Chapter 35: More Trouble
Chapter 35: More trouble
"Okay, Sir. You are cleared for travel." The attending physician declares Zyric fit to travel. "Although, I do suggest resting and being off duty until you reach Planet Desdan. I have some medications for you and a prescription as your reminder."
Elzilaura then speaks to the doctor. "We do have a new physician on board." She then presents Sabaria. "This is Sabaria from Vimat. She will join us on our journey to Desdan."
"Okay, I am handing over the care of this patient to your capable hands, Doctor. The physician endorses the prescription to Sabaria instead.
"Of course. I will take good care of him." Sabaria claims.
The doctor shows some of the patient's history and gives Sabaria a copy of the file before he leaves.
"Welcome aboard, Doctor Sabaria," Zyric says.
"Thank you, my lord," Sabaria replies.
"I hope you are as good as our last one," Harrion was sarcastic.
"I hope so too," Sabaria speaks kindly.
"Oh, don't be so modest," Elzilaura says. "Lyna-Kyre recognized her as a prominent doctor. She is a physician and a medical researcher who worked with RAXA tech when the Mudrogos Vel came to her homeland. I offered her a chance to be our doctor and she has accepted."
"Impressive," Harrion continues disdainfully. "But can we trust you?"
"Yes. I haven't always agreed with the Mudrogites and the Vel inhabitants especially when they turned on us. I am always under probation for them for being ethical. They hate being questioned and expect everyone to follow blindly. Helping you will also allow me to seek justice for my family and be able to start anew."
Alednos then comes in and greets Zyric.
"Lord Marshal, here is an amulet I found in Lizena's belongings. I believe this is yours." He hands over the items.
"Yes." The Marshal affirms. "Thank you. Ranued said something to me in a different language about this. I hope I can figure out what that means." Zyric narrates. He then notices something. "You look tired. Are you alright?"
"I hardly slept," Alednos says. "It's probably due to the incident." He then frowns.
"Will fill you in on the details later." Elzilaura tells Zyric. "But for now, let's all prepare." Everyone agrees.
The doctor leaves and Zyric thanks him for what he has done. The physician then takes leave with his attendants. Elzilaura, Harrion, and Alednos together with Sabaria help Zyric with his things and they all leave the hospital room.
They proceed to the spaceport with the vessels of the Fliskans and the rest of their allies.
Alsuva was on the tarmac. Beside him were Kanunia, Dazifae, and Lyna-Kyre who were waiting for their companions. The rest of the allies were receiving final instructions.
"All your space vessels are ready. Zedon and his team are about to take off but await your highness for you must be ahead of the group. I shall be staying here waiting for the support force from the Gaulanis. Then, we will move towards Desdan." Alsuva says.
"Thank you for all of your help. You are one magnanimous host," Elzilaura expresses her gratitude.
"Your Highness, it is my honor to be of service to you and your family after all the Fliskan aid and assistance you have given us through the years," Alsuva replies. "I thank you also for aiding us in unifying all Seravdi."
"Thank you, cousin, for everything." She turns to Lyna-Kyre.
"No cousin, thank you for everything. I wish you and everyone a safe journey." Lyna-Kyre says.
Before heading to the vessel, Elzilaura hugs her cousin and whispers in her ear. "You have my permission to wed Alsuva. I see how you look at each other. You both deserve happiness."
"Thank you, dear cousin. I hope you will find happiness too." Lyna-Kyre smiles. Elzilaura was stunned by her cousin's hinting but she hugs the latter even tighter.
Then, Elzilaura moves forward allowing the two sisters to say their goodbyes.
"Here we are again." Lyna-Kyre sighs. "But I will see you soon, baby sister."
"Yes, see you very soon Lyna." They hug tight right after Dazifae replies.
As the lady moves quickly to her cousin's side, Elzilaura asks. "Are you sure you don't want to stay with your elder sister?"
"I miss Lyna-Kyre but she has always been away most of the time thus, we are not that close. I've realized I spend more time with you than her. I miss you both when I am away from Fliska. I'd rather stay with you and help you complete your mission. After all, I am designated to be your lady-in-waiting. "
Elzilaura holds Dazifae's hand in gratitude before she leads everyone to board their respective vessels.
Soon their moracozis take off with the rest of the support force. Then Zedon and his team follow. After rejoining their main vessels, the vastness of space above Planet Seravdi was filled with their fleet until they sped toward their destination.
On the way to Desdan, the joint forces of Fliska and Pataran support encountered a specialized Mudrogite Group. Pataran support stays behind to engage the enemy so that the Fliskans may escape and hurry to Desdan.
As they push forward, another threat awaits. They now encounter the infamous Vel Areon, the most vicious squadron of the Vel Interstellar Armada. While they were preparing to engage the enemy, Elitea came out of nowhere. The commander opens communication to the Fliskans.
"Fliskan team, this is Haenak Bvir, First Commander of Elitea. We will handle the Vel Areon from here. Proceed to your destination."
"This is Lord Zyric, Prince of Craiine and Lord Marshal of Fliskan Defense. Thank you, First Commander." Zyric expresses his gratitude to his former squadron.
"Our pleasure, Sir." He salutes before he ends transmission and speeds up with his team toward their greatest rivals.
Not for long, Merus then communicates with them.
"Guys, I just received a signal. There is a foreign tracker within your ship sending a different kind of signal. That must be the reason why the enemy can locate you. It seems the tracker was active since you took off from Seravdi."
They all look at Sabaria with prying eyes. "No, I am not sending signals. How can I do so when I don't have anything with me?"
"Point taken," Zyric confirms.
"Hold on. I will run a scan on the whole ship and when I locate it, I will flash the location of the tracker." When Merus finally locates it, he flashes on the communicator screen and turns out to show Alednos.
They were all shocked especially Alednos. "I am not a traitor. You all know that. Merus says it transmitted a signal once we took off from Seravdi. Somebody is framing me up since we left the planet." They ponder on what he says.
Sabaria immediately rushed to Alednos. "Let me examine you." Upon placing the small flashlight on his head, she immediately sees his eyes had double rings. One on the outer rim and one near his Iris.
"Have you seen something that involves a light source or a flame?" Sabaria asks
"I did experience seeing a spark so bright. It happened when I forced open Lizena's communicator, I felt electrocuted. Then I saw Lady Mortezia and when the transmission ended, a blinding light flashed before me until the communicator blew up into shards." Alednos recalls.
"It was developed by RAXA tech's bio weaponry. They are trying to fuse the organic with the inorganic to create a super weapon. We were partners in this venture until they deceived us and stole our work." Sabaria informs.
"What is it?" Harrion asks.
"It is a transmicore. Tiny picospores are released into a living host which will attach to the body's cells converting them to energy. It will turn the host into a bio transmitter sending signals to the enemy. The host's body serves also as a power source."
These transmicores quickly multiply throughout your body. It's a technological parasite that entered your body through the electrocution process. It quickly multiplied and when you saw the light, there was a buildup in your eye. That's how you are slowly being transformed into a tracking device." The physician explains.
"How ingenious," Elzilaura says. "But it's so wrong to use living creatures as tools."
"That's how vile RAXA tech is."
"I've seen the horrors they have created during my time as an Elitean pilot and also recently in Seravdi. That is why Patara and all its allies are trying their hardest to put an end to this evil corporation and its greatest benefactor, the Mudrogos Vel Emperor." Zyric affirms.
"Yes, I acknowledge it has a lack of ethics but for the sake of science and technological advancement, I cooperated with our infamous allies. As I worked with them, I also learned how good their initial intentions were as a company. However, their hunger for knowledge became too great they started to disregard morality and principles just to achieve their goals.
Somehow, my countrymen and I could no longer bear the horrors the Mudrogites were doing. When we revolted, they destroyed our Gaulan. Now, I want to correct my mistakes. For my people and yours, let me help you." Sabaria offers her expertise to the ailing Fliskan.
Alednos nods in approval. Sabaria shifts her position moving closer to Alednos to examine him. She then continues her story.
"I must say that there is more to this project. It is initially a bio tracker or organic tracking device but in the long run, we were developing it into a biological bomb affecting a considerable area. The RAXA scientists were also developing it into a contagion that will be released to the Mudrogite captives transforming them into energy-efficient space vessel spare parts. Once assembled, these spaceships will be used by suicide bombers as decoys or bait during battles.
What I have mentioned are just a few examples. The RAXA scientists have so much more on their notes." Most of her companions paused and froze in horror at her revelations.
"I see that is why I kept having migraines. I thought it was just a simple electrocution side effect." Alednos says as he struggles through the pain.
"No, it is not," Sabaria says. "Not when RAXA tech is involved."
"It is a good thing we detected it now. Otherwise, it would have killed you slowly and painfully. No pain reliever could help you bear the agony." The physician further elaborates.
Suddenly, Alednos shrieks in pain. Sabaria observes his arm was changing color. "It has started. Some portions of his body are morphing into inorganic matter. His physiological response seems faster than what we were expecting in the lab."
"What do we do now?" Zyric asks.
"Firstly, cover your eyes and plug the ears for the time being," Sabaria says as she tries to place her hand on Alednos' eyes. Elzilaura then hands Sabaria a blindfold and earplugs. The Doctor thanks the princess.
Sabaria continues to explain. "This is necessary to prevent the enemy from getting information from us. Through him, they can see us and record whatever they view or hear from him."
The doctor then looks at Zyric. "Where is your first aid kit? Do you have Oboxia or Sedrenel solution inside it?"
"I'll get it," Harrion says. "I'm not sure if we have those inside."
"Yes, we have one," Merus instructs. "There is a Sedrenel solution inside the kits, good lady. By the way, may I know your name?"
"I am Sabaria, a healer from Seravdi." She introduces herself.
"Pleased to meet you. I am Merus, an inventor from Tergiel 6." He tries to charm the healer.
"Flirting later Merus, now what?" Zyric says
"Well, I am about to ask the healer too," Merus says when Harrion returns with the first aid kit which he hands over to Sabaria.
"Here you go, healer." Harrion hands over the kit to Sabaria which she carefully inspects. After viewing its contents, she got the vial of Sedrenel. She then momentarily opens an ear plug and explains to Alednos what she was about to do.
"I need you to relax, Lord Alednos. So, I'm going to extract blood from you and then mix it with Sedrenel solution and also this." She takes out a vial from her pocket. "I call this an Endron blocker, an antidote I'm working on to stop picospores. I will inject the mixture into your bloodstream so you can heal faster."
"Why don't you just inject the solution into my body?" The royal adviser asks.
"Sedrenel is an enhanced pseudo serum developed to catalyze healing. It is one of the greatest innovations medical research scientists have developed. It acts like a vaccine wherein the body develops antibodies after a few weeks. But in vitro, the enhanced pseudo serum acts faster. It takes only a few hours or even minutes.
This is only for first aid. It will enhance antibodies and slow down picospores. The Endron blocker will deactivate all the picospores in your blood. But you must know that you may not fully be rid of these. That is why we need to bring you to a hospital once we land. You might have to undergo dialysis to fully cleanse your blood."
"Oh okay. Let's do this. I trust you, healer. Let's go." Alednos agrees with the healer. He was worried but doesn't have any choice.
Using the contents of the kit, she draws the Endron Blocker from a syringe and then mixes it by dispensing at the Sedrenel vial. She then draws blood from Alednos and blends it with the Sedrenel and Endron Blocker. Immediately after inverting the vial, she draws the solution and then re-injects it into the patient's body.
After a few minutes, she then asks the patient. "How are you feeling?"
"Better, thank you Sabaria. I still feel feverish though but better than before."
"Yes, your sentinels of immunity were disabled when the picospores entered your body. Now, they are functional again."
"Well done, Doctor, I'm impressed. This project of yours is a marvel even though it's dangerous," Merus says
"Thank you. This was one of our projects but RAXA tech deceived us and stole most of our work. What they were not able to steal was the antidote that I developed. I hope to replicate it more especially when the war is over." Sabaria says.
"And I would fund you, Sabaria," Alednos says. "I will help you and get you all the support you need. That I promise out of my deepest gratitude."
"Thank you, my Lord. Do take your rest and I will suggest that we isolate you at a certain part of the ship just to take precautions. I will check on you from time to time."
Alednos agrees. Harrion suggests a place where they can let Alednos recline and Zyric approves. Harrion and Sabaria take the royal adviser to a small secluded section of the ship.
Now and then, Sabaria checks on both Zyric and Alednos. She also asks permission to examine everyone just to be sure they are all well. Elzilaura permits her to do so.
"Thank you for looking after us," Zyric tells the physician as Sabaria examined him.
"It is the least I can do for all your help. Besides, I'm your doctor on board. It's my duty and an honor indeed." The healer claims.
"You remind me of my mother. She was a Fliskan scientist passionate about her job before marrying my father."
"She must have been a great woman to be both a mother and a scientist." Sabaria injects a supplemental medication for faster recovery.
"Yes, she did give up her career when she had me and my siblings." Zyric twitches due to the stinging sensation caused by the injected supplement.
"Perhaps, one day I will do the same when I have accomplished all my goals," Sabaria says.
"Maybe you can choose both. Somebody as smart and versatile as you can balance having a family and a career. As I can see now, you are good at multitasking." Zyric mentions.
"Well, it's part of my work as a physician and a researcher." Sabaria arranges the kit as she continued to converse with her patient.
"Yes, I see the dedication. It's what makes you a great doctor." Zyric compliments the physician.
"Thank you, my Lord, you flatter me." Sabaria smiles.
"And I think someone is flirting with the doctor on board." Dazifae blurts out in jealousy while Elzilaura tries to hold back her glare at the physician.
Kanunia laughs at her companions. "Sorry for that Doctor Sabaria. You know Zyric is a bit popular with the ladies." Kanunia claims as she stares down her envious companions.
"No worries my lady. As a doctor, I don't date patients. Besides, I do know Commander DuCraiine from his stint as an Elitean pilot. He and First Commander Corsi were both heartthrobs back then. Well, I guess until now they are still popular." The doctor chuckles.
Zyric just blushes and swipes his hair trying to look cool. Sabaria was amused at her patient.
"I find his modesty inspiring. Considering his success as a pilot and as a Fliskan Marshal but it never gets to him." Elzilaura mentions.
"Thank you for thinking so highly of me, my princess," Zyric responds to the compliment with gratitude. Elzilaura relaxes after hearing Zyric's reply.
"Okay, you are doing great, Lord Marshal. I'll be seeing you later but for now, please excuse me while I visit my other patients." Sabaria says before leaving.
As she was doing rounds, Harrion approached the physician. "I am sorry for the way I treated you earlier."
"No worries. It is but natural for you to doubt me." Sabaria explains further. "Who would trust somebody who has broken someone else's trust?"
"I know but we should be brave enough to trust even though we have been disappointed or betrayed. That is why I am here to make amends. I am here to offer my assistance. I think you will need a hand with so many patients to look after." Harrion says.
"I appreciate it very much but I also know you have duties to fulfill therefore you may assist me as long as your tasks will not be compromised," Sabaria responds.
"All right, Ma'am." He salutes her. "For now, I am your nurse or aid or something." The doctor laughs as they move along.
Elzilaura looks on as Sabaria checks everyone while Harrion trails behind. Sabaria was lucky to be a part of their crew but they were most fortunate to have her as their physician.
She then notices Dazifae watching the doctor as well. She strikes up a conversation. "She's amazing, isn't she?"
"Yeah, but I'm curious why is she so cold to men flirting with her. You can see how they stare at her or even try to be charming around her." The lady responds to the princess.
"Maybe they're not her type." Elzilaura defends the doctor. "And maybe she hasn't found someone whom she feels safe and comfortable with. I also perceive her to be a career woman and an achiever so maybe she is contented with that. Just because she has different goals and beliefs in life doesn't make her live it any less. What matters is that we are happy with our choices. I believe she is."
"Well, that's a good point," Dazifae says.
Before Elzilaura could respond, one of the pilots informs everyone on board to prepare. The vehicle was swept away by strong solar winds by a nearby star. This derails them from their course and they enter a dangerous region of space. The forces have swept them into the vicinity of Omoreu.
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