The Flash of Two Worlds
My name is Barry Allen, and I am the fastest man alive. To the outside world, I’m an ordinary forensic scientist, but secretly, with the help of my friends at S. T. A. R. labs, I fight crime and find other meta-humans like me. I hunted down the man who killed my mother, but in doing so, I opened up our world to new threats. And I am the only one fast enough to stop them. I am the Flash.
The man that entered the cortex, Jay Garrick told Barry that this world is in danger. Barry was confused with how this man knew who he was. Turns out, Jay had been stalking them the past six months. Joe raised his gun again at Jay as he held up his hands in surrender. He said the same words again, this world is in danger. “When you created the singularity above Central City, you also created a breach between my world and yours.” Jay explained.
“A breach?” Mushroom asked.
“Yes, a portal connecting our two earths.” Jay answered
“And what precisely is your concern?” Stein asked.
“A few days ago, you found a dead man named Al Rothstein at the nuclear plant. But then a different Al Rothstein tried to kill you.”
“Atom Smasher.” Cisco says.
“That man was from my world. If he got through the breach, I suspect there’ll be more to follow.”
“Okay. So, Jay, how exactly do you know all this?” Barry asks.
“Where I came from, I was a speedster like you. They called me the Flash. Before I arrived on your Earth, I was in a fight with a man named Zoom.”
“Zoom?” Lea, Mushroom and Barry all ask remembering that name.
“We’ve heard that name before.” Barry says.
“Atom Smasher, he said Zoom sent him here to kill him.” Lea says.
“Who is this fucker?” Mushroom asks.
“He’s a speedster, like Barry and me. And fast. Maybe the fastest of all, but evil. He is an unstoppable demon with the face of evil. “ Jay answers before continuing. “We were engaged in our fiercest battle ever, racing throughout my city, but I wasn’t fast enough to stop him. Zoom had me beaten. He was about to kill me, when suddenly, there was a blinding light, and the sky split open. A breach between my world and yours caused from the Singularity. It pulled me in and I somehow ended up in your world. Powerless. Unable to return home.”
“What do you mean?” Caitlin asks.
“I lost my speed.”
‘How is that possible?” Lea asked.
“Not entirely sure.” Jay answered.
“So, you’ve been in Central City for six months. Why haven’t you come to see us before?” Joe asked.
“I’m in a foreign world here, Detective. I didn’t know who you all were. Took me that long to piece it all together.”
“So that’s how you know our names. You’ve been following us.” Iris said.
“Look, I know how this sounds…”
“You’re a stalker from another earth where you happen to be a Flash? Not the weirdest thing we’ve dealt with.” Mushroom stated.
“We’re gonna do some tests on you. See if you’re telling us the truth. ‘Cause if you’re not, this Zoom, he’s not gonna be your only enemy.” Barry threatened.
Caitlin led Jay to the medical wing to conduct the tests. Mushroom decided to follow and watch. While Caitlin ran tests Mushroom leaned on the doorway.
“So, Mr. Garrick, how long have you been the Flash in your world?” Caitlin asks, wanting to start a conversation.
“Not long enough to call me ‘Mister’” Jay answers.
“How about sir?” Mushroom asks jokingly, causing Jay and Caitlin to chuckle.
“Please, it’s Jay.”
“Ok Jay.”
“On my world, I’ve been the Flash for about two years.”
“And how did you get your speed?” Caitlin asks.
“My brother got his by being struck by lightning. How about you?” Mushroom asks.
“I’m not really sure. I was at my lab trying to purify heavy water without any residual radiation when there was a blinding light. Uh, I fell into a coma. When I woke up, I could run almost as fast as the speed of light.” Jay answers.
“Sorry, did you say ‘lab’?” Caitlin asks.
“You’re a scientist?” Mushroom asks.
“Well, certainly didn’t work at a place like this but yeah. I had a respectable solo operation. Part-time chemist. Part-time physicist. Part-time superhero.” Jay answers.
“What can’t he do?” Mushroom smiles.
“I can forget that superhero part now though, huh.” Jay chuckles.
Barry seemed more focused on how his sister was acting around Jay. “Big brother senses tingling?” Lea asked.
“Ha, ha. Funny. I just don’t trust him.” Barry stated.
Stein was going over what Jay has told them about the Multiverse. Joe and Cisco were super confused about it all. Stein pulled a whiteboard over and grabbed a marker to explain it better.
“This is our earth. Let’s call it, Earth one.” Stein starts drawing a circle with ‘E-1’ in the middle. “And this second earth, let’s call it, Earth Two” He draws another circle but with ‘E-2’ in the middle. “This is where Jay claims to be from.” Stein draws smaller circles around the two bigger ones. “And these other earths, three, four, five, to infinity. All of them are nearly identical to ours, and, uh, they all exist at the same time, giving us endless alternatives to what we have here. For example, uh, the Joe West on Earth Two, your doppelganger, he might not be a detective. He could be a Nobel Prize-winning physicist. And you, the Barry Allen here is the Flash, but over there, he could be an electrician. Maybe there’s even an Earth where let’s say Mushroom or Lea doesn’t exist.”
“So I’m assuming that the people on all these other Earths work to make money to pay bills and such?” Joe asks.
“I would think so.” Lea answers.
“So we got that in common. I’m heading back to the station. Call me when this makes a little bit more sense. I’m still trying to wrap my head around the whole idea of time travel.”
Cisco chuckles as Joe leaves to cortex and S.T.A.R labs.
“There is one problem that remains.” Stein says. “If Mr. Garrick is telling the truth, there is a breach somewhere in Central City that we need to find. And close for good.”
“Yeah, but how do we find it? We don’t even know what to look for.” Cisco pointed out.
“Well, I-I suggest we put our heads together and come up with a solution. Not literally, of course. Those days are over.” Stein said, sadly.
“While you guys do that, I’m gonna head over to the station. I’m supposed to help Joe find new recruits for the Meta Task Force.” Lea stated before leaving.
Stein and Cisco leave the cortex as Caitlin comes in with the results of Jay’s tests. Barry and Iris look over both seeing that Mushroom is still with Jay and talking to him.
“What’s you find?” Iris asks.
“Well, Jay’s heart rate is extraordinarily low. And he does have regenerative capabilities.” Caitlin answers. She sets the tablet on one of the desks. “Other than that, I’m not seeing any evidence of the speed force in his system.”
“We don’t even have proof that he’s a speedster, much less from another Earth?” Barry asks.
“Not necessarily.”
“What does that mean?”
“Well, Jay nor Mushroom doesn’t know this, but while I was testing his heart rate, blood pressure and motor responses, I also measured his autonomic reactions while he and Mushroom were talking.”
“You gave him a lie-detector test?” Iris asks.
“And he passed it.”
Barry looked over at Jay who was still talking to Mushroom. The two laughed a bit at something one of them said. Barry looks back at Iris and Caitlin.
“What if he’s not a good guy, and he just wants to find our weaknesses? Keep running tests. See what else you can find out.” Barry says as he looks back at Jay and Mushroom. “And get my sister away from him.”
“Someone seems jealous.” Iris muttered.
CCPD Station at night
Joe lost his Meta Task Force since everybody quit. He got a message on his phone but he ignored it. Lea could tell that something was up with Joe but she just shook it off. Just then, she saw Joe talking to another officer who was a female named Patty Spivot. For some reason, she felt her cheeks flush. Joe called her over and Lea followed them to his office. “Hey Joe, let me guess, new candidate for the task force?” Lea asked.
“Yes/no” Patty and Joe say at the same time.
“I’m sorry but you wouldn’t be a good fit for the team.” Joe says to Patty.
“Because I’m a woman?” Patty asks.
“I didn’t mean to imply that. Plus there is a woman.” Joe starts walking with Patty and Lea following.
“Good, because I know how difficult this job would be, but I think I’m an excellent candidate.” Patty stated, “I triple-majored at Hudson in, biology, chemistry, and physics. I’m in prime physical condition. And I rated top of my class in marksmanship.”
“Your class? You don’t even have your stripes yet.” Joe stated.
“Soon. Been on the job seven months, sir.” Patty pointed out.
“Joe isn’t in the market for partners after his previous ones.” Lea spoke.
“Detective Thawne, yes. I know he died. And the previous one, Fred Chyre, died too, but the one before that’s not dead, just transferred.” They all stop walking when they got to Joe’s desk. “I’m sure it had nothing to do with you.”
“Listen, Officer…” Joe trails off.
“Spivot. Patty Spivot.” She reminds him.
“Yes, Spivot. The answer’s no.”
“All I’m asking for is a shot, sir. Please, just an interview.
“You just had the interview. Didn’t get the job.”
Joe leaves Lea and Patty at his desk while he goes off to do his job.
“Good luck cracking that.” Lea says
“I don’t suppose you could give me a hint.” Patty asked.
“Not in my department. Sorry.” Lea stated.
“You’re Lea Snow, right? CSI?”
“Yeah, that’s me, Officer Spivot.”
“Call me Patty. Only Joe has to call me Officer Spivot.”
Waterfront fire
Barry had locked up Jay in the pipeline since they couldn’t fully trust them. There was a fire going on in a warehouse building so Barry went with Ghost to help out. Barry as the Flash took out the fire as Ghost made sure no one was in the building.
“That was a big fire. It’s out, Cisco.” Flash says into his ear piece as Ghost comes over.
“I couldn’t find anyone in the building.” Ghost informs.
The two heard something so they turned around only for Flash to be punched in the face and knocked down. Ghost looked down and saw sand that seemed to be moving to someone. So they looked over and saw a man with the sand absorbing into his legs.
“I thought it’d be harder than this.” The man says.
Ghost punched him only for sand to come off before going back in his skin again. Barry tried to attack him but the guy turned into anything but sand and just disappeared. “What the hell was that?” Ghost asked.
“I don’t know. We need to find out.” Barry stated.
The next morning, the police showed up at the warehouse and turned it into a crime scene. Both Lea and Barry were struggling to find any evidence to find this sand metahuman but they had a hard time. Although Barry did find gasoline burns everywhere, the water didn’t go off, sprinklers weren’t working, so this was arson. Just then, Patty walked over to Joe, Lea, and Barry. “Two days in a row, Officer. What a coincidence.” Joe muttered.
“Or kismet, if you believe in destiny or fate.” Patty joked.
She shook hands with Barry and she was a huge fan of his forensic reports which she read them all. She liked how they were always so detailed and how they painted a picture like he was somehow actually there when someone was being brutally murdered. Patty actually found something that helped Lea and Barry a lot. She found the point where the fire had started along with a cut on the pipeline that was more precise than any sandblaster. She even took a sample and gave it to Lea, she also told Barry that there are some fingerprints on the back of the pipe. “You should have gone into CSI work.” Barry commented.
“I love the science, but out here’s where all the action is.” Patty said before facing Joe, “Isn’t that right, Detective West?”
“The answer’s still no, Officer.” Joe muttered then walked away.
“What was that about?” Barry asks
“I’m trying to join the anti-meta-human task force.” Patty answers. “But you heard him. Hey, he’s kind of like your dad, right? So, do you have any advice on how I can crack his ‘no’ code?”
“Yeah, me and my sister have been trying to pick that lock since we were 11 and 10. So, if you figure it out, how about you let me know.”
“Deal. It was nice to meet you, BArry.”
“Yeah, you too.”
Barry and Patty shook hands before Patty walked away. Lea looked after her as Barry glanced at Lea.
“You like her?’ He asks. Lea looks at him.
“Huh?” She says, snapping out of her daze.
“Patty. You like her?” he asked again.
“I don’t know what you're talking about.”
“Come on, your cheeks are bright red.”
“And yet, you’re against your sister talking to Jay.”
“That’s different.”
Barry stuttered a bit but he just walked away from her.
S.T.A.R labs
Jay ran on the treadmill as in the next room over by the window Caitlin was monitoring his vitals as Mushroom watched Jay and Iris sat to the side.
“His blood pressure is low, his heart rate is low, his oxygen levels are impressive.” Caitlin observed.
“Yeah, but nothing compared to Barry’s.” Iris states.
“No, but he’s certainly in the physical specimen range.”
“In more ways than one?” Iris asks while looking at Mushroom.
“Hmm?” Mushroom looks at the two. “Oh uh…”
“That’s enough for today, Jay. Thank you.” Caitlin says into the comms.
Jay stopped running. Mushroom walked over and handed him a shirt. Iris and Caitlin walked out to the cortex to meet with the others about what Barry and Lea found at the crime scene. Jay thanks Mushroom for the shirt as they nod.
“Come on.” They say.
Mushroom leads Jay to the cortex where they could hear the others talking about what Lea and Barry found. They thought it was sand.
“It’s not sand.” Jay says as he and Mushroom walk in. “It’s human cells whose myosin-two protein has migrated to the cell’s periphery.”
“Jay is a science nerd like you guys.” Mushroom says referring to Caitlin, Barry and Cisco.
“Those cells have the ability to rearrange and harden, giving them the appearance of sand.”
“How do you know this?” Barry asks.
“They belong to a meta-human I’ve fought before named Sand Demon.”
“I know you’re new here, so I’m just gonna break it down for you. The whole naming the bad guys thing, that’s my jam. But you know what? I’m gonna let you have that one,’cause I actually kind of like it. I’m not mad at that one. Is that Barry’s sweatshirt?” Cisco asks, noticing the sweatshirt Jay is wearing.
“It was all we could find.” Mushroom answers.
“I let you steal my clothes and this is what you do.” Barry mutters. Mushroom sticks her tongue out at him.
“I was gonna say, ‘cause it looks a lot smaller on you, right?” Cisco said, chuckling.
But he walked away with the vial when everyone gave him a look. “So, who is this Sand Demon?” Mushroom asked.
“I don’t know his name, but I know how to stop him.” Jay explained.
“You know what? I think we’ll be fine on our own.” Barry stated.
Mushroom rolled their eyes at Barry. “Look, Barry, I don’t know what else I can do to prove to you I’m on your side.” Jay stated, “I’ve been poked, prodded. I even subjected myself to a full body scan.”
Iris looked at both Caitlin and Mushroom. “Mushroom did it, not me.” Caitlin said.
“I was being thorough.” Mushroom claimed.
“Sand Demon’s from my world. Let me teach you how to stop him.” Jay said.
“Yeah, I don’t need you to teach me anything, Jay.” Barry says.
“Zoom sent Rothstein here to kill you. He must’ve sent Sand Demon here to do the same thing. Don’t you get it? Anyone close to the Flash, all of you, are in a lot of danger!”
“Jay-” Mushroom tries but is cut off by Barry.
“All right. If you were so good, you would’ve caught him already.” Barry says as he walks over.
“Calm down Sonics.” Mushroom says.
Jay and Barry just stare at each other while Mushroom stands between the two of them so they wouldn’t fight. “Let’s just get Jay back to his cell.” Barry stated.
Outside in Joe’s car
Joe got the file and picture of the meta that burned the warehouse. He saw the guy who he was looking for and called Barry to let him know. The metas name is Eddie Slick, Joe tracked the prints to Eddie’s address. Unfortunately, Eddie saw Joe and made a run for it. Joe chased after him but before he could get the jump in him, someone else had him on the ground, Patty. “So, can I be on your task force?” she asked.
At the station
Lea and Patty were on the other side of the one way glass as Joe interrogated Eddie. Eddie kept denying and even said he didn’t have powers. Joe asked where he was the night of the Particle Accelerator explosion and he told him he was at Blackgate Penitentiary. Joe called someone to check and make sure he wasn’t lying. Lea turned to Patty.
“Joe told me what you did. Impressive.” Lea says.
“Oh, all I did was, you know, run the other print from the electrical pipe, and track Slick down from there.” Patty explained.
“That’s all?”
The two girls laughed.
“Any closer to cracking Joe’s ‘no’ code?”
“Are you kidding me? He’s like the permission Sphinx. Or like a magic eight ball with just one answer. Or like, you know, the Bridgekeeper protecting the Holy Grail.”
“What is your quest?” Lea asks in a funny voice, making Patty smile.
“To join your task force.” Patty answers, doing a funny voice as well.
They both laugh as they smile at each other.
“Well, maybe I can ask Barry to put in a good word for you.” Lea says.
“That would mean a lot to me, Lea,” Patty smiles.
She then saw Joe pointing at her saying that they needed to talk. Lea and Joe walked away from Patty. Apparently, Slick wasn’t in Central City the night the particle accelerator exploded. Lea would have guessed that Slick was lying but she did a quick mind scan while talking with Patty and saw that he was telling the truth. “I don’t understand. Barry and Mushroom were sure that Slicker was the one that jumped them.” Lea stated.
“Do you think it’s possible that the Slick in there has a…”
“A doppelganger? Possibly.” Lea answered.
“We need to tell Barry.” Joe said.
“You go ahead. Patty and I will handle Slick.”
“And before you ask, She’s just a friend, Joe.”
Night at the station
Lea had gone back to S.T.A.R labs with Barry to confirm what had happened. Patty and Joe let Eddie Slick go since they couldn’t hold him. As Joe and Patty were talking the other Eddie Slick came over. He turns his hand to a sand fist and punches Joe. Ghost who was close by saw and flew over just as Joe fell to the ground, unconscious. Patty takes out her gun and points it at Sand Demon. Ghost goes to punch Sand Demon but he punched her in the stomach sending them flying back into a pillar.
“I remember you. You were with the Flash. You’ll do perfect.” He says.
As he walked to Ghost was unconscious from hitting her head. Patty started shooting at him. He looks over at her as the bullets go through him. He walks over to Patty.
“I like you. Maybe two will do the trick just fine.” He says.
Sand Demon grabs Patty’s gun and pulls her closer.
S. T. A. R. Labs Pipeline
After Barry had gotten a talking to from Iris about Jay, he was willing to give him a chance. But when Joe came in to tell him that Patty and Mushroom got kidnapped by Sand Demon, he really needed Jay’s help. He opened the door to Jay’s cell and he was there, waiting for Barry with a smirk on his face. “Finally come to your senses?” he asked.
“Sand Demon kidnapped my sister and a police officer. A woman that I know.” Barry answered.
“And you need my help?”
“I need you to help me save them. Before something happens.”
“I guess you’re gonna have to trust me now, huh, kid?”
Barry chuckles a bit before opening the cell door and bringing Jay to the cortex.
“We’re looking for any structures that promote humidity. Greenhouses, grow rooms, anything of the sort. His body will literally start to fall apart if he becomes dehydrated.” Jay explains to everyone.
“Like dry sand.” Caitlin says.
“Exactly. Sand Demon always attacks on two fronts. He creates a diversion, then strikes when you’re distracted.”
“Okay. Then what do we do?” Barry asks.
“We use your speed to get him before the distraction can happen.”
“Jay, how do I stop somebody who can slip through my fingers?”
“The way I never was able to. With lightning.”
“Yo! Are you about to pull a Zues right now?” Cisco asks excitedly.
“What are you talking about?” Iris asks.
“Barry’s going to hurl lightning from the energy he creates when he runs.” Jay answers.
“Because lightning plus sand makes glass.” Lea says.
“Time to learn something new, kid.”
Barry saw Joe acting a little off in the hallway so Barry went to talk to him. Caitlin had searched all of the vacant buildings in Central City and none of them fit the description that they needed. Lea and Stein even looked at any draw upticks on the electrical grid but there was nothing out of the norm. Lea saw Cisco heading out of the cortex so she decided to follow him. She found him in the lab with a blank stare. The second she touched him, she felt a strange energy coming off and it made her see what Cisco saw. She saw Patty tied up in a chair along with Mushroom who had a power damper on their leg. It looked like they were at a greenhouse; she saw Sand Demon working on a bomb.
She snapped out of the trance when Cisco snapped out of it, breathing heavily. He looked up to see Lea standing behind him, and he jumped. “Ok, we need to get you a bell!” he shouted.
“Cisco, did you have powers?” Lea asked.
“What? Me? With powers?” he scoffed, “No, no, no. Anyway, I know where Patty and Mushroom are.”
The Green House
Mushroom and Patty both sat in chairs tied up. Mushroom was no longer see-through showing that their powers were successfully being dampened by the power dampener on their ankle. Patty looked over at Sand Demon who was building a bomb.
“Flash is coming for you, you know.” Patty said.
“Yes, I’m sure he is.” Sand Demon said calmly.
“You can’t beat him. I don’t care what powers you have.” Mushroom looks over at Patty as she speaks.
“I wouldn’t be too sure about that.”
“Is that why you need to build that concussive bomb? Yeah. I know what it is.” Patty looks forward. “I’m a cop. I’ve seen one before.”
“This isn’t gonna kill the Flash.” Sand Demon walks over and stands between the two. “I am. This is gonna kill you two.”
“You’re very cocky for someone who is going to get his ass whooped.” Mushroom says.
“You are very confident in your partner.” Sand Demon walks over to Mushroom.
“I am.”
“You know you got lucky, right?” Patty says. Making Sand Demon walk over and Mushroom looked at her. “You think you were chosen, the rest us don’t mean anything, but it’s not true. You were just at the right place at the right time. Getting those powers didn’t change who you are. They Only highlighted the worst parts of who you already were.” Mushroom looks down in thought.
“Maybe you’re right. Maybe not. Either way, you, this ghost person, and the Flash are about to find out what those worst parts are.” Sand Demon says and goes back on building the bomb.
Mushroom looks at Patty and she looks back at them.
S. T. A. R. Labs
Barry was practicing his lightning throw for almost an hour with Jay’s help. Cisco and Lea came in to tell them that they could Sand Demon in the abandoned Woodrue grow house. “And I was thinking, if I were Sand Demon and I were attacking a speedster on two fronts, I would probably want to slow you down, like, by using a concussive bomb or something like that.” Cisco stated.
“That’s a good thought. He’s actually used one on me before. His body absorbs the blast so it doesn’t affect him.” Jay explained.
Barry had an idea of giving Slick a diversion by letting Jay come with him and Lea. Slick doesn’t know that Jay had lost his speed so it would be perfect. Jay already had his suit but he didn’t have his helmet. “Silver kettle helmet? Gold wings?” Lea asked.
“Don’t tell me you guys found it.” Jay said.
They went into the cortex where Caitlin was waiting for them with Jay’s helmet. The helmet belonged to his father who was a soldier in the War of the Americans.
“I wish you would’ve just told us you lost your helmet. Would’ve saved us all a headache.” Barry says as Jay puts on the helmet. “Well, you sure you want to do this, Flash?”
“Yeah. Let’s go see what you’re made of, Flash.” Jay answers with a smile.
The Green House
Sand Demon attaches the bomb to Patty’s chair and activates it. He grabs Mushroom’s chair and puts it behind Patty’s so Mushroom and her are back to back. Sand Demon smirks as he walks around the two. Flash runs in with Jay. Mushroom and Sand Demon both look over only to see Jay in his Flash suit and helmet.
“I came quite a distance.” Jay says.
“What is that dumbass planning?” Mushroom mumbles under their breath so Patty doesn’t hear them.
“Thought you were dead.” Sand Demon says.
“You were wrong like usual.” Sand Demon walks closer as Jay speaks. “Let the girl and person go.”
“Have at it. But you touch the blond one, they both go boom! Yeah, and I think even you aren’t fast enough to save her.”
Jay started throwing a few punches but Sand Demon dodged them. Jay managed to land at least one hit on Sand Demon before Sand Demon landed a few blows to Jay which hurt like hell. “You don’t have your speed, do you?” he asked.
Just then Flash zoomed in with Project 32. She used her powers to get the power damper off of Mushroom so they could become Ghost. Flash grabs Patty off the car making the concussive bomb go off. Ghost holds their breath making the blast only push them forward a bit while everyone else gets sent flying and falls to the floor while Sand Demon absorbs the blast. Patty is unconscious but alive, Ghost is fine, Project 32 and Flash are a bit banged up, and Jay has some bumps and bruises.
“Must be my lucky day. Zoom sent me here to kill you.” Sand Demon says as Flash and Jay stand up. “Now I get to kill the Flash from two worlds before I go home.”
Sand Demon uses his sand hand and starts choking Jay. Ghost runs over and tries to get it off him. Project 32 stays by Patty to make sure she won’t get harmed. Flash looks at Jay and he nods. Flash starts running in a circle around Sand Demon, Jay and Ghost making Sand Demon let go of Jay. Jay falls to the floor gasping for air. Flash throws lightning at Sand Demon which turns him to glass and he shatters into pieces as he falls on the floor. Mushroom comes out and looks at Flash shocked as he walked over.
“Since when could you do that?!” They ask in shock as they help Jay stand up. Flash chuckles a bit.
“You ok?” Flash asks the two as he walks over.
“Yeah, I’m okay. Nice shot, kid.” Jay answers.
“Just a bit beat up.” Mushroom answers and hugs Flash.
S. T. A. R. Labs medical wing
After all of them headed back to S. T. A. R. labs, Mushroom took Jay to the medical wing and wrapped up his wounds.
“You’re pretty good at this.” Jay complemented.
“Having a brother for a speedster, you pick up a thing or two.” Mushroom stated as they finished up. “It was really courageous doing what you did today, standing up to the Sand Demon without any power.”
“Ah, your brother did all the work. I just stood there and took a few punches.”
“That was more than a few.”
“This is a lot harder than I thought. Losing something that was such a big part of who I was for so long.”
“I…I lost something that was a part of me too. I know it’s hard but it does get easier every day.” Mushroom pauses as Jay puts on his shirt. “You just have to find a new way to live. Though just because it’s a different life, it doesn’t mean it’s a worse one.” Mushroom looks to the entrance seeing Barry coming over. “And, speed or no speed, in my book, you are still a hero today. I’m just sorry that the others did not realize it a little bit sooner.”
“Especially me.” Barry says as he comes into the room.
“So, I hear they call you the ‘Scarlet Speedster’?” Jay asks.
“Yeah. What about you?”
“‘Crimson Comet’”
“Not bad.” Mushroom says with a small chuckle
“What about you?”
“Just Ghost.”
“There was that one time someone called you, Black Devil.” Barry reminds.
“That was terrible.”
Jay chuckled at the two.
“What is it with alliteration and nicknames?” Jay asks. Mushroom and Barry chuckle.
“Hey, look, Jay, uh,” Barry sits down on the medical bed. “So thank you for all your help. And for being so patient with me.”
“Anytime, kid. You’re a quick study. Took me a lot longer to learn how to toss lightning, believe me.”
“I suppose I had the right teacher.”
“It’s going to be a lot harder to take down Zoom.”
“Who is he?” Mushroom asked.
“No one knows. He showed up around the same time as when I got my powers. Killed a lot of people in my world. I spent about two years tracking him down. But he was too smart, too quick. He’s always one step ahead.”
“You really think he’s just bringing these guys here to kill me?”
“Zoom is obsessed with destroying me. Now he wants to destroy you. He needs to be the best. And he will do whatever it takes to ensure he’s the only speedster. In any world.”
“Multiverse of Madness right there.” Mushroom joked.
“Mushroom.” Barry says making them look away.
S.T.A.R labs cortex next day
Everyone was in the cortex since Cisco and Stein figured out how to find the breaches and that there were 52 breaches scattered throughout the city that were caused by the Singularity. The biggest breach was actually in S.T.A.R labs. As Stein was explaining he suddenly stopped as he stuttered before falling to the ground unconscious. Everyone ran over concerned and confused about what happened.
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