Chapter 33: Left for Dead
Her heart was slamming into her chest, she felt hot and cold at the same time. Minho had never scared her before, but now...she didn't know what to think. He had always suggested she dump Gally for him, now he was in some weird and twisted way saying he would beat Gally up if he ever heard he was mistreating her. She shook her head, she felt nothing but disgust and now, fear when she thought of Minho.
She picked up the pace. She heard Alby's voice rumbling, she couldn't make out the words, but she could see his back now, the door was opened and he was crouched down, clearly talking to Gally. She shoved her way past him, in threw herself into the dark damp room of the Slammer.
Gally was sitting in the ground in the corner of the room, his head hung. He didn't even pick his head up when she stumped in.
"Gally!" She whispered, almost sobbing in relief.
"Tor ...I-" he started, glancing up at her and then looking away. She caught the guilt and shame on his face and in his eyes. She threw herself at him. He grabbed her in suprise his head lifted, and his eyes went wide.
"Gally! Thank shuck! I love you Gally! I love you so much! Please don't leave me! Don't quit on me! Please!" She couldn't hold the tears back anymore, and they ran down her face. Fighting her arms around his shoulders. She finally felt his body sag and his arms snacked around her and pulled her closer. He buried his face into her neck.
"I'm sorry!" He whispered. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!"
"Shhh. Gally, Honey, shush. I love you. I love you so much, you scared me last night."
"I...I didn't mean..."
"Not myself!" She cut him off. She pulled away to see him better, and lifted his face. "I was scared for you. For your safety, not mine. The Creators messed with your head and I don't know how to help. But please don't ever talk like that again, Gally, life is jacked, but you can't give up. Please. I need you. I want you!"
"See man. I told you." Alby said from behind. "Girly won't drop you. George, Newt, Jack, Fry. Your friends."
Gally hung his head again. Victoria held his face in her hands and lifted his head again. His eyes looked so lost and broken.
"I...I don't know...I'm trying. Tor, I'm trying, but those visions or memories or whatever get into my head... And it's too much sometimes."
"I know. Trust me."
" do you keep it together?"
"Who says I am?" She whispered.
Gally just hummed and pulled her closer for another hug. He held her for a long time. Alby didn't rush them. He waited patiently by the door, he moved away slightly to give them some time, but he didn't push it.
"What- Tori! What happened to your hands?" Gally asked with a frown when she held his cheeks again. He gently pulled her hands away and flipped them over so they were palm up. He held her bandaged hands in his large ones.
"Cut them in the smashed lamp. I'm fine. Jack fixed me all up."
His face fell, and she saw the anguish and shame and guilt.
"Gally. I don't blame you. Stop blaming yourself." Her voice was stern and sharp. He looked at her for a moment before looking down at her hands again.
"I'm so sorry I'm so jacked." He muttered miserably.
"We're all jacked in the head." She paused and pulled his heavily wrapped hand and held it, "how's your fist?"
"Has its own heartbeat. Jeff said nothing is broken. Maybe a fracture, it's bruised and cut up pretty bad. First fight I've lost in a while."
"Well now we know. Don't pick fits with walls." She let the corner of her mouth twitch.
He exhaled heavily. She ran her hands up his chest and to the back of his neck. He rested his forehead on hers. And just inhaled deeply again.
"You ready to leave? It's cold in here." Victoria asked quietly.
Together they slowly got up and left the Slammer. Alby closed the door behind them and locked it. And the three of them slowly and silently walked back to the outdoor kitchen and dining area. She saw Minho from here. He was talking to a few of his runners. Victoria slowed her pace and her shoulders stiffened. Gally glanced at her and frowned.
"Tori? What's wrong?"
"Nothing." She forced a thin lipped smile and shook her head. Gally and Alby both frowned even deeper and eyes her up. Gally looked back at the dining area.
With her heart slamming and her mouth dry and trailed behind the guys.
"Good to see you back up and about Gal." Frypan smiled. Gally just nodded.
"Thanks man...for yesterday." Gally mumbled.
"Hey no need to thank me. I know you'd do the same for me. We got your back man. Sometimes...this place gets to ya. Can't imagine how hard the Changing must be." Frypan replied, he cupped Gally on the shoulder and squeezed. Gally nodded, his jaw clenching with emotion. Once they had their plates, they went and sat down. A few others joined the table.
It was a quiet breakfast, the ones who knew what happened last night kept quiet, and the ones who didn't carried on like normal. That was until Minho came sauntering over with his jaw clamped a look of stone and defiance in his eyes.
"So they let the lunatic woman beater out, huh?" He stopped at the table and closed his arms.
"Minho. That's enough." Alby warned.
"No, no." Gally said holding a hand up and glaring at Minho, "let his majesty speak."
"Touch her again and I'll kick your ass."
"I told you, he never touched me." Victoria snapped.
Minho turned his dark eyes onto her and narrowed them. "Tell that to your bandaged hands and his wrapped fist."
"Minho, you don't know a bloody thing." Newt spoke up. "And I'd advise you to stop while you're ahead."
"I know enough. He's a shucken loose cannon. And should be locked up, and you touch her-"
"Are you threatening me?" Gally growled.
"It's a promise."
Victoria threw her fork down slapped her hands into the table and stood up, her face red from anger.
"I told you to back off. I don't need you nor do I want you, in any way. Stop pretending to defend my honour when everyone knows you don't actually want me for my thoughts intelligence and emotions. Stop talking to me you arragant ass."
"Fine. You're on your own princess. When you finally get tired of being smacked around let me know."
"I'd date Bessie the cow before I came to you." She snarled. She heard a muffled laugh covered by a cough. Minho narrowed his eyes.
"One day you're gonna need my help and I'm going to sit and watch you struggle." He turned and left the dinning area. Victoria sunk down onto the bench and deflated into Gally who pulled her into his lap and held her close.
"That's what was bugging you..."
She just nodded.
"Want me to hit him?"
Victoria picked her head up and looked around, Chuck was standing at the table, his tray of breakfast in his hand, glaring after Minho.
"I'll hold 'em, you punch him." George agreed. "You're right Tor. He's an arrogant ass."
Her morning didn't improve much. As she walked back from the kitchen from dropping off some stuff for Fry another guy slid up to her. Daniel was a track hoe and he never really talked to her before, but he was also at the kitchen dropping off some freshsd picked produce. He walked too close to her and then suggested she leave Gally, this other guy would keep her safe and treat her right.
"Where is this new rumor coming from?" She turned and demanded.
"Minho said Gally was thrown in the slammed for hitting you."
"False. Was Minho there? Where you there? Did you see what happened? No. Your just assuming. And instead of asking myself or Gally you took someone else's words- someone who wasn't there. Now back off. I have work to do."
"Tell me what happened then."
"No." She snapped and was walking away when he caught up to her again.
"Then it's true."
"Believe whatever you want."
"Ya know? Having a girl around here is causing way more issues then solutions."
Victoria clamped her jaw and kept walking, speeding up. She needed to get back to a more populated area, this guy was looking at her in a way that made her very uncomfortable.
"Know what we normal do with bad apples?" He paused watching her. "we get rid of them. Toss em away so they don't infect the rest. So...seems like we found the problem. Seems unfair that only one guy gets you all to himself. Especially a guy like Gally, who's jacked."
"Daniel you need to stop. And you need to leave me alone."
She took off and ran back to the barn. Leaving Daniel behind. Once back at the barn she bussied herself with the animals and hard physical work. The lunch bell rung and she ignored it. She did not want to be with people. She was emotional, tired and stressed. Bark kept close to her heels. She felt uncomfortable the rest of the day. It wasn't something new, guys hitting on her, but it bugged her that the guys now though Gally was abusive. No one bothered to actually get to know them- and now if they tried.
She was putting the wagon back in the shed when her arm was grabbed and she was yanked backwards. She went to scream but a hand slapped over her mouth, her cry was cut off. She felt an arm wrap around her waist and she was dragged backwards into the trees of the Deadheads. She struggled and fought as best she could. But the guy was bigger and stronger. Something was shoved into her mouth and then a gag was tied around her mouth. Some kind of cloth hood or bag was jammed over her head.
"He doesn't deserve you."
"You've been nothing but problems."
"You probably work for them!"
"We're gonna rough ya up, heard you like it rough!"
There were more then one, and she didn't recognize any of their voices. She struggled and fought. She almost got free, but she couldn't see, as she twisted out of her chapters grip she tripped and her head slammed into something hard.
Her world started to fade. Her hearing coming and going. Her body lay lump on the ground of the Deadheads.
"Shuck! You said we weren't going to hurt her!"
"Nah man, I didn't agree to this!"
"Sure the shank is lucky to get some from the only girl, but you just like killed her man!"
She could sort of hear them panic. But she couldn't respond, her head was pounding, and she felt an intense pressure behind her eyes. No no no! Not now! She could feel her world dimming as a memory tried to break through. As she struggled to stay conscious she heard the guys discussing what to do with her body. These guys weren't very smart or else they would see her ragged shallow breathing, but they had agreed to hid her body. And her fear spiked.
Her body stopped convulsing, though she still couldn't move or see. Everything hurt and she felt sick. Her memories were a jumbled mess of pain, surgeries, needing machines, being stuck in goop and tubes, being terrified of people in white coats and masks. Clamping her eyes closed even more she felt tears running down her temples into her hair.
With shaking hands she lifted them and slowly pulled the cloth hood off. Clawing the gag off her sore eyes took in her souroundings. She was laying in the middle of a stone hall. She recognized the stone walls and floor immediately. She saw long claw marks from the Grievers and the moss and ivy on the wall.
She heard footsteps slapping the ground, and a frantic voice. It was calling her name. She slowly rolled over and sat up, just as the feet came around the corner. Her blurry eyes saw a huge form coming straight towards her.
George, of all people, dropped down in front of her and cursed. "Tori! What the shuck! What happened? Why are you here?"
She winced at the loud noise. The tears came hot and heavy. She buried her head in her knees and wrapped her arms around herself. He only then saw the gage and hood and rope.
"No! Please tell me no one...For..tell me! Who?"
"I...I don't...I didn't see!" She sobbed.
George pulled her into his arms, holding her tightly. She could feel his anger radiating off of him. Her brother was always so protective, and she knew he would protect her. She was safe now.
"I was grabbed.. from behind." She pulled away sniffing and whipped her tears. "I tried to get away, but...I had another memory when I smacked my head. They thought I was dead and tried to hide my body."
George cursed again, using some choose colourful words to describe them.
"What are you doing here?"
"Alby let a few of us come looking for you. Minho came back and refused to go back in to look for you. The fucken skinhead. Said he had warned you this morning. Alby lost it on him and let a few of us come look for you."
"Oh." Victoria slowly got to her feet and swayed on shaking legs, her head swam for a second. "We ...we need to get back."
George got up and looped an arm under her back. And helped her down the corridor. They turned to corner and came face to face with a Griever.
The Griever seemed to be waiting for them. It already has its tail poised with the stinger out and ready. It shot forward before the twins were able to register what happened. George screamed. He collapsed to the ground, pulling Victoria with him, as the needle retracted and the Griever screamed at them and turned and fled down the hall.
Victoria untangled herself from her brother as he thrashed and screamed.
"No! No no no!" She cried. She didn't know what to do. George whimpered again. His eyes snapped open as his back arched off the ground as he let out another scream. He didn't look like he was going to attack her, so she did her absolute best to get him up and dropped over her already sore and tired body. She dragged her brother down the hall. He started to shiver and shack.
It was slow going. George slipped a few times. It was like trying to carry a brick wall. She was covered in sweat in just a few minutes. Victoria got to the end of the hall. Looking both ways she had no idea where she was. If she knew how she got there going back would be easy. But she was unconscious when the guys dumped her.
"George? Which way?" She grunted under his weight.
"Two...two lefts." He mumbled. His eyes rolled.
"No! Stay awake! Stay awake until we get back! Jack has the serum!"
" Tor." He hissed through his clenched teeth. He let out a sharp cry of pain.
She dragged him down the left corridor. His legs weren't working very well anymore. His whimpers were becoming loud groans or sharp cries. He was sweating and his muscles were twisting and withering in pain.
Another long 10 minutes dragging him down the hall. She got to another intersection and she could see the left turn led to the glade.
"Almost there George!"
He just twitched and he screamed. It was loud and clear and long. It echoed off the walls. She flinched. Tears skidding down her sweaty face. Her own body was shaking from the effort of dragging George and her own memories. The closer she got the more George was thrashing and screaming.
Which now caught the attention of others. She saw guys running towards the wall doors. Standing in front was Minho himself. He stood at the front, legs planted and arms folded. Even from this far away she saw his clamped jaw and scowl.
She saw Alby, Jack, Jeff, Newt, Clint, Chuck, Frypan...but no Gally. Fear and panic hit her hard in the chest, like someone kicked her. She sucked in a sharp breath, which was difficult, her lungs were burning.
Alby was yelling at Minho, throwing an arm out towards the hall. She was struggling now, her legs shaking and her knees gave out, she collapsed and George landed on top of her. He rolled off with a scream. She scrambled in shaking sore limbs over to him. She looked hopelessly up at the open Glade. She knew she would never leave George. All she needed was one person to come help.
"Please!" She cried. "Help me!" Her voice was horse and dry. She grabbed George's hand. Looking back down at her brother. He was already a sickly green, she lifted his shirt and saw the black puncture wound and veins apiderinf out from the wound. It was horrible.
Looking back up she saw a scuffle. Jack threw a fist into Minho's jaw. Minho swung back getting Jack in the cheek. Alby ripped Minho away and shoved him towards the hall.
With clear reluctance on his face, with resentment and anger he sprinted down the hall towards them, Alby and Nick, another runner who was quiet and had been respectful and kind towards her, on his heels.
It took them about 30 seconds to reach Victoria and George. Without a word Minho and Nick grabbed George and hauled him up. As the familiar rumble of the stone doors started. Alby scooped Victoria up and they carried them back to the Glad. They slipped through the closing doors. Jack and Jeff and Clint grabbed George and we're already in their way to the Med Hut.
"What the bloody hell happened?" Newt cried crouching down, where Alby had placed her and she collapsed.
"Ya. What the fuck you doing in my maze." Minho snarled. His eyes flashed so dangerously she flinched.
"Someone grabbed me knocked me out and tried to get rid of my body."
Newt and Alby looked shocked Minho scoffed.
"Where's Gally?" She whispered, as fear and trepidation consumed her.
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