A/N: Nani, an early chapter?! Ik ik, groundbreaking stuff lol, but FYI for the next few weeks at least I may have to upload them early Friday morning, I'm sure you guys won't mind though haha.
Last chapter, the story of Virile Noble's tragic past concluded with the "death" of his master Venus after she lost against the gang of thugs due to her Blessing somehow being stolen. Now, the story returns to present day Birzion with the trio having made their grand entrance to Virile's mansion.
Seric's P.O.V.
"Sure, let's just charge head first into what's probably the most guarded place on the island! Brilliant!" I quietly shout to Karia who's standing in front of the giant doors she just destroyed, lowering the arm she used to do so.
"Oh shut up, the guy's getting his ass kicked either way so why should it matter if people know?" Karia responds unfazed and stupidly as she backs away from the door and stands next to me and King Metallica.
"Because his army is gonna know too! And actually, if we thought this out- you know what never mind let's just think this through-" I try to reason but I stop dead in my tracks when I hear loud and monstrous stomps coming from the inside of the yellow mansion.
"...Screw this!" I declare as I spin myself around and start to run away- but before I can take another step King Metallica sticks out his metal leg and trips me, causing me to fall and have a first kiss with the gritty sand.
"Remember the deal pal! If you skedaddle then so will I!" King Metallica scolds me as he continues to stare at the broken entrance with Karia.
"Why?! I can't fight at all, what are you gonna do just! Peh! Just use me as a meat shield or something?!" I respond shakily as I spit the sand out of my mouth.
"Probably." Karia says.
"So, the first beatdown wasn't enough for you?!" A deep intimidating voice sounds from the doorway, and lo and behold the stern faced Virile himself walks out from the dark entrance wearing his brown vest and torn shorts.
"Beatdown? I don't think your pebble launcher was even close to that. Nice hand by the way." Karia mocks with a grin as she points towards Viriles now bandaged hand from her electron passover she used in the first fight.
He then grits his teeth, "Cocky I see. You remind me of a woman I used to know."
"Oh yeah? I'm sure I would like her then." Karia replies as she cracks her neck, while I slowly start to stand up and slide my way behind my two trusty companions.
"Sure you would. After all, in a minute you two'll have being humiliated in common!" He roars, but instead of charging towards us like last time he simply snaps his fingers. A second later I can see why, as a whole bunch of his brown vested men start to pour out from the giant destroyed entrance right behind him.
"You two remember the plan?" Karia
asks as she looks back at me. Never thought she would say those words.
"Sure do, pal #2! C'mon Seric let's take out some trashy F.O.D.D.E.R.!" King Metallica says with a silver grin as he reaches back and grabs my shoulder, shoving me in front of him.
"Kill the one in the robe, and capture the other two alive." Virile commands to his men as he continues to stand by the broken door, with his men starting to charge towards us.
"Shit, there's so many of them! I just hope they're not much stronger than Adesia's crew..." I think to myself uneasily as the men armed with every weapon in the book from maces to swords are about to reach us, slowly taking a step back.
King Metallica then raises his arm out in front of him, shoving his palm onto the chest of the unarmed man who's about to reach and throw a punch at him. Without hesitation, King Metallica uses his "catapult" with a little bit of recoil to send the man flying through the upper floors of Viriles mansion at an insane speed.
The other men are startled for a moment, but nonetheless the ones with maces swing their weapons at King Metallica, slamming his metal body with all of their might with long clangs being heard over and over. The ones with swords however launch themselves at me and Karia, in which she only crosses her arms along her chest in response.
"Spirit of Kodan: Double Cross!" Karia shouts as she swings both of her arms out to her sides, causing two giant red translucent hands to appear from thin air, with each of them flying through the air and back handing all of the men in their destructive paths, sending most of them flying and into a state of unconcious.
"Hey my inactive pal, ya can't train without moving your body ya know!" King Metallica says unconcerned as he spins his head 180 degrees to look back at me while the other men continue to whack his metal body with their maces.
Karia then looks back at me and taps my shoulder saying, "Keep the guys off me yeah?" I'm about to retaliate but she runs off before I can in the direction of Virile, luckily through a path that his goons aren't guarding. "Great!" I think to myself, then I turn back towards King Metallica.
"What are you doing they're eating you alive!" I exclaim to him shakily with concern as from the loud sounds of banging metal I'm hearing I wouldn't be surprised if he's actually getting injured again. Also I of course am standing on the sidelines.
"B.L.A.S.P.H.E.M.Y.! I'm not a meatbag ya know, so I don't have to worry about puny injuries like these! Neither do you you kno-" King Metallica explains until one of the men swing their mace at the back of his head, not even making him flinch but even worse knocking off his precious crown.
"Ohoho boy." I think to myself with relief and a grin as King Metallica slowly turns his head back around 180 degrees, a blank look on his face the entire time he does so with the foolish men still trying to dent the rest of his body.
"Well then, sorry pal, but your TRAINING will have to WAIT!" He both says and yells in a passive aggressive tone, which causes the now panting men to finally stop hitting him.
"What the hell are you made o-" One tries to say before King Metallica raises both of his arms, gripping the mans shoulders. Not even a second later the upper half of his body shockingly starts to spin as the man is swung along as well, which scares the other grunts and causes them to try to try to grab their allies flailing legs. But it's to no avail as King Metallica's spinning accelerates to an insane speed that makes him and the man look like nothing more than a blur. The other men simply back away at this point, until one of the smarter ones whip out a pistol and start shooting at King Metallica's head which makes me duck as well in fear, even though it can't kill me.
"Have a nice flight, T.R.A.S.H.B.A.G.!" He yells unconcerned in a strange tone most likely due to his speed, and then instantly stops his spinning effortlessly without a sound and releases the man, launching him at breakneck speeds towards the other retreating men which mows over and potentially kills a huge chunk of them until the living weapon flies into and makes a hole through Viriles mansion with a loud crashing sound.
"Damn it, we can't look weak in front of the boss!" One of the men who managed to duck under his attack says with unease as he jumps up and runs towards King Metallica with a mace in tow.
"Welp in the past I've sure showed you two my mega launch and my balanced suck and launch... BUT! I suppose I should show you my mega suck too!" King Metallica says passive aggressively as he takes a step back to bend over and pick up and equip his crown as he spins it around his index finger, and at the same time he starts to smack his head repeatedly with the heel of his other palm.
"Hey watch out!" I declare to him as the man is right in front of him, until I think to myself, "Wait, shouldn't Karia be fighting Virile by now?" I look over to said mayor, but he's still standing by the door unmoving and with his classic stern face, with Karia nowhere to be seen even though the area around us has nowhere to take cover.
"Ah there you are, pesky little devil!" King Metallica exclaims as he finally stops hitting his head, with the maced man already starting to smack his body relentlessly.
"Here's my third sphere, "Metallic System"!" He declares as he plants his hand on and digs his fingers into the chest of the brown vested man, in which he screams tries to rip King Metallica's arm off of his chest but it's to no avail. Sounds then start to be emitted from their direction, being strange high pitched pulsating noises.
A second later, the still living grunts who survived King Metallica's first onslaught slowly get up and start to charge towards him as well.
But before they can, all of them start to lose their footing, and the ones closer to the front of King Metallica start to be slid across the ground to the left, until the full effect of King Metallica's Blessing comes into play as they continue to get dragged across the sand in a wide circular motion, eventually making a full orbit around King Metallica and the man he's holding hostage. Luckily I seem to be out of it's range but I continue to back up anyways.
"Shit, hold on to something boys!" One of the men farther back shouts out as he stabs his sword into the sand, causing the other men surrounding him to do the same. They then lose their footing as well, falling to the floor while holding onto the handles of their blades for dear life so they don't get sucked into the orbit.
"YASHASHASHA! You're only slowing down the inevitable you fools, no one can escape the mighty orbit of my "Metallic System"! In no time your pals who are already sliding around town will be drawn right into me!" King Metallica says with confidence as like he said himself the men already caught in his orbit are now circling him in a smaller radius at a fast pace.
"Damn, there really are still a lot of guys hanging in there... wait! Since all of them are distracted by King Metallica, I should be able to attack as well without worrying about getting hurt myself!" I think to myself with excitement as I realize how to make the men lose their grip.
"Hey, Best Friend, can you help me out again?" I ask.
I then think to myself in annoyance, "Ugh not this again. I know he's just gonna interrupt me in 3, 2, 1..."
"Hey? My Best Friend?" I try talking to him one last time, but it's to no avail as there's no response whatsoever.
"What the hell? Well whatever, for now I've gotta help King Metallica I guess. I really hope I can still summon my ship at least." I think to myself with a bit of concern as I open my eyes, taking a few steps back to make sure I have enough room to aim.
"Hey, My Best Friend!" I call out, causing my ship to appear from thin air like always and to land on the sand with little noise, with the men stuck in King Metallica's "Metallic System" starting to be drawn in closer and closer to said robot.
"Ok, so I just have to aim it like last time... Wait! Instead of launching it nose first like always, couldn't I kick the ship from it's side to give it a wider area of effect?!" A lightbulb flicks on in my head as I start to slide my boat along the sand with relative ease, pushing it until the side of the ship is facing towards the men and also where it won't be able to hit King Metallica.
"Alright, so I'll have to kick it a little differently because the side is curved, and also I have to make it fly close to the ground so it hits the swords out of the sand..." I think to myself as I take a few steps backwards, trying to calculate what angle and the speed I should hit my boat at.
I then start running towards my best friend without thinking too long about it in case Virile decides to stop me, and luckily I manage to make it towards the boat without any interference, slamming my foot up into the side of it in order to make the boat move along the ground. Luckily it works, as with a loud scraping sound my best friend slides across the sand, almost hitting King Metallica but nonetheless reaching the men hanging on to the hilts of their swords for dear life.
The boat rams into and runs over most of the men, knocking their swords out of the ground and causing the concious and some unconcious men to start to be dragged along the gritty sand into King Metallica's orbit."W.O.W.! Now that's what I call training, thanks for the backup my incredi-pal!" He says happily over the sound of the high frequency pulsating noises emitting from him, as for some reason he continues to grip the chest of the man he originally grabbed.
"Yeah, no problem!" Is all I reply to him as the men who first got dragged into the "Metallic System" are now circling along the ground right next to King Metallica, and the men who just got sucked into the orbit are still circling in a much wider radius.
"Pathetic! I let you maggots use weapons because I trusted in all of your physical strengths, and just look at what happens when they're taken from you! You can't do anything at all!" Virile roars with disgust as he continues to stand in front of the destroyed doorway with his arms crossed.
"Wait, most of the guys are being taken out already, why the hell isn't Karia fighting Virile already?" I think to myself in confusion as I once again look around the area, and Karia is still nowhere to be seen in the empty sandy area separted by the path to the mayors mansion we're standing in. "Maybe she snuck into or behind the mansion somehow..." I try to come to a conclusion as I shake off the thought and look back towards King Metallica, who now has the first group of men literally being squished into the back of the now crying man who's chest is being held, and the other group who got sucked in later are now circling around King Metallica in a radius just a few feet away from him.
"Watch closely pal, this is the best part!" He laughs as the remaining men start circling so close to King Metallica that they too fly up and get stuck to the back of the crying man he's holding, which forms a massive clump of the many squished together brown vested grunts who you can say are all literally in the palm of King Metallica's hand.
"YASHASHASHA!" He let's out a mighty laugh as with no trouble at all the entire arm he's using to grip the crying man starts to vertically spin at an incredible speed, carrying the men along with it and causing them to slam and slide into the ground over and over, with some of them even breaking free from the bunch and flying off into the air when King Metallica's arm spins upwards.
"Holy shit!" I curse, ducking as one of the now bloody men fly right over my head.
A few seconds later of King Metallica's insane spinning attack and more obliterated men, he finally stops spinning his arm in an instant, which now only has the bawling and shaken man who's chest he's gripping stuck to it.
"You were quite the sun in my "Metallic System", I may say that my orbit sucks people into me, although it's really the one I'm holding who does sucking! H.O.W.E.V.E.R.!" He says as he looks down at said man, until he let's go of his chest, which causes the bawling man to pass out and fall backwards into the sand like a domino.
"That, is exactly what happens when you decrown a mighty King!" He declares proudly as he puts his hands on his robe covered hips, standing tall over the huge amount of unconcious or hell even deceased bodies he obliterated lying on the sand.
"My God, your Blessing is insane! You're a complete badass you know that!" I exclaim in shock and admiration to King Metallica's back.
"What?! You called me the vile term "ass", and made it even more unsightly by putting "bad" in front of it. Oh well, I suppose I stole your thunder so I'll let your foolish rudeness slide just this once! And, Blessing? You truly mock me pal. Although I may seem to have everything, the one thing my glorious metallic self will never be able to obtain is a Blessing from one of my very own Lord and Saviors! OH THE IRONY, WHY MUST THIS WORLD SCORN MEEEEEE!" He starts to bawl invisible tears as he falls to the ground, and starts to roll across the sand with his hands covering his face.
"Aw, I actually feel bad for him this time. Not being able to get the one real connection he can to the people he loves the most really sucks... Well, I suppose that also depends on if the tale is really true, but it's still sad for him nonetheless since he believes in it with all of his heart." I think to myself with a slight frown.
"Hey, uh, it's alright man. I'm sure that all of the Five Kings are already with you in spirit, after all you even engraved their symbol right onto your body right?" I try to cheer him up, keeping an eye on Virile who's still standing tall and doesn't seem to have any intention of moving.
"Wha- you... you really think so?! I only got this engraved on me to show the world the godliness of the Five Kings, but, you truly believe they themselves are with me because of it too?!" King Metallica says to me as he starts to "sniffle" while putting his hand right right under his neck.
"Yeah!" I respond with a smile, proud of but obviously not completely believing what I just said.
"100 truly is my lucky number, you guys are just the greatest, kindest, eye opening pals aren't you?!" King Metallica cries out as he springs himself upwards, and runs towards me to give me a charging hug, luckily not sending me flying into the sand considering how heavy he is compared to me.
As he hugs me with the sleeves of his robe rolled up I start to examine his body, and in doing so I can see that his legs and arms only have a few minor dents, and other than the still remaining holes his face remains completely unscathed.
"My God, after getting maced by all of those guys for so long he still only got a few dents... just who in the hell made him?!" I think to myself in utter shock.
A/N: Finally, King Metallica gets some real action by showing off his new sphere!
I hope you guys consider voting or commenting if you enjoyed, and see you next week!
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