Breakfast at Days Inn
I woke up, once again, in an unfamiliar territory. I remembered I had dreamt but couldn't make out much of a memory other than an odd voice. What did he tell me? To run? I brushed it off.
As I rubbed away at the sweat and grime building on my face from the previous days built up turmoil, I arose and knew I had to complete my final voyage, to Forks Washington.
I dressed myself in a timely fashion, making sure not to let my Jeffree Stars palettes flee as I gently unzipped my largest Gucci bag, deciding to adorn myself in a red and green matching Gucci tracksuit. "This outfit has me shook!", I blurted out loud whilst staring in the sparsely water-stained bathroom mirror. I thought remorsefully, but only for a mere second, that I had still been on camera. I needed to start filming soon, so I decided to record my intro while I waited for the hotel breakfast service to begin.
"Hey guys! It's me Shane, after months of research and cost expense planning, I decided to visit Forks Washinton, a city breaking national headlines for having the highest number of vampire sightings in the nation. I, well, I... I actually have some pretty interesting information to share with you guys before I dive into the rest of the video."
I stopped the camera after having an instant recollection of the man who had bit me. That tall, gauntly man who filled up our dark taxi car with a cool, ominous presence. With his pale hands and even paler white complexion I can still remember that cool breath powering down on my neck while he pinned me against the rocky gravel cutting into my dry hands. And finally, warm. Hot fluid began to boa across my neck becoming larger and larger with each fading second until my whole neck was covered in the mess of it all. In the contrast of the cool night air, the warmth almost felt soothing. I felt tired, why was I so tired? And that's where my memory goes blank until I woke up in that hospital room, somewhere in Wyoming.
I dug through my medium sized Gucci bag where I had last remembered placing my hospital documentation and billings. Dug? No, now I was ravaging threw this pretentious leather carry on rummaging for these white sheets of paper.
I began to doubt myself, I felt out of place. Did any of it really happen...? could I have dreamt it all? I grew deeply concerned and suddenly I wasn't too interested in finishing my introduction. I could smell the hot breakfast from my dingy vents fill the one bedroom hotel room.
I made my way into the lobby and shortly after found my self standing in a single file line formation for this mornings instant brew.
The rest of the morning was a blur, I finished my non-fat cherry yogurt and headed back to my room to call what I hoped to be, my final cab.
As I rode in the back set of my extremely chatty uber drivers minivan, I still couldn't get a grasp on anything.
And then, we arrived.
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