Last chapter, Seric and Dahai returned to his run-down shack with an unconscious Karia, in which Dahai and his assistant, Suzie healed her up. However Dahai was using "On My Nerves: Jump Start:" on himself, which is the only reason why he was able to move after taking those heavy hits from Aeko. He passes out, and now Seric and Suzie are waiting inside.
Seric's P.O.V
I slowly open my eyes, and sadly it's already morning. Normally I wouldn't want to get out of bed anyways, but this morning was especially rough since I couldn't stop thinking last night and barely got any sleep.
"Boy, I saw you open your eyes just now. Out of bed you sloth." Dahai says which surprises me, since he seemed quite injured yesterday.
"Just a minute..." I reply, being more tired than usual and warm in the sheets.
"Suzie, launch off." Dahai commands her.
Suzie then seems to smash her hand down on something in the distance, but I'm too tired to see what.
I can put two and two together as the bed instantly turns into a 90 degree angle, launching me onto the steel floor.
"What kind of feature is that, I thought you were a doctor?!" I ask angrily while rubbing my head.
"One for people like you. Now come on, we made you breakfast."
We start eating at a small table in the shack, the food being pancakes but with seemingly different ingredients added to it.
"So Seric, I hear that you and Karia came here so I could check out your body? I never would of thought that you swung that way." Dahai asks with a laugh.
"Wow, I've never heard that one before." I respond sarcastically after hearing it for the second time.
"But seriously, you can do that kind of stuff with your blessing right?" I ask as I put a forkful of pancake into my mouth.
"Yes. I already heard that you have no pulse which is quite surprising, so I am definitely intrigued to see how your body works." Dahai says as he finishes putting away the ingredients he used in the silver kitchen cupboards.
"Heh, I'm suprised you didn't check while I was asleep." I say with a smirk.
"Goodness no, why would I ever do something so horrible like that to a patient?" He says with the face of an angel.
I smile and shake my head, and then respond, "Anyways, so can you do it? Karia had a card or something about you if that matters."
"Oh, that was most likely my business card. Don't worry about the fee I truly am curious about you."
"But before that, how about we go for a walk? By now we should be able to go out without worrying about the Hopian Army." Dahai adds.
"Uh..." I say nervously since Karia won't be with us.
"Come on, trust me the attention span for trouble like that is less than a Bull's." Dahai says reassuringly.
"Hah... Fine I guess." I respond, but I have a deep feeling I'll regret this.
"Yay!" Suzie says as she runs to put on her aluminum foil clothing from neck to toe.
"Do you need some clothes by the way? Yours seem to be pretty torn up."
I look down at my shirt which has a few rips in it and my pants which have stains of blood. Not mine though.
"If you wouldn't mind that would be great." I say with a little laugh.
A few minutes later we head out, with me now wearing a full set of aluminum as well. Now I can barely feel the heat. I think I know why Karia wanted a pair now.
In the distance, Aeko's hideout is visible with electronic caution wire all around the perimeter.
"So Seric, is this your first time in Magthera?" Dahai asks as he is already walking in the opposite direction with Suzie.
The Hopian Soldiers at Aeko's base is making me nervous, but Dahai doesn't seem to mind.
"...Oh, yeah. Actually maybe it's not, since I don't have any memories of anything up to a few days ago, except for some objects and food." I reply, loosening up a little as I continue to walk towards him.
"What?!" They both yell in suprise.
"This is most likely the work of someone's blessing, but still I have never heard of this happening to anyone before. You... truly are a strange one." Dahai says still in shock.
"That's why I came to you, to hopefully get some answers." I reply.
"...When we get back I'll do my best, however for now let me show you around Magthera." He says in a more serious tone which disappoints me.
"By the way, why did Aeko even kidnap you in the first place?" I ask out of the blue.
"Oh, well it was because he saw me using my blessing on some thugs one time, and a little while after he sent his robots to take me to him so he can have me as his subordinate."
"I wonder... Would Dahai of really just stayed as Aeko's prisoner if we hadn't went to save him? He seems more than capable to break free though..." I think to myself, but I don't speak aloud in case it offends Dahai in any way.
We continue to walk along the blue steel path, "If you were wondering, most of Magthera's residents are rather peaceful. Aeko is probably one of the worst people in the entire city."
"Oh, that's good to know. Like you said before the only reason why he was allowed to do what he did was because of bribing right?" I ask.
"Yes, I saw him paying off a Hopian Soldier here a few months ago. It is ironic to think that the ones who are meant to be protecting are the ones who caused the greatest harm." He laughs sadly while Suzie happily walks ahead of us, ignoring Dahai's sad response.
"Yeah..." I reply empathetically, as this must be tough for him, knowing that these things are happening in his homeland.
"Well anyways enough of that, I must show you somewhere every tourist needs to see in Magthera."
We continue to walk straight on the paths inside of the volcano, until we finally reach the inner brown rock surrounding all of the city. An open doorway made of the same rock is in front of us, that seems to lead through the inner city towards the outside of the volcano.
"Come on Seric, you've gotta see it!" Suzie yells out to me as she starts to run ahead once again.
Me and Dahai smile and start to walk through the tunnel until we reach the outside.
Suprisingly it's even hotter, which I assume to be because of how there's lava flowing right next to us instead of beneath us, the only thing blocking the lava from us being a wall made of electronic light that somehow blocks the killer liquid.
Also, there are a lot less buildings here, since the surface of the outer volcano is on a curve it probably makes building the blue metal paths and buildings much more difficult, and also hard to walk up as well.
That's just my two cents though.
"Now we just have to do the easy part." Dahai says as he walks on the path to the left of us, where a huge blue steel building awaits.
A few minutes later we arrive, and after Dahai buys three tickets we're allowed to go through, in which the entire building consists of a gondola system and an immigration center in which a few people are going through on the other side.
We get in a sturdy gondola with four seats, which you guessed it, is made of blue steel and start to ascend up the Volcano. I start to take in the fact of where we really are as I look over the lava coated rock.
"Hey hey, Dahai! What do you think Seric's face is going to be like?" The girl asks in excitement as she pokes Dahai's arm.
"The same as everyone elses, or maybe even dumber!" He laughs, as Suzie joins him.
I try to ignore them, and ask something that's been on my mind for a long time. "By the way, Dahai. How did you get your blessing and learn how to use it?" I ask partially knowing the answer but wanting to know more.
"Well, the same as every other person of course. I went to the green pillar, Vega and asked for a blessing. How I was able to do this though, was because I won a lottery in Magthera that allowed the person who won a pass to go to the almighty pillar. Then I went to the Hopian Continent and got my blessing in which I learned how to use it by the instructions I received." He replies.
"Almighty? So Hopian people praise it as some sort of God?" I think to myself.
Putting that aside, I ask another important question."Instructions? Do people tell you how to use it or something?"
"No of course not, no one is able to interpret the words of Vega other than the ones who they are aimed upon. Somehow, telepathically the details of blessings and the name of it are given to the user. This includes how to use it and some basic techniques. Then after using it for some time, new abilities are telepathically given to the person and how to use them, like "On My Nerves: Jump Start." You most likely had to go through the same thing to obtain your blessing." Dahai explains.
"Wow... So I guess that means I must have been pretty lucky to get mine as well. Also, I wonder if I'll still get those new techniques telepathically."
"Mm, it is definitely a possibility, but with your memories wiped..." He responds, which sends us both into deep thought, with Suzie humming a tune instead while looking out the window.
About 20 minutes later, we arrive at the top of the volcano, which is a giant ring with dark smoke coming out of it, the bottom of the hole obviously being the where the inner city lays on the lava below.
"Seric, Turn around." Dahai tells me as I'm looking down at the inner city over another energy barrier that surrounds the entirety of the ring.
"I'm guessing the view is gonna be-" I stop myself as I look off the side of the massive Volcano.
I'm in shock. This is probably the most beautiful thing I've seen yet.
A hot breeze is hitting my face, as I look over the side of the barrier, the entirety of the side of the giant volcano coated in flowing lava down below, along with some brown rock peaking through.
Then the vast deep blue ocean is visible past the rock, stretching out endlessly, rather calmly with a few harmless waves. Suddenly, a giant whale breaches out the water in the distance, making a huge elegant splash which temporarily upsets the calm water.
Up above, through the gray smoke of the volcano the light blue sky covers the vast horizon, with the sun shining over it with little to no clouds to be seen.
The most amazing part however, is the massive green pillar in the far distance. The pillar, Vega has to be many times bigger and taller than the entirety of Magthera. On top of it, a ginormous red shape is visible, which is probably about the size of this volcano itself.
I feel... insignificant. So powerless against nature, after seeing how powerful it really is on this scale.
"It's amazing, isn't it. The Trifold Sight in which one can be in sync with the earth, the ocean, and the sky, all at once." Dahai says calmly, looking out as well.
"Thank you for showing me, Dahai... That colossal pillar in the distance, that's Vega isn't it?" I say, already knowing the answer.
"Yes, its actually very far away from here on the Hopian Continent, however it's massive size allows it to be seen from up here anyways." Dahai replies.
"You should of seen your face, Seric! It was like when Dahai sees a hot girl pass by!" Suzie says innocently.
"Good comparison, Suzie." Dahai says nodding his head.
I start to laugh out loud, still not over this crazy duo.
"There he is! Get him!" I hear from the side of me.
Looking over, three men with knifes are facing us, seemingly ready to attack.
"Damn it! I guess we got found out sooner than I thought. Seric, take Suzie away from here!" Dahai says in a much more serious tone than normal.
I'm standing still in fear for a moment until I snap out of it and lead Suzie away from the three men. I stop when I feel like it's safe and turn back around to Dahai.
"You bastard... Aeko was buying robots from us for years, and those stupid magnetic boots as well! Now our business is screwed because you killed him, Dahai!" One of the men yell out, and suprisingly all of them are wearing normal clothes instead of the standard aluminum foil type everyone else was wearing.
"You shouldn't have sold to a man like him in the first place. Now, what do you want from me?" Dahai asks, trying to keep his composure but I can hear the anger seeping through his voice.
"Your life!" All three yell as the charge at Dahai, armed with knives.
"This could have been avoided, you know." Dahai says with a sigh.
"On My Nerves: Extra Baanh!" Dahai yells as he jabs both of his arms with his index and middle fingers.
"On My Nerves: Extra Taang!" He yells again as he jabs both of his legs with his index and middle finger.
A second later, the men are right in front of Dahai.
The first one is aiming to stab his chest, but Dahai quickly reaches around his attacking arm and grabs it, making him motionless.
Then with a quick move of his arm, Dahai uses his other hand to chop the attackers neck, knocking them unconscious.
"Wh-" Before the other one can react, Dahai runs up to them at speeds much faster than before and jabs their heart, making them collapse and hold their chest, starting to breathe frantically.
"Tch!" The leader of the three yells as he throws his knife down and gets his fists ready in a proper fighting technique.
He runs up to Dahai and throws a punch, which suprisingly connects with his face.
Dahai then counterattacks, quickly punching him in the chest three times, stunning the attacker.
Dahai's arms and legs go loose, as he then starts to pant heavily, looking much weaker.
"I guess that was enough time." Dahai says while panting.
As the leader is still stunned, Dahai slowly starts to walk over to them, and he then arrives,
"On My Nerves: Dimaag" He says as he puts his index and middle finger on the enemy's forehead.
*A/N this means brain in Hindi*
"AGHHHHHHHHH" The man yells as he falls to the floor and starts rolling in agony while clutching his head.
"Don't you EVER pull out a knife when Suzie is here again." He says as he looks down at the man with no mercy.
"Hmph. Having to use my blessing on myself and on others on some small fry like this is really pathetic. I must train more." He says with determination as he walks back towards us.
"Um... I think we should probably head back now." I say nervously, hitting myself mentally for not following my instincts of staying inside.
Finally with Aeko defeated, Seric and his friends get to relax while exploring the Super Heated city, Magthera!
But... Even the supposed doctor, Dahai, is suprised by Seric's situation... Just what happened to him?!
Be sure to consider voting or commenting if you enjoyed, and see you guys next week!
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