Chapter 42: Healing and Breaking
Chapter 42: Healing and Breaking
Elzilaura and her allies regrouped on Wilm's plateau on the surface of Vesyl to treat the wounded.
Zora got injured as she helped out medics retrieve the wounded in the field so Kanunia and Dazifae took her place. When they came across a Pataran vessel half destroyed, they discovered unconscious men trapped inside. They bring the victims out and while doing so, the ground began to rumble. The team suspended their operation momentarily.
The tremors did not last long but it accidentally triggers an auto-destruct command inside the damaged vehicle. As they all tried to run to safety, the explosion occurred. Kanunia suffered only minor injuries for Dazifae covered herself to protect the princess. Dazifae was badly wounded and unresponsive.
Harrion checked on Kanunia while Alednos with the help of some medics hurriedly but carefully rushed back to camp with the unconscious Dazifae.
Sabaria was very tired but she never stopped working round the clock. A bruised Zyric saw her. He offered water and some crackers. Sabaria took them and thanked him. She joined him momentarily for a five-minute break before starting her much-needed rounds. She cuts her break short when she saw an unconscious Dazifae and more wounded troops coming in. Zyric jumps up from his seat after seeing their friend on a stretcher. He trails behind Sabaria and joins Alednos.
After making sure Kanunia was fine, Harrion relieves Alednos in looking after Dazifae as the royal adviser needed to have some of his minor wounds treated too.
While he was receiving treatment, a soldier approached and gave him a communicator. Alednos was a bit hesitant to accept it but the soldier explains it was already inspected. He thanks the soldier who brought the item to him and waits until he left the vicinity to open it. When he did, he saw Mortezia on screen. She tells him to meet up with her in a cave called Casla.
He rests for a brief moment and hesitates about meeting with the enemy. This might be a trap. Besides, if her companions knew of their clandestine meeting, they might be suspicious of him and mistake him for a traitor. Yet, he knew that he wanted to see the love of his life so much. He yearned for her even if she abhorred him.
When he felt strong enough, he goes to the said cave and finds two armed men guarding the entrance. They let him in and he travels a passageway leading to a hall where Mortezia was.
Her hand rested on one of the large columns inside the cave. She was holding a sword with the other hand. He stared at him from head to toe examining his opponent. At any moment, she was ready to attack Alednos.
"Just as I thought. You invited me here to settle old scores. Very well then." Alednos says. The nobleman dropped his weapons. "Go ahead and kill me. If it makes you happy then go ahead."
Mortezia rushed and pinned the sword to his neck. She tried to gather all her strength to do so but she just couldn't. She eventually throws the sword away which hits the cave walls. The roof shook a bit and a stalactite went loose. It was about to hit her but Alednos pushed her aside and they both roll off away from the falling rock.
When they were on safer ground, Alednos wraps her in his embrace. "I still love you Kalmera. I hated you but my affection for you is greater. My sorrow, my anger, my remorse is nothing compared to how intensely I feel for you." He tightens his grip on her.
Mortezia slowly slides her arms up his body so that she can reciprocate his embrace. She couldn't help but sob and confess. "I feel the same way. I loathe you for abandoning me but I can't deny that I want you. I always have." She gasps for air and continues to sob.
Alednos glances at her and wipes her tears with his fingers. Then, he cups her face so they may share a long searing kiss. He releases her mouth and lets his lips slide down to her neck.
"I missed you Meshiulna." He massaged her shoulders and then he slides his hands downward. "You used to enjoy this."
She hasn't heard that term of endearment in a long while. It was from a Fliskan dialect which means beloved or only love. After hearing him call her that again, her desire for him intensifies. She grabs his head and possesses his mouth.
"I still do but there are more ways to enjoy if you will let me." Mortezia seductively says and softly touches him where he would ignite.
After all these years, she could still excite him and it warmed her heart. She realizes after being cold for so long, she still had one. She led him deeper into the cave where the lights were dim and stones were as smooth as shale. It has been a while since they were alone and being intimate felt like a powerful healing moment for both of them.
Then, they lingered on the cave floor. Alednos was holding her by the waist while he brushed some hair and moved closer so he could whisper in Mortezia's ear.
"Come home with me Meshiulna. We will ask pardon from our Crystal Princess."
She turned to face him. "But I am not Kalmera anymore. I am Mortezia of Vezar and I am loyal to Kyron just as you are loyal to your princess.
Zedon of Craiine offered me amnesty but I refused. Don't try to change things anymore. Let's just enjoy this moment. This will be all that we will have."
"Agreed." Alednos says.
She then looks away. "Promise me one more thing."
"Anything Meshiulna". Alednos plants a kiss on her shoulder.
"I bore a daughter when I arrived in Nybos and was rescued by the Lord of Vezar. He deemed it unsafe to keep the child for safety reasons so I agreed to send the baby away. I beg you to please find her. She is ours."
Alednos was surprised. "We have a daughter? I thought you said our baby was dead?"
I half remember because the Lord of Vezar gave me a potion to help me forget. It was safer for me not to remember my child but from time-to-time vague memories of the last time I saw her crosses my mind." She gets teary-eyed.
"I will search for her and keep her safe. Did you name her?" Alednos asks.
"I wasn't able to but if she is still in a cryocell, then it will be up to you to do that." Alednos cups her face and kisses her again.
"I wish we had more time together so we can be a family," Alednos claims.
Mortezia wanted to agree. She closes her eyes momentarily while trying to imagine what the baby looks like. She then continues while caressing Alednos' face. "But I can never give her safety. Just find her for me and know that I care for you both. Take comfort in that." She pulls him in for a kiss.
Soon they rise from the cave floor. She was surprised by Alednos helping her stand. The nobleman noticed her shock. "I wasn't able to be there for you so I am trying to make amends." Mortezia swipes her hair to the back side of her ear lobes like a girl being flattered by a crush. She tries to hide her grin.
Alednos smiles seeing her reaction but then noticed the scars on her upper back. "Yes, they are from slavery," Mortezia explains.
"I'm so sorry." Alednos was heartbroken.
"Don't be." Mortezia retorts. Alednos wraps her in his arms trying to convey his remorse. She always felt safe and warm there. How she would miss this again when they go their separate ways but they have obligations to their leaders. She didn't want the moment to end. Unfortunately, she needed to bring them both back to reality.
"We better get going." She reminds her former husband as she broke away from his arms.
"I'm not ready to let you go. Let's stay for a while." Alednos sighs while he cups her face with both his hands and brings her in for another kiss. He presses himself on her so she would understand him. All her reserve was shattered at that moment and she didn't have any strength to refuse him. Not for long, he lowers her down to the floor again.
After parting ways, Alednos carefully went back into camp believing that no one saw him leave. But as he walked further, he saw Kanunia standing from a distance watching him. The royal sister had guessed he went out to see Kalmera and claims he need not conceal the matter. She understands why he had to just as he comprehends her need to see Raeon back in Agcar.
Alednos was relieved by Kanunia's statement and opened up about his encounter with Lady Mortezia. He then thanks Kanunia for being supportive of him. Kanunia claims they are now even. They both enter the campsite relieved from the burdens of the past.
Meanwhile, Elzilaura received some medical attention before entering the meeting with her allies. When they adjourned, she was informed about Dazifae's condition so she rushed to her cousin's bedside. She discovers Dazifae in a life support system with Kanunia by her side. Harrion and Zyric are nearby. The two men slightly stepped back. A medical officer reminds the Fliskans not to crowd in the area for health and safety reasons so Harrion and Zyric decide to leave.
The Crystal Princess approaches her sister and discovers Kanunia was teary-eyed. "She tried to save me, Ella. She's hurt because of me."
"It was an accident. It's not your fault. You and I would have done the same thing for her. These are the grave consequences of war which I must find a way to resolve. I am sorry I must take leave." Elzilaura explains. Kanunia accepts as she knows the Crystal Princess is needed elsewhere to fulfill her duties. Kanunia requests to stay with Dazifae and Elzilaura permits her.
Just after leaving the intensive care facility, one of the Fliskan soldiers caught up with her. He gave her a communicator from Kyron with a recorded message.
"Your Highness, I am offering you a treaty of peace to prevent further bloodshed. Meet me near the great ocean Aguan regarding this truce. It should only be you as I will come unarmed. I know you to be an honorable princess so I hope you will not fail me. I will be waiting in a small cottage near the cliffs overlooking the ocean." The transmission then went blank.
Zedon and Zyric were with the princess when she received the transmission. They refused to let her go as they know that Kyron is not to be trusted. Elzilaura did not listen to them. She insisted upon going her way. She went to the shores of Aguan at the specified meeting place.
The cottage was so small that you can see everything from its windows. There was no one there. It seems that Kyron did not keep the agreement. She slowly opened the doors, trying to survey the scene. She threw a rock inside before entering. There was no booby trap. She went in and searched for signs that Kyron was there. It seemed that he was never going to meet her. Just when she was leaving, the door suddenly shut tight and gas leaked out.
She tried to push the door but it was closed shut. She looked at the glass window and tried to reach it but it was too far away. Immediately, she grasped the Crystal Cross in her pockets. Luckily, she was able to use it to block the gases and burst the door and windows open with its intense energy.
She tried to run but was too weak. She fell to the ground just a few steps away from the cottage. Not for long, Kyron came out of nowhere and pinned her on the ground. He whispered to her. "I want you and not just your kingdom." He was about to kiss her when she kicked him in the groin.
As he squirmed in pain, she tried to crawl away but Kyron recovered. He grabbed her by the hair and threw her towards the cottage. She landed near the cottage's doorway and hit her head rendering her unconscious. He rushes to her side with the oblivion orb. He tries the power of the orb but before he could erase her existence, the amulet on Elzilaura's wrist flickers and deactivates the oblivion orb. Seeing this, Kyron realizes Elzilaura has the omniscient orb!
Before he could do more cruelties, Zyric came to the rescue and shoots at Kyron. The Nybian ruler screams in pain. The injured Kyron defends himself from Zyric by using his blood basalt. He uses his lava beams from the power stone but Zyric evades them. The Fliskan Marshal opens fire while Kyron takes cover. The Nybian then continued to throw more lava beams and before one of them could hit Zyric, the lava beam was suppressed by a great wind. Zedon arrived in time with his Sapphire Sphere. He held off Kyron as his brother escaped with the Crystal Princess.
Lady Mortezia came to attack Zedon while Kyron chased the two Fliskans. Kyron pursued them but luckily, Ovded came to their aid. The Duke of Inva counterattacked Kyron who was determined to win but Lady Morteza advised him to retreat now and save his energy for the battlefield. Both sides ceased and returned to their bases. Zyric assisted Elzilaura with the medics.
In Kyron's camp, the Nybian lord and the lady of Vezar were cleared by the doctor. Their other colleagues Lenron and Bartava had just received treatments for minor injuries.
After his attending physician examines Lenron, he meets up with a scientist who presents him with another clone of Dorrelia. His hunch before was right. There was a third clone after all and after ceasing the existence of the other two clones, the memory of this third clone is well restored.
"She is unnamed." The scientist says." The ruler of Nybos says that the naming is up to you." The Nybian was still stunned upon seeing the clone but his heart melts as it approaches him slowly and embraces him. This time he could feel that his sister has come back.
"Dorrelia." He then announces it. "You are Dorrelia, my sister." She smiles and tells him how much she misses him. Lenron was satisfied.
Bartava tries to find Josula and encounters Mortezia. "Why are you in a rush?" The Lady of Vezar inquires.
"Have you seen Princess Josula?" He inquires.
"She is still unconscious but she is being transported back to her home world. The Mudrogite ship is leaving soon."
Bartava swiftly leaves Mortezia behind as he tries to catch the space vessel but alas, it took off. All he could do was watch as it left the airspace.
Mortezia follows him and then informs him of what happened.
"Princess Josula was badly injured. Though she is still unconscious, the Mudrogite ambassador signed waivers to discharge her against the doctor's orders as the emperor demanded her returned to the royal court."
"I see." That was all he could say. Bartava fears that he may not see her again as the emperor may not let her leave the capital again. He fears she might be punished for failing to subdue the enemy or be married off to a possible ally as royal tradition dictates.
"Just reminding you that she is a princess of the Mudrogos-Vel Empire. She is rumored to be the chosen heir. Keep that in mind before you fantasize about her."
"I love her Mortezia," Bartava claims. "I hate to admit it but it's true. She is the only one I have ever loved. I will fight for her if I have to. I will do whatever it takes to persuade the emperor to accept us."
"I feel for you." The Lady of Vezar sympathizes. "Not all great love stories have happy endings. Just be content and happy that you found true love even for just a brief moment."
"Why are you like that? Why are you giving up so easily?" Bartava was becoming emotional.
"No, I am not. I fought my hardest to find a way back to the one I love however I also know how to evaluate situations. I believe that we are in a perilous state. It is best to cast aside romantic attachments and focus on the impending battle ahead. I leave it to fate to decide how I will be reunited with my loved one. Either way, we will be together again in this life or the next one." Mortezia answers him devoid of emotion. It seemed cold but it was just about trusting in the future.
The lady placed a hand on her comrade's shoulder. "Trust in the goodness of what an uncertain future could bring." She utters and then takes leave.
In the Fliskan camp, Kanunia tends to her sister's needs while Yonanes visits the two Fliskans. Kanunia curtsies while Elzilaura tries to sit upright to receive the bealyx with reverence.
"It's all right, Princess Elzilaura. I came here to check up on you. How are you?"
"I am better, your majesty."The Crystal Princess claims.
"Glad to hear but I am afraid I have some unfortunate news," Yonanes says.
The Fliskans were worried but Yonanes proceeded.
"The King of Galmar suddenly died. As the new heir apparent, Rovan, was sworn in immediately as the new king and vowed to avenge Jarin's death. One of his first moves was to ally himself with the Nybian forces. That probably explains why Galmaran vessels were present during the recent battle."
"Oh no!" Elzilaura was still weak but manages to respond. "I have let all of you down."
"You are not to blame. It seems we are right all along with our assumptions. The Galmarans are plotting against us.
Do not fret. Let's have a meeting again once you have fully recovered. I am requesting that all troops retreat to Desdan so we can properly plan. For now, I shall take leave and check on the others. Hoping you will be well soon, princess." He pats her arm and then dashes away.
Elzilaura cries. Kanunia rushes to her and kneels by the bedside.
"I brought this upon myself. What a mess I have made. What's worse is that I let everyone down for a fleeting desire." She lets the tears roll down.
"The Galmarans are mischievous and it isn't your fault. We will prove that. They will stop at nothing to see us fail and break from that treaty." Kanunia affirms.
"I couldn't help my feelings for him." Elzilaura elaborates. "I love him. I tried my hardest not to but I can't. I thought the feeling is gone however being with him again makes me want him even more. I am so horrible."
Kanunia sighs and then speaks. "Well, you should have acknowledged your feelings instead of chiding away from them. The more you resisted it, the feeling somehow persisted. You should have faced it whether or not you plan to act upon it. Since you know it is not possible, you should have let the feeling go. Instead, you chose to nurture it. You flirted with him so he did not hold back.
However, I do not blame you for wanting him. It is in our nature to want what we cannot have. It is also a known fact that proximity sometimes breeds familiarity. It also paves the way for intimacy." Kanunia drops her gaze and stares awkwardly at her hands.
"To be honest with you, I am guilty of desiring too." Elizlaura's eyes widen while Kanunia continues.
"Ever since we started this journey, the feelings I have for Harrion are resurfacing. I'm trying to hold back but his glances towards me and every opportunity he gets to serve me or make me feel comfortable with him, I know I desire to be with him again."
"That is easy. You have my approval. Consider it a gift from me to both of you for all your sacrifices. It is the one thing I can give that our mother will not." Elzilaura says.
"Thank you. I will try to consider it. I know I desire him but the better part of me is saying I should wait until I have a better assessment of the situation. I am not as impulsive as before. There are many things we have to consider. But I am glad you approve." Kanunia smiles
"Of course, I want you to be happy. I envy you and your freedom to choose." Elzilaura slowly confesses.
"Don't be. To be honest, I envy you for being Azestina's biological daughter as she is well loved whilst I am hated for being the daughter of an irresponsible princess." Kanunia claims. There was sadness in her tone.
"No matter how hard I try, I am always looked down on because of my parents' transgressions. I am not them but the people judge me too quickly. I hated being unloved."Kanunia expounds.
"That's not true, I love you." Elzilaura asserts and rises to grasp Kanunia's arm.
"I know and I am grateful that I am surrounded now by friends and colleagues who love me but I just hope someday people will see me for who I am and not look at my origins." Kanunia stresses out.
"Do not get me wrong, I will always love our mother but I am not her biological offspring. How I wish to be like her. I want to be well-loved and adored like her. People love her so much that in their eyes, she has no wrongdoings."
"We all do. We want to be like her and I am afraid I cannot be as great as her. It has been my greatest insecurity. I live under her shadow. I am loved only for being her daughter. On my own, I am nothing. I fear I do not possess the same charisma and strength to be respected as a leader." Elzilaura declares.
"Since we were children, I envied your spirit and your talents. The fears and insecurities you claim to have been all in your head. You are so much stronger than you think. I'm sure our people will come to know the best of your abilities as well as your virtues." Kanunia claims.
Suddenly, a medic comes in. "Your Highness, the Lady Dazifae is in critical condition."
The two Fliskan princesses rushed to follow their informant. Harrion, Alednos, and Zyric were all outside the intensive unit. Sabaria and her team started to revive her earlier.
"What happened?" The Crystal Princess asks.
"I've been here for the longest time and they say that her condition is getting better." Harrion narrates further. "Indeed, her vital signs are stable. I even saw her open her eyes. She seemed ecstatic to see me. She even tried to reach for me. But just a few minutes ago, she became unconscious again and her blood pressure went up. Her heartbeat and breathing became erratic. Then, they started to revive her."
As they witnessed Sabaria and her team revive the Fliskan lady, a medic informs them that the space vessel equipped with state-of-the-art medical facilities was to transport the injured including the ones on life support like Dazifae. Elzilaura advises that they start securing the other patients first as her cousin is being revived. The medic immediately follows her command.
After a few minutes, the team was unsuccessful. Dazifae was gone and there was a moment of silence inside the intensive care and outside where her friends were waiting. Elzilaura then commands Alednos to notify Lyna-Kyre of her sister's passing. The royal adviser followed immediately.
Elzilaura then hugs Kanunia who softly cries for their late cousin. Harrion whose hand was resting on the window slowly clenched it into a fist. His forehead rested on the glass window with his eyes closed. "Dazi". It was all he could say.
Zyric was expressionless. He felt so soft and numb while watching them cover Dazifae's body and close the window's blinds.
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