Chapter 16: Chaos & Kisses
Victoria fought the hands trying to hold her still. She couldn't scream, her voice was gone, her throat bunt, she had tears running down her face.
"Hey, Tori! Hey! Stop! Stop fighting! Freckles it's me! Stop!"
It took a full minute of more struggling for her mind to click and understand that it was Gally's huge strong hands clamped over her arms. The fight left her and she could feel her body sag. Her chest was heaving with wild gasping breaths.
"Hey, hey...shhh. You're okay, Tori you're safe!" He shushed her gently, letting her go, and sliding his hands up to cup her cheeks.
"Ga-Gally?" She stuttered between her ragged breathing. Her eyes focused on the young man in front of her. "What...where did... how...?"
"Bark came. He's a smart dog. He was relentless, whining at the door and then kept tugging at my pants, pulling me here."
"Oh." She breathed, taking another ragged breath. She could feel his calloused thumbs on her face. His eyes were soft but had an intensity to them as he looked at her dishevelled state. She took another shuttering breath, a few more tears slid down her cheeks.
"Come here." His voice was demanding but gentle, like his eyes. He gently pull her into his arms. She pressed her forehead into his chest as he laid his hand at the back of her head. She felt his arm tighten over her back and her damn broke. It had been a long six months. She had been upset, angry, sad, scared. She had been attacked, touched grabbed, the subject of unwanted attention and comments weird uncomfortable nightmares and dreams, and earlier she had been attacked by a crazy monster. It was finally the straw that broke her and she cried. She sobbed. Her body shook and shuddered. Her hands grasped his shirt and held tight.
He didn't say anything, but she felt his chest vibrate with a hum. His arms tightened, pulling her closer. He lifted her gently and placed her on his lap. He slowly ran a hand through her hair and ran a hand up and down her back. Her sobs slowly died and were replaced with hiccups and sniffling.
"I don't think I've seen you cry this much in the six months we've been here." Gally said quietly .
"Ya...well there's only so much klunk someone can take." She snapped, pulling away. She let go of his t shirt and wipped her cheeks roughly with the Palma of her hands.
"I didn't mean anything by that. Just observation Freckles." He rolled his eyes. He looked back at her, holding her face, "are you alright?"
She shrugged.
"Tell me about the dreams."
"How did you-"
Gally cut her off by pressing his lips to hers. She sucked a sharp breath in and froze for second, but melted into him. He didn't let her deepen the kiss, he pulled away and smoothed a few curls from her still tear streaked face.
"Your dog came to get me. When I came up the stairs I could hear you. You were thrashing and crying and screaming in your sleep."
She hung her head in shame and embarrassment. Gally caught her chin and made her look up.
"Tell me about the dreams." His deep voice rumbled through her room. She sighed and leaned her forehead back into his chest and with her eyes closed told him what she could remember.
He was quiet after she finished explaining. She sat up to see him properly. He was frowning.
" still think these are memories?"
"If ..if they are..." Victoria trailed off, looking away. Tears threatened to fall again, she could feel the tightness in her throat. Gally lifted her face again, her chin caught in his right grip.
"If they are memories...?" He said quietly, encouraging her to continue.
"Then I don't know if I...if I want to go back." She whispered so quietly he had to lean in to hear.
"You don't know if you want to go back? Like leave this place?"
She clamped her eyes closed and nodded. She heard him humm.
"All my dreams are full of pain and being used like a lab rat. Being cut open and studied like some experiment. that all I have to go back to? I have a brother. I have you."
He hummed again. The intensity in his eyes melted, making the claws around her heart loosen.
"We don't have to worry just yet Tori. Minho has said there's a lot of maze to still explore. And we can figure out what to do when and if the time comes. Good that?"
She just nodded, feeling kind of lost. She furrowed her eyebrows and chewed her lower lip . Gally's hand still had her chin, his thumb gently swipped her lip from between her teeth with a deep rumble of his chest.
"You shouldn't chew on your lip."
"Why?" She asked quietly.
She had just finished sobbing from a nightmare, she was a dishevelled mess, but Victoria still detected the shift in Gally. The intensity in his eyes was back, it was sharper and a little more lustful. She looked up at him through her lashes. He thumb had removed her lip, but he pulled it down slightly.
"'Cause, Baby doll, that's my job."
His voice was deep and gravelly now, it sent a wave of electricity through her, and her stomach exploded with all kinds of wild butterflies. Victoria forgot how to breath for a second. Gally's eyes flicked down to her lips and back up to her eyes.
"I want to kiss you." He admitted, clearing his throat. Victoria leaned closer, so her lips brushed his.
"What's stopping you?"
"If I start, I won't stop."
"Oh..." She whispered, pulling away slightly, her butterflies turned into nervousness.
"Tor..." He whispered gruffly, "I'd never hurt you. And never ever do anything against your concent. You know that. Right?"
"Yeah." She squeaked.
She did know that. She trusted him completely. She knew she was completely safe, yet those hungry intense eyes and his deep gravelly voice made her heart pick up it's pace slightly. She gulped and slowly leaned in closer. She brushed her lips against his again. He buried his hand into her hair and pulled her closer. She made a small squeaky inhale when he forced her lips apart and his tongue slid into her mouth. He explored her mouth, pulling her closer. Her chest was pressed right into his, his other hand splayed on her back, pressing her lower back into him as well, her body torso and chest was flush against his.
She finally had to break their deep kiss to breath, Victoria was gasping for air like she was drowning. Gally didn't hesitate, going for her jaw and down her neck. He left wet sloppy kisses, his teeth gently nibbling, his tongue swirling against her skin. She knew some of those would leave a mark, but she tipped her head, giving him more access. He growled and went for the spot just above her collarbone, bringing all kinds of hushed gasps and soft moans from deep within her. Those little noises just spured him on. Gally's hand clamped tighter on her hip, his fingers tangling more into her curls.
Her fingers dug into his shoulders, she could feel his muscles tense and he shuddered when she dragged her nails down his back. Shifting slightly, it was her turn to kiss his neck. Gally groaned, and sucked in a sharp breath when she gently nibbled one spot, his hands held her hips tighter; it didn't hurt, but she would have marks.
"Shuck....Tori..." He groaned.
He twisted his head breaking her kiss on his neck and found her lips. He kissed her like he was drowning and she was his sorse of oxygen. He kissed her harder, wanting her, needing more of her. She gently tugged his bottom lip with her teeth. He had his hands clamped around her so tightly, but loosened them and slid up her back as he shifted. Gally slowly lowered her down, one hand on her back the other at the back of her head. He lowered her down onto the bed, all without breaking their kiss. He kept her held firmly and tightly to his chest as he rolled them, so they were facing each other.
Throwing her leg over his hip, Victoria pulled him closer. His arms tightened around her. He forced her head back with his deep kiss, she let a whimpering moan out. Victoria pulled away and pushed on his chest. Her chest was rising and falling rapidly. Her eyes fluttered open.
"Ga-Gally!" She gasped, "I can't...I can't breathe!"
He didn't say anything just panted as heavily as her, his eyes dark and his fingers twisting around her curls. Her hand running up and down his chest, she looked back up into his needy eyes nervously.
"We- we need to stop." She whispered. "But..I...I want you to...can you please stay? I'm...I'm scared to sleep." Her body shivered thinking about her latest set of dreams. She chewed her bottom lip nervously.
Gally didn't say anything at first, looking at her with his pricing eyes, his panting breathing fanned her face, somehow smelling like mint. But his thumb gently pulled her lip from her teeth.
"Ya, Tor. I'll stay." He said softer then she would have expected. "Sleep. I'll keep you safe."
"I know." She whispered.
Nuzzling her face into his neck, her erratic heart beat slowed down and her wild breathing evened out. Her muscles eventually unclenched and she slowly slid into sleep, knowing Gally had his arms around her.
The hours turned into days and the days turned into weeks which slid into months. Things in the Glade went from bad to worse. The boys went from nervouse to scared to panicked. Accusations were thrown around wildly. Nothing ever stuck. Fights started over a few angry words or a look. The slammer was used almost regularly. The creators sent up different coloured syringes.
Jeff and Jack knew that if a syringe was sent with the supplies then a kid was getting stung. They stopped telling anyone, knowing that it would just cause more chaos. Only a few people would know about them. One syringe for one kid. They ended up dying, one way or another, either the syringe itself with whatever was inside or the effects of what happened a few ended up taking their own lives. Alby had to shoot two kids with the bow and arrows because they were jacked, like Ben had been.
The creators also started sending up weapons. All kinds of wild looking ones, some ancient medieval looking ones, some basic and barbaric, lots of knives, there was a hand gun that they sent one time. Gally had found it and went straight to Alby and they locked it up with the rest of the confiscated weapons in a small underground cellar with a lock only Keepers had.
Jack and Jeff were kept busy with all the fights and arguments and chaos. Victoria did her best to help. She seemed to be one of the few who understood what the boys were talking about and how to use the medical instruments. They had begged her to switch to Medjack, but she preferred the animals, they didn't try anything suggestive or whisper dirty inappropriate things to her. Victoria did say she would help when needed, despite the things the guys did.
They had requested a Greenie with medical knowledge after she turned it down. The next Greenie day a boy named Clint showed up. He did his job training and ended up in the Medhut. He was quiet and calm. At first everyone thought he was mute because he said nothing, but he slowly relaxed and started to talk.
Even though everyone in the Glade knew Victoria and Gally were a thing, a lot of the guys would still try things. If she was walking alone in the Glade someone would slip up beside her. They would get too close in any kind of line or crowd. She avoided the busy meal times and fires unless she was glued to the side of someone she trusted. He circle of trusted people wasn't very big, but it was enough. George, Jack, Alby, Winston, Roy the farm hand, Jeff, Clint, Frypan and Gally. That was her group.
The other Keepers sneered and rolled their eyes when she was at Gatherings, Minho would throw out comments about her just being an emotional girl. Alby had threatened to kick him off the council if he kept it up. He stopped. Well he stopped saying it at the meetings. He also knew how to get u der Gally's skin, always jabbing him with comments about him being braver because he goes out into the maze, trying to goad Gally into a fight, whispering things like he's a coward and a sissy. Gally was surprising quite collected about it. It was Victoria who would fly off the handles when Minho started up.
One supper she lost it so bad on Minho she threw a plate at him. It smashed all over the table, sending stew up his shirt and onto his face. She tried to lunge across the table at him, but Alby and George had grabbed her and yanked her backwards.
"Tori!" Alby cried. "That's a night in the slammer!" Victoria rounded on Alby next and gave him a piece of her mind as well, Minho sat there with a smug smirk.
"Gally get her the shuck out of here!" Alby demanded, his face pinched in anger.
She was still raging and cursing at the table of guys. Gally picked her up and tossed her over his shoulder and left the dinning area. She wiggled and fought to get down.
"Gally!" She cried.
"Yes Freckles?" He chuckled.
"Put me down!"
"Hmm. No. I like you stuck like this."
"Gally! I swear to shuck!" She cried, kicking her feet and squirming.
"Slim it Baby Doll!" He chuckled louder. Even without seeing his face, she knew he was smirking. He smacked her butt making her shriek.
"Ya, Baby Doll?" His voice was kind of gravelly and gruff suddenly, and her stomach exploded with butterflies.
"Please, put me down?" She tried another tacktic. The innocent pouty voice. She did her best to twist and prop herself up so she was closer to her neck and ear. "Put me down and I'll make it worth your while." She whispered seductively in his ear. She could feel his body shiver and felt a rumble in his chest.
"Cut that klunk out Tori!" He growled and smacked her butt again. She huffed.
"You can't be throwing plates at people."
"He's a slint head and deserved it." She pointed out.
"Agreed. But we still can't be smashing plates and throwing things. You broke the rules."
"Hmmm." She hummed, twisting again to his ear. He had let her slid slightly, so it was easier to twist, her lips brushed his ear. "You do love rules...and I broke one. What are you gunno do about it, Captain?" She purred, she gently tugged his ear with her teeth.
"Shuck..." She heard him mumble as his body shivered. She smirked, she had him now.
"I was naughty, Captain Gally."
"Slim it woman! We're in public!" His voice cracked slightly, she could feel his heart beat had picked up, and his grip on the back of her thigh tightened. He smacked her butt a third time, a little more aggressively then before, making her squeak in surprise, it was replaced by a small giggle.
"My punishment for being naughty?"
He just growled. His brisk walk slowed down and there was a grinding squeak, and Gally grunted. He shoved the slammed door open and walked in, slamming the door shut behind him. It left them in a dim darkness.
"Alright Captain, I broke a rule. What are you gonna do about it? Hmm?" She cooed again in his ear.
She could feel his body shiver. He finally put her down, only to amm her back into the cold cement wall. It took her by surprise for a second and then she let a giggle out which was cut off when Gally kissed her. Her giggle turned into a moan. She went to put her hands at the back of his neck and pull his head closer but he caught her hands. Holding them tight in one of his huge hands he pinned them to the wall above her head. His other hand slid down her arm and came to rest on her throat, he would never hurt her, but the rush of his hand on her throat made her knees weak.
"No. You don't get to touch." His voice was gruff as he kissed down her neck.
"Hmmm. My punishment for breaking the rules?" She breathed.
He brushed his teeth against her skin. Her head flopped back against the wall with a messy little moan. Gally pressed his body into hers.
"Tighter." She moaned, "Please Gally..."
His hand slowly applied some pressure as he pinned her small frame to the wall with his large one. He went back to kissing her mouth. The hand on her throat let go and slid down and under the hem of her shirt, he was gentle yet aggressive in his touch. He would never hurt her, but he knew what he wanted and Victoria melted every time. Her hands were still pinned above her head, and she strained, pulling against Gally's hand, but her was stronger and held her hands in place. She wanted desperately to touch him, weave her hands into his thick wavy hair, feel the muscles in his back tense and flex.
He broke the kiss and let go of her hands just long enough to yank her shirt off. He had her pinned back against the cold cement wall of the slammed, her hands pinned once more above her head. She whimpered.
"Shouldn't have broke the rules, Dolly." He growled in her ear.
"I'm sorry!" She whimpered, "I'll be good!"
He slowly kissed down her neck to her collar bone, and lower, making her head spin and her lungs forgot to work.
"Again." He demanded, his lips tickled against her clevege.
"I'm...I'm sorry. I...I was bad." She stammered, she couldn't think straight anymore, Gally's free hand had started to explore her body.
"Keep going." He growled.
"I'll...shuck...I'll be good. I prom- shuck Gally!
I promise. Please... Captain Gally...shuck!"
She was just mumbling incoherently at this point. Gally was sucking on her skin, which would leave marks, his hand holding both her captive was squeezing so hard she would have red marks, and his other hand was making her see stars. Her eyes were clamped closed and she was panting and gasping. If Gally wasn't pinning her to the wall her legs would have given out. He was breathing hard in her ear, she could feel his heart beating fast.
"Beg for it Baby Doll." He rumbled against her neck.
"Gally!" Victoria shrieked suddenly, "Please ! I'll be... I'll be good!"
She could feel the smirk against her neck. Her body was shivering and shuddering, everything tensing up, and suddenly he was gone. He had pulled away from her. Spun on his heel and was at the slammer door, paused for a second to readjust himself and he left her in the slammer alone. It took a moment for her mind to process what just happened.
She was furious.
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