Martinus made a leap for his brother and the twins met each other halfway in a hug. Scarlett looked on with a smile, grateful that they were both alright and now together. She hoped it would be easier on both of them with each other by their side.
Scarlett sent a glance to the being, who still lingered in the doorway and didn't enter the room. She was curious why he never joined them but always stayed past the threshold. She continued to watch the pearly skinned creature as the brothers ended their reunion and the creature turned to Martinus.
"Eat your fill, young one," the monk-thing said, lifting his loosely robed arms to gesture to the food. "It would also be wise for all of you to not overexert yourselves. You have a full day ahead and we wouldn't want you to be weak for it all. And do not forget to get acquainted with each other."
The three teenagers gave him one good, long stare before he nodded to all of them and breezed out and back around the corner again. Scarlett kept her eyes on the corner where the being had disappeared as she faintly listened to the boys' chat.
"It is good to be back with you Martinus," Marcus said. "I was worried you might be here. But at least now I know that you are safe."
"Yes," Martinus replied with a nod. "Do you have any idea what is going on?"
"No, I'm afraid I only know as much as you do."
Scarlett was so deep in thought, her eyes only focused on the wall beyond as she sorted through the events that had happened, trying to figure out what was going on. It took her a few moments to notice that the boys had stopped talking and were looking at her. She quickly went through her mind to search for the last thing she had heard them say, then she remembered.
She shook her head and shrugged, "I only know that he's going to get 'the others'. I'm not sure what exactly that means, but that's what he said when I asked. Also, I've been thinking, it almost seems that he brought us here in a pattern, but I can't be sure that was on purpose. It seems as though he brought us here by age, oldest to youngest so far."
The twins both nodded in understanding and seemed to ponder her words for a moment.
"Uh, Martinus, you're probably hungry. So far it seems that the pizza is fine, not drugged or anything." Scarlett said, trying to invite him to sit and eat.
He took the hint, so to speak, and picked the chair next to his brother's. Marcus resumed his own seat and settled in, munching on another french fry.
"So Martinus," Marcus started. "She is an MMer."
"Oh really?" Martinus said, picking out his meal.
"Yeah," Scarlett said, shrugging awkwardly. "'Heartbeat' and 'Remind Me' and all that."
The boys sort of stared for a moment. Scarlett suddenly realized she had failed to give them her name. She mentally facepalmed and decided that it would be a good idea, especially with the monk-thing encouraging them to get acquainted.
"Sorry, I never gave you my name," she said, chuckling nervously and shaking her head. "I'm Scarlett Grace. Everyone calls me Scarlett."
"Nice to meet you, Scarlett," Martinus said with a smile.
Scarlett felt her heart skip a beat in excitement as she returned his smile.
"I literally cannot believe I'm here right now!" she admitted. "I mean, with you two. It's honestly like a dream come true, minus the kidnapping part of course."
The boys both smiled and exchanged a glance that Scarlett couldn't interpret.
"I'll shut up now," Scarlett said, snapping her mouth closed to let them eat without an annoying fangirl watching their every move. She sat silently for a moment before carefully leaning back in her chair and letting her eyes wander to the window overlooking the choppy sea-like water.
Suddenly, a pulse of pain hammered in Scarlett's head and she felt a sharp chill spread across her skin. She winced and began to rub her head in an effort to make the pain stop.
"Are you okay?" Marcus asked.
"My head just started hurting again," she sighed with a shrug. "It's nothing."
There was another hammer of pain in her brain. She shuddered.
"It seems like more than nothing," Martinus commented.
"I-I'll just ask for something to aid me when that thing comes back," she replied weakly, trying to relieve the throbbing.
She just hoped that he would return soon. Scarlett laid her head on the table and buried her face in her arms, trying to rest in the meantime.
Time went by and it seemed to Scarlett that the creature had been gone awhile, more then it had taken for the other two. She rose her head and glanced around to make sure she hadn't missed anything. It seemed she hadn't, so she stretched out her arms and felt another chill run through her.
"Does it seem like he's taking a long time to you guys?" she asked the twins, drawing her arms in close for warmth as she examined their faces.
The boys nodded and the three of them each sent a glance down the hallway through the open door. Scarlett sighed when she didn't see anything.
"I guess I shouldn't complain, I'm just kind of cold now too," she said softly, rubbing her arms.
"I'm sure he'll be back soon," Martinus said.
Surely enough, as he mentioned it, the being appeared in the doorway once more. Scarlett didn't miss a beat, she rose from her chair and made her way to the creature, wincing every time she exchanged weight between feet.
"Excuse me," she said, wrapping her arms around herself once more as she lifted her eyes to meet the beast's. She caught the sight of someone behind his dark robes, but she was too miserable to pay attention. "Is there anything you can give me for my headache? And maybe a jacket or something?"
The creature looked down at her with huge, kind eyes and nodded gracefully.
"I will make an extra stop to get the remedy for the drug's effects," he told her in a deep but gentle voice. "You will continue to remain here along with your teammates so that you all may be introduced to the one I have just brought along."
At this, the creature stepped aside, urging the person behind him to step forward. Scarlett glanced at him distractedly, seeing it was yet another teenage boy. But upon further review, she decided it wasn't just a teenage boy, but in fact, another one she recognized.
"Sage?" Scarlett breathed in surprise.
The boy lifted his eyes from the ground and gave her a confused stare.
"You seem to know everyone who comes through this door," the creature commented with slight entertainment, his eyes shifting from Scarlett to Sage.
"Yeah, seems so," Scarlett replied in a mutter.
She didn't move her eyes from the still teenager in front of her because she was too afraid it would wake her from the adventurous dream she was surely in. Scarlett did notice something though, so she decided to focus on that, "You don't look so good, are you okay?"
She painfully shifted her weight while she awaited his reply.
"Whatever they gave us still hasn't worn off," Sage replied, his voice clouded with drowsiness.
Scarlett noticed Sage's head sagged more with every passing moment. She took one more good look at him before pointing over her shoulder and saying, "Well, there's food in there and some chairs too. You look like you should take a seat."
Sage followed her finger, glancing at the table and the twins briefly before scooting past Scarlett into the room. Everyone watched as Sage limped to a seat and carefully sat down. Scarlett frowned, watching as he eased into the chair and went limp against it. Then she caught movement in the corner of her eye.
Scarlett whirled around and threw her hand out to the creature, calling "Wait!"
The robed creature stopped and gracefully wisped around, his robes swishing against each other in an elegant manner. Scarlett took a few steps forward, closing the gap between them so she could speak gently.
"Can you please just tell me why we're here?" Scarlett begged.
Something in the creature's eyes turned cold as he stared down at Scarlett. Not harsh cold, but sad cold. He moved his eyes off, down the hallway. Scarlett followed his heavy gaze with her eyes and frowned at the empty hallway lined with vibrant lights on either side. It never seemed to end.
The creature met eyes with her once more, speaking in an even lower voice than she had, "I cannot tell you now. There will be someone else that will soon come to inform your whole team."
"Why do you keep calling us a team?" she asked her last word winding up in pitch.
"Becuase that is what you are now, a team."
"A team of what? For what?"
"If I attempt to explain, you will only have more questions."
"But I need to know!"
The creature frowned with everything except his mouth. His kind eyes grew even wider as he leaned down to Scarlett, placing his robed hand gently on her shoulder, "You will know, just be patient, young one."
Scarlett folded her arms and sighed, glancing back the room where the three boys were silently dining. She shook her head and bit her lip hard as she felt tears form in her eyes. Before the creature could move off, she had one more question.
"Why them? Why did I get put with those three?" She wasn't complaining, she just had to know.
A small smile formed on the beast's otherwise sad face, "Because, that is the way fate chose."
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