Chapter 23: Sly Little Fox
Victoria stood beside Jack and Winston, across the huge stack of chopped wood, staring down Gally who was trying to stare her down. All day she had been reading him. And now he stood directly across from her, trying to read her soul. She deliberately bit her lip knowing it drove him crazy. She smirked when his eyes flicked to her lips and back up to her eyes. She fluttered her eyes lashes and then leaned in to Jack and whispered, still looking Gally dead in the eye.
"How long is this gonna take? I'm hungry!"
"I dunno. You know Alby. Gotta make his speech and be all shucken dramatic."
She chuckled. Gally kept looking back and forth between her and Jack now.
"You know your boy is undressing you with his eyes." Jack whispered back.
"I'm aware." She whispered back.
"Okay. Just so we're on the same page."
She hummed. Alby stepped forwards, a branch with a flame at the end, he went around and lit the Keepers branches and held his up in the air.
"Gladers! And our Gladet." He nodded at Victoria. "Another month! Another Greenie. We're still here and we're still fighting! Tonight...Greenie this is for you!"
He paused dramatically. Jack glanced at Victoria and they both had to stifle a laugh, she slapped a hand over her mouth. Jack snorted making her giggle and chock even more.
"Light em up!" Alby called and threw his flame into the fire. Victoria and the other Keepers threw theirs in, the fire ignited and sent sparks into the air. She glanced across the fire, and Gally was now thrown into shadow as the tongues of fire danced into the air.
"Come on Tori! You can eye shuck him later. We have drinks and snacks to grab and girl talk!" Jack whinned, he grabbed her arm and pulled her away from the fire.
He pulled her through the guys and over to the table of food and drinks and then over to a place by the dead heads, away from the wild loud group, he sat her down and was told to wait. She rolled her eyes and then stretched her legs out and leaned into the tree. A few minutes later Jack was back this time with Jeff and Newt. She raised an eyebrow at Jack. He just had a smug look on his face and helped Newt down and then flopped to the ground.
"Alright Girly. I found you some temporary girl friends." Jack grinned at her.
"You are absolutely rediculous!" She rolled her eyes.
"You said awesome wrong!"
She huffed and rolled her eyes.
"He's right Love, I think the three of us make pretty good bloody substitutes." Newt said with a slight groan as he situated himself against the same tree as Victoria.
"I don't know about this guys... " She said fiddling with the jar of alcohol in her hand.
Jack grinned, and pushed the jar in her hands up and then tipped it back so Tori drank a solid amount before he let go.
"Drink up ma girl. It's gonna be an epic night!"
Tori was giggling wildly, her head in Newt's lap. "You're right!" She gasped again, "he's super super possessive!And I wanna make him all handsy all the time! 'Cause it's hot! And it makes me all hot!" She giggled, "I want him all the time line
"I can imagine." Newt smirked down at her.
"Hey! Hands off my man, Noooootie! That glorious hunk of a Greek god is all mine!"
Her words were slurring slightly and she was giggling and talking about things she would normally never.
"Oh my hands are off. He's yours, Love."
"Good!" She smiled like a goof up at him. "Do ya know what?"
"What's that?" Jeff asked, leaning forward, he had his second jar in his hands, and he was probably just as giggly as Victoria. She sat up and leaned in closer to Jeff.
"I think the Greenie likes my man!"
"What? No! Really?" Jack gasped, him and Newt were the sober ones. Newt didn't touch his jar and Jack was still sipping his first.
"Ya! He spent a looot of time at the builders area today!" She sat up looking at Jack seriously.
"Hmm. Well he is a delicious treat to look at."
"Hey! You keep those eyeballs off my man and on my brother!" She pointed a finger at Jack. While she held a finger, she gasped, her eyes went wide and her mouth dropped. "Jack! Maybe the Greenie has his eyeballs in George!"
"George is pretty darn good looking!"
"Uhh Tor, your twins."
"Are you saying I'm good looking?" She smirked.
The guys chucked. They were quiet for a second, munching on snacks and Tori was sipping her jar, which was almost gone.
"So?" Jack asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Sooooo?" She asked, leaning closer.
"Craziest place you've fooled around." He asked.
The other two leaned in. Tori frowned, and tugged a curl thinking. It was difficult when her mind was foggy from the alcohol.
"Well...the barn when Winston was in the butcher shop...during break in the construction sight last week when it rained, when work was halted....ummm. Tool shed. Oh! The slammer..."
"Damn girl! All over the bloody Glade!"
"I told you he's handsy and it's haaaaawt!"
"You know she flashes him sometimes?" Jack giggled, making Newt and Jeff gasp.
She nodded smuggly, but then it dropped. "he doesn't wanna go there yet though."
"Well that's fine. Not everyone wants to yet."
She frowned. "What if he doesn't wanna cuz he doesn't like me?"
"Girl!" Jack gasped, "After what you just told us! He absolutely does! Like Greenies can see it."
"He's just not ready. Maybe he wants ta wait till he's out a ring on it!" Jeff thought, tapping his chin.
"But I'm like only 17 or 18..." Tori said confused.
"Well...that's too young to get married!"
"Ya. And?"
"I...I don't know. My head is fuzzy."
"Well you are on jar 3!"
"Oh. Well that'll do it. " Tori snorted "That's what she said!" And then rolled onto her back and giggled.
The guys snickered. Jack got up and held a hand out for her, "come on. Enough being antisocial. Let's go watch your boy wrestle."
"That's what she said!" She giggled.
"That doesn't even make sense." Jack shook his head in amassment.
"I know." She frowned. "I'd like to wrest him..."
"Oh we know Love. Trust me." Newt sighed almost exasperated with her.
Jack helped Newt up and handed his crutches over. Jeff was up, he was wobbly but functional. Jack reached down for Tori who was still laying on her back giggling, but frowning at her empty jar.
"Jaaaaack!" She whined, "My jar is empty!"
"Well then lets go get another one!"
"Okay!" She grinned up at him, her eyes unfocused.
"I still don't understand how she can be so wasted right now, but have no hangover tomorrow." Newt frowned down at her as Jack hulled her up and held her up as she stumbled.
"No idea. I've also noticed she heals faster. Like she had twenty stitches from that Griever that stung Gally, and I had to take them out only a few days later because her skin was growing over top of the stitches! Like She heals faster then any shank, her metabolism is crazy....I dunno know man." Jack shrugged, watching her stumble back towards the fire. He shook his head and they all started after her. They followed her into the crowd.
"Dammit! I lost her!" Jack cursed, looking over the heads of the guys.
"Bloody hell." Newt gasped, and pointed, and then burst out laughing.
She had thrown herself at Alby, who was sitting being broody by the fire, she was now trying to make him smile, by pushing his cheeks. Jack and Jeff both burst out laughing.
"JACK!" Alby bellowed, smacking her hands away.
"Yes Admiral?"
"What the hell did you do to her? I haven't seen her this gone in a long time!"
"We had girl talk All!" Tori giggled. "I told them how much I wanna wrestle Gally!" She sat up, grabbed his face and leaned in, so she was only a few inches away from Alby's face. "Don't tell anyone. Especially Alby and George....BUT! ALL the hanky-panky happens in the Glade. Not in the open, but..." She giggled. "All over the place!"
"VICTORIA!" Alby gasped, grabbing her wrists and ripping her hands away. She was howling with laughter, the guys were snorting and trying hard not to laugh but they failed miserably. By this time George and Clint had come over.
Alby looked up at them horrified, "You knew about this?"
"Well..." Jack smirked, "I had an idea. But she only told us-" Newt elbowed him and gave him a sharp look. "But look how wasted she is All! Half the klunk she's spewing is nonsense!" Jack said quickly, waving a hand dismissively. Newt gave him a small nod, and then looked at Alby.
"Alby, she's drunk. She's not making any sense. I'm sure she's just fine. You also know how strict Gally is about rules."
Alby looked a little more settled. But frowned at the girl who was trying to now braid some dandelions together. He shook his head. Jack leaned down and grabbed her hands pulled her up.
"Hey, I thought we were going to the wrestling ring?"
She gasped and scrambled to her feet, stumbling and staggering, "You're right!" She patted his chest, "You're a good brother in law Jack."
His cheeks and the tips of his ears went pink. She turned to her brother and jabbed him in the chest. "Don't let him go. Or I wont forgive you!"
"Yes sis." He George grinned.
They made their way slowly to the ring, Newt wasn't very fast on the uneven ground with the crutches, Jeff and Victoria kept stumbling and falling. They ended up in a pile of limbs at one point and just stayed there in a heap giggling.
"Freckles? What are you doing on the ground with another shank?"
She gasped, and tried to untangle herself, but gave up and just turned her head. "GUYS! It's Bob the Builder!"
The guys snorted behind their hands.
"CAN WE FIX IT?" Jeff yelled from the ground beside Victoria.
"YES WE CAN!" George yelled.
Victoria and the guys all howled with laughter as Gally huffed and rolled his eyes, folding his arms.
"GalPal! I was coming to watch you wrestle, hoping you would wrestle me too! BUT! The ground keeps moving! I think it's the Greenies fault. He looks kinda shifty! He spent too long at the builders table today with you and my brother! I don't like him." She folded her arms, still laying on the ground, tangled with Jeff.
"Tor, your crazy." Gally shook his head.
"Cray awesome."
He shook his head and bent down and pulled her up and into his arms.
"You're really strong." She whispered, gazing up at him, her big soft brown eyes full of wonder and awe. She placed a hand on his cheek and slid it back into his hair. "And I're crazy awesome."
His cheeks turned a slight shade of pink. He just hummed, his steel blue eyes stared into her slightly unfocused ones. Jack patted Gally on the back. "Shank, you're girl is head over heels for you. Don't ever doubt that."
Gally grinned down at Victoria. "So you're coming to watch the matches?"
"I need another jar...someone drank my last one!"
"You did, you bloody Shanket!" Newt rolled his eyes.
"I would NEVER!"
"Well, come on. I'll take you."
"Ya you will!" She leaned in and whispered in his ear, "Take me now!"
She heard him growl. "Maybe later."
She smirked.
"I'm actually doing okay right now, and I'd kinda like t stay..."
"Okay, Bob! I'll hold ya to it!" She grinned, "Later it is then, Captain!"
"Shuck." He nuzzled his face into her neck, "Keep that up and later will turn sooner."
She giggled. Pushing up onto her toes, she had her lips right by his ear, and whispered, "You gonna take me now? Caaaptain?"
His chest rumbled, he pulled away, his eyes darkened and he looked at her with an intensity that made her stomach explode with butterflies.
"One." He rumbled.
She pulled her eyebrows together and tilted her head, "Excuse me?"
"Two." He growled.
"Look here, if you think you can just-"
"Three." He cut her off with a sharp voice. "When I get to five, Love, your time is up."
Her eyes went wide in understanding as he growled "Four." She pushed off his chest and pushed through the crowd of guys.
"Five." He whispered grinning. He gave her a few seconds and then went after her. He followed her squeals and giggles. He caught up to her just before the wrestling ring. He wrapped his arm around her waist and took the drink from her hands and lifted her up and tossed her over his shoulder while she squealed wildly. He clamped his hand on her butt, keeping her stuck. He smirked, as he patted her butt. He took a sip of her drink while she wiggled and squirmed on her shoulder. He held her stuck for another second, taking another sip of her drink, before he sighed dramatically and put her down.
"I won."
"No fair! The ground keeps moving and there are too many people and I'm short." She pouted, crossing her arms and sticking her lip out.
"Not my fault." He shrugged.
She snatched her drink back. He put a hand on her back and steered her over to their group of friends. He sat down on a crate and pulled her onto his lap, wrapping his arm around her waist, holding her closer. She watched for a bit, then started getting boarded, and started to teas Gally instead. It was more fun. She shifted on his lap a few times, pressing into him. He growled or clamped his hand on her hip. But he had another way to get back at her. He swept her hair from her shoulder and neck. While they watched, he pressed his chin and mouth her her shoulder, still watching the fights, he left little kisses on her bare skin. When he did she shifted. He growled again, and finally, lifted her off, pulled his shirt off to wild howls and cat calls from their friends, and he stormed into the middle of the wrestling ring.
"Getting him sexually frustrated is one way to get him in there and watch him win." Jack leaned over and whispered.
"I have no idea wat your talking about."
"You sly little fox!" Jack chuckled.
She gave him a sly smirk and battered her eyelashes.
× Shorter Chapter- but Hope you enjoyed a fluffy chapter of a tipsy Tori. :) ×
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