Chapter 3: Boys
"You got a name!" Ably gave her a small smile.
She stood stunned for a moment, it wasn't there for and then it was. Just like that, it was there, like it always has been. It felt right. Yet it Like she hasn't been called Victoria often. "My name..." She whispered, and then she smiled.
"Victoria, lovely name, now let's go, Freckles. I'm hungry."
Gally turned and walked towards the kitchen. She followed the boys. They led her towards the counter where a boy in a dirty apron over his jeans and t-shirt was holaring orders.
"It's a new one! Fresh from...wherever, green as can be! Hello Missy!"
"Umm hi? What's with you guys and nicknames?" Victoria asked, looking between Alby, Gally and Fry.
"Well I've never met ya, and none of us could remember our names, so...assuming you can't either we make up a name until you do!" He was waving his scooped spoon around as he talked. He pointed the huge spoon at her. And tilting his head he gave her a big warm smile. "And seeing as you're not a shank you'll be Missy, like Miss."
"But...I have a name." She looked confused at the boy behind the counter.
"Well! Why didn't ya say so!" He laughed loudly, throwing his head back and laughed. "Well? What is it? Don't leave me in suspense!"
"Victoria!" He repeated loudly, "welcome to the Glade. And here is some supper." He handed her a plate of food. She smiled in thanks and followed closely behind Gally where he went and sat down at a table full of boys. They were all laughing and yelling at each other or talking amongst themselves. She felt a wave of unease. Swallowing the nervousness she picked up her pace and was right on Gally's heels now.
"Uhh, Gal? You have a shucken parade behind you." A boy with light brown wavy hair with a face full of freckles laughed. I had followed and the dog had followed and Alby followed followed by another boy with her black hair and piercing blue eyes.
The boy who spoke had gentle brown eyes and he cocked his head and looked me up and down. I looked back nervously. But his face was open and honest, and his smirk had a mischievous feel to it. I gave him a small smile back.
A tall shaggy haired blond boy sitting beside him looked up from his food and immediately frowned. His eyes went wide in surprise. "It's a bloody lass!"
"Victoria." She corrected.
"Where'd you come from?" An Asian Boy asked pointing his finger at her.
"The box."
"Wait...what?" The blond one frowned even deeper, "you come from the buggen' box?"
"It's unlocked now?" The black haired boy at the end asked.
"Ya. Came up this afternoon." Alby answered sitting down on Victoria's other side. "Shuck loud alarm and then could hear it grinding and clanking up. Girly here was pretty sick, almost passed out amongst the supplies that were inside."
"Bloody hell." His eyes flitted back to Victoria, who sat uneasy on the bench beside Gally. "That musta been a wee bit traumatizing!" His demeanor changed and Victoria saw his eyes soften when she nodded slowly.
"Just a bit." She agreed.
"So we're getting girls now?" The Asian Boy asked, raising his eyebrows.
"Minho cut it out." Alby snapped. "Oh Girly," he turned to look at her, and pointed at the Asian boy with swooped hair, "that's Minho." He pointed to the shaggy blond, "that's Newt. Beside him is George. And at the end there, that's Winston. Beside me here, is Jack."
"Oh ya, if those others cause problems, come find any of the guys here. This here, are good people." Gally added, nodding at the table of boys. They all have her lopsided smirks. She just nodded.
"Minho and Newt go out there and run around. George is Gally's like...second, I guess. They kind of took over building and fixin' stuff. Jack is the Glad Medic guy. Winston does the animal, barn stuff."
She nodded at them all. The guys kept glancing at her, not in a creepy way like Ralph, more curious.
She finally had enough. "If you have questions you can ask them. Sneaking looks is making me uncomfortable."
"We just ain't seen a girl before!" Minho shrugged.
"I'm sure you did, you just don't remember."
"Okay, point taken." He raised an eyebrow. "Still. It's kinda weird. Twenty shanks and then a chick."
"Maybe nineteen more females will show up outta the box." George suggested, with a lazy shrug.
"Maybe." Jack said. "Would be an interesting turn of events."
"Logical." Victoria said thoughtfully. "Boys then girls...or maybe there's something else entirely different going on."
Minho looked between the three of them. " and Gal and Alby huh?"
"We were there when the box came up." Gally shrugged with a mouth full of food.
"Maybe I imprinted on them." She said with a small smile.
The guys looked at her blankly. She frowned.
"Imprinting. Like baby ducks? When a young animal, most commonly in ducklings after they hatch come to recognize another animal, person, or thing as a parent of habitual trust.... I woke up alone in a dark box with no memory...they were the first people I saw and talked to..."
The guys continued to look back at her blankly. The only one to chuckle was George.
"It was a joke."
"Yeah, we got that. You don't actually view Alby and me as a parent...but how the shuck do you know these things?" Gally asked.
"I dunno. That information is just...there. I don't remember how I got that information or where, but it's there, tucked away on the shelves of my brain."
"Weird." Minho finally shrugged. And went back to his supper.
Victoria felt a slight sinking feeling in her gut. Am I weird..? How come I can remember these things but others can't..? And how come I came up the box hole and everyone else for to wake up in the sunshine?
She bent her head and was quite the rest of supper. The dog had followed her and sat at her feet, under the table. His head in her lap. She fed him part of her ham sandwich.
"What did you guys do with those animals that came up with Victoria?" The quiet boy at the end asked, Winston was his name she remembered.
"Left em in their cages by the box." Alby answered.
"Alright thanks." He got up and after dumping his dirty dishes he went off to the animals. Victoria got to her feet, the dog behind her following Winston's actions, she dumped her plate and cup and followed him to the animals.
"Can I help?" She asked quietly as she approached.
"That'd be great actually! These chickens are wild."
"Well, it was a traumatic ride up for me and I have a bigger brain that can be reasoned with...tjeir just chickens and their still in cages. I'd be upset too."
She picked up a crate and followed Winston to the barn. The dog waited patiently by the gate, the two set down the crates inside the big chicken coup and opened the doors of the cages. They went back for more cages. There was only one more cafe of Chickens so Winston took it, it was bigger and heavier than the other two.
Victoria had seen a big crate in the box still. She sat at the edge of the box with her feet dangling and pushed off and landed in the box, making it away slightly. She went over to the crate, inside the wood slats she could see two baby lambs. They were huddled together and bleeting. Victoria frowned, feeling her heart break for them, they needed out. No creature deserved to be treated like this, locked in a cage and forgotten. She tried prying the lid off. It was nailed shut.
"What're you doing?"
Victoria jumped holding a hand to her heart. She looked up. Gally and George were crouched at the edge of the hole watching her.
"There are lambs inside, but the lid is nailed shut. Do you have a crowbar?"
"A what?"
"Crowbar...a long thin metal bar I can use to pry open the lid?"
"Oh, yeah...hold on." He disappeared for a few minutes. George shifted so he was sitting at the edge his feet dangled. He did say anything, but just watched. Victoria had crouched down and was quietly talking to the lambs between the slats.
Gally reaped with the crowbar. "Do you need help?" He asked passing the bar down to her.
"No." Victoria said simply. She turned back to the crate. "Now with the's considered a lever. And with the level..." She trailed off, and slid the flat end into the crack of the lid. "Now...the effort force is on one side where a person pushes or pulls, in this case... me pushing...and the load force is on the other side where the object we are trying to pry up or open can be found..." Victoria leaned heavily and the lid popped up, the nails coming free.
George threw his head back and laughed with amusement. She took the crowbar out and went to the other side and did the same thing. And then Victoria tossed the lid off. And looked up at the boys with a proud smile.
"Shuck Freckles." He shook his head in amusement and cracked a smile.
"She's a shucken wiz kid!"
"Yeah. Shoulda heard her earlier!"
Victoria ignored them and leaned in and picked up the lambs and walked over and without saying anything she handed them up to Gally.
"Just hold them." She held them up, confused he reached down and took them.
"Ya Gal. Just hold them!" George laughed at Gally's confused look.
"How are you gonna get out now?" He asked, his arms full of animals.
"George." She said simply.
"Ya, what am I chopped liver?" George asked in moch hurt. He got up and leaned in, holding a hand out for her. Victoria took a bit of a running start, jumped and grabbed his hand. He helped pull her up. She scrambled up and got to her feet dusting herself off. As she stood up straight Gally yelped.
"Whoa! Stop! Don't move! Both of you!"
Victoria and George froze. She could feel a flash of panic. "What? What's wrong?"
"Wholly Shuck." Gally was looking back and forth between them. "Whoa." He whispered. His eyes were wide and his mouth has dropped open. He shoved a lamp into Victoria's arms. "Come on! Come here, back to the table." He grabbed Victoria's arm and shoved George back to the kitchen and over to the table of guys.
"Yo! Shanks look at this and tell me I ain't crazy!"
All the heads turned to look. Gally had made Victoria and George stand at the end of the table side by side. She could see eyes traveling back and forth and then slowly they each went wide in surprise.
"No bloody way!"
"What the actual shuck?"
"It's like copy and past. But...girl version."
"Dude! That's so weird!"
Victoria pulled her eyebrows together and looked at George who was already looking. His eyes flicked all over her face.
"I...I have no idea what I look like..." She said quietly, the realization hit like a punch to the gut.
"Well, like G, but a girl." Jack laughed.
"Well, there are differences. Like for starters Victoria's hair is curly, like tight curls, George's is wavy." Newt said thoughtfully.
"Ya, G is darker, darker brown eyes and dark brown hair." Alby said looking back and forth between them.
"Freakles is tinny." Gally shrugged.
"You guys think we're related?" George asked, running a hand through his hair as Victoria pulled a curl straight.
"Well unless it's a weird clash of parallel universes...I'd say ya." Gally nodded.
"It's more probable were related." Victoria nodded, she looked back up at George, "and based off of your reactions and how similar you say we are, I'd conclude we are siblings." Jis amusement was clear in his eyes and the lazy lopsided smile.
"Hey sis!"
Victoria actually let herself laugh. She turned and shoved the lamb back into Gally's arms and then threw herself at George, her possible brother, wrapping her arms around his neck. He hesitated for only a second and then hugged her back. His arms wrapped around her back. She felt her body relax, every muscle unclenched. And she let a sign out, it was involuntary and automatic. Victoria felt him also exhale, like they both felt like this was right. It was right. It felt she had been missing something and didn't know it. And now that she found it, it felt right. They both squeezed a little tighter.
Gally, George and Alby walked with the lone girl back to the barn. Victoria had one lamb over her shoulders and the other cradled in her arms, and the dog which she officially named Bark because he was so quiet. There were so many new animals that were acting up and Winston was having trouble controlling them. Victoria opened the gate that had the chickens and into the sheep and goat pen and sat down. She had both lambs curled up beside her, the little goats came over to play. Bark lay down on her other side. A few of the chickens came over followed by their chicks.
Victoria smiled and letters and cooed over them all. Her presence seemed to help ease the tension in the animals as much as helped her. While she sat in the middle of all the animals she started to hum a small little tune.
Gally, George, Alby and Winston stood at the gate and watched.
"Girly is some kind of shuck princess?" Alby shook his head
Winston was frowning and muttered, "How come the animals flock to her?"
"No idea man. She's way different then the slinthead that woke up with us? Like...she hasn't cried! Not even once?" Gally marvelled.
"Seriously?" George asked, looking at Alby and Gally, "she even human?"
"I dunno man." Gally shrugged still watching the girl as she picked up a little fuzzy yellow chick. "She's definitely built different. And not just 'cause she's a girl. She's tough."
× sorry it's a shorter chapter ×
× but...George though! ×
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