Chapter 2: Laura
Chapter 2: Laura
The alarm clock fails to ring and Laura Lopez finds herself in a predicament she has not experienced in a long while. After years of being a consistent honor student, a multi-awarded performer, and a seemingly perfect employee with perfect attendance in her company, she was now a tardy.
She tries to squeeze her grooming in five minutes instead of the usual hours of preparations. She rushes down from her apartment to the streets luckily getting the first taxi that passed by. On her way to work, she kept asking herself how did this happen?
From what she remembers, she was busy completing her reports when migraines strike again. Instead of popping a pill, she chose to take a power nap instead. A few minutes of rest might be what she needed to take the migraine away.
What was meant to be a few minutes of rest ended up being hours of sleep. It was good for her body though but precarious for her career. It was these challenging times when promotions are up for grabs that minor mistakes could have grave consequences. She kept on tapping her hand at her suitcase looking at her watch while examining the traffic jam outside. She felt like Armageddon is upon her.
Then, she got distracted by a billboard about sleeping pills. She suddenly remembered these bizarre dreams she'd been having for months. It felt real and they were like a fairy tale series going through her mind. Perhaps, this was due to stress or too many fantasy series she had been watching with her brother. If this was just stress or the imagination running wild, why does she unexpectedly cry when waking in the middle of the night? The emotions she felt while having these dreams were so real that even in her waking hours, she could feel them.
Although she wants to seek a specialist, she postpones the visit to the doctor until she earns the promotion.
As she looks out the window, the traffic jam looks tight. Nevertheless, she tries to be optimistic that traffic will run smoothly and still make it just in time. Luckily, the cab pulled over in front of her building, and she ran as fast as she could. As soon as she reached the Bundy clock, she timed in just before the clock changed. Had she arrived a minute later; she would have been officially late.
She screamed at the top of her lungs while clenching her fist saying "Yes!" Everyone looked at her but they immediately went back to their tasks. Feeling embarrassed, she continued walking and did not notice she had walked past an electrical cord and almost tripped. Luckily, she held onto the edge of the nearest cubicle to maintain balance. The cord was attached to an OHP projector near the said cubicle and it would have hit her but one of her office workmates standing nearby held the projector in place when it moved.
She thanked the guy who saved the OHP projector from falling and also the person inside the cubicle that was disturbed by her presence. The guy was Greg and she knew he was smitten with her before. He used to greet her good morning and smile at her. Now, he seemed annoyed when she almost stumbled into his cubicle. It was rather odd because he wasn't as starry-eyed when he sees her now. The other people who saw her blunder stared at her like she was some sort of freak. She pulled herself together and walked on as if nothing had happened.
Laura felt sad because it wasn't like this before. They would all laugh at her funny antics and everyone greeted her cheerfully as she reported for work. She even felt like the star of the show because they were always asking for fashion choices, beauty tips, and other random advice from her. After office hours, she would ask her colleagues to watch a movie with her and they would go on movie nights.
She used to be the office sweetheart until her rival came, Laura Lee. It was rather ironic that the new girl was her namesake. It was as if Laura Lee arrived in her workplace stealing her darling status.
Last week, she overheard the ladies talk about their time watching the Titanic. One of the ladies was ranting about how gorgeous Leo was while the other was remarking the antagonist was also handsome. Upon hearing them talking, she felt betrayed for she used to be the one asking them out. Suddenly, she was the one left behind and she felt even more enraged when she overheard them saying how the experience was so great because Laura Lee joined them. She thought to herself. How dare they invite her rival! Are they staging a mutiny or coup against her?
She wanted to confront them for not inviting her but she didn't want to sound grumpy or jealous so she tried to enter the conversation smoothly just like before. However, they stared at her bewilderedly like she was an alien from outer space. Luckily, the awkward situation was interrupted when the director came into the workplace for some announcements.
Today is the day the company will be announcing who gets promoted to senior project manager. Laura Lopez was hoping and praying that it would be her.
She goes to her cubicle arranging her papers while booting her computer. As soon as it opens, she starts working on her projects and opens a drawer with perfectly arranged new diskettes so she might save the reports she was typing.
When she opened a new one and placed it in the disk drive, she was surprised to learn it wasn't an empty diskette. She clicked the file and it suddenly opened flashing pictures of galaxies and star systems. The last of the images was a planet that seemingly appears like planet Earth but with a glowing purplish haze. She was astonished to see such clear images that looked so realistic. As she moved in to get a closer look, the monitor blanked out.
She tried to reboot the computer but before she could do so, it reopened again. This time, the images were gone. It was as if the diskette was in mint condition. She couldn't believe what just happened. Where did this diskette come from? Is she being pranked? Before she could further examine the glitches of her computer and the diskette, the director called on everyone to gather in the hall.
At long last, the wait is over. As everyone gathered, the director moved into the center where he can be seen. Most of her colleagues wished her luck but they were all excitedly crowding at Laura Lee. They were squeezing her shoulder or her arm in support. They were congested near the girl as if she already got the part.
Soon, the director announced Laura Lee as their new project manager. Everyone cheered gleefully except for Laura Lopez and another candidate who was expecting to be promoted too. Both have served the company for quite some time. Laura Lee arrived on their doorstep a few months ago. It did not seem fair to both of them but the director and their colleagues felt differently.
Laura was not the type to give up. When the other candidate just walked out, she approached the director. "Excuse me, Sir, I'm just curious why did you choose Laura Lee?"
The director gladly answered. "Well, we believe she is qualified. I think she has the credentials and background suited for this kind of project. Plus, she has that charisma to inspire her team members."
Before she could reply, the director continued. "I hope you have no hard feelings. Besides, I have something in store for you. I haven't announced it yet because it's not happening soon but you are the most qualified for this project. If you need to take foreign language classes, then do so because your project is overseas starting next month and will last for 6 months.
"Sir, thank you but I feel it's a dead-end project. I feel it is better to have a senior project manager position here instead of just another errand abroad."
"Oh, but this is not just another task abroad. Aside from travel benefits, this project will put you on the map. It might even land you an executive position someday so I would like you to think about it, Laura. This is perfect for you." The boss emphasized.
"I already have Sir, and I think it is time for me to move on. I will send you tomorrow my notice of resignation. It has been my pleasure working with you."
"Hey Laura, I've known you for so long. I think you are overreacting. Not so much of a sport but I know how hard-working you are. I'll let it slide. Maybe I can interest you in a dinner tonight with the team. How's that?"
"I'm sorry but this time, it's not enough. Please don't get me wrong. I've been working so hard for so long because I want this. You know that. I have proven time and again, I am capable. If I'm still not qualified for the position then maybe my skills are not suited for this place.
Maybe Laura Lee is truly perfect for you while I may be more suited for some other workplace. So, thank you, Sir but this is non-negotiable." Laura walks to her desk while the director chases her.
"Okay, Laura. I accept your decision but this attitude will not bring you what you want. If you are truly decided on leaving, we will let you go but I am still urging you to reconsider. I will give you a day and if you still feel this way tomorrow, I'll accept your resignation letter."
Laura just nodded and thanked him. She then went back to her desk to finish her daily routine tasks. During lunch, she went to the hallway to use the payphone to call up her fiancé Steve for she needed someone to talk to at that moment. She wanted to tell him about what happened and apologize for prioritizing work instead of planning for their wedding.
She slipped her phone card in and dialed his number. As she was waiting for the call to patch through, she tugged on the twirled phone cord playfully. At last, she heard the ringing sound but he didn't pick up so she tried again but he didn't answer.
He seldom misses phone calls but maybe he is just busy. Just like her, he is also eyeing a company promotion or he might be starting to look for a venue. Steve is an architect who is an old soul and has been working on restoring vintage buildings. He has always been a fan of old churches so he might be scouting one with a gorgeous gothic or baroque altar. She hangs up and left a message on his beeper asking him to call her as soon.
Next, she tried to call her beloved best friend Kathleen, her reliable friend since childhood and her most supportive friend who was always cheering for her.
Unfortunately, she too did not answer her phone. Laura knew Kathleen was on vacation but she just tried her luck. After all, she was fortunate earlier to evade being late so she was hoping for another miracle. She wasn't so lucky this time.
Laura finished her tasks ahead of time so when the workday concluded, she stacked her folders neatly on her desk and returned all of her diskettes to the drawer. She shut off the CPU of her desktop computer and called it a day. Before leaving the office area, she goes to the payphone again to call Steve one last time but he does not answer back so she decided to visit him.
When she arrived and open his door, she did not expect to see her fiancé and best friend together kissing on his sofa.
"Honey, I can explain." The surprised Steve tries to reason out. Kathleen remained silent but looked at her with eyes expressing remorse.
"I can't believe this." Laura was just stunned and felt numb.
Kathleen had to explain. "I'm sorry. We were supposed to tell you sooner."
"No, I trusted you both. You could have just..." She struggled to find the words. "How long has this been happening?"
"Last year," Steve said. "You always ask us to meet up with you but you never show up. Kathleen and I patiently wait for you but you never came. While waiting for you, we sort of bonded. We realized we had so much in common and that we are more compatible. We just didn't dare to tell you sooner."
"You've been my friends since childhood." She glares at Kathleen and then turns to Steve.
"You were my first love. How could you do this to me? I'm beginning to wonder if this ring on my finger meant something. It feels like a joke now." She takes it off and throws it at him. Tears soon escape her eyes.
Coincidentally, the television was on and the news of Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky's scandalous affair came out. The news coverage was showing the US President's final part of his speech where he stated "I did not have sexual relations with this woman.
Laura answered back in anger. She faced the television angrily looking at President Clinton being featured. "Yeah right! Tell that to the Marines! Yes, you did. You know you did, you lying scoundrel! You are just like him!" She points to Steve.
The two illicit lovers stared at Laura dumbfounded as she talked to the television looking like a crazy person. Their blank stare was cut when Laura points at Steve and the guy reacted.
"Hey, that's not fair!" Steve protests. Kathleen turns off the tv.
"Excuse me? You fooling around behind my back with my best friend! Is that fair?" Laura's eyes widen and one hand was on her waist as she speaks in a sarcastic tone.
"Laura, I -"
"Maybe it is my fault but I cannot. I'm sorry I cannot." She holds up her hand.
"Laura, please hear us out," Kathleen explains.
"No. Stay where you are. Don't take another step towards me." Laura raises her hand as she walks backward reaching the door.
She then speeds out to the streets and could not get a ride. When she sees Steve in pursuit of her, she luckily hitchhikes on the back of a motorcycle rider.
Back in her apartment, the phone rang but she refused to pick up so she could avoid talking to Steve or Kathleen or anyone. At that moment, she just wanted to be alone. As the phone continued to ring, she unplugged it so she might have some peace. She stared into her topsy-turvy apartment which was the opposite of her workspace. If her cubicle was as immaculate as the bridge of the Enterprise, her living space was Jurassic Park. When she snapped back to her senses, she crawls into bed and just falls asleep.
She chose not to report for work the next day. She sends her resignation letter to her boss via email. She says that she needs to go immediately but will be back to collect her other things some other time. Knowing that Steve and Kathleen might show up at her doorstep, she goes out to visit her parents.
Upon arriving at their house, she was surprised that no one was home. She felt betrayed again for she was expecting the warmth and support of her family but they were all gone. She was home alone. Come to think of it, that was one of her favorite movies. Perhaps, she can watch the tape while waiting for them.
As she was walking across the living room, she tripped on the television plug and hit a box sending papers flying overhead. She tried to scoop them when all of a sudden, she heard the car coming into the garage.
She could hear her mother's voice and that of her best friend. Laura quickly but carefully hid behind the wall.
"So, how's the children?" The friend asks.
"Jason is recovering and will attend college soon while Laura is still working for the same company. I'm hoping she gets that promotion she's been looking forward to." Her mom replies.
"Oh really?! You're so lucky with your kids." The friend says.
"Yes, I never thought I'd be having Jason after that miscarriage. And Laura, she's always our achiever. She was heaven sent you know. We found her and raised her like our own."
She couldn't believe what she had just heard. The words ran through her head in time-lapse. We found her and raised her like our own! She held the wall but then slipped as she felt her knees weaken. When she propped herself up, she gave away her position. Her mom and the family friend were startled to see her.
"Laura!" Her mom said.
In shock, she ran hurriedly out the door. In her confusion, she failed to notice she was already in the middle of the street and a speeding car hit her.
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