies as courteously as he could.
"You're right. It is so not me. The mere fact you can accuse me of it only shows it has crossed your mind already. Maybe you're up to something."
"What is it that you want, my dear princess?" The Nybian changed the subject.
"I have called on you for this meeting as I have a proposition that will benefit us all," Elzilaura moves closer to the screen.
"What kind of proposition would that be?" Kyron was intrigued.
"That I challenge you and your men to fight me and my allies to the death. We, who wield the power gems, against all of you who hold power stones. Only the five of you against the five of us are to engage in this battle. No one else will be involved in this battle. The winner takes everything."
"It seems intriguing. What's the catch?" Kyron asks.
"None at all." Elzilaura defends. "I just don't want further bloodshed. Only the ten of us will engage in the battlefield. After all, we are the only ones that should be pitted against each other. Let our injured troops rest and recover."
"Fair enough it seems," Kyron replies. "I will agree to it but let me choose the battlefield.
"Why? So, you can cheat once again?" Zedon comments
"No, so I can be sure that there is no disadvantage on my part or yours." Kyron retorts.
"We are within Desdan territory and to us, it is a disadvantage. I feel we should be on neutral ground. The nearest free territory within our reach is the Planetoid Dobe. It seems like the perfect battlefield."
"Very well then," Elzilaura says and then looks back to her allies. "Are you in favor of what Lord Kyron suggests?" They all gestured in agreement.
"It is agreed upon then. We will duel to the death in Dobe." Elzilaura accepts the offer.
"Battle begins in three days to give all those involved enough time to rest and recuperate," Yonanes adds.
The Nybians and the Fliskan allies all agreed to Yonanes.
"No one should try any form of sabotage." Mortezia of Vezar then injects.
"We've always been fair and square. I believe it is you who should be reminding yourself and your comrades about that considering what you did. After all, we need a fair fight to determine who is most powerful." Zedon answers back.
By the way, should I call you Lady Mortezia or Lady Kalmera?"
"My name is Mortezia of Vezar." She emphasized her name and title as she raised her head and glared at the Duke of Craiine.
"And yet you were once Kalmera of Vanaris." Zedon reminds.
"Kalmera is dead," Mortezia says. "She died a long time ago and I will avenge the cruelties done to her."
Kyron then cuts in. "There will be no foul play on our part until we could fight on Dobe so prepare to meet your doom." He laughs hysterically.
"Very well then," Elzilaura responds. "We shall meet in Dobe in three days at daybreak. Until then, may the most powerful win!" She then halts transmission.
After the meeting adjourned, they all flew back to Desdan and reach the planet just before sundown.
Elzilaura stayed in her room and skipped dinner. A few minutes later, Zedon requests permission to speak to the Crystal Princess. She covers up with a robe suit or a Fliskan night robe that is cut like a blazer and receives the Duke of Craiine in her sitting room.
"Good evening. Please sit down." She motions to the empty seat.
Zedon sits nearby. "Thank you for having me. Here are the files I mentioned earlier that you need to review." He hands them over while he continued to talk. "I'm here to tell you also that Zyric is helping me out in investigating Epirus through his connections. It has led us to capture a man named Pulshi. We will update you again once he talks."
"That is indeed good news then." She scans what Zedon has handed over. She goes through the files, which looked like tablets as thin as folders but contained tons of data, while he was talking. Beneath the files was a rim of classic paperwork containing terms of agreement regarding an engagement proposal.
In Fliskan royal tradition, marriage proposals are put in black and white. When Fliskan nobles ally their royal house with another, they make a sort of prenuptial agreement regarding territories, legislature, and all other matters of Fliskan politics. The head of the royal house will then decide whether to accept or reject the proposal.
"I know that this may not be the right time to lay out such a proposal but I feel it will be beneficial for all of us," Zedon explains further. "Now that your engagement is off, your options are open. It would be best to choose a Fliskan nobleman as opposed to seeking foreign relations. It will bring the people's hopes up. Fliskans scattered all over the universe will be inspired that we are being unified from within. The marriage of the next queen to a Craiinian noble shows solidarity that our people need in this time of crisis."
"Is it just our people's needs? Or is this for your brother?" Elzilaura asks.
"It is what I believe is for the good of all. Tell me, Ella. Is there something in this proposal that is unfavorable to you?" Zedon grins.
"No, it is a win-win situation on everyone's part but it feels awkward. Jarin just died. Zyric and I are implicated on a senseless accusation but accepting your proposal now might make everyone believe otherwise."
"Well, that is why I asked you to avoid Zyric before. Now that more evidence is supporting Galmaran's plots, then there is no need for you to stay away from my brother." Zedon explains.
"I will have to think things through," Elzilaura says.
" I will leave the proposal with you to help you decide on the matter," Zedon says and then stands. "It has been a long day. Good night, my princess." He bows and soon takes leave.
After a while, Zyric barges into Elzilaura's chambers. The servants and the guards hurriedly tried to stop him. Elzilaura was supposed to get ready for bed when she noticed the commotion outside her inner bedchambers. She opened the door a bit and upon seeing the Fliskan Marshall, she commands them all to stand down. Once they let him loose, she dismisses the servants and the guards.
Even before the last of them left the room, Zyric adamantly asked the princess.
"Did Zedon give you, his proposal?"
"I'm still reviewing it. Why?"
"Please don't consider it."
"Why is that?"
"Because I want you to consider another proposal." He brings out a draft expressing the reasons why he loves her so and how his every action was done out of love and respect for her even the not-so-favorable ones. The next few pages collected poems and literary works from different cultures.
"You made all these?" Elzilaura was astonished. Zyric scratches his head and turns a bit red. It's been years since he was bashful.
"Well, I had help in gathering some of the literary works but the draft thing is my idea." He grins.
"I love it. It's so sweet and thoughtful." She was elated by his actions.
"This may seem a little too soon for you but I feel this is long overdue."
He takes out a box and opens it revealing a necklace with a red pearl distinctive of Desdan marine life. Such a pearl is known as the blood of Ramiah. Zyric then shares the tale.
"According to the local legends, there was once a sea princess who fell in love with a land person named Ramiah. They fought for their love until the king allowed his daughter to wed her lover and live on land. When they were about to reach the surface, the sea princess' ardent suitor who refused to accept defeat attacked the couple.
Ramiah was stabbed as he tried to protect his beloved. Though he was injured, he still managed to win. Unfortunately, the bleeding went on and before they could reach the surface for treatment, he died. The blood drops flowing from his wound became the red pearls that came to be known as the blood of Ramiah. It has always been a tradition for males to dive into Desdan waters so they can give a red pearl as a symbol of love to their beloved.
And just like Ramiah, I will protect you too. I dived for this pearl earlier today so I hope you don't mind it's not as polished as the ones in magazines or jewelry shops." Then, Zyric goes down on one knee. Her heart raced upon seeing his gesture.
"Elzilaura of Fliska, will you marry me?" Zyric says.
Elzilaura thought to herself it was a bit funny seeing the Ramiah pearl instead of a diamond ring on his hand as she expected but the idea of combining these beautiful customs was so delightful.
Suddenly, she was speechless but Zyric's gaze displayed her silence was making him more nervous. "I don't know what to say?"
"Well, you could say Yes." Zyric nervously joked. "Don't you want me?"
"Of course, I do. Oh, you have no idea how much I want to be with you." She blurted it out but halted her confession with a blush.
Zyric's fear subsided and was replaced with confidence. He stood up and placed his hands on her arms. "So does this mean, you are agreeing to my proposal?"
"Yes, I will." She glows with happiness as she gives her reply.
He was overjoyed that he stood up immediately and embraced her tightly which she received warmly and reciprocated. He then broke loose to face her. "Thank you, Ella. I love you."
"Likewise, I do love you." She responds. He holds her tight in his arms. "I can't believe it. You dived for this pearl."
They were suddenly disturbed by a knock on the door. She discovered one of the Desdanin servants.
"Your Highness, Queen Monandra sent me to give you these. She says she will talk to you in the morning about it." The servant curtsies and then takes leave.
Upon closing the door, she scans classic paperwork. One is a booklet on meditation and the other is a political proposal. Zyric notices both booklets. He moves in to take a closer look and extends a hand as if borrowing them. Elzilaura hands them over to him. Quickly, he browses them.
"Meditation?" Zyric asks.
"Yes," Elzilaura responds and gives more details. "We need to meditate, especially in this upcoming battle. It will strengthen us and connect us more with the power gem."
"I see." He drops the book down on the nearest table.
"And this proposal?" Zyric seemed jealous. It was a proposal from Queen Monandra for her to wed a Ludinian nobleman.
"Well." Elzilaura grinned from ear to ear. "I might consider the tempting offer."
Zyric was annoyed. Jealousy was written all over him.
"Of course, I have already made up my mind." She giggles. Zyric sighs in relief.
"You're really cute when you're envious." Her laughter escalates which exasperates Zyric again.
"No, I'm not." He answers back like a kid with tantrums.
"And yet your actions say so. You look like a kid denied of candy." She laughs again while he keeps quiet.
Grinning, she approaches him and strokes his bicep. She slides her hands scooping up towards his head letting her palms stay on his neck while her forearm rested on his chest.
"You don't have to feel insecure about anything. No other proposal could outweigh yours." She smiles at him. As they get lost in each other's gaze, they move in closer and share a kiss.
All at once, she felt as if old wounds and scars were being healed. For each denial that hurt them both, this moment was absolution. His jealousy springing from fears and doubts melted away. His yearning for her has finally come to an end. At long last, she was his and he was deeply satisfied.
Soon, she took the documents from his hands and threw them away. She then led him past the sitting room, the canopy bed, and into the balcony.
The Desdan night sky was pretty amazing. The stars were visible even as the blue lights similar to Earth's aurora borealis were highlighting the sky. Slowly the Desdan moons came into visibility. The night air was quite chilly. Zyric takes off his coat and wraps it around his ladylove.
Elzilaura was surprised to feel his coat draped on her shoulders. "You'll get cold." She was concerned for him. She thought maybe she could get a blanket for him.
"I'm used to extreme temperatures," Zyric reassures. Besides, he was so elated he couldn't feel cold.
The moons were glowing that night and Elzilaura was reminded of their home world. "You know, I used to watch the night sky especially when you're in Craiine with your family. I would stare up at the moon trying to find you. I wondered where your home was and wished that you are safe.
Zyric laughs which puzzle Elzilaura. He then defends his reaction. "Same here." The wind blows so he wraps his arms around her to give them extra warmth. "When I'm in Craiine and Fliska is in sight, I am hoping you are all right." He plants a kiss on her head while he tucked his chin and drew her closer to him.
They gaze deep into the vastness marveling at the Desdan night sky. They continued to converse as they viewed the stars together.
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