Several more months have passed since that day in Jitters and since then Iris’ name ‘the Flash’ has caught on immensely. He’s now known as Central Cities’ hero and protector, known by the entire population of Central.
You have made an imprint on some of the people in Central as you’ve continued to save people who need it. Journalists and citizens have both attempted to take your picture and publish it in the next-day paper, but have never succeeded. You’ve seen some of the photos and it seems that as a result of your freaky glow-stick eyes, it ruins the picture. Sending light reflections across the picture, deeming it impossible for someone to identify who you are. In addition to your camera resistant eyes, you’ve taken to wearing your wolfish features when you’re saving someone as they’re unable to identify you.
Tonight you caught wind of a burning building and raced over to help the people stuck inside. You leap off of a building edge before expertly crashing through a window of one of the top floors of the burning building. As soon as you enter the thick smoke begins to infiltrate your lungs. You hold the collar of your shirt over your mouth before transforming you face, eyes blazing crimson, before tuning into the heartbeats of those stuck, using them as your guide. Before you the building is crumbling, planks from the roof falling in flames slowing blocking any movement in the rooms. You use your strength to throw away some burning planks and jump over others, and navigate your way to the remaining people in the building. You hear two racing heartbeats. You rush over over to the two and there behind a fallen, burning plank is a mothers using her body to block her son from the harsh flames, while sobbing softly, telling her son that it will all be okay. You hurry to pick up the burning log, throwing it to the other side of the room, any burns gained already healing.
“I’m here to help, follow me. You’re going to be okay, I promise”, you shout over the sound of the blazing and crackling of the fire.
“Please help me! Please save my son!”, the woman shouts, half crying as she maneuvers her son towards you. You pick up the small boy and balance him on your hip.
“I’m going to come back for you, I promise. Just hold on okay.” You shout struggling not to cough as the smoke constricts your throat.
“Just take my son to safety” The woman screams, before breaking into a coughing fit. You then run as fast as you can, jumping over fiery logs with the boy still steadily attached to your hip. Just as you’re approaching the door to the outside a plank intercepts your path, hitting your leg and burning you. The pain is intense, you let out a silent scream before inhaling a load of smoke and begin coughing, feeling as though the smoke is burning your throat and lungs, constricting your air ways. Tears cloud your eyes, you flight through the pain and lack of air before gathering the small boy and using the remainder of your strength to move the log and begin crawling, you’re mere meters from the exit before the lack of oxygen and smoke infiltrating your lungs begins to create black spots in your vision. Your pace comes to a rocky stop the boy still clinging to you. Over the deafening blaze of the fire, you can only just hear the boy screaming out for his mother, but you’re too far gone to comprehend it. Just as you’re seconds from passing out a blur blots past you, before the next thing you know you’re on you hands a knees just in sight of the scene that is filled with police, ambulance and fire fighters.
You look over to see both the mother and the boy being looked over by the paramedics, assessing the damage. You regain consciousness, before attempting to stand up, and stumbling before a hand pops up out of seemingly no where.
“Wooh there, take it easy, you just suffered some serious burns along with lack of oxygen”, a voice says while holding you steady. You glance up to see red leather. The Flash. The Flash is right in front of you. You glance over his striking green eyes and the features you can see through his mask. You snatch your arm back.
“I’m fine.” You state, rubbing at your wrist where some burns healed.
“Well you didn’t look so fine when you almost collapsed in there, so you’re welcome,” The Flash chuckles slightly.
“I was doing quite fine on my own. I didn’t need your help, I had this handled.” You huff, taking out your anger over the fact you failed on the masked hero.
“I’ve heard about you and don’t doubt you can. I have to go, but the next time you ‘have things handled’, don’t hesitate to call me” he said as you could practically hear the grin in his tone. He then suddenly was gone with a gust of wind. Did he just flirt with me? You think to yourself, slightly taken aback.
You look back over at the remains of the house to see the flames out and the woman and son safe and healthy, in the back of the ambulance with a blanket covering the two. You give a small smile before walking home to finish recovering and thinking about your encounter with a particular scarlet speedster.
Another incident has occurred in Central City, and again you’re just passing by when you hear sirens. You follow the direction the sirens are coming from. You creep around to the back of the building, before pulling yourself up on the rusted fire escape, and pull your body through the unlocked window of the office. Just as your feet hit the routinely cleaned, white carpet the soft ground is no longer beneath your feet.
In no longer than two seconds, not nearly enough time to process what just happened your feet make contact with a harder ground than before. You slightly stumble as your feet once again meet a solid surface. With panicky movements you spin around, feeling the strong winds of the slightly cool day, taking note that you’re on a roof top. You take notice of the iconic red suit and spin around to face the speedy superhero.
“What the hell was that!” You spat, referring to the short trip he just took you on.
“I already took care the incident back at the offices. I was hoping that the commotion would intrigue you, and I could see you again. You intrigue me, and what you are does too. I already understand that you’re not a threat to me, or this city. Which kinda makes this easier… so thanks for that.” The Flash states, not vibrating his voice box but using his real voice this time. Is it possible to be attracted to someone because of their voice?
“Since we’re so buddy to buddy, ask away. Although I’m sure I have more questions than answers to give you,” you sigh, no longer resisting or keeping up a façade around the boyish, cute hero.
“What are your powers? From all of the metahumans I’ve encountered, no one has been like you. It’s incredible.” The boy rushes out, excitement and interest clear in his voice.
“I- Well the only conclusion that could be drawn from my research is a werewolf, or something with similar abilities. I don’t have powers per-say but abilities, such as heightened senses and the ability to turn my eyes a startling red and grow canines from my gums. I- I think it was because of the particle accelerator that blew up a few months ago, things went black after that night and I awoke and found myself naked in the middle of the forest. There is still so much I don’t know I- I just-” Your ramblings were interrupted.
“I think there are a few people who you should meet, they’ll help you like they helped me and hopefully answer some of your unanswered questions. If you want to, that is, so will you?” He looked up at you with such a hopeful expression in his captivating green eyes that even if you wanted to decline his offer, you couldn’t bring yourself to do so.
With a nod of your head and shaky “okay”, the man cladded in the red leather took a few steps towards you with his hand outstretched. After pausing for a few seconds too long, he gave you a grin.
“Are you coming or not?”, with that you grasped his hand. Once again the feeling of almost floating hit you. The wind blew through your hair, creating a tangled mess. You clung tightly to the body within the leather, that radiated warmth in contrast to the harsh air hitting you with the speed you were going. Only a few short seconds later did you come to an abrupt stop.
You’re suddenly surrounded by white and bright lights. The Flash lets go of you and you’re startled by the sudden coldness and tinge disappointment that washes over you. You zone in on the presence of two other people within the facility, one female smartly dressed with a calculating, slightly defensive look on her face. The other male, with shoulder length, wavy hair that you’re slightly jealous of, looking at you with a wide-eyed, excited look.
The Flash grinned widely, “Guys this is- wait I never asked for your name.” He looked over at you frowning, almost disappointed in himself for not asking your name sooner.
“I-I’m (Y/N),” you give a shy wave and small smile.
“Guys this is (Y/N), the metahuman I’ve been talking about,” He grinned, rocking on the balls of his feet. With that statement the man pulls the red mask over his face, revealing a remarkably attractive face with a slightly pointed nose, brunette hair, bushy but well-shaped eyebrows and a few scatted moles, paired with his captivating green eyes and kissable lips. You couldn’t help your breath catching in your throat as the man beneath the mask was so stunning. You were thrown out of your admiring by the sound of another voice.
“You mean the exceptionally pretty metahuman with the sassy attitude and incredible powers? Well it’s nice to meet you (Y/N), I’m Cisco and that over there with the blank expression is Caitlin. Don’t worry about her she’s always like that.” The guy with the long hair grinned, with a teasing tone and slight giggle.
You’re instantly calmed by his inviting and friendly tone and persona. You glance over at still-yet-to-be-named-in-a-skin-tight-suit, and see that he’s staring at you wide-eyed with a scarlet red blush on his cheeks. You made eye contact with the all red man before he turned away, blush spreading to the tips of his ears. You couldn’t help but admire how adorable he looked so flustered.
“I-I didn’t say that - I mean not that you’re not pretty – I just – Let’s talk about you and your powers okay?” He stuttered, fumbling over his words and making hand gestures.
“Alright, but can I know your name first? I can’t keep calling you The Flash”, you smile, flattered by his discomposure.
“Oh – right, that’d probably be helpful. Although you’ve already seen me unmasked, you have to swear you will not tell anyone my identity.” He says, going from blushing and fumbling to serious within seconds. You simply give a nod of indication, understanding why he finds the need to ask you.
“I’m Barry, Barry Allen,” he smiles at you, with a dorky grin on his face. You can’t help but smile back.
“It’s a pleasure to meet the man behind the mask” you reply.
“Okay, okay, enough with the introductions. It’s eating me alive. What can you do? What are you? Can you turn invisible- that’s be cool, ooh, can you – “
“Cisco that’s enough!” Barry exclaims, cutting off the hyper boy’s ramblings. You giggle at his antics before answering.
“Well that’s why I’m here, I’m not entirely sure the extent of my powers. From what I’ve experienced so far I have heightened senses, and the ability to… morph my face? Oh, did I mention I think I’m a werewolf and have no idea what happens to me on full moons? No? Well there’s that too.” You exclaim, letting out a long breath after your slight rant.
Cisco, as you learnt was staring at you with wide, child-like eyes filled with excitement. “That. Is. Awesome.” He almost squeals, you could almost see the ideas, thoughts and possibilities racing through his mind.
“You need a code name! How about Wolverine?” Cisco says almost incoherently with the speed he was talking.
“The last time I checked blade didn’t appear from my knuckles? By sure, it’s kind of fitting,” you asked with an eyebrow raised, but smiling, amused by his antics and instinct to name you.
“Okay, we’re straying from what’s important. Her abilities and what she is able to do. I think we sound run some tests and see the full extent of her abilities and see if what (Y/N) assumes is correct that she is a… werewolf.” Caitlin states, the first words that she’s spoken since meeting you. You make eye contact with the stunning brunette and give her a slight smile, hoping to make her not as distanced from you. With the small gesture her eyes soften slightly before she turns her back, walking into another area of what you discovered to be, S.T.A.R Labs.
“Come on (Y/N), we have tests to conduct.” She calls out. You give a large grin over your shoulder to Barry before trailing Caitlin into the room, more than ready to find out more about your abilities
A/N: bts is like my ot7 thats why I added one of thier songs (^♡^)
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