The flash preference
How You Sleep Together (not sexually)
Barry Allen lives a dangerous life; despite his charmingly arrogant attitude, about the meta-humans he fights, that make it seem harmless. But at night, when reality sets in for him, that he could have died. That he could have easily never seen you or the team again, he feels scared. And you know that about him. He doesn't hide those fears from you, (although he wouldn't be able to if he tried, the man held his heart on his sleeve).
So when he comes home, and you can see the affects begin to overtake him, you know. You sit beside Barry, pulling him to the comfort of your bed and let him know you're ready to listen. The two of you talk for hours or minutes depending on the type of day, and when you both start to settle down for bed, Barry pulls you close to him. Wrapping one arm around your waist and tucking his nose into the crook of your neck as you bring his arm tighter into you.
This is what he loved. This moment with you that just made all his worries and doubts slip away even if it was just for a night. For a little while, all he had to think about was the way your bodies held so close to one another that he swore he could feel your heartbeat slow down and how your skin would smell of your favorite jasmine scented lotion. Sure it was cheesy, and he'd never admit it to Joe or Cisco, or even you, but then again Barry has always been a sentimental guy in matters of the heart.
As a reporter, Iris is almost never home early. If she wasn't at Picture News, she was out finding a new piece for her column. She would stay up all night, if that meant she'd get a good story from it. And then she had her unpaid second job as part of Team Flash, on top of it all. She was hard-working, no one could deny that.
When she would finally get home, she'd feel exhausted. Usually dreaming of nothing more than the silk sheets and cloud shaped pillow that awaited her. You'd be asleep, as she tip toed her way in, closing the bedroom door careful enough not to wake you. Quickly, she gets out of her clothes and into her PJs before slipping into bed. The only sound coming from the comforter rustling. Her eyes are heavy, but she doesn't give into sleep right away. Next to her, your back is turned as you lay on your side, asleep.
A smile inches its way onto her face, as she watches you breathe in softly. Instinctually, Iris leans down pressing her lips against your forehead. The corners of your mouth twitch, like you're about to smile and she brushes her fingers across the same spot for a few seconds. The action is full of love, even though you're not awake to witness it. She drops, helplessly, into her pillow, soon after. She's asleep within minutes, your shoulders brushing against one another as your chests lift up and down. Slow and content.
One thing to know about Cisco is, is that he almost never sleeps in a bed. You're more likely to find him sprawled out on his couch in yesterday's clothing than on a mattress with PJs. And you're partially to blame for this. The two of you have the best all night marathons.
It would usually start with an episode or a bet that you could beat him in Call of Duty and suddenly it would be three am. The two of you just recently asleep and stretched out on the couch, the season three finale of Big Bang Theory playing on the television. Cisco's arm dangles around you, your head is limp against his shoulder with his own leaning on top of yours.
It's not always the most comfortable position to wake up in, in the morning, but you never mind. Waking up curled in Cisco's arms, as his heart beat thumps against your body and he gives you a lazy smile in his morning daze will always trump any momentary neck cramp.
Caitlin is a bed hog. Unknowingly, she'd sprawl out across the mattress, stretching out her so one arm lays limp against your chest and an ankle intertwines with one of your legs. You told her this the third time you slept together and a blush instantly crept onto her face. She had turned away from you, slightly embarrassed with her cheeks turning a bright red and you had to reach out and touch her shoulder quickly to reassure her.
You weren't saying it was a bad thing. In fact, you thought it was cute. How even in her sleep, she'd instinctively reach out for you. You saw one night, how her body didn't so much as spread out wide like an X, but that it would reach to your side so that her feet intertwined with yours and her arms would lay straight across you. The action made you feel wanted, and filled you with a (slightly) proud feeling that a girl as kind and smart as Caitlin wanted you. At times you had to nudge her away so you could fit more than half way on the bed, but soon she'd find you again. And to be honest, you loved it.
Harry wasn't much of a cuddlier when it came to going to sleep. It took some time before you were able to convince him that cuddling in bed wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. And it wasn't that he didn't like touching you, in fact he loved to. He loved kissing you and holding you so close he could feel your breath against his neck.
The problem he had was a comfort issue. He can never immediately finding a good position to sleep in, always tossing and turning. So, when he wraps an arm around you in bed, or you lay your head against his chest he feels obligated to stay completely still, worried more about you being comfortable than anything else. In return, he sacrifices his sleep.
Despite all this, as the two of you settle into bed for the night, both on your respective sides, Harry can't help but to reach out for you. Your hand lays between your two bodies and he laces his fingers with yours, using his thumb to trace circles onto your palm. There's no cuddling, but Harry can't help himself to hold at least a piece of you. Letting you know everything he feels in the way he grips your hand, tracing designs of nonsense into your skin.
As a cop and father, his days can be pretty stressful. To the point, where there are times he just collapses into the bed. Too tired to do anything else. No words are needed to be exchanged for you to know the kind of day he's had. You prop yourself on an elbow, biting your lip in thought. You press your chin on his shoulder, as his back faces you and he looks thoughtfully in front of him. Sleep being late as usual.
Your hands run comfortingly along his arm, letting him know that you are here, that he isn't alone. In mid brush, he reaches across himself and grasps onto your hand, pulling your knuckles to his lips. They stay there for a second, telling you how much he is thankful for you. Joe and you have a whole conversation through silence and small touches, where nothing else is needed. And soon, you both lull into a deep sleep.
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