Chapter 13: Greater Forces
Chapter 13: Greater Forces
Herran drifts into space for a moment to recharge his ship and rallies his team to land at a planetoid for some repairs. They all take the time to rest as they watch the technicians repair their vessels.
While he was waiting, transmission patched through and it was Bartava, one of Kyron's generals who was stationed in an outer-lying Nybian defense base on a barren planetoid called Damchiv.
"Herran, its Bartava. Kyron is asking for a status report." The general asks his fellow.
"The princess has escaped. She is wounded during the battle for reasons we cannot decipher yet. Despite her condition, they chose to flee. I sent someone to follow but he failed to make it through the transporter comet the Fliskans escaped in. I will ask for information from our intelligence reports regarding their whereabouts." Herran responds.
"Copy that. Regarding your failure, prepare for the worst, my comrade." Bartava reminds him.
"I know but it is not yet over! I will get the princess and the Naruyans too." Herran promises.
"There will be another time. For now, you need help. I could send a medical team for you." Bartava suggests.
"No need. Thank you for the offer. We will manage as we await orders from Kyron." Herran says as he tries to apply first aid on his wounds and bruises.
"Focus on the princess and forget Naruya. Invading that area is a complete waste of time. There is no political or wealth gain. Better find a new planet to conquer which will be beneficial for us."
"For the love of Brissa, I cannot." Herran insists.
"You are foolish to fight for the love of people who will never love you back, especially when they are gone." Bartava mocks him.
"Have you not loved before?" Herran got curious.
Bartava was orphaned as a baby and was raised by his uncle, a Nybian general, who hardly shows compassion even to his own two daughters. He lived with his uncle and cousins whom he never trusted. He grew up abhorring his cousins as they were too manipulative.
Both were seductresses using their beauty and femininity to their advantage. They brought generals and noble lords into their bedchambers to learn their secrets which they reported to their father.
When they were not spying for their father, they took advantage of him. Though he felt physically satisfied when they used him, he still felt harassed and degraded. He hated their dark souls and developed a disdain for women, especially the manipulative ones.
Soon, he was sent to military school and was one of the youngest students to ever be accepted into the learning facility. He lived free from emotions or at least that was what he claimed.
"No. Never." Bartava says. "I recognize only the power of weaponry and mysticism because of power stones."
"You are not devoid of emotion. You may not show it but for sure you have feelings and they will reveal in time. You will yield to love. There are forces in this universe greater than political power and technological advancement." Herran explains to him.
"All right, if you say so." He agrees to end the discussion without further argumentation. "I will send a message to Kyron now. Best of luck." Bartava utters.
"Right. You too." Herran replies.
When they ended their conversation, he contacts Kyron but surprisingly, it was Lady Mortezia who receives him.
"Kyron is overseeing a project with his military engineers. What is it then?" The lady inquires.
"I'm just reporting regarding Herran. He failed to capture Princess Elzilaura. She fled Akara via a transporter comet."
"Any leads as to where they went?" She pauses before asking.
"No, but the princess is wounded so they will seek medical attention." He replies.
"Most likely, they will go to Agcar. I will order the intelligence sources there to watch and observe the Fliskans well. We have men on the planet who can do the job.
Meanwhile, you have an upcoming visitor. Commander Axadon is escorting his superior, Princess Josula. Attend to them well and do not disappoint, Bartava."
"Affirmative, Lady of Vezar." He responds politely as she ends their talks.
Upon hearing her name, Bartava's memory travels back in time to when he first met the princess. Summer break has finally come after his first year in military school. His uncle brought him along during a special trip.
The general accompanied a Nybian ambassador to meet their allies on Planet Hemves. The planet was a part of the Vel region of the infamous Mudrogos Vel Empire. As they hold a conference, a Vel soldier escorts Bartava and gives him a tour of the military base.
He sees the training camp and takes notice of a girl sparring with soldiers. She looks like a newbie but possesses great skills for a beginner.
The Vel soldier tells him the girl is Imperial Princess Josula, the emperor's most favored daughter. The emperor has no sons. Surprisingly, his wives only bore him daughters. Of all these girls, only Josula has appeared to excel in both military and political affairs. She comes to the base as a student to learn more about military matters.
After defeating many well-trained soldiers, Josula asks her trainers for more challengers. Bartava steps in. He noticed that the others went easy on the princess but he was determined to bring her down.
Surprised by her relentless opponent, Josula was waning down while Bartava had the upper hand. But somehow, Josula found a way to unleash her abilities and soon Bartava was following her lead. Their match ended without conclusion as the emperor suddenly arrived.
All of them bow to the emperor including Josula but she rises before the others could and rushes to her beloved father. The emperor is pleased to witness how Josula battled her more experienced opponent. He then asked the opponent to rise. He commends the young Bartava for taking on his daughter and fighting fairly.
The Nybian is deeply honored and bows again in respect and gratitude. The emperor then commands his daughter to follow him as they shall join in on their important meeting. It was time she actively participated and not just be a mere observant.
When the meetings ended and dinner finished, Josula cross paths with Bartava and challenge him to a rematch. Bartava agrees to her wishes so Josula sets the time and place. They are to meet inside a special training room an hour before midnight. Bartava complied and pretty soon they were battling each other. In the end, they had to quit as both grew tired after sustaining a few minor injuries. Not for long, the Mudrogite troops discovered them. Both of them were brought to the emperor and his Nybian guests.
Bartava's uncle was so displeased that he apologizes to the emperor and promises that his nephew shall be punished severely for this misdeed. The emperor claims that the young Nybian is not to blame entirely as he believes his mischievous daughter is at fault. He is but a mere accomplice.
For both their punishments, they shall not be examined by a physician and no one is to help them. This will teach both a lesson not to pick on fights if they cannot learn to be diligent and tactful.
The Nybian trainee and Mudrogite princess helped each other out with their minor injuries. Josula applied a healing ointment and bandaged Bartava's wounds.
He was surprised that she was kind enough to help him with his wounds. He used to think princesses were spoiled brats but this one was different. He admired her knowledge of first aid. When she was done, he followed her example. She instructed him also how to apply the ointment and wrap the bandages correctly.
They were about to part ways when Bartava seems to have a slight fever so Josula chose to look after him. For the duration of his stay in the military base, he and Josula became good friends.
Before they parted for good, the princess thanks the Nybian soldier for fairly fighting her and teaching her the lessons she'll never forget.
Bartava thanks her as well for looking after him. Josula then adds that someday when she's older and more experienced, she'd want to challenge him again and Bartava responds by saying he is looking forward to that day.
A few years ago, he was tasked to be a personal bodyguard to Kyron of Nybos at a convention by RAXA Tech. They went to Planet Kafifien and there he sees Josula now a fully grown woman.
She has become beautiful and refined. For a moment, he felt scared because he was reminded of his manipulative cousins. She smiles at him and when she tries to reach out, he moves further away avoiding her until the convention started.
Bartava assumed she was there as a spectator to represent the emperor but to his surprise, she was one of the speakers. Josula has been one of the greatest benefactors of the RAXA tech cloning projects. After the speech, he wanted to approach her and apologize for avoiding her but he failed. She had to leave soon and missed the opportunity to meet her.
He was afraid of facing her again after all these years without being able to apologize properly but he cannot back out. He must face her now. Perhaps, she will forgive him for snubbing her and maybe, they can be good friends now.
Back in Fliska, there is chaos everywhere. Nybian troops were destroyed and looted as Kyron permitted them to do so. The people were displaced from their homes. Members of the nobility and commoners alike were murdered in cold blood. The women were violated and the children were taken as slaves. All those who resist Nybians were put to death.
Kyron watched the executions of the Fliskan prisoners, the last of the defenders, and other slaves. He then entered the royal palace and allowed his generals to take the ladies as their prizes. These women wailed as they resisted the brute warriors carrying them away.
Kyron then encounters the sacred pool deep within the royal palace. He sees a Nybian warrior staring at it but the warrior turns to him and bows. "Rise"
"What is it?" The Nybian soldier asks.
"It is a sacred pool used for linking. The Crystal Cross is not here so it won't work. It is the same with our mystic pool in Nybos. It is how Fliskans link the gem to the ones from their bloodline. It is how I link my servants to the power stones."
Kyron then approaches the pool and drops his power stone in the pool. The waters slowly broil and then change into a lava pit.
"There now," Kyron says. "Tell the generals this will be my new execution room."
"As you wish, my lord." The soldier bows and immediately leaves to inform the generals.
Kyron watches the lava pit overflow but was shocked that an image of Saride flashed into the pool but disappeared immediately. It must have been an illusion but the memories of her ran through his head.
The memory haunted him as he watched the lava broil. He then says to himself that the past is past. He lost Saride but he will have Elzilaura of Fliska.
Soon, Lady Mortezia comes.
"My Lord, I am reporting about our troops bringing in more slaves from a successful campaign to retake the Cedonir colony. Should we bring the slaves here or to Nybos?" Mortezia says.
"Bring them to Nybos." Kyron sounded disinterested. His gaze was fixated on the flames of the lava pool.
"Noted on that, my liege. Then, I have some concerns regarding Herran. He was unable to subdue the Fliskan Princess." Mortezia slowly says.
"Do your worst, Mortezia." Kyron suddenly erupts. "I want her. I need her and her power gem too. Those who cannot capture her must pay the price of failure so that you may know how miserable and disappointed I am."
"Yes, my liege," Mortezia responds. For a moment there, the dark and sadistic tyrant was evident once more. However, she observes that he was distracted again. Kyron was smirking as he was watching the lava attentively. It was as if he was daydreaming of a love interest. Kyron notices her staring at him.
"Is there something else?" Kyron asks with an annoyed tone.
"No, my lord. I'm sorry. I just remembered something that I must do. Permission to leave, Sire." Mortezia stands straight like a soldier ready to salute.
"Permission granted," Kyron mentions nonchalantly and reverts his attention to the lava pool.
As she left, she could not shake off the vision of Kyron with his head in the clouds like a smitten teenage boy. It seems that even the most powerful Nybian is a slave to emotions and infatuation is the most dangerous of these feelings.
Back in the Damchiv base, the Vel ships came and the commander comes in escorting the princess.
He respectfully bowed before the imperial princess. "Greetings, your royal highness." He then rose and turned his gaze on her escort. " And to you as well, commander. I am Bartava, General of Nybos. Kyron has informed me through the Lady Mortezia of your arrival."
Commander Axadon salutes while the princess responds verbally with salutations of her own. "It is a pleasure to meet you once again, General Bartava. I wish we met under more pleasant circumstances but we must make haste. Let us proceed to our meetings. Shall we?" She extends out her arm.
"Of course." Bartava takes it and leads her into their assembly room. There they discuss plans for joint ventures.
During the meeting, Bartava had given the best insights that the generals almost agreed to his plans. However, when the princess questioned most of the tasks he laid out and also his moves, the other allies paused to ponder on the princess' words. Bartava was angered that someone has been his match and his ideas are questioned and yet deep in his heart he is smitten by the princess' intelligence.
When the meeting ended, dinner was served before everyone could take their leave. Afterward, Bartava went to his room to rest. To his surprise, the princess was there lying in his bed slyly smiling at him.
"Hello there, old rival! Missed me?"
"Of course, your highness," Bartava affirms but then goes timid suddenly. "I want to apologize for not greeting you properly during the RAXA tech event years ago."
"Apology accepted," Josula says before she rises from the bed and continues.
"I forgot about that already. What I do recall is our rematch. Are you still interested?" Josula smiles.
Bartava grins. "Sure, name the date and place." He leans on the walls.
"How about right now?" She chuckles slyly.
"Sure. Anytime you're ready." Bartava adjusts to a fighting stance.
Not long after, she rushes to attack him but luckily, he evades with a counterattack punch which she almost received. Their hand-to-hand combat lasted a long until her feet get tangled in linen sheets on the floor.
Bartava was to pin her down and claim victory but she manages to hit his face and bruise him with a small piece of broken wood dangling from the chair she broke as he attacked him. He retracted which gives her time to rise and flee.
However, he caught her arm and pulled her against him. In an instant, she is drawn to his arms. She wanted to hurt him but instead, she grabs his face and with her parted lips, she possesses his mouth. He was surprised by her actions yet, he too gives in. He pins her down and kisses her back until he snaps back to his senses. She was a royal princess and what they were doing is unacceptable. He breaks away from her and apologizes then hurriedly takes leave. As he walks away, Herran's words and laughter echoed in his head.
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