Morana had reacted just like I had assumed she would upon telling her about the second of December. First with distaste, then by insisting she would come along if I had to go. Like Marianela had known she would.
The idea of bringing her there again had me sick to my stomach. What made it worse was the fact that I knew Mom had gotten her eyes on Morana and would likely do anything to make her a part of the coven. Exactly what for, I didn't know, but I assumed it was because of Morana's magic.
It had become abundantly clear to me through our practice sessions that she was a powerful witch. Adding to that, her magic wasn't like normal witches and Mom would, without a doubt, want to use Morana's magic for her own benefits.
To calm myself a little for the gathering, I had called Rick and asked him to come along and he had agreed without any hesitation. It wouldn't really make much of a difference to have Rick there, if someone wanted to mess with me or Morana, his muscles would do little to stop the magic. But it felt better to be three instead of just two.
So there we were, standing outside of the coven's house. We had all dressed up for the occasion ever so slightly. It had felt strange to do, considering that it all felt more like a trap than a party, but it had also been necessary. It wouldn't be good if we stood out too much.
So Rick was in black slacks and a black shirt. I had similar pants but a white shirt. Morana had put on a skirt for the occasion. It was blue and ended at her knees. It danced around her even when she stood still. Her top was a white, long-sleeved, and in lace. She looked beautiful, but she always did.
"We'll leave as soon as we can," Morana said. "Just hi and some pointless small talk, and then we're out of there."
"And then we can go to some bar and get trashed while trashing your family," Rick added.
I swallowed hard and nodded. I hoped it would be as easy as they said, but I doubted it.
Morana was the one to knock on the door, just like last time. This time, though, it was Marianela who opened the door.
"Morana! So good to see you again!" she exclaimed with a wide smile and then she turned to me and Rick. "Brother, I hope you've been well since last time. And I see you brought Rick along. Been far too long since the last time I saw you."
Rick nodded curtly, and I found my mouth too dry for speech.
"Thank you for having us," Morana answered with a voice so full of sarcasm that even a deaf person would hear it.
"It's our pleasure. Now, come on in."
Marianela stepped to the side, and we all walked over the threshold. As the door closed on us, it felt like we were mice that had entered a trap.
"Morana!" Mom was next with exclaiming as she entered the hallway. "It's so lovely of you to come. I feel dreadful over how things ended last time."
I could see Morana hold back a snort and instead plaster a fake smile on her face.
"That truly was regretful. It's a shame that common decency isn't something all have been taught."
I watched how my mom halted at Morana's words and, for the first time in my life, I saw her lose some of her carefully crafted posture. Her face twisted into one of embarrassed anger for a second. I wanted to turn and laugh at her reaction with Morana and Rick, but knowing I couldn't, I kept looking forward, though to the side of my mom, to compose myself.
Marianela ended up in my line of sight. She stared off to the side, as if oblivious to the conversation. But she had a wide grin, which told that she paid close attention and was thoroughly enjoying herself.
"Yes, that is regretful," Mom echoed and forced a smile back in place. "But let's not dwell on the past. Come on in. The rest of the coven is here today as well, and they've been dying to meet you."
"With Morana's sass, they might just end up dying of anger tonight," Rick whispered to me so no one else would hear as we walked further into the house. Further into the trap.
What followed was within my expectations. All the other witches within the coven were eager to talk to Morana and compliment her in various ways. On everything from her hair to her clothes to her magic. They really did their best to make her feel welcomed, and to my displeasure it seemed to be working.
The attitude and tenseness Morana had exhibited when we had walked in slowly ebbed away. She talked happily with them about ordinary things like fashion as well as different magical aspects they brought up. It became much, much clearer what Mom's plan was. To simply lavish Morana with praise while staying clear of any topic that could upset her.
"Come with me," I suddenly heard a voice behind me and turning around, I came face to face with Mom. Her eyes were narrowed and fixated on mine. I felt my heart sink even further.
I didn't get a chance to reply before Mom whipped around and walked away. I made to follow and noticed that Rick planned to go with me.
"Stay with Morana," I told him and he gave me a hard look that I knew all too well what he meant by. Morana wasn't in any type of danger. She did not need protection from anything. Me being alone with my mother, however, that was a situation that easily could go wrong.
But I gave him an equally hard look, and he sighed and rolled his eyes, but turned back to keep an eye on Morana.
I followed Mom to the kitchen. There she poured herself a glass of red wine before starting to talk.
"I think I might need to remind you of some things," she started. "As much as it displeases me, you are my son and, as such, you are a part of this coven. As a member of this coven, you're obligated to always act in our best interest. Failing to do so can result in being excluded and turned rogue. Do you understand?"
I had my head downcast, as I was used to in front of Mom, so I nodded to the floor.
"Use your words!" she snapped at me.
"Yes, Priestess," I immediately changed my answer to.
"Good that you are still aware. That makes me wonder, though, why you have failed in that obligation."
My hands were sweating while my body was freezing. I wasn't sure what she meant, but I was certain it involved Morana and that I wouldn't like what came next.
"Hiding and telling lies about us to another witch. A powerful witch and one without a coven. In what way is that acting in our best interest?"
I wanted to bite back. Wanted to yell at her that I had never told a lie and that she should leave Morana alone. But it wouldn't be worth her punishment, so I gave the answer I knew she wanted.
"It's not, Priestess."
"That's right. It's not. So why did you? Have you managed to delude yourself into believing she'll pick you over us? If so, then I hope today is an eye opener for you."
Once again, I wanted to retort. I wanted to tell her that Morana would always pick me, that our friendship was stronger than whatever scheme the coven could throw at us. But as before, I didn't say any of that, but this time because I didn't feel completely sure my words would have been the truth.
"You ought to know it is in her best interest as well to join the coven. A lot of nasty things can happen to rogue witches."
My head shot up, and I spoke before I had even properly registered what she had said. "If you ever try to hurt Morana, I'll hurt you twice as badly in return."
The sound of a slap rang in my ears as my cheek burned from pain. My mother's eyes looked at me with a distasteful anger I was used to seeing, that would usually make me bend my head. But not this time.
"Insolent! You have truly lost your way. To think that you even believe yourself capable enough to threaten me."
She shook her head and the next thing I knew, I couldn't breathe. I tried to get air in through both my nose and mouth, but it was as if invisible lids had been placed over them and no matter what I did, no air came through.
I turned to the countertop to support myself as panic and fear started to take over. Adrenaline pumped through me and I wanted to escape, but my body worked too hard to try to force air down my lungs for that to be possible.
Something knocked against my legs, made me lose my balance and I fell to the floor. I had started to go dizzy and had no strength to get myself from the position I had fallen to.
I felt certain I would die. That my own mother would stand there and watch as I suffocated to death. I thought of Morana and how she would react. How she would blame herself and hide from everyone. And I bitterly thought of how my mother would then swoop in and take Morana under her wings. Make her a part of the coven and welcome her grandly.
Stars danced in front of my eyes as things slowly went black. Then, as suddenly as it had started, air rushed in and down to my lungs, making me gasp and hyperventilate as I tried to fill them up again.
Mom hunched down beside me and she had a soft and almost tender smile on her face that I loathed more than anything else.
"That was awful, wasn't it?" she said. "How do you think Morana would handle it? If you ever cross me again, we'll know the answer and I'll make sure she knows it's because of you it's happening to her. How many times would I have to punish her in your stead before she starts to despise you?"
She stood up and left the kitchen. Left me on the floor, still gasping for air.
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