Hopian 102 Part 2 - Move or Die
A/N: Sorry for the late upload!
Last part, Amandeath and Metallic set out to meet Restroid for the two bots' duel. However, as Amandeath was scouting around the area- Elio and the other members of the Red Fists launched their attack on Amandeath to capture her...
A few minutes before the Red Fists launched their attack...
Amandeath's P.O.V.
"Shiiit... that bot Restroid was pretty dumb planning to have the fight around here. Would've thought he'd of had it in an abandoned area but nope... actually... nah I guess the Hopian Army is probably looking around those places more. After all that's where criminals would probably want to be instead of the more populated areas. ...Eh. Either way Metallic is probably fighting him right now so I need to stay focused and look around..." I keep myself occupied by my random thoughts, as holding Metallic's purse and acting like a rich chick isn't fun enough for me...
Anyways, I look to my right past the cracked road next to me, it's got two tracks running through it for those automatic cars or whatever they're called... huh- whaddya know, there's actually one of those black bigass cars on it ahead too- doubt it even works anymore though. ...Actually- I noticed a car around right before we fought Restroid for the first time too... I'll keep that in mind.
So ya I keep my guard up and continue to look around, seeing nothing weird out here besides the buildings with neon signs that are on both sides of the road. And the street lights too I guess- but shit those barely even work anymore...
"Ah." I panic as I almost step on a broken beer bottle on the cement sidewalk with dim white lights that's under me, luckily I dodge it just in time though.
"Huh?" Out of nowhere- one of the store's neon lights go out ahead of me, guess their closing up for today but... weird time to do that...
More and more lights start to randomly go off- yeeeaaah ok something's up.
"...Fuck- this could be the hacker Restroid probably has." I think to myself as I keep on walking but glance around, trying not to look suspicious but keeping my ass safe at the same time.
All of the street lights go out- leaving me in pitch darkness, good thing my glasses have nightvision. Either way, no way is this a power outage-
"Fuck." Out from an alleyway ahead of me a group of like 10 guys start to run right for me, they're all wearing semi-decent protective clothes, and look armed with pistols as well. They probably think I can't see- and with that I drop 'my' purse, run into an alleyway that's right next to me, and yank out three triangle shaped bullets from my pocket at the same time.
But shiiit I can hear their footsteps, they're gonna be here in a second,
"This is probably that bot's goons- lucky as hell I came prepared." I think to myself as I stop moving to spin myself around, then toss my three bullets into the air. At the same time I raise my arm with my sniper, pull my sleeve back, and bend it at the elbow at a 90 degree angle, which cracks open the barrel which is glowing blue now.
I start to panic a little as the guys run into the alleyway in front of me- but just in time my bullets get sucked into my guns open barrel, and with that I snap my arm back down to close the barrel, crouch, and-
I fire one of my tearing bullets right into the crowd- no headshots but it rips right through the guy at the front's chest and probably the people behind him too.
"F-fall back..." The guy I blasted a hole in says as blood starts to pour out from his chest, and at the same time I can hear crying from behind him.
Without wasting anymore time I stand back up again, speedwalking backwards as I fire another shot into the group- one tears through a guys shoulder, but all of them are backing up now too... weeeird... I glance behind me just in case and-
"MMPH!" I gasp as another bastard sneaks up behind me, grabs my waist and covers my mouth with his hand- so of course I do the classic and bite fingers hard as hell.
Right as he adjusts his hand I whisper "My Reaction to Action", and launch my elbows into the arm grabbing me and the side of his chest. 'Course the extra force from my Blessing causes his hand to break and for him to stumble back. And as expected his arms loosen due to the pain, letting me slip out of his grip as he falls to the ground.
I spin around again, glance behind me towards the first group of guys- and clear. But at the other end of the alley, two more people drag the goon I just knocked down out of the alleyway.
"Shiiiiit they have me pinned... they ran away for now but are probably just waiting right outside the two exits to the alley here now. It didn't seem like they wanted to kill me though. Same as last time...? ...Fuck me- or maybe I really will get fucked here... literally- wait nah they'll probably just kidnap and sell me I'm not that ho- FUCK I'm rusty." I shake my head as I somehow zone out, didn't get enough sleep due to Metallic. Anyways I look around the brick alleyway walls next to me see if I can find anything to help me but- nothing but trash.
I double check the alley exits, still nothing- then I look up and-
"Sweet. Oh boy it's been a while." I kinda smirk as I can see a window on the second floor of the building on my right, and just below that some sort of rusty light attached to the wall. And so I crouch down, swing my arms waaay back, and whisper "My Reaction to Action" again.
With that I jump off of the ground, turning the reaction force spread onto me into more action force on the ground- which lets me reach and grab onto the rusty light that's just below the window with one hand. I stay hanging for a bit buuut not for long, as I call out and use my Blessing again. Then I smash the window just above me using the metal of the sniper on my free arm- luckily no glass fell onto me.
But before I climb into my new 'home', I glance down again- to see the goons running back into the alleyway again with guns drawn-
I climb up and flop up through the window like a fish out of water as they start firing at me, cutting myself to death on the broken glass, until finally I fall face first into whatever room the window lead to and take cover.
"Fuuuuuck- I like pain but... that bullet went right through my side..." I think to myself with a sigh as I hold my bleeding waist, but at the same time I look around, to see a bed next to me- and glancing under it a kid is staring at me with wide eyes- fuck that's creepy... I guess he heard the gunshots.
"Heey hey it's alright, just don't tell mommy or daddy..." I try to convince the kid-
"MOOOOOM- DAAD!!!" Of course he cries out...
"Whatever they probably heard the window break anyways, I need to use one of those bandaid things Metallic gave me... should be able to heal internal injuries as well from what he said." I think to myself as I dig my hand covered in cuts and shattered glass into my pocket, taking out the baggie he gave me of the healers and taking two out of it.
"Joshua what- AH! PLEASE DON'T!" The parents swing the door open- but stop after I point my gun at them. Using my other hand I pull up my white shirt, then stick one of the blueish thick bandaids onto my bare side where the bullet hit me. Then using the same hand- I put another bandaid on where the bullet flew out of me.
"...Your doors locked? Also you have any glass windows downstairs?" I ask, looking at the couple as I brush some glass off of myself using the side of my sniper. ...Also the hallway light behind them is on- so I guess the hacker only turned off the outdoor lights... makes sense. Anyways the lady says to me,
"Y-yes they're locked- would you like us to open them- and no- sorry no windows down there. Just please take anything you want but don't shoot!" She finishes- gooood... so they won't be able to break in here probably...
"Stay right in the hallway where I can see you, don't call the Hopian Army, and then I won't." I say as I start to feel something weird inside my chest... it's where the bullet went through... feels kinda nice... must be that bandaid doing some healing stuff.
"...Actually maybe I should just kill these people to make sure they don't rat me out. ...Huh... nah. They can tell me where stuff is in this place that I can use- speaking of which..."
I look around the room- no more windows- so fuuck I'll have to go to another room, since looking out the window I came through is probably suicide. Although they're probably looking for a way in here now but still... I have to get moving.
"Come on- ohhhh..." I mumble as I slowly push myself off of the carpet, only for a nice mix of pain and pleasure coming from my side at the same time...
"...Just like before, Restroid's guys weren't trying to kill me. Well until now at least... guess they changed their plans after I started killing them. Aaanyways there's probably at least 15 or something of them left. Probably more though- no way would the leader of the new Red Fists would come after me this unprepared." I think to myself as I drag myself out of the kids bedroom, keeping my gun pointed at the parents as I walk by them.
"But no if there's more of them why wouldn't they have all charged me all at once? When that guy grabbed me they all could have just got me at once... I guess I can be a bit more on the offensive then if there really is that little of them." I realize as I walk down the hallway to this building- pretty tight though, the family must have a store or something on the first floor and live here on the second...
A few minutes later, in the master bedroom of the "house"...
"...Nice." I think to myself as I use the hand-mirror I borrowed from the washroom to scan the area outside the window I'm by. And lucky enough- through my night-vision I can see two of the guys are standing below me on the sidewalk next to this building.
"...This bait? This is too easy, but no- these guys seem like they wouldn't want to make any sacrifices...-" I stop planning after I think I can hear something behind me in the hall... did the family move? Nah... that's coming from right near the door now, and it's just one person...
I hear someone try to twist the locked doorknob- fuck how did they even get in here?!
So I whisper, "My Reaction to Action"
and fire a shot through the door where the guy's chest should be. Plus since I cancelled out the reaction force of the bullet after the shot- that was pretty silent. And with that, after hearing something flop to the floor outside the door, and even more footsteps, I open the window I'm next to- to see that the two idiots standing below me outside are still there... huh, looking closer at them their shaking. But still they aren't lookin' at the window...
"They must think I haven't noticed their friends coming up after me, so those two were meant to be keep me distracted after all. I guess the guys in here somehow came up through a window too- shit how did they climb that high? Whatever... so right. Well this'll be interesting..." I think to myself as I scan the area around the street I'm above, to see a guy hiding behind a thick lamppost on the other side of the road on the street below.
The footsteps outside the door are loud as hell now, and so it's go time. I quietly open the pretty big window I'm by, grab both sides of the wall next to it, and swing myself out of it and into the dark streets.
"My Reaction to Action." I whisper as I fall towards the two clueless dummies beneath me feet first-
My feet slam down into the two guys heads- which cracks their skulls and probably breaks their necks- and 'course they fall forward onto the ground from that one.
I slide off of the falling bodies and onto the bloody sidewalk, calling out "My Reaction to Action." again as well. With one of my flesh-tearing bullets in the chamber, I raise my arm and glance through the scope of my sniper- aiming it at the guys head who's peaking out of cover.
I squint as a bright ass light turns on, which leaves me completely blind- since night-vision gets fucked by light like a flashbang. And so I back up, almost falling over the two guys I just killed and-
Out of nowhere something pops up from the ground beneath my foot- launches my leg into the air- and causing my entire body to get flipped over too- weeell shit.
A/N: Amandeath defends herself from Restroid's troops- but after a few kills the Red Fists finally launch a counter attack against the sniper...
I'll try to get the second part of this chapter out next week- but I'll see. Either way thanks for reading- hope you consider voting or commenting if you enjoyed and see you soon!
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