Distraction Redux (Harrison Wells/Reader)
Imagine: Dr. Harrison Wells strolling in on you drunk and laying on his desk half naked...
NOTE: The reader for this was an engineering assistant to Ronnie, which is why they stuck around after the accident. They know about Barry and I'm sure have helped out with many of the gizmos they build.
Dr. Harrison Wells stared at the article heading unchanged. Waving a hand over the console he glanced over the minor articles. He didn't know why he did this to himself...it just made him more homesick. Sighing he turned wiping a hand over his face his eyes landing on his chair.
He stared at it with contempt as his hands rested on his hips. He hated this thing with a passion that did not encompass words from this known world. The only thing he hated more was Flash.
He took a seat powering it up quickly and maneuvered it out into the hall the time vault closing behind him. He didn't have time to be homesick and worrying about chairs. He needed to figure out a way to get Barry faster and it was turning out to be much more difficult then he anticipated.
Turning into the cortex he breathed a sigh of relief seeing it was empty. He'd risk standing but with all the excitement going on lately somehow he'd knew it come to bite him in the ass.
Rolling over to a computer he tapped the keyboard sparking life into his eyes flicking over the room. He had to do a double take over to his office his heart skipping a beat seeing a pair of legs hanging off his desk.
His heart thumped loudly in his ears as he rolled over. Despite having the ability to zoom across distances he took the slow agonizing path, letting all the worst scenarios pas through his mind.
He rolled into the office stopping the chair at the end of the desk tilting his head, "Y/N?"
"Hm?" You smiled lifting your head toward him, "Ah...There you are..."
He stared at your form laying on his desk topless. He was trying to remain focused on your face, but was finding it exceeding hard. His eyes kept flicking down to your stomach leading up to the delicate lingerie that pushed up your delicate breast in the most...alluring way. There was no doubt that he'd found you beautiful fully dressed...now...you had ascended to the state of a goddess.
You sat up looking at him with rosey red cheeks a smirk playing across your lips, "You...you are...exactly what I need right now."
"I walk into work this morning and find you shirtless on my desk..." He stayed where he was watching you slowly begin to shift your weight to your feet, "Exactly how much have you had to drink tonight?"
"Meh..." You waved the question off almost toppling over catching yourself on his desk knocking papers around. You were cute trying to play it off like you meant to do everything. He'd never seen you like this ever, "I was helping Barry...Barry n...n..."
"Caitlin!" You pointed at him, "Yes...she was there too...we uh...tried a new Caitlin brew."
Wells sighed and half smiled amused by conversation, "So you just had a sip..."
"I had a sip..." You admitted taking him by surprise as you sat down straddling him in his chair, "But...but that doesn't even matter..."
"Uh..." He swallowed trying to wet his suddenly dry throat as he gripped the chairs arms tightly as you continued.
"I see...the way you look at me..." You smiled your eyes narrowing on him as you began to speak with your hands. Eventually landing on his tense flanges gripping the chair's arm, "I'm not always consumed with my work, like you think I am."
"Y/N..." He flipped his hands grabbing the backs of your arms before your roaming hands could proceed further than his shoulders, "You're drunk..."
"That's okay...it's okay...I just...I came to see you." Your small frame escaped his grasp allowing your hands to move to his neck, your thumbs caressing his just behind his jaw sending shivers down his spine, "I had to say that I have always liked you...even when you yelled at me that one time for proceeding without Ronnie present...it was so hot..."
"Y/N..." He began to protest again, but was cut off as you leaned into him your lips planted themselves against his. Nothing could have prepared him for that, or the feeling of pure elation erupting in his chest. He moved his hands slowly to your bare back memorizing the sensations he felt as he went along the way. He'd forgotten what this felt like and was startled at how much he craved it.
He pulled away quickly remembering that he needed to play the better man. Harrison Wells was a man still grieving, and your boss, "Y/N...I..."
He stopped as you stared him beginning to pale, "I think I'm gonna be sick..."
His eyes widened as he simply reacted when your hand went to your mouth. He sped you to the nearest bathroom in the facility. He sighed holding your hair back as 'Caitlin's Brew' had it's vengeance upon you.
When you were finished you laid your face on the toilet seat closing your eyes tightly making a soft moaning noise. He let out a long sigh as he looked at you before reaching over brushing a strand of hair behind your ear.
He never thought anyone would like him in that way again. He thought he'd lost the opportunity of companionship years before his descended into the past. However, here you were, drunkenly confessing your feelings to him. It was probably as close as he would ever get again.
He cleaned you up before carefully carrying you back to his office laying down on his small couch. You sighed, he wasn't sure if it was from content or pain at this point, as he laid a lab blanket over you before taking a seat in his damnable chair where he stole glances at you the rest of the night as he continued his work.
That you morning you woke up groaning and feeling as if battery acid had been poured down your throat. You sat up looking at the blanket wrapped around as you heard laughter, "I see you didn't make it home last night."
You glared at Barry standing in the doorway as you whispered, "Where am I?"
"Dr. Wells' office." He walked over with a cup of coffee holding it out to you, "I don't know what it is about the girls in this lab but you do not do alcohol very well..."
You reached for the cup as the blanket slipped a little you recoiled holding the blanket around yourself "Where is my shirt? Why am I missing clothing? I don't remember what happened last night...why am talking so loud?"
Barry had to stop himself from laughing as groaned, "I...don't know...Dr. Wells said he found your crashed in his office when he came in this morning. He couldn't wake you up, so he covered you up. Just...drink the coffee, I'll get you a lab shirt."
"Thanks, Barry..." You swung your feet off the couch taking the coffee from him holding it to your face as he left.
"I see you've awakened." Looking up you saw Wells rolling over to you. He didn't seem mad...but you knew him to keep his composure quite well.
"I am so sorry, Dr. Wells." He watched you get flustered.
He raised his hands silencing you giving you a small handsome smile, "It's okay, we're all entitled to a mishap occasionally."
You put your fingers on the bridge of your nose trying not to cry from embarrassment, "All the same...it will not happen again."
"Headache?" You nodded sniffing away the tears as he held out his hand to you, "Which brings me to why I'm here."
He dropped a few aspirin into your hand and you gave a sigh of relief before looking into his eyes, "My knight in shining armor."
He watched you throw you head back wincing a little as you took the pills. He mulled over a moment how to move on when finally he just spoke what was on his mind, "When you're feeling better, I'd like your thoughts on something I'm working on in the bunker. As we're encountering more metahumans, I feel we need a better containment system. I have a few ideas, I'd like you to use your hands to make them a reality."
"Of course, Dr. Wells." You nodded slowly as you stood up seeing Barry heading back over, "I'll get right on it."
"How many times must I ask you to call me Harrison?" His eyes narrowed on you making you stop briefly.
You smirked walking past him tilting your head a little, "Just once more."
He smiled turning the chair watching you head for the door, "Y/N..."
You stopped and looked at him. He smiled at you to your great surprise it looked inviting from his usual one, "Call me Harrison."
You flushed a little and looked down to your feet, "Uh...Of course, Dr. Wells."
You turned from him walking over to Barry taking a sweatshirt he'd found for you. Wells didn't take his eyes off of you feeling disheartened. He didn't know what he expected, perhaps it was for the best. He needed to stay focused on Barry, and you would only serve as a distraction.
Still...a distraction might be nice here and there...
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