A/N: Here I was thinking that The Five Kings would only look good in anime style, but nope- as shown in the image above Torkuda proved me wrong with the awesome 3D artwork of King Metallica! Really does capture how bizarre/scary King actually looks in a great way, plus his shininess too of course! Tork has great stories on Wattpad himself, and also this was posted on his DeviantArt account, so if you want to see more just follow the link in my comment here!
Also I have more sick pictures from my other reader too, so look forward to seeing those soon as well!
Last chapter, Amandeath and King Metallica travelled closer to and arrived at the dead center of the Hopian Continent in order to find the man they're hunting down, "Davansioz Luehertz", for his 6 million Herin bounty.
A few hours after Amandeath's and Metallic's talk, back inside of Marlox's house...
Seric's P.O.V.
"...Ah... I forgot to, to check what- the, the stuff is like..." I think to myself as I'm lying in the same bed as always, with my... room being dimly lit. Luckily my face isn't shoved down into that hole again so I don't choke on my flames, but Marlox still cuffed my hands down to the beds railings in case I bleed flames onto myself at night.
"Huh?" I swing my head up as the door to my room suddenly starts to open.
"H-hey, been a *hick* while huh, Seric?" I- wha- that, no fucking way, that voice...
"Karia?!" I ask with the most enthusiasm as I have in a while, and loe and behold Karia, who's cheeks are flush red stumbles into my room in a pair of pajamas! Haha, she's probably drunk... But... no... she... this is, all of this is her fault- how is she already ok though?! I thought Marlox said it would be a few days!
"No it's Metallic. I-idiot, course it's me... I was *hick* drinking with Marlox by the way, woke up a few hours ago and he said to wait till tommorow to see you but... didn't wanna. I'm... I'm so, so, SO... sorry... I- FUCK! I fucked everything up... our bounties, the people... all because of Sariel, I'm the monster now! O-Oh God... no... I'm way too drunk to think straight. And so hot too... haven't, *hick*, done anyone in so long... ahhhhh~. I, I know how to pay you back now, this'll work for both of us. Let's... screw it, Seric, keep this quiet but- let's fuck." Karia slurs her words as she runs her hands through her messy long purple hair, with her going from having teary eyes and a frown on her face to getting small smirk at the end there. And wait, did- did I hear that last bit right?
"Wait, wait- what? Hold on, Karia, why- A-AH!!" I shout in embarrasment as Karia pulls off her shirt in one movement, instantly showing off her stomach and her two boobs- or, erm, breasts. I-I only looked for a second but, she's not even wearing a bra- everything is in plain sight- I, I mean she's pretty but- what the hell is she doing?!
"Shut it, you want Marlox to walk in on us? I'm doing you a favor here virgin dumbass, HAH- not like any other girls would want you after all. Now let's go, just like I did with....... Sariel... I'll, I'll go on top for once. You'd better not sit and do nothing though, hate guys like that..." Karia starts to whisper as she laughs at my awestruck self and walks towards me, and an instant later is already climbing on top of my bed and then onto me. She really is heavy...
"Karia, NO- wait, I'm, you're, nice but- um!" I stumble out with sharp breaths as I squint my eyes shut, like fuck man my hands are still tied to the bed here- this isn't right, doesn't she still have to recover from the- the- whatever surgeries she got?!
"Hah? Oh... guess you *hick*, you really are a pussy. Hah... I've never needed to ask most guys about wanting it. So then, Seric, come on- don't overthink this like you always do or else I'll start to... what, am I- am I not pretty or some shit? Look~." Karia says as I can feel her semi rough hands clumsily rubbing my face... and a second later, she lies her fingertips on my eyelids, gently moving them back to... to motion me to open them I think... but, why did she make her getting permission from me sound like some sort of joke?
B-but anyways, I slowly open my eyes, and instantly see Karia's smirking nude figure still straddling me. I can- see everything now. Her lips are a deep red- um, probably lipstick, her turquoise eyes are... so nice. Her boobs, no, breasts I guess are... hotter than I thought, with her pink nipples being in the center of them along with a small brown birthmark being on her right breast. Glancing down, my mind starts to flip around as I look past her smooth stomach and down to the tip of her pink, um, lips right below her shaven pelvis.
"H-huh?" I pause as I can see a small blue flower tatooed onto her skin just above her, um, pink "bud"...
But no why am I focusing on that- STOP! She's a monster who screwed us all over with her stupid pride! But... I... she's, I'm so scared... this, could calm me, could be my only... chance... she's so hot... no, but...
"M-mm... s-" I try to mumble my response but before I can even finish Karia painfully grips both of my cheeks with both of her hands, and swings her head down to slam her lips into my own.
I struggle for a bit until my body goes limp, with me- I don't even know what to think, I can smell the beer in her breath now... it... kind of feels nice but- is this ok, is this how sex is meant to be-
"M-MM?!" I call out as she starts grinding against my hips, and at the same time she starts poking at my semi closed lips with her tongue- she's- I need air!
She finally roughly swings her head up off me, laughing innocently as she does so as I'm a panting mess as my emotions are, are going through the roof!
"Laaaame, come on, let's *hick* make this quick then." She says, and at the same time she moves her hand off of my face and starts to scratch her nails alog my chest.
"What are you- a-ah!" I cry out as she slides her hands under my pajamas, stroking and grabbing my, um, dick in the process- I-I- it, feels good but- no this is too fast!
She then swings back down to me, this time leaning her face down to my ear...
"...Boy, WHAT have you been doing? I warned you about discerning information about I, but pitifully sitting and drawing pictures in that regard is NOT what I asked. Neither is having intercourse with someone so loosely, even in your sleep. Explain yourself. NOW." SHIT- it's Habram, this, no, all of this is a damn dream again!
"I-I... what do you want?! I thought you said you can't, you can't- interfere much anymore, so what are you doing to me?!" I try to stutter out as tears pour out from my eyes- why did he do all this?!
"You're a fool for trying to understand God, and I should not have to repeat myself. That is what your written memories of I are for. I am not in the mood to do so, however I will remind you once more. You WILL work for me once you complete the trials, therefore doing so is your goal- and coincidentally, Karia saved you for that specific reason herself. So. After I punish you for questioning me, you are going to wake up, NOT SAY A SINGLE WORD ABOUT OUR ENCOUNTERS. AND FOCUS ON YOUR TRUE OBJECTIVE. Ahem... you already know what territory you need to go to now. That is where the next trail is that you must complete, since you have sinfully brushed that aside for now. You MUST get there as soon as possible, so STOP. FOOLING. AROUND. You are certainly NOT invincible enough to do so, and you never shall be or have been." Habram says sternly and loudly from above me as my vision becomes distorted, he's- his voice is still in Karia's body, but his voice still booms through my entire soul!
"Understand? Also the definition of hell distracted you before so I will tell you the simple answer as to what it is. Whatever one's soul fears the most, that is their hell that they must experience eternally. Alone. And once they become desensitized to their human fears after millenias... I use my own countless godly methods to punish them. Not one in history has been able to bare the well deserved horrors of it without screaming for mercy. Now goodbye." He says, and a second later-
"AAAAAHAAAAHAAAAAA-A- FUHAHAUUUCK!!!!!" I writhe and scream in pain, as from my right eye I can now see the normal dark room around me, but- but I can't see at all through my left, IT HURTS SO BAD- I CAN FEEL THE BLOOD ALL OVER ME, MY- MY FACE!!!
"Seric hold on! Nobody fucking move I'm armed!" I hear from outside, it's, it's Marlox- and a second later he swings the door open and turns on the room's lights as I start to choke on my searing blue flames. Of course they're already- already pouring out of my fingers too!
"Final warning for if anyone is in here! ......No one...? Ser- no, he won't be able to respond. Did they run when they heard me? But I didn't hear anyone break in... but your face... there's no way you did this to yourself... Seric, you'll be ok. I'll protect you!" Marlox says as he leans over my face, with him gently grabbing and examining my sobbing face that's in excruciating pain with one hand as he's constantly glancing around the room as well. In his other hand though he's holding a big knife.
"Sorry if my touching you here hurts! ...Wait. This is like that time a day ago when you suddenly had a gash on your back when you first woke up. We thought it was from the glass on the floor but... Ohhhh nonono this is scary. It's like you're cursed or something... but Metallic said that he killed the guy who killed you... shit... just- sorry, Seric, ignore me. You're ok, I'll help to fix this." Marlox says as he takes in a shaky breath and rubs his hands across his jagged chin- he doesn't- he doesn't know anything about OK damn it this still hurts SO much!
Hours later...
"Hm... ok, it seems like you're feeling better now at least so that talking did pay off. And hey, Karia should recover today too! Ah sorry, too loud... but anyways, yep she should be good with some medication I already have and a few last touch ups. That sound good to you- or, well, answer the first bit I guess first ha." Marlox says as he's sitting and using his sleek looking computer, while I'm sitting next to him in a chair too... I nod in response, which is the little system we came up with.
"At least he wasn't super intrusive when he talked to me... maybe he COULD help me recover then... but... I don't know. So... right, ok that wasn't my first experience with Habram, I-I know how to cope with him better now! Better at least... I still, I just need to follow his orders for now. But... did... did he, um, have sex with... me? No... he never would... he probably created a fake Karia- y-yeah, doing that me directly would go against his teachings, or they SHOULD. If he even follows them i- no, I'm sorry for doubting you Habram. But... I wonder if that was really how Karia looked... she was... so..." I think to myself as, oh God really why now- I look down at my pants and... never mind.
"...Hm? No way, an announcement from Fixed Reality? ...Nah, never mind probably just an apology, trying to make themselves look good like all those other companies. I'll tell you that's one thing they always do here in Hopian if you didn't know, Seric, hah. Just watch, I bet you 20 Herin it's just that." Marlox says as he dramatically swipes up on his computer's screen that's showing a bunch of pictures... I don't care enough to look at what pictures though.
"...Hi, everyone. Domino Afolabi here. Now, before I say anything, let's address the important things here. I just want to say, that we here at Fixed Reality Casino are so, so sorry for your losses everyone. Mainly to those of you who lost your loved ones, or even friends due to the destruction from that damned robot. I've lost loved ones myself, in... awful ways in the past. So I know, though just a little bit, of just how much you must be hurtin' right now. May the Five Kings and their creators let their souls rest in peace. To those who praise them, please, join me in a moment of prayer for the dead." A man's voice says... wait...
"See? Told you. but eh, I mean... I guess it's kinda sad but, still, most of them were scumbags." Marlox says with a scoff.
"That voice... ah! That's that guy that I saw an advertisement about before, right he's with Fixed Reality... Fixed... right, Popshot had to deal with them... what does he think of me now? No, about Metallic...... everyone probably hates us." I think to myself as I stare down at the floor and ignore the man talking on the screen.
"...Let our prayers be written in Hesalo. Now then. Our job at this lovely casino is to- well, fix this place's realities. So... yes, we WILL be holding this years festival at our place- and I promise it'll help to cheer ALL of ya right up. Well, to those of you who have been registered with us for a while at least- but I'll talk about that later. We don't have a name for it yet, but... we do know what the prize will be. And it sure is something... the Hopian Army AND Government called us out to sponser this years unprecedented prize! Which will be... a ticket, not just any ticket, a ticket that'll teleport anyone straight into the Dalkan territory!" The man shouts enthusiastically which instantly makes me swing my head up- no fucking way...
A/N: To be continued in part 2!
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