Chapter 28: That's probably what she said.
Both Gally and Victoria lay groaning in bed, neither of them wanted to get up. Victoria had another episode, and her body was incredibly sore this morning, her head was pounding and she was just tired and cranky. Gally had also woken up with terrible night terrors again. She had to pull herself out of bed, and help him through his own panic attack. They were a mess when HayHay woke them up. She whimpered, holding her head and rolled closer to Gally, he just pulled her closer into his bare chest.
"Sorry I kept you up." Gally said. His voice was still rough from sleep.
"Not your fault. No need to be sorry."
"Still. After your own, you helped me through those shucken nightmares. It's so....frustrating."
"Because poison and the Creators messed with your head? Gally, babe, that's not your fault." She said quietly, peeking up at him. He groaned and ran a hand down his tired face. "We're both pretty shucked and that is neither of our faults."
"I know. But still sucks."
"Yes. Yes it does."
They were quiet for a few minutes. Victoria shifted and climbed on top of him, laying her head down on his chest listening to his heart beat. His hand gently played with her curls, she snacked a hand up and tangled her fingers into his wavy blond hair, he had let it grow out a bit. And he had some scruff going on, in the almost three years they had lived in the Glade he had grown up. He was roughly 18 or 19 now. He was one of the older guys in the Glade. But in the almost three years he had filled out, his jaw was more defined and strong, he had solid muscle on his shoulders, his back was ripped with muscles, his arms were corded with hard solid muscle, even when he wasn't flexing. Life was hard in the Glade, it was solid physical work, and it kept him in great shape.
"I could get used to just laying here in the sun."
"Is Gally the Keeper thinking of taking a day off?"
"Ha. Maybe one day." He rumbled.
She picked her head up, letting her chin rest on his chest. He picked his head up and his sleepy steel blue eyes watched her. She smiled softly at him.
"Well...if you wont take the day off, I'll make you late for work."
"Oh will you now?" He challenged, "I doubt it."
"You wanna take that bet, Captain?" She cooed. she left small little kisses across his bare chest. She felt him suck in a sharp breath as she slowly slid down, leaving little kisses. His chest rumbled and his hands slid into the back of her hair and tangled into the curls as she continued to kiss lower. She knew she had him; he threw his head back into the pillow and clamped his jaw as she trailed her tongue along his pj waist band.
"Shuck." He growled. "You win Baby Doll. Dammit! We're gonna be late."
She smirked as he squirmed under her tough.
"You enjoy teasing me too much!"
"Absolutely I do."
She smirked and sat up, sitting on his lap, she slowly tugged her shirt off, his hands immediately went for her soft and delicta skin. She moaned and arched her back into his expert touch. His hands clamped and he groaned hard when she rotated her hips and pressed harder into him. He sat up, using all those beautiful core muscles, and wrapped his arms around her back, pressing her chest into his. His hand splayed on her lower back and pressed her lower back closer to him. She rotted her hips again, feeling him come alive, she moaned against his neck. He gently yet firmly pulled her hair so her head tipped back a bit, and he kissed her roughly, forcing his tongue into her mouth. Her hands buried into his hair, and she slowly racked her nails down his scalp. He shuddered when she did.
"Dammit Doll." He groaned against her open mouth. He was panting hard. She was going to have bruises on her hips from how hard he was holding her. She was still slowly grinding her hips against his.
"Gally..." She whimpered.
He pulled her hips closer when she rotted them. He was trying to find more friction. He seemed to understand exactly what she was saying in the whimper of his name. Her head flopped backwards, giving him more access to her neck as he kissed down, stopping to suck on her skin, leaving little marks. He wrapped his strong arms around her and flipped her over, she let a small yelp out as she landed on her back. She smirked up at him, his eyes were dark and needy. Their nightmares and horrible memories forgotten at the moment. She reached out for him, grabbing his shoulders and pulling him back down.
"Tori?" He pushed himself back up, her arms flexing, his eyes were dark and lustful, but he was searching her face. "Are you sure?"
"Yes!" She said without hesitation. "We've been together for two and a half years, I trust you more then my own twin! Gally we have done everything else. Yes."
"Okay. I just...just wanna make sure."
"Thank you. But shut up and kiss me!"
He smirked and lowered himself down on top of her. "As you wish." he growled against her neck, making her shiver in anticipation. His hand slowly snacked its way down her body, her pajama shorts where tossed carelessly away. She moaned loudly as his experienced hands made her arch her back into his touch.
"Beg for it Doll." His voice was deep and rough, his breath hot in her ear.
"Shuck. Please Captain Gally. Please! I want you."
She clamped her teeth on his shoulder, keeping her moans and whimpers quiet. "Please, Gally, I can't...I can't wait!"
She was a whimpering begging mess, her body was shacking and shuddering, her head was swimming in a fog. Her body arched more into his touch wanted more. He shifted and she sucked in a sharp breath, the sharp pain made her freeze, and yelp slightly.
Gally stopped, "Tori?" He whispered concerned.
"Just...just a second." She panted.
Gally waited for her okay, and then was slow and gentle for their first time. They were both sweating and panting, and moaning loudly against each other. She was biting his shoulder keeping her screams and moans quiet. He had his face buried in her hair and neck, keeping his groans and moans quiet.
"Tori?" He asked, his voice was rough and gravelly, and thick with emotion and exhaustion.
"I love you Gally." She whispered, digging her hands into his hair. He rolled off and pulled her closer into his sweaty chest.
"You're okay? I didn't hurt you?"
"First time always hurts the female. Things have to kinda stretch and rip. But I'll be okay, I promise."
"Really? Rip?" He asked, his eyes wide in horror. "Shuck, I'm sorry Tori!"
She nodded. She knew she would be slightly sore, but she was okay. And she loved how tender Gally was being right now, knowing the first time was emotional, it was a big leap in the trust in their relationship. She knew she would never leave him.
"I'm okay, Gally. I promise."
"You're sure?"
"Yes. I'm sure. I have no regrets. I love you so much!"
"I love you too Victoria. Together forever?"
"Until death takes me."
"Until death." He agreed, his eyes closed and he drifted off to sleep. She smiled watching his peaceful face. She kissed his cheek and snuggled closer and also fell back asleep.
They both flew into the dinning area, grabbed coffee and breakfast. Sitting down at the table, with sheepish looks on their faces George and Jack eyed them up.
"Hey, Tori, where where you this am? The cows were still in the barn, the chickens still need to be fed and the goats need to be let out into the next pasture.
"Sorry Win. I'll get to it as soon as I'm done."
"Is everything alright, Love?" Newt asked, he was scanning her face.
"Fine. We didn't sleep much."
"Oh?" Jack asked, raising an eyebrow.
Victoria rolled her eyes, "Memories, nightmares..." She waved her fork around.
"Well...glad you could grace us with your presence." George said, still staring at them suspiciously.
"Shh Honey, let the love birds have their moment. It was a big moment." Jack scolded with a smirk, and a wink at Victoria.
"That's probably what she said." Jeff shrugged taking a sip of coffee.
Her cheeks flushed and Gally smirked.
"Ha. I know it. No way Gal would be late." Jack smirked.
"Sorry guys. I don't kiss and tell." He smirked, kissed her cheek and left the table, "George come on, we got a lot a stuff to get ready for tonight."
George got up and followed Gally away. Winston got up holding his empty plate.
"She'll be there in a bloody minute, Winston. I need to make sure she eats." Newt called after him.
Newt, Jack and Jeff slid closer.
"Spill. Right now. It was not just memories and night mares." Jack said, pointing his finger at her.
"Absolutely not, I can see those love bites. Spill, in all the glorious buggen detail!"
Jeff placed his elbows on the table and leaned forwards. Victoria sighed, Ever since that one day months ago Jack forced girl talk on her, these three have done nothing but bug her for details about her relationship with Gally. She ran her hand through her curls, flipping her hair to the other side.
"If you think these are bad...?" She said, raising her eyebrows and smirking slightly. "You should see his shoulder...and the ones you can't see."
The guys all gasped.
"Go on!" Jack said, leaning in.
" I really have to say it?"
"Yes." They said in unison.
"Fine!" She huffed. "We finally did. We finally crossed that line and had sex."
All three of the guys squealed. Her cheeks flared up, feeling warm. And she smiled sheepishly.
"Tell us everything!"
"I'm already late!"
"It's fine." Newt waved his hand. "You're with the second in command, and this is a buggen' Keepers meeting. You're fine. Now sit your cute little ares down and spill!"
She let a small giggle out, as she shook her head, "You guys are ridiculous."
But she leaned forwards, and she spent the morning whispering with Jack, Jeff and Newt. It made Greenie day better. She hated these days, new kid means the same questions and the same answers, the same reason to gawk at her, she hated them. Bonfire nights weren't bad. But, again, drunk Gladers and greenies. But the few guys she had come to love and trust made it better. She worked in the barns for the rest of the day. When the green alarm went off she groaned and continued working. She didn't want to be the subject of staring eyes. The crowd around the box got bigger. Even from her place in the pasture with the sheep, she could hear the box grinding and clanking. It slammed into place. She sighed. Picking up the lamp and placing it around her neck, with Bark at her heels she went into the barn.
Whistling to herself she heard footsteps and turned to see Alby coming towards her.
"Ah, Admiral. What can I do for you?"
"We need your help."
"Did another animal get stuck?"
"Uh no."
" need me to build a lift again?"
"What do you need?"
"Uh...we need help with the Greenie."
"You have Newt." She shook her head and turned back to the Daisey and her calf.
""Uhh no...we need umm you."
"Why?" She turned back to him folding her arms and glaring at him, "So another shucken guy can stare at me, and ask all the dumb questions, and then not listen to anything I say because their too busy staring at my boobs? Shuck no."
"Come on Tor! It's a shuck kid!"
"We're all kids All."
"No, I mean he's like a kid kid. Like no older then 12!"
"And you want me to what exactly? Be a mother to him, because I'm female? You expect me to be warm and nurturing?"
"Well, ya. You work with animals, you caring and kind." He shrugged.
"'Cause they don't stare or gawk or make sick sex jokes, they aren't rude or-"
"I get it. But it's a kid. Please...just come."
She ground her teeth and groaned in frustration, but followed Alby, "Only because I like you, for some shucked reason."
"You know I wouldn't ask you other wise."
"Ya...and you know I'm not good with the Greenies, and they don't actually want to talk to me or listen to me."
Alby shoved his way through the crowd of laughing and hollering guys. She followed and came to a stop at the edge of the cage. She found the kid huddled in the corner. Big brown eyes and curly brown hair, chubby pink cheeks and tear tracks down his face. She had to admit he was kinda of cute. Bark pushed between her legs, and poked his head out. The boy's eyes lit up seeing the dog.
"Okay, All, what am I supposed to do. Newt is already in there. Same with Gally."
He shrugged. She rolled her eyes and threw her hands up in frustration.
"Kid," She called down, "You getting out of the shucken box?"
He shook his head, making his curls bounce.
"All right, we'll leave ya in there, and the Box can take you back down." She shrugged, Gally looked up at her as he handed another crate to George. He sniggered at her comment.
"Tori!" Newt scolded.
"Stop mother henning him, and get his shuck butt out of the box then! I don't know what you want me to do! I'm not exactly the welcome wagon."
"I'd welcome your wagon." some kid called.
"Keep it up, Douglas, and I'll break your nose like I did Minho's." She snarled.
"Dude. She used your full name! You're in trouble."
Gally had hauled himself out of the box and galled at the kid, every muscle tense, George, Jack and Alby also spun around, fists clenched. The kid had enough sense to shut up and bow his head.
"Come on kid, just get out of the shuck box. I promise it's a whole lot better up here then down there." She turned to Gally, "Grab ladder, I don't think he's gonna climb the rope."
A few minutes later and much coaxing from Newt and curses and muttering form Tori, the kid was up and standing in the sunshine. Alby had shooed the Gladers back to work. It was only now did she understand why he was reluctant to get out of the box. The poor kid literally klunked his pants. Newt ushered him straight to the showers.
"What are the Creators playing at?" Gally muttered sitting on the crate beside her. Newt had handed her the inventory list and asked if she would go over it while he delt with the Greenie when she refused to.
"I dunno. Do we ever know anything?" She rolled her eyes.
"True. You don't remember that kid?" He asked.
She shook her head, "No. You?"
"Nope. But he kinda looks like you and George."
"What?" She looked up at him with wide eyes, her heart slammed into her chest.
"Ya...brown curly hair. Big brown eyes. Yours," He leaned closer, his steel blue eyes danced with a sudden playfulness, "Are definitely prettier."
She snorted and rolled her eyes.
"Especially when you do that. And...your curls are prettier, especially with my hands in it. And your cheeks are better, especially when I kiss them..." He kissed her cheeks and then her nose, "And your nose is cutter, and by far your lips. Your mouth is definitely prettier, especially when its-"
"Gally!" She whispered sharply.
"Yes, Baby Doll?" He smirked, his lips brushing hers when he talked.
"You got some this morning, are you seriously looking for more?"
"Maybe I am. It is bonfire night."
"You are ridiculous."
"Ridiculously good looking."
"Yes. Yes you are." She giggled. "Keep that shucken Greenie away and I'll show you just how pretty this mouth can be." She whispered.
"As you wish Baby Doll." He smirked and kissed her quickly and left, back to his builders table, carrying his crate of new supplies.
× Chuck is here! ×
×It's almost three years total in the Glade for Gally & Tori. ×
× What do we think of Chuck possibly being related to George & Tori? ×
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