Chapter 12: Kiss in the Woods
🌶️🔥Spicy Kissy Scene🔥🌶️
Gally pulled her away from the fire and wild cat calls, hoots and whistles. Victoria felt her heart racing and her face flushing. It all happened so fast. One second some jerk was smacking her butt then next thing Gally had knocked him out and he was kissing her. Her stomach backflipped when she thought of his arms around her and his lips on hers. He had slipped his button up shirt on as the guided her into the night. Gally's hand was clamped on hers. The wild yelling from the drunk Gladers was a distant noise now. He pulled her into the shadows of the Deadhead trees, and then stopped walking and turned to her.
He suddenly sounded nervous. The moon was the only source of light, and it made him glow, his eyes kept flitting over her face. He was shifting his weight from foot to foot, and then ran a hand through his hair, shoving it out of his face. She didn't say anything, letting him work through what he wanted to say.
"Tori..." He started again, "I'm..I'm..shuck." He grumbled and tipped his head back and ran a hand down his face.
"Gal?" She asked quietly.
He looked back down at her, looking at her hopeful, like she could know what he couldn't say. She gave him a small smile as she tugged on a curl.
"Do you like me?"
"Yes!" His voice was hoarse, "Probably more then I should."
"Dose that scare you?" She asked, tilting her head to the side.
"Yes." He gulped.
"Me too." She nodded.
"Really?" His eyes widened.
"Yeah. It brings up these weird and wild feelings and it does things to my body I've never experienced before, and I don't know how to logically figure it out. I know Love is defined more or less by lust, attraction and companionship, and it happens less in the heart and more in the brain, where hormonal releases and brain chemicals are triggered. Dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin are some of the key neurotransmitters that help you feel pleasure and satisfaction, in a romantic relationship. But that's where the logic stops. It makes me...feel weird and tingly, and giggly, and smily, makes me feel not like me...but it is me-"
"Tori." Gally cut off her ramblings, he was smirking at her. She clamped her mouth closed and looked away embarrassed. He took her chin in his hand and made her look up at him.
"Love...romantic feelings is scary," She whispered, "Felling of falling scares me. It's unpredictable and it only ends with hitting the floor ."
"Not if I catch you." He whispered, he moved closer to her, his hand still had her chin, making her look up at him.
"You can't catch me Gal, if your falling with me."
"Darling, I started falling long before you did."
"You did?" She was hardly breathing, He had leaned in.
"Do you believe in love at first sight?" His breath fanned her face, he was so close his nose brushed hers.
"I...I don't know." She confessed.
"Well, how about now, Freckles?"
"Yes, Gally, I wanna fall all the way with you." She breathed, her heart was beating so fast she was surprised she didn't have a heart attack. She pushed up on her toes, throwing her arms around his neck. He kissed her back hungerly. He pulled her hips closer, making her squeak. He slowly wrapped his arms around her waist, tightening his grip until there was nothing left between them. Her arms tightened, a hand slid up the back of his neck, into his hair and pulled his head down. She was up on her very tip toes. She sighed deeply as he deepened the kiss, his tongue slid across her bottom lip, she parted her lips letting him explore her mouth.
Unlike their first kiss just a few minutes ago, which was aggressive, possessive and intense, which made her feel wild and tingly and hot. And she would never forget that first wild kiss. This one was just as intense and passionate but it was more cautious and hesitant, like he was worried he was going to hurt her. Victoria felt a fire deep in her bones, the wild hot tingling started in her chest again, spreading to every part of her body. Her soul felt content, like it had been waiting for this, like it finally returned back to the water. Her body and mind felt alive and whole. She tightened her grip, his chest rumbled, making a whimper noise come from the back of her throat.
She had to pull away to breath, Gally literally took her breath away, he went for her jaw instead. She shivered at the sensation.
"Cold?" He whispered against her skin.
"No..." she breathed, "Not at all.
"Are you okay with this?" He growled, pulling away slightly.
"With what?" Victoria asked, placing her hands on his chest, "With you kissing me while we're alone in the dark woods? Yes. But if you're going to kill me while we're alone in the woods... Not so much." She whispered. Victoria looked up at him through her lashes, she smirked slightly up at him.
"Dammit Tori, that's hot." He growled, leaning closer, his forehead against hers, he tugged on a curl.
"My logical smart ass mouth or...this..." and she looked at him again through her lashes and bit her bottom lip.
"Ya. That." His voice was quiet and husky, "Though that smart mouth is pretty good too."
Victoria could hear him panting slightly and she could feel his heartbeat under her hand, and how fast it was beating. She never knew that she could make an almost grown man weak kneed and flustered before, especially one who comes off as the always cool collected tough boy. It made her feel giddy and powerful but also strangely, nervous and shy.
"Should I do it again?" She whispered, but her voice dropped and became breathy.
"Shuck." He growled.
He slowly ran a hand through her hair, making her wild cinnamon brown curls tumble down her back and shoulders. He grabbed hold of her hips and walked her back until she couldn't go anywhere; Gally had pushed her back against the tree, and pinned her there with his huge body. She was very aware of every point of contact. Her body was shooting with little electric shocks.
Gally buried a hand into her hair. He glanced at her lips. Victoria ran her hands up into his long thick hair, and pushed up on her toes, pulling his head down. She could hear the sharp intake of breath when she kissed him. He kissed her back roughly. His hands tangled in her hair. She sighed into their kiss with a smile.
Her lungs were going to explode, she needed to breathe. She pulled away, gasping for air. And Gally smirked, going straight to her jaw. Slowly leaving kisses down her jaw line and then down her neck. Victoria sucked in a sharp breath, grasping Gally's shirt in her fists. Her legs just about gave out.
He hummed. Excruciatingly slowly he kissed her neck again, just barely brushing his warm lips against her neck. She tightened her grip on his shirt, her chest was heaving. Victoria's heart was racing so fast she thought Gally was going to give her a heart attack. She involuntarily made a noise between a moan and a whimper.
"I think I found your sweet spot." He murmured against her neck.
"Holly...shuck..." she panted, her eyes fluttered open for a moment.
"Hmmm." He hummed.
He kissed her again, gently sucking and kissing the same spot. Victoria's eyes closed again, leaning her head back against the tree. He pushed closer into her. Her hands found the few buttons he had done up of his shirt and as fast as her shaking tingling hands could, undid them. She slipped her arms inside his shirt to his back. She could feel all his back muscles tensing. He moved back to her lips. This time, Victoria slipped her tongue into his mouth first. She felt his chest rumble, and his hands tightened on her hip and in her hair.
Victoria felt dizzy and her head was cloudy. Her body felt hot. Her limbs were tingling, there was a hot burning feeling in the pit of her stomach, working its way up to her chest.
The hand Gally had clamped on her hip crept higher, fumbling with the buttons on her shirt. Victoria pulled away and quickly unbuttoned her shirt and let it fall to the forest floor. His intense blue eyes watching her every movement. When she looked back up at him he had a slight frown.
"Are you okay?" He leaned his forehead on hers, still breathing heavily.
"Define okay." Her voice wasn't working, it was stuck in her throat.
"Tell me if it's too much...or you're uncomfortable." He panted, his voice was rough. He was running his nose along hers.
Victoria paused, and pushed him away slightly to look at him. She blinked a few times. It took a minute to understand what he said.
"Tori?" He asked, his hand came up to cup her cheek. "Talk to me."
"Consent." she said, more to herself. Pulling her eyebrows together.
"Yeah...consent. I wanna make sure you are okay with this, Tori..."
" agree to do or allow give permission for something to happen or be done." She whispered to herself. There was something at the back of her mind, something was trying to push through the walls around her memories. There was a sharp stab of pain, at the base of her skull. "I was never aloud to disagree...consent wasn' was offered to me before."
Gally stepped away, still frowning at her, he kept a hand on her waist though, "Tori, what are you talking about?"
"I...I don't know! I just know I wasn't given an option before." She looked up at him her face scrunched trying to think.
"Like...some slint head tried to-"
"No." She shook her head. " are my first kiss. I know that. There was something else...I just...I can't remember, it's right there, just behind that stupid wall around my memories! I just know...I was never asked if I wanted this...whatever THIS was." She stomped her foot in frustration, turning away she wrapped her arms around herself. "Does that even make sense?"
"Not really." He answered honestly. She glanced over her shoulder, she could see his eyes going from concerned to sad. Victoria took a slow shuddering breath, looking away. She knew deep in her soul that she wasn't aloud to have a choice. Those dreams she had, she wasn't given a choice. She knew those were real events now. And she wasn't given an option. It was forced.
"They didn't give me an option...whoever THEY are. Even when I begged and cried. THEY touched me, poked me, did things to me. They didn't listen when I said stop, or no. Only stopping once THEY were done... with whatever they were doing. You're the first guy I've let touch me with permission. I have no specifics to explain any more. I just KNOW that I'm right!"
"Tori...I believe you! I do. You don't need to convince me and I'm sorry you had to go through that."
Gally gently pulled her arms from around herself and tugged her into a hug. One hand cupping the back of her head, the other held her tight around the waist. Victoria lay her head on his chest and closed her eyes. Gally may not understand, but his demand of having her consent started to healed a wound she didn't realize she had.
"You know Freckles...NO is a full sentence. Alright? No means no, end of discussion." He whispered into her hair.
"Thank you."
"I really like you, Victoria. Like a a whole shucken lot. I don't want to mess it up."
"Thank you, Gally" Victoria whispered, looking up at him through her lashes. "Thank you for trusting me. And...and asking if I'm okay." She paused and bit her lip for a second, she could see him watching, his eyes never left her lips. "I'm sorry."
"Why? Why are you sorry Tori?" He stepped closer again, running a hand up her arms and shoulders, to the nap of her neck and tipped her head back, he hummed in question, a small smirk on his very fine and chiseled face.
"I kind of ruined the mood."
"I can get it back."
"Hey Gally?" She asked, slipping her chilly bare arms into his open shirt, and looked up at him.
"Kiss me again." She whispered.
His sly crooked smirk slid onto his lips, "As you wish." His deep gravelly voice made her heart skip a beat. He pushed her back up against the tree. His kiss made her eyes flutter shut. She dug her fingers into his back when he went after her sweet spot on her neck, he growled and she moaned.
Gally had her wrists pinned against the tree above her head with one hand. The hem of her tank top was tugged up and his other hand was holding her side, his hand wrapped around her rib cage. His body kept her pinned to the tree. His tongue was exploring her mouth when her eyes snapped open and she ripped her head away, breaking the kiss.
"Shh. Stop." She whispered, her eyes wide.
"Tori what-"
She ripped her hands away, there was a rustling behind them. Gally pulled away looking up, hearing the sound. They both spun around and out of the darkness red amp like eyes appeared.
"Are you serious?" She growled. "You sick bastards are gonna watch this?" She picked up a rock from the forest floor and threw it. It would have been an accurate throw if the machine wasn't so fast. The beetle blade scurried away. She was breathing heavy, from the sudden spike in anger and from Gally. She huffed and ran a hand through her wild messed up hair. Gally stepped up behind her and pulled her close into his chest.
"We should probably go to sleep anyways." He said.
"Yeah...yeah your right." She leaned forwards and grabbed her and Gally's plaid shirts and took his hand and pulled him out of the forest. She slowed down, now that they were away from the camera. He slowed down and slid his hand into hers. He walked her back to the barn. He stopped at the door and pulled her into a hug.
"G'night Tori." he whispered into her hair.
She pressed her face into his chest, inhaling deeply. She smiled, his scent made her heart flutter. "Night Gally." she muttered into his chest. He pulled away and kissed her forehead. She slowly backed up.
"Hey, that's my shirt." He pointed at the plaid shirt.
"Not anymore. You can have it back when it doesn't smell like you." She smiled coyly at him, threw it over her arms. He smirked at her and leaned on the door frame and watched as she climbed the stairs to her loft room, and closed the door.
She leaned heavily on the door once it was closed. She would have to thank George and Jack and Alby. After she hit them. She pulled the shirt up to her nose and took another deep inhale and smiled which turned into a squeal. Bark picked his head up with a yawn. She changed and curled up in bed with Bark, Oreo and Taffy and Gally's shirt and fell asleep with a smile.
× Oh? What's that noise? Oh the Trauma Train is on it's way! ×
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