Chapter 8. More then friends
{Location: The Monastery/Morro's room}(Morro's POV)
"How do I look? Wait, crap, I need a blanket." Everything seems to get underfoot today. I zip around my room as my thoughts and worries spur faster and faster. I slam my pinky toe against my dresser. Holding it before losing my balance and falling backward.
Sensei looks down, smiling before helping me up, "Yes, you already have a blanket, plates, napkins, cups, and chopsticks." He brushes the dust off of my tight tunic, "And you look handsome. Except for that cowlick on the back of your head."
"WHERE?!" I jump to a mirror. Seeing nothing but my pimpling skin. Awesome. Why today?
"I kid," Sensei snickers.
I roll my eyes just out of his sight before combing my hair once more, "Fuuny, funny. What do I say? What if I can't think of a," Oh no not that word. Sensei once washed my mouth with soap after hearing that, "fracking thing to say?"
"Talk about her. Find something in common."
"You told me that when I was making friends."
"Then explore those topics more. Or go window shopping. I find that stores tend to have conversation starting items."
"Maybe I shouldn't go." My hands won't stop shaking and I feel sick. Maybe I can send a smoke signal to Maya. Eh, it'll be awkward next time we see each other thought.
"And let my father's china get washed for nothing? I think not." he turns me around, bending over while squeezing my shoulder, "Everything is going to be perfect. What's the worst that can happen?"
"Spontaneous combustion?"
"What's the worst thing that can happen within reason?"
"We're at peace with them. No need to attack. Another answer."
"Me when I can't move my darn mouth the right way."
"You're going to do great. Hold on," he rushes off as I set the brush down.
I glance over at the small cabinet holding the green gi. "I can do this. I'm the chosen one for crying out loud. If I can't take a good friend out on a date, then I'm an awful green ninja." I take a deep breath as Sensei bursts back in.
"Here," he holds out 3 gold coins, all tied together with a red string. He puts it in my pocket.
"What is it?"
"A good luck talisman. Now you don't have to worry about your date with that."
How can some coins and a string be lucky? But I'll take whatever I can get. I face the door, picking up a small picnic basket, "I guess I should get going."
I don't move.
Sensei snickers quickly, slowly pushing me to the path, "Everything's going to work out just fine," he ready to close the door, "Besides, who knows where this could lead." He winks before locking me out.
"Sensei!" Really? Like I need more pressure before my first date. I turn around, slamming my fist on the door, "I CHANGED MY MIND!"
"GO! I'LL SEE YOU AT 7!" Click. The bolt is on.
I lower my head as clouds pepper the sky. I force myself down the mountain. Making sure to avoid the sharp rocks at the bottom. All the while, my thoughts shifting like a tornado.
This is gonna suck.
I'll make the best of it.
What if it's a disaster?
What if it's amazing?
How can it be amazing when you can bearly talk to Maya?
We've talked before. We're friends.
What if you're not anymore after this?
I freeze. Stupid. Thoughts. In. My. Head! This could change everything! What was I thinking? Out of everyone, did I HAVE to get a crush on my friend?! Gah, this is the worst day ever!
"Hello?" Ray waves his hand in front of me. He frowns when I don't respond. Knocking on my head, "Anyone home?"
"I don't even know where in Jamanakai to meet Maya at." I mumble, "I'm an idiot."
"Nah," Ray pulls me forward, partly dragging me against the ground, "She forgot too. I gotchya both covered thought."
"Thanks, Ray." I start walking on my own, like I have an actual brain, "I'm guessing you've been on loads of dates, huh?"
"Yup. Need advice?"
"First things first, Maya is good for jokes but don't over to them. Don't be serious. Never talk about wars, death, future plans or politics on a first date."
"Should I be taking notes?" I forget how pretty this village is. Teal roofs, make-shift stores on every street and a peacefulness about it. We pass a cart with stuffed teal kittens on them. Maybe I should get Maya one...if I brought money.
"Complement her. Like, you have beautiful hair, or you have lovely eyes. 'K?"
"K." I nod. Jokes ok, complaint, and no to scary things.
"And listen to her. Girls say a lot more then they mean so you have to pay close attention." Ray stops me, looking down on me, "Any more question?"
"A billion and no idea where to start." I can't stop licking my lips. Why can't I stop licking my lips?
Ray smiles before smoothing out my hair, "I think you're more of a doer than a thinker. So," he sidesteps to show Maya under a peach tree, the sunlight acting like a spotlight over her wavy curls. Ray kicks me forward, "Time to get your feet wet."
NONONONONONONONONONONO! I stumble, dropping and catching the basket.
Maya smiles, shifting her feet a lot, "Hey, Morro."
"H-hi Maya." Complaint HER! NOW IDIOT! "You have very hairy eyes."
"I- mean. I mean. I...mean you have lovely amber hair." FRECKING IDIOT! SHE HAS BROWN HAIR AND LIGHT AMBER EYES FOR NINJAGO'S SAKE!
Maya then starts snickering, "Did Ray tell ya that one? Don't listen to that hotheaded nimrod all right?" She brushes my hands before nibbling nervously on her lower lip, "You seem nervous."
"YES. No. I'm Not. What made you think that?"
"Because Ray keeps facepalming himself when you open your mouth." She points behind me. Ray shakes his head with a red mark on her forehead while hiding behind a cabbage cart. Maya grabs my hands and leads me behind the tree, "ISo this is pretty awkward for me too. DO you think maybe we can pretend that we're hanging out for an hour before we start our um...our um.."
I nod my head, looking like a bobblehead. "Good with me."
Maya moves smoothly, graceful like a waterfall while unfolding the blanket. Pulling out sandwiches as I carefully unwrap the china.
I should say something.
No. Last time I opened my trap I said she has hairy eyeballs.
But it's going to get awkward if I say nothing.
Maya lays her legs out, crossing them at the ankles. She's gorgeous today, teal and light green dress, navy tights, small brown purse, and black shoes. She can't quite seem to look me in the eyes, "Hungry?"
"A little."
She digs around the basket before presenting a delicious looking sandwich, "Here. Hope you like ham and cheese. It's all I can really make."
I take a big bite, "Tastes great." My lips and tongue tingle a little. But the sandwich is pretty spicy. I lick my lips as boys and girls play a soccer game in front of us, "Mmm-mm."
"Thanks, you don't have to be nice though. I know I'm not the best cook."
"What are you talking about? It was....It wa- ACHOOO!" I cover my nose as a harsh breeze snaps through the air, ripping off leafs and showering them down. I moan as my nose seems like a water balloon, "delicious."
Maya looks completely fine, a little scared that she'd get her dress wet but ok, "Thanks. Are you ok?"
My nose itches terribly, "Fine."
"You don't have any allergies do you?"
I shrug as the soccer kids scatter, "Donno."
A shadow casts over me, seeming to bring storm clouds along with him, "Correction, you do. Just to paprika."
I wipe my nose, "Thanks? Who are you?"
He's pretty short even when I look up at him, messy, unkempt black hair, dangerous brown eyes with thinking purple bags under them. But he's got dozens of blackheads and zits. He's dressed up in a simple dark purple and red tunic, looking annoyed at everything. "You're in my spot."
Maya sits criss-cross, "You're pretty rude. And how'd you known that paprika is in the sandwich? I didn't even know."
"Your stupid vermin of a bunny ran thought your kitchen, while you were chasing her, you knocked some spice into the basket. paprika." He pulls off a black satchel, taking out black candles and setting them up around us.
My nose starts twitching again, "Hey, who do you, Ah-"
He snaps his fingers and a tissue covers my nose, "I said to scram. This is my spot whenever my classmate and master come here."
Maya gets up, "Mister fluff isn't a vermin!"
I cover my hot nose, standing up next to her, "Then you must not come here often. And we were here first."
He doesn't look too concerned as he takes out small white bowls, "Don't care."
"Can't you just go find another spot for whatever you're doing?"
He reaches into out basket, pulling out a small plate, "What lovely china," SLAM! He breaks it. Snapping once again, the rest float around him, ready to drop. He stands up, "I'm not sorry to interrupt your date. I've done my routine here before and I'll do it again."
My nails dig into my palm, "Do you have a problem?"
"Yes, he's a sneezing idiot, 5 feet tall and smells like raccoon pee." He points down, more plates breaking into the ground, "You and your girlfriends just go find another spot before I run out of plates to break."
Maya tugs on my arms, basket in hand and ready to leave, "Morro, let's not bother with um.."
"Clouse Rune. Student of Master Chen." He points.
Maya half drags me away, "Let's left crud face alone." She smirks as everyone leaves that parks. I blow my nose a lot until my sneezing fits pass. Poor Maya, she went through all that trouble just to get kicked out, "Any other ideas?"
I watch Clouse, he pours water in the little bowls and lights the candles on fire, muttering something I either can't hear or another language. My first date will not go down in flames like this. I take the basket, leaving it at an empty cart before peeking around a corner, "We get out spot back."
"How? Neither of us deals with magic remember?"
I half hide behind a barrel, "I don't know about you, but I want to remember our date for the right reasons. And I always love pulling pranks with you."
She blushes a touch before crouching next to me, "Any plan?"
"It looks like he summoning something. But I bet he can't do that with those candles blown out." My fingers move like I'm playing the guitar. Snuffing candles out one by one.
Maya holds her hands out, carefully raising up the water, "Or without water."
Clouse gets up, "I did it. CHEN!" He springs off.
Maya carefully puts the water down, "Wanna make him look crazy?"
"Oh yeah." Ray appers from thin air, "I mean I wasn't eavesdropping or anything and-"
"Just light the candles, dork." Maya smiles as Ray shoots out small bursts of fire form his finder. Ray hides behind me as Clouse drags up an annoyed brown-haired man.
Clouse points, "See? What? But the water and the candles..."
"Next time, make sure you're not seeing things from a lack of sleep before you interrupted me going to visit my brother." The brown haired guy walks off.
"But...but." Clouse rubs his eyes, going back to muttering strange words.
I carefully wave the wind, managing to shake a leaf onto his head before wiping out all the candle's flames.
Maya raises the water, forming shapes with it.
Clouse looks up, rubbing his eyes before clapping, "COME BACK HERE, GARMADON! MASTER CHEN! Look!"
We set it back up again as Clouse drags a grown guy eating cotton candy. Again he looks shocked that it's all gone, "It was...working I swear."
Cotton candy guy has blood red hair and crazed brown eyes. He swats the back of Clouse's head, "Next time don't bother me to look at the stupid water."
The three of us have a hard time holding in out snickers.
I haven't had this much fun for a while. I think on what do next when that annoying show looms over us. Clouse looks like he's turning red.
Ray gets up, not caring how ticked off Clouse looks, "So who are you gonna grab next? Your mommy?"
"Who. Thought. Of. This?" Clouse has steam coming out of his ears.
I get up, helping Maya to her feet, "Me. Next time, find a spot where no one is or ask way more politely."
"What's. Your. Name. Dolt?"
"Morro Wu." I let my hand drop, half holding Maya's, "Can we please have our spot back?"
"Fine." He growls through gritted teeth, "Enjoy sitting on broken plates. And the next time I see you when my magic is stronger, you'll regret doing that to me."
What a creep. I roll my eyes, "Like what? Sending me to prison?"
"Condemning you to hel-"
"CLOUSE!" Chen, I think, calls him over. Excited about chocolate milk, "LOOK AT THIS! NOW!"
Close points to his eyes than to mine, "This isn't over."
"Something to look forward to. That is, if I ever see you below me, shortie."
He's redder than a tomato as he walks away.
Maya hugs me, "I'm impressed."
She's impressed with me?!
Ray chuckles while grabbing the basket, "He means, thanks. No big deal."
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