Daydreaming // Cisco x Reader{smut}
"How 'bout I show you just what I can do?" Cisco's words were coated in seduction, and he bit at your bottom lip, tugging it softly bringing out a moan from you. Lowering his arm, he balled his fist and shot a small vibration to your lower region. You yelped at the feeling, knees shaking at the overwhelming sensation. A wide smirk lit up his face as he watched your squirm. "And that was just a warm up, princesa." His tongue rolled out the 'r' as he spoke to you, a low and sultry tone to his voice
A loud beeping buzzed in your ear as your alarm clock rang, and you immediately hit snooze. Ten more minutes wouldn't kill you. Especially if you could go back into that dream. You tossed yourself onto your stomach and groaned into your pillow, a pool of wetness growing between your legs. Before you knew it the clock buzzed again, and you sighed sitting up. Not only were you annoyed at the fact you had to leave your bed, you were now flustered because you had to go to work with this floating around your brain, knowing you'd flash back to it every time you looked at Cisco.
After that start to your morning you felt like wearing something a little more revealing today. You opted for a black skintight suede skirt, paired with a purple button up tank top, and a sexy pair of strappy black heels. Eyeing yourself in the mirror, you pursed your lips before unbuttoning the top two more times. A smile graced your lips and you went off to fix your hair and face. Once your hair was perfectly curled and makeup pristine you headed out the door. Your apartment was about a ten minute drive from S.T.A.R. Labs so you made it there in five, with how you drove through the city. As the elevator opened you were greeted by Caitlin, whose brows rose at how you were slightly dressed up.
"Hey, sorry I'm late." You chimed, stepping into the corridor. The pale girl shrugged. "I mean, I can see why." She smiled, looking you up and down as she gestured to you. You laughed softly, looking down at yourself. "Ha, yeah. I almost look like you today." The both of you giggled as you started to walk towards the Cortex. "How was your night?" Your friend asked and you sighed with a bit of a groan. "Amazing." The combination of the two confused Caitlin and she tilted her head at you. You sighed again to emphasize your frustration. "I kinda had a.. dream, about this guy.." you admitted, and she stopped walking to face you in the hallway. "A dream? What kind of dream, Y/N?" She asked. "A dream, Cait." You gave her a pointed look and her eyebrows shot up as her eyes widened. "Oh.. oh! Oh my god, who? Was it Barry?" You scoffed, shaking your head. "No, not my type." She pinched her lips together and to the side, trying to read your face and come up with another guess. Before she could you took more steps towards the Cortex. She wasn't going to drop it just yet.
As the two of you entered the room you saw Barry running on his treadmill at hyper speed, Harry was tinkering with some sort of gadget, and Cisco was nowhere to be found. Thank the lord. Caitlin looked from Harry to you, motioning towards him nonchalantly. You laughed and shook your head, her face scrunching up again as she went back to thinking. "Hey guys," you called, taking a seat in front of the computers. Harry glanced over to you with a small wave before doing a double take. Did you really look that good? "Well hello there fancy." He stated and you giggled looking down. "It's not that much, come on.." Barry entered the room now, eyes following Harry's and his thick brows perked up. "Well damn, Y/N. Who are you getting all prettied up for?" He questioned. "That's what I'm trying to figure out.." Caitlin muttered under her breath, both comments making you laugh and shake your head. "A girl can't just doll herself up for the hell of it?" Caitlin let out a small laugh, and you glared at her playfully.
You helped the three of them with analyzing information they'd collected on a new string of attacks around the city, totally too zoned out on the computer screen to notice that Cisco had walked in. As your fingers typed you felt someone lean over the back of your chair and look over your shoulder. You didn't realize who until he spoke. "You're totally in my spot." Cisco teased, and you jumped just slightly. You turned your face to look at him only to realize he was only a few inches away from you. "Oh, uhm, sorry Cis," you mumbled as you looked away, Cisco clearly sensing there was something up with you. You pushed back from the computer and let the chair glide a few feet to distance yourself from him so you could regain composer before standing. It was only now that he noticed your outfit, jaw falling open a bit and a large smile on his face. "Woah.. you look.." he paused, eyes roaming down to your feet and back up, lingering just a bit longer on your chest before meeting your eyes. "Woah." He breathed before clearing his throat, settling into a chair. You felt yourself blush softly, thankfully already wearing the cosmetic version so it hid well, but the flustered smile on your face still shined. "Oh, nah I just.." you shrugged, nervously tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. "Just had extra time to get ready this morning.." you mumbled, your eyes falling to the floor, smile never falling from your lips.
At that moment Caitlin looked over at you, seeing the way you reacted to Cisco and letting out a loud gasp, drawing everyone in the room's attention, especially yours because you knew she'd figured it out. Her eyes were locked to yours and she glanced at Cisco quickly. "What? What's up Caitlin?" Barry asked and you shook your head as softly as possible to not let anyone see you, with your lips sitting in a tight line. "Uhm.." she stalled. "I just remembered Y/N and I left our coffee in the elevator." You sighed a bit in relief but Cisco didn't buy it. "I was just in there, I didn't see any coffees..?" He glanced at you and you feigned a shrug. "Did I say elevator? I-I meant basement." She hurried over to you grabbing your wrist pulling you behind her as both of your heels clicked against the floor rapidly. The boys all looked at each other confused, but shrugged.
Once you were in the lobby again she stopped and stared at you. "Oh my God! It was Cisco!" She squealed and you shushed her frantically, looking over your shoulder and down the hall to make sure no one heard you. "Yes, okay, yeah, it was Cisco.. please don't say anything?" You pleaded and she nodded quickly. "Of course of course. But wow, did you see the way he looked at you?!" You felt yourself blush again and you laughed, nodding. "Man, did I.." After you spoke you heard footsteps coming towards the two of you just to see Cisco and Barry walking down the hall. "Hey," Barry called. "Thought you were going to the basement?" His expression confused. Caitlin stared at him for a minute before nodding. "Right, well.. we realized we didn't have coffees this morning." You huffed a laugh through your nose at the half assed excuse. Cisco and Barry nodded once slowly, in unison.
"Right, well, we need you in the lab." You both stepped forward and Barry corrected himself. "Oh, just Cait. You're good." He pointed to you and you nodded. As Caitlin and Barry walked away she motioned a 'lock and throw away the key' mime and you mouthed 'you better'. Cisco turned to you and your eyes looked at his, causing your breath to escape you for a minute. "So, how was your weekend?" You asked softly, flashing the caramel skinned male a smile. He returned the smile and your heart fluttered, god he was beautiful. "It was fine, relaxed at home. Rewatched Stranger Things," he shrugged. "Nothing too terribly exciting. What about you?" His question brought the dream back into your mind and you got lost for a minute, gazing off into space remembering the way he looked at you in that made up universe created by your subconscious. Cisco snapped his fingers in front of your eyes causing you to jump, phone falling from your hand. He swiftly caught it and held it out to you. "Here, klutz. It's a wonder you can maneuver in those shoes." He teased and you gulped back your nerves, bringing your hand to his to take your phone.
As your hand brushed his it was now Cisco's turn to glaze over, visions of you sleeping with an almost split screen in his mind of the sequence of your dream. He saw it all in an instant, before coming back to reality. "Cisco..?" You mumbled, placing your hand on his frozen arm. "You okay? Did you just vibe?" Your questions made him blink in awe, and he simply nodded. He felt a warmth rise to his face and the blood rush elsewhere, and he cleared his throat. "Wow, I uh, I gotta.. yeah." He pointed off in a random direction and stepped that way, before regrouping and turning around to pace off to the Cortex. You stood there for a moment, confused as to what he could've vibed. Slowly you followed his direction, walking in to see him talking in the corner with Barry. The speedster's eyes were stuck wide open, and Cisco stood in his signature 'one arm crossed the other at his mouth chewing his thumb' stance he only used when nervous.
With a puzzled look you made your way to Caitlin. "What's that about?" You whispered to her. She shrugged, glancing at the way the boys excitedly talked. "Who knows. Maybe you?" She nudged your elbow and you giggled softly. "I don't know.. I think Cisco vibed me but he sped off before I could get a real answer out of him." Caitlin quirked a brow at your words and smirked a bit. "Maybe he saw your dream.." Your friend was only teasing, but your heart dropped. "Oh my god.." your voice came out at full volume, causing the boys to glance in your direction. You stood frozen as you locked eyes with Cisco, and you knew it was true. Abruptly you turned your back to them and squeezed your eyes shut. "This is not happening, this is not happening.." you muttered over and over and Caitlin could not believe she had been right. "Y/N, oh my god.. I-I was joking, I didn't–" You shook your head. "He totally saw it, Cait. Oh my god, oh I'm gonna pass out.." You felt anxiety shake through you and you leaned against the counter.
You tried to steady your breathing with a few deep inhales and slow exhales. "Hey.." Cisco's voice made you jump, not turning around, too red faced to look him in the eyes. You pretended you were busy with the vials in front of you and Caitlin turned to him. "Yeah? What's up Cis?" She played coy, and you mentally thanked her for it. "Uh, Barry is gonna do a run around the city to check that everything's good. I'm gonna go tweak my suit for a while.." he muttered and you bit your lip hard, fighting back a moan at the idea of him in his outfit, sleeve and all just like in your dream. You visibly clenched your legs together, crossing them as you stood. Cisco eyed you from behind, eyes roaming over your tight skirt and long legs, licking his lips while out of sight of you. He'd forgotten Caitlyn could fully see him and she cleared her throat, snapping him of his gaze. "Uhm, right yeah, I'm gonna.. head over to my lonely little office.." His words seemed like an invitation and you only bit your lip harder, keeping your back to him. Cisco eyed you up and down one more time before turning and walking off.
Once he was out of the room you let out a sigh you'd been holding in for some time, groaning as you turned to Caitlin, who was smirking right at you. "He so wants you to follow him." She teased, and you shook your head. "I can't just stroll into his room for no reason, that's so beyond desperate." Caitlin looked over at you and handed you a specific type of screwdriver that was the exact size Cisco would need to tinker with his sleeve at all. "Here," she stated as she placed it in your hand. "Now you have a perfectly valid reason." Her smirk widened as she shooed you off.
Butterflies fluttered in your stomach as you made your way to his office. He could hear your heels clicking against the tile floor as you approached and he drew in a quick breath. You softly knocked on the frame of his door, leaning against it lightly. "Hey, Caitlin said you'd probably need this..?" You held the tool up and wiggled it back and forth as he moved his eyes to it and smiled. "I was actually just looking for that, thanks." He motioned for you to come in and you walked to him, handing him the instrument as you tried to keep your nerves at bay. "So, what exactly are you trying to do to it?" Your question made him slide the sleeve onto his arm, stretching his fingers out in a star formation before forming a fist. "Just trying to amplify it, see just what it can do." His words mimicked your dream and you choked back a groan, clearing your throat as you looked down.
"Care to demonstrate?" You asked in a soft voice, stepping a bit closer to the handsome meta. One of his dark eyebrows raised a bit and a smirk tugged at the corners of his mouth, his eyes moving to your own. He took half a step towards you and shook his head. "Not one bit.." he muttered, and you could hear the low hum of his armor activate. In a matter of seconds there was a slight blue glow coming from his fist and he shot a minuscule bundle of vibrations through your skirt hitting just above your sweet spot. You couldn't stop the whiny moan that fell out of your mouth and Cisco's smirk only grew. He leaned into you now, lips hovering next your ear. "And that was only a warm up. Princesa.." he whispered the words from your dream next to your ear and you shuttered against him. If there was any doubt he'd vibed your dream, that was long gone.
One of your hands reached up and wound its way into Cisco's hair. Your eyes met his again and you tugged your bottom lip between your teeth again, at a loss for words. "Oh please, allow me.." The raven haired man leaned into you, stealing your lip from behind your teeth with his own, biting down as tugging it away from you, causing you to be pulled into his arms even further with a gravelly moan escaping from your throat. Cisco grinned and pushed your hair back to see your face in it's entirety. No warning, no cue, he sent another vibe towards your core, this time hitting right on your clit making you moan out rather loudly. He chuckled, his free hand roaming behind you to cup itself around your rear. He squeezed as he shot another blue orb towards you, much stronger than the last and it made your entire body shake. With one swift movement he lifted you by your hips and set you in his work bench.
Wearing a skirt today was the best idea you'd ever had. It gave Cisco such easy access to the parts of you he wanted most. He reached between your legs and slid the fingers of his free hand into your already soaking entrance. You gasped and let out a slow groan, head leaning against his shoulders as he pleased you. A matching groan escaped him as he felt how much he'd turned you on all around his now glistening fingers. He pumped them faster and you gripped onto his biceps, the feeling of him touching you sending waves of pleasure through your body. Again his fist formed a blue ball of energy, larger than any of the others. This time instead of shooting it at you abruptly, he sent the vibrations toward your clit and kept them flowing. The constant feeling of his powers being used on you caused another high pitched moan to fill the room and he groaned again, curling his fingers inside your tightness. "You enjoying yourself?" He teased and you simply moaned out again in response, to which he turned the speed of the vibrations up a notch.
The feeling of tension in your lower abdomen was building, the familiar pressure bearing down on you with every minute that passed of him pleasuring you. "C-Cis.. Cisco I'm.. I'm g-gonna.." you tried multiple failed attempts to tell him you were about to release but he got the hint, shaking his fist to up the force behind the vibrations. With one last gaudy moan, you came onto his fingers. Leaving your juices to soak your panties he pulled his fingers out of you and licked them clean, humming around his fingers. "Oh so delicious.." his powers slowed as you came down from your high, before stopping completely.
Breathing normally was not a concept you could grasp right now, panting and chest heaving as you relished in the realization that Cisco Ramon has quite literally made your dreams come true. His lips met yours and he kissed you, passionately but gently. Your fingers ran through his shoulder length locks and he sighed, pressing himself closely to you. He pulled away slowly and smiled at you. "That was some dream you had, huh?" He teased and you giggled, simply nodding as you brought him back to kiss you for a long while.
{I had to add a song for you guys, so you can picture the setting even better❤️}
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