Chapter 17: The Healer
Chapter 17: The Healer
When the doctors discharged Elzilaura, Zyric briefed everyone that they were to depart for Planet Ludin as advised by their allies. When they were ready to leave, Dazifae was nowhere to be found. During their search, the front desk alerted them that someone left a note for Zyric of Craiine.
The marshal reads the note out loud to his companions. "If you want to see your friend again, you must meet us at the old bridge in Birinai without any reinforcements. Bring Princess Elzilaura or else we will surely kill our hostage."
Zyric folds the paper and tells his companions of his plan. "All right, I will go. You come with me Harrion while Alednos stays with our princesses."
Elzilaura was worried. "I wish to go. After all, they want me."
Kanunia was against her. "No! You do not jeopardize yourself again. You have just recovered so you will stay here. I will go in your stead and keep my face hidden so the enemy will think I am Princess Elzilaura."
Zyric responds. "Hmm, it's too dangerous. Both of you will stay here while I go recover your cousin."
Upon leaving the scene, Harrion could not help but ask.
"Just one question, Zee. Kanunia offered to pretend to be Elzilaura. Now that she isn't coming and I am the one you brought as a companion."
"What's the question, Harrion?" Zyric was dumbfounded.
"Should I pretend to be Princess Elzilaura?" Harrion utters.
Zyric almost laughed but he tried to hold his chuckle.
"No, you're just my companion." The Fliskan Marshal clarified. "Unless you want to, I won't stop you." Zyric chuckles
"Hey, I'm just clarifying. Thank you. Lord Marshal." Harrion says.
The rest of the Fliskans stayed at a holding area especially prepared for them by the medical director. While they were waiting Kanunia stood up. "I need a drink. Does anyone want something? I'll go to the cafeteria." No one responded except for Elzilaura assuring her it was all right. She could go.
Elzilaura looked worried when her sister left. She even dropped the Crystal Cross which was hanging as a pendant on her neck. Alednos approached and asked. "Are you all right your highness?"
"Alednos." She paused. Her voice seemed anxious. "Will you forgive me?"
The soldier was surprised. "For what?"
"For this." Elzilaura swiftly held her pendant towards Alednos' eyes which caused him to lose consciousness. She was so remorseful for what she had done but she had to do it. She then storms out of the room.
Meanwhile, Zyric instructs Harrion to follow closely but stay hidden from sight. The commander waited on the bridge until two people with Dazifae showed up. One of them started to speak.
"Why are you alone? We told you to bring the princess?"
"Why do you want her?" Zyric asks.
One of the kidnappers answered. "Because Kyron wants her and I cannot let that happen! I am Korene of Nybos and I deserve to be Kyron's queen, not her!"
"And I want you, Prince of Craiine!" The other kidnapper claimed.
Zyric was flushed. "Huh? Sorry, you're not my type."
The kidnapper was embarrassed and annoyed. "Well, what I meant was, I want you to pay for the crime you committed against my brother. I am Ranued Karaid. You killed Mecdalor Karaid and he was the only family I had left. I will get my vengeance!!!!"
"Your brother harmed my princess whom I have sworn to protect with my life. I will kill anyone who wishes to hurt her. He is the criminal and not me."
Ranued was infuriated that he nudged the heavily chained Dazifae squeezing her. She squirmed and struggled to break free. She also tried to scream out loud in fear but her mouth was covered.
"I want the man who killed my brother! They said it was you." Ranued stressed.
"Your brother killed himself to conceal the truth so no one killed him. It's his evil intentions that caused his demise." ZYric explained.
Angered, Ranued dropped Dazifae into the river and attacked Zyric. Korene tried to stop Ranued but he was so fired up that he immediately rushed to Zyric who fought him.
From a distance, Harrion saw Dazifae being thrown into the river. At the speed of light, he jumps into the river to recover the lady.
Zyric and Ranued were rambling all over while Korene who was watching at the edge of the bridge tried to help her partner in crime. She tried to shoot Zyric with her laser gun but a beam of light threw the gun away. To her surprise, it was Elzilaura on the other side of the bridge.
Korene rushed to her and grabbed the jewel but it glowed brightly. Upon feeling the burning sensation caused by the power gem, Korene releases her grip and sees the burns on her hand. This angered the Nybian which triggers her to push the princess into the river. Elzilaura used the power of the gem and struggled to find control as she was falling. Before she hit the water, she gained control and levitated above the water instead of falling into it.
Back on the bridge, Zyric had just finished subduing Ranued. He then rushed to Korene whom he pinned to the ground. Then, he brought the two kidnappers and tied them together.
Not long after, Harrion resurfaced with Dazifae in his arms. Seeing that Harrion had trouble keeping himself and the chained lady afloat, Zyric jumped into the river and helped his friend get Dazifae to shore. The reinforcements came with Kanunia just in time to receive the two men on the river banks. Alednos was there also trailing behind the royal sister.
Elzilaura who was still levitating traveled towards the banks and the glowing light that surrounded her faded once she stepped on the shores. Once it did, she nearly fainted but managed to pull herself together. Kanunia rushed to her and embraced her.
"You stubborn girl! Why can't you be more careful?" Kanunia buried her face in her sister's hair concealing a tear that escaped her eyes.
"I'm sorry Kania. I had to do it." Elzilaura claims.
Kanunia faces Elzilaura. "Okay, I understand but you can't blame me for being worried. You're all I have left."
"Of course." Elzilaura cries and holds her sister tighter than ever.
The unconscious Dazifae received immediate care from the first aid experts. One of them resuscitated her. She coughed out water and regained consciousness. Proper medical attention was given to Dazifae back in the hospital. Kanunia then gives the lady another lecture on how she had been reckless again.
They stayed for a while as Agcar security threw Ranued and Korene in prison. They will be behind bars for a long while until Elzilaura interfered. She and her companions faced the two charged criminals.
"Before we leave, I wish to offer you both a second chance. I will not continue with the charges if and only if you join my crew and help me. After all, I learned from your background that both of you are healers. We need medical assistance in our crew." Elzilaura says.
"I am flattered, princess of Fliska, but my studies are incomplete. I wish to remain with the tribesmen here and continue with my studies. That is if you do not press charges."
"I won't as long as you relinquish your allegiance to Kyron," Elzilaura assures the Nybian defector.
"Of course, princess. I cannot go back to Kyron any longer. He will execute me knowing my intent to cause you harm. I am no longer safe in Nybos. This planet is my new home now."
Korene smiles and adds. "If you need a physician, Ranued here is a tribal healer. He comes from a family of healers. He has been coordinating with Agcar Health Services Tribal Medicine Division. He is ready due to his experience.
Both he and his brother are experienced in healing and their knowledge of poisons. I hired them both to do my bidding as I promised to give them a better life in Nybos. Now that I cannot return to Nybos, I can no longer fulfill my promise. I can only vouch for him so he can go on to have a better life."
"Is that true Ranued? Are you willing to be my medical staff on board?" Elzilaura asks.
"If you would trust me, your highness. I will serve you as your medical staff." Ranued answers.
"All is forgiven if you come to join us. When my kingdom is restored, you can serve under my health ministry. Is that okay with you?" Elzilaura makes an irresistible offer.
"Yes, your highness, it is more than enough." Ranued agrees.
"Then, let us go." She smiles as she helps him up and places a hand on his shoulder as her sign of approval.
When Dazifae was cleared by the Agcar doctors, they set off to journey to Planet Ludin. As their space vessel took off, Korene and the others waved goodbye. As they went back to their original lives, Korene joined the tribal healers but was killed on the journey. Kyron's spies had successfully put an end to her. Quickly, they sent word to Kyron that Elzilaura has awakened and had left the planet.
As the Fliskan vessel exited the planetary space belonging to Agcar, Ranued checks on Dazifae and the rest who are still recuperating. Dazifae reluctantly accepts his help because she still has ill feelings toward him for kidnapping her. Ranued apologizes countless times for what he had done previously but the lady was so stubborn. Dazifae claims she could not forgive him.
Kanunia advises Ranued on what could change Dazifae's mind. Soon, Ranued gives her a handful of local fruits including one piece of mofi fruit he had stowed away from Agcar. Dazifae receives the fruits warmly and takes delight in the rare delicacies. Soon, she forgives the healer and thanks him for his wonderful gifts. Ranued thanks Kanunia for her suggestions.
Meanwhile, reports say that a transporter comet is fast approaching. Because it is traveling at a great speed, they might not be able to catch up. Zyric quickly thought of a solution. With help from Alednos, he piloted the vessel towards Amer, the nearest moon of Agcar. Using the gravitational pull of Amer, they were pushed further like a slingshot allowing them to catch up to the nearest transporter comet.
As they were nearing the transporter comet's surface, they were derailed by an unexpected meteor shower. When it subsided, they encountered a Nybian fleet led by a man Zyric knew. Captain Canio, leader of the Nybian fleet opens the communication field for their ships. He demands that the Fliskans surrender or else they will be annihilated. Zyric refuses to surrender.
Being a skilled pilot, Zyric takes the reins of the ship while he orders the rest of his men to focus on their defenses. He hovers through the attacking enemy and leads them to a chase. As enemies try to blast their vessel, Zyric swiftly and successfully dodges their aims. He then sees a nearby field of asteroids. He leads them into a gorge in one of the huge asteroids then ascends high above. As they were rising high, Zyric suddenly stops and when the enemy overshoots, he takes the enemy vessel down with the few artilleries they had on board.
Because of his sudden halt as they were at full speed, the ship's engine malfunctioned. It went down slowly and almost hit an asteroid until the ship's engines started again. They speed out of the asteroid field and tried to evade the meteor showers once more. When they were almost out of it, a portion of the ship was damaged. Because they needed repairs, Zyric pilots the ship leading them to Tergiel 6.
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