A/N: Hey! Just wanted to thank you all for the support, last chapter got a surprisingly high amount of reads. On that note-
Last chapter, Karia "woke up" inside of her own soul, to where the souls she took with her Blessing resided. After a relatively happy reunion with Sariel, and a conflicted reunion with Kodan- Karia went to talk with the strange Bersia, who could apparently see into the future now.
After giving Karia many cryptic warnings and hints for the future, and after "decapitating" Kodan, Bersia kicked the three out of her room using her Blessing.
Karia's P.O.V.
"I'll try and remind you about some of that stuff she said before you wake up. But yeah, Bersia is something else huh?" Sariel says as he stands up, then leans down and lends me a hand which I grab- and use to stand back up.
"Never thought I'd feel what it's like to be sent to the guillotine! Damn that was weird, kinda fun though after I stopped panicking. The time Bersia turned me into a rat wasn't so fun though." Kodan says with a laugh as he starts patting his head, like he's making sure it's still there after Bersia made it disappear before.
"Hah. Or the time she turned my arms into rubber while I was sleeping. I hope you're OK here Karia, I know you must be extremely weirded out right now." Sariel says with a sympathetic smile as he pats my shoulder.
"Eh. I think I needed this. Something so bizarre and supernatural, that reminds me that there's more to the world than just crappy people and society. Thanks for getting Bersia to talk to me." I say with a shrug- and almost go in to give Sariel a hug, but stop when I remember what we just talked about.
"So? Want to talk about your plans, or something else? Not sure how much time you have left here." Sariel asks with a bit of a frown- aw, I don't want to leave you either. But still, I'm keeping the promise I made to myself a year ago.
"Since I'm not dead, and since I know that you forgave me Sariel... I want be better. I know I get hot headed a lot, and I want to get better at thinking more. I want to be happier, kinder- just better in general, I guess. I want to be able to look at myself in the mirror, and feel proud of who I am. I want to make you proud too. ...But I don't know where to start. Sariel you were always pretty wise. And Kodan... well- you led the Red Fists for 10 years. Even though you were pretty scummy, you must've been a good leader to get your as group as strong as they were."
"Hmm? So what, you're asking for advice from the "scumbag" criminal now? What a change of heart, I'm flattered. Kidding, I'm glad you were able to realize that the Red Fists weren't AS bad as you thought a few months ago. Sure. I can try and tell you what I think I did right, and how to avoid the mistakes that led me and my group to be- yeah pretty scummy." Kodan says with a laugh, but it turns into a genuine smile after.
"I'll try and help you out too of course Karia. We can also use Bersia's "visions" she just told you, to help you come up with future plans. For starters- it looks like you didn't get arrested, since Bersia said to stay with Seric. Unless she means in jail?" Sariel says as his mouth hangs open a bit in surprise.
"C'mon, you used to know Hopian Army protocol better than I did. They'd never keep me and Seric in the same cell, let alone the same area." I shake my head with a smirk which Sariel facepalms at.
"OH right- my bad, yikes. But um... more seriously though. What you did to free Seric was fucked. Like, super fucked- and I was pretty close to hating you for it when I saw it happen. I know you weren't trying to kill any soldiers when you were escaping Vegahold. But you should've known an ability like Kodan's "Shower of Strikes" would have caused at LEAST a few casualties. Like come on Karia- even just ONE of those fists can break through a steel door." Sariel starts to criticize me, which makes my heart sink a bit... he never used to swear. Kodan must have corrupted him.
Speaking of which Kodan says, "To be fair though Sariel- that was right after Karia looked more into the genocide of the Red Fists. At that point, it seemed like she hated the Hopian Army a whole lot- and I think she was kinda right to. A-"
"So you're saying that soldiers who had NOTHING to do with the death of your people, deserved to die because of Prósopsi and Ontarus' scummy choices?" Sariel interrupts Kodan as he crosses his arms.
"No- I'm just saying to maybe cut Karia a bit of slack. Finding out that you were working for the "bad guys" all along can screw with your head. I sure know that from personal experience." Kodan says that with a sigh as he cringes.
"Yeah. Pretty much sums up what went through my head Kodan. And the hurdles I had to go through to find that classified info is what made it even worse. Prósopsi KNEW the decisions he made were wrong, and didn't even try to take a single bit of the blame or apologize. I was lucky enough to get contacted by that anonymous hacker who sent me the classified reports of the event, and recording of Prósopsi that day. H-"
"Sorry for interrupting but, yeah that hacker was SUPER creepy. Makes me think they were part of a secret government organization. Like they got a full recording from the INSIDE of Prósopsi's office, a full recording of the destruction of the Red Fists base- AND had copies of the encrypted reports of what happened that day? Kodan even confirmed with me that the video shown of the battle against Ontarus was 100% accurate. What's even scarier though, is why they contacted you out of anyone..." Sariel explains which Kodan just nods at.
"I mean, I WAS posting on a bunch of underground message boards, asking about what really happened to the Red Fists. But yeah there were a bunch of other posts asking about that too, so yeah- no clue why that hacker chose me. Anyways. So yeah, I hope you can understand my mindset a bit more now Sariel. I was SO mad- the Red Fists were bad, but not bad enough to kill every civilian living with them. But... yeah. I know I messed up that day. I could have broke Seric out in a much better way."
"Yeah. And I know that you felt bad about what you did, since you were drinking quite a bit after you broke him out. But hey, keep in mind that Kodan was able to become a better person. And he was worse than you before, since he destroyed government institutions, and killed Commanders of the army, an-"
"OK to be fair Jaxonite had it coming, the guy was a corrupt rapist. But yeah... what I did to Erucid, and some of the other soldiers we imprisoned or killed was shitty. Anyways, back to Karia." Kodan says as he raises his hands up in defense.
"Ehh Jaxonite DID help keep the continent safe still but, yeah I see your point. Anyways, point is Karia- I'm just saying that you can come back from this, and I'm glad that you realize it. Turning yourself in isn't really an option though, since you need to complete the trials- or else your promise with Bersia won't be fulfilled and that won't be fun." Sariel explains.
"...What if I told the army about my contract with Bersia? Head Commander Prósopsi apparently had his eye on me before, due to the fact that my Blessing could let me take the powers of super strong people in the future. Would seem kind of stupid of him to let me rot in a cell then, when he knows that I could help protect the continent." I point out another option.
"I mean... you COULD try that, and I think it would help humble you a lot. But it's a risk. There's no guarantee the army would agree to your deal, or even believe that Seric has to complete the trials for your promise with Bersia to be fufilled." Sariel responds which stumps me.
"Wait a sec- that Commander, what was her name... right- Aora. She was spying on the trio for a long time, through that audio-recording implant that was in Karia's cybernetics. Aora could maybe vouch for you then if she heard all of your previous conversations about the trials, no?" Kodan asks me as he strokes his beard.
"You kidding? Aora probably studies the law in her sleep. She's definitely not the type of person who would stand up for a criminal. She would probably try and keep me in a cell or worse, especially since we declined her offer before. So yeah- never mind. Turning myself in isn't an option. So... shit. I guess I have to stay with Seric?"
"True... wait, what if you sold Seric out to someone else? I'm sure some adventurer would want to see what lies inside of the trials, since no one's ever been able to open them. Or maybe even the government, considering like Kodan said they know Seric can open them now. It would be pretty easy to knock the kid out. Then all you'd have to do is bring him to a bounty machine, or find someone who'd want him onli-"
"Ok WHOA whoa whoa. A bit soon to jump the gun on kicking the kid- or man out, no?" Kodan interrupts as he puts his finger on Sariel's lips- which makes Sariel step back and wipe his mouth off.
"Oh come on Kodan, you're only saying that because you know King Metallica likes him. I'm actually looking out for Karia here." Sariel says to him with a glare.
"Well, maybe but- this is still a big gamble too. And also, Karia your contract with Bersia said YOU have to free Seric, and YOU have to complete the trials with him. And plus, this doesn't work at all- Bersia said "stay with Seric or you'll suffer" something something, right?" Kodan says as he raises a finger with a confident smile.
"Oh. Damn. Kodan's right. Then I mean... yeah. I guess you're stuck with him, sorry." Sariel admits with a sigh.
"Yeah... welp. I guess there's two ways this can go now. Bersia's definition of "evil" is twisted, and Seric is actually a monster. Or- he really is innocent like she said, and him... taking out the island of Aprase, and killing Erucid somehow wasn't his fault. You may think I'm wrong for this but, I'm starting to think it's the second option- since he hasn't done anything that's suspicious at all, for the time I've known him at least." I say, trying to keep myself open-minded- I'm scared to hear Sariel's reaction though.
"Again- he could still be a manipulator. Although, treating him like a "friend" may be for the better either way. If he really is- or was evil, you treating him nicely will make him lower his guard, and maybe he'll slip up at one point. And if he's innocent, then well you have a proper friend again. But please- don't get cocky with him Karia. I don't want to see you end up like the people of Aprase, skinned, raped, decapitat-"
"I get it. Stop." I say sternly after goosebumps start to rise on my skin, and I start to feel a little bit sick...
"Twisted shit for sure, still think the guy is innocent though. ...But you know, I had a loyalty detector in my group before. Her name was Laya, nice girl- but anyways, we found her through this old guy who could locate people with Blessings. Blessings that follow certain specifications- which in your case, would be a tell-me-if-this-guy's-lying-or-was-he-evil kinda power. The old man's pretty pricey and lowkey, but you'd probably be able to find him after some asking around. Maxwell was his name, hopefully he's still kicking." Kodan offers.
"Oh shit really? Thanks a lot- I'll keep that in mind." I respond which Kodan nods at, and I start to feel a bit relieved.
Sariel interrupts us, "Back to the other topic. Don't take this the wrong way Karia but, I don't think you were ever meant to be a hero- if that's what you were planning on to be "better". Well in the traditional sense at least. You were forced to join the Hopian Army, and from what I saw- you only wanted to get a higher rank to feel accomplished, and to make me proud. You said you wanted to be a Commander in my stead after I got paralyzed, and to make the continent better- but it was more about making me happy, wasn't it? Not trying to be a narcissist by the way, if I'm wrong feel free to correct me." Sariel says which surprises me but- I should've realized he'd figure that out, he knows me well.
"...Nah. You're right." Is all I say.
"You can still be a pretty good person, while not always trying to help people. Just don't steal like you did to those weirdo pirates King Metallica came from, don't hurt innocents, don't be selfish- and maybe try and do some smaller nice deeds every once in a while. Like giving some cash to a homeless person or something, or even taking out some baddies like when you fought Virile Noble." Sariel says which Kodan nods at. I did feel a little good after helping save that Birzion island... but even then,
"That's doable but, am I not already being selfish by making the Hopian Army chase us down?" I correct Sariel, if he's gonna critique me- he should do it right.
"I meant don't be selfish when you don't have to be. The way you went after Diosa Natash put all of your friends in danger, especially Seric-"
"I tried to save him from Diosa though!" I correct him- jerk, the fact that I saved Seric after hating him so much should give me a halo.
"You asked for advice Karia, whether you like it or not you should shut it and listen." Kodan interrupts me with a glare.
"I see your point Karia. But still, you dragged Seric, King Metallica, and Amandeath into your mess- and expected them to help you search for Diosa. And worst of all, you did that and barely even explained the situation to them. What if King and Amandeath found him before you did? He probably would have killed them just to spite you."
"Good point Sariel but- yeah no way in hell would King die to a guy like that. If that "Diosa" tried to hurt any of you while King was there, he would've used the Emperor and ripped him to shreds." Kodan says which surprises me,
"Emperor? What is that, some kind of powerup?" I ask with a scoff... I really hope Metallica is ok actually. I always liked him.
"Ohoho yeah. The power of the form could probably kill Mr. Head Commander himself, the Emperor is even able to break Hesalo. Before you freak out- he can only use it two more times before he's almost definitely dead, which is why I told him to not tell anyone about it. ...That may be one more time now, considering he may have used it to save you two." Kodan explains with a frown at the end, while my jaw drops.
"HUH? Shit that's wild... but what's wrong Kodan?" I ask, trying to be selfless for once.
"Just sad about how devastated King must've been, not knowing if you two were dead or not. Losing me, then thinking he lost you and Seric who he may have loved just as much... anyways. Back to you. You see Sariel's point about the Diosa thing right?" Kodan says as he shakes his head and looks back to me.
"I mean- yeah, I guess. I'll keep that in mind. Don't be selfish- when I don't have to be. And a time when I'd have to be selfish, would be when I need to do something to help me complete the trials." I say, which Sariel and Kodan both "Mm" at. They both look at each other and laugh after that.
"This stuff probably would've been obvious if Mom and Dad raised me right." I think to myself feeling a bit embarrased.
"Man- on that note, can't wait for you to go to Dalkan, it'll be awesome to see what it's like! And of course Metallica'll be super hyped to see the land of another one of his "beloved" Kings too. That's where the next trial you have to do is, right?" Kodan asks with a big grin as he rubs his hands together.
"Yeah- no clue how we're gonna get there though. We came up with a few ideas but, all of them would be hard." I respond.
"Well, the old-Blessing-finder guy Kodan mentioned could maybe help you find someone. So do you want any more advice Karia?" Sariel asks.
"Nah. I think I'm good, would be too easy if you gave me all the answers. Thanks for the help though, you too Kodan. Can we um... just talk now? For fun? You don't have to stay if you don't want to Kodan."
"Ha- you kidding, I used to talk to every damn person in the Hopian Continent. I'm staying." Kodan replies with a chuckle as he flops down to the ground and sits cross-legged.
"'Course Karia. First off, back to those long-sleeved pirates- man that was such a shitty name huh." Sariel says which makes me laugh.
A little while of talking later...
"Yeah alright, the way you took out that Aeko guy was pretty clever from a fighting standpoint. Glad too- he was a scumbag. And hey, another checkin- you remember what I told you to Metallica when you wake up, right?" Kodan says with a scoff, as he finally admits that I did well in that fight.
"Thanks. And yep, I got it." I respond to Koda-
I feel- tired... eyes hurt. I try to open them but, it's so bright- it hurts...
I need to move- I need out of here! I tilt my head, I can see better that way- not bright, tiled floor. I move my sore arms, and start to pull myself off of the... the thing I'm lying on.
"Ow!" I cry out as I feel something cut my vag... my whole waist hurts. What did they do to me?!
Suddenly, I hear a creak- and I glance up to see where it came from, while covering myself up with the blanket that was on me before.
"Karia?" A timid voice asks, and a second later I see Seric stumble into the room... he doesn't look good. And he looks right at me.
"What- what wrong? What did you, did you do something to me?!" I slur my speech and respond, I'm scared. Seric grits his teeth at that,
"What did I do to YOU?! You- you FUCKED my life, you fucked all of us! You treated me like- like, like SHIT for so long. And now THIS?!" Seric starts screaming at me, he looks so angry...
He starts stomping towards me, but he stops once I start crying- my body hurts so much... what did I do? Oh no, is King dead? Amandeath?
"I'm so-sorry, ok- what happened?" I try to say, I can barely see now.
"You really want to know? Fine- alright! Metallic went on a rampage, after he thought we died. Hundreds of thousands of civilians are DEAD. And now, we're by FAR the most wanted people in this territory! And I'll do you one better, King and Amandeath went out to get a bounty to pay back the doctor who saved you. And I saw him get slaughtered right outside of this house.... and me... you ruined me. But I can't even hate you." Seric says as he falls down to his knees and starts to cry, meanwhile I'm- just shaking. I don't...
"I'm so- sor-" I try to say- both Sariel and Kodan, I don't want them to hate me. All of those people... Oh Gods, what did I cause?!
A/N: Karia's happiness is interrupted by a horrible reality...
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