Error p.o.v
Ink walks in seeing me and ran back out. What was that for. He comes back with a plate with eggs for eyes and bacon for a smile on it with coffee on the side. He came closer and I jumped in fear. I am not use to this.
"WhEre Am i" I said looking around.
He gave me tje plate but it had a note under it. He speed-walks away and goes outside. I open the note and it said:
"Morning Error.
Blueberry and I saw you fall and snapped your leg bone. Tibia honest, I found you first...but that does not matter. What matters right now is you eating the food and getting more rest.
Sincerely Ink!❤"
I look up to see another skeleton peeking from the window. They had a hoodie over their head and black eyes with red rings inside of them. I look closer a bit but they quickly disappeared."i sWeaR ThAt WaS DuSt Or sOmEone i KnoW?!" I said in my mind. I put my plate down on a table behind me.
I try to get up but fail. I try again and once again fail but this time I fell off the couch and yell in pain. My leg hurt even more than before. Look at my leg only to see my leg in a cast with hearts on and messeges like "get well soon" and "Ink\blueberry was here" and that made me blush. Ink helped me? No, this is not right...I have to thank him! Ink rush in cuz of my yelling and saw me sit on the ground holding my broken leg. Ink and Blueberry helped me up and back on the couch while I was pulling on some strings.
"HeY iNk?" I say in my best voice.
"Yes Error...what cha need?"Ink says while fluffing a pillow.
"I...Uh...I-i JuSt WanT To sAy...T-T-thAnK YoU."i stutter.
"Oh, It's fine Glitchy...I mean Error." He said trying to play it smooth.
I crashed...thinking of what he said. I WILL NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN!
I feel my cheeks get warm and could see the yellow forming under my eyes just before I crashed.
(Not mine...credit to creator!!!)
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