Chapter 5. Sky storm
{Location: Lucent city} (Morro's POV)
The cart driver mutters sorry before thwacking the whip against the ground to scare the horse. Meanwhile, I'm getting a dizzy spell from reading this workbook. (Maya may have let it slip that I couldn't read and Sensei has gone into full teacher mode). I moan, looking out the open window. How is this place a city? Lightning scorches the ground often, the houses and front yards are in shambles not to mention that the roads are covered in potholes.
Sensei leads over, "Are you stuck?"
"No. Just need a break." I rub my forehead. Rubbing my eyes as the cart stops. I hop out, pulling along a small satchel for a book bag, "Where are we going?"
"You are going to stay here and study." He gets out, paying the cart driver while fixing his hat, "I'm going to investigate whoever this Wohira goddess might be."
"But I wanted to meet a real goddess." In the middle of the square is a lecky fountain. I stomp over and sit, folding my arms, "It's not fair!"
"Morro, this is a very sensitive situation and-" CRACK! ZzzzZ! A huge bolt of lightning almost fries me. I jump, abandoning my books for half hide behind Sensei. Sensei looks a bit taken back, he grabs my book, giving them to me, "Perhaps you should come with me. Your satchel doesn't have any medal right?"
"Yeah." Really? I'm 10 now and I freak out over lighting only to hide like a chicken. I shake it off, following Sensei as he takes large steps over potholes. I spot the only cared for looking thing here, a sanctuary with no roof with lightning being pulled to whoever is inside.
Sensei is about to knock in the door when a lady pops out, standing guard.
She's is the weirdos dressed person I've seen and I've lived with actual clowns. Her face is painted blue, her hair seems to have hay braided into it to make it blonder and to top it all off, she wears a dress with yellow and light blue zigzags. She holds her hand out, "Halt, who comes to Lucent city to see the great storm goddess Wohira?"
I dig around my bag, pulling out a letter, passing it up to Sensei.
He warms this voice, "I and my pupil received a letter from a woman named Luna."
"I am her."
"Pleasure to meet you. Your letter was a tad confusing."
Luna shrugs, "Apologies. It just everyone here really wanted you here soon. As the son of the spinjutzu master, you know divine power when you see it, yes?"
"Yes." Sensei passes back the letter.
"You see, no one in the other villages believe us about the goddess. We would like you to validate our claims in her name."
"Such as?"
"She is a goddess and demands to be worshiped." Luna opens the door, holding it for us, "Come, come."
Sensei steps in, stray lighting dances around us as I almost hid under him again. Inside are blankets, sleeping bags, pillows, tiny gas grills scattered all over the place. The walls have scorch marks from the lighting and towards the end is a small circle of people on their knees, muttering and whispering.
Luna bows, "Oh great Wohira, I have brought outsiders to validate your name. If at first, they do not tremble at your presence, please don't smite them." She kicks off her sandals, nodding to us to do the same.
The ground is cold against my feet.
Is this real? I never thought I'd met an actual goddess.
Sensei takes off his hat, having my set down my satchel. He hums at something I can't see, "What makes you believe this little girl is a goddess?"
Luna falls onto one knee, "Before she came, this city was suffering a terrible lightning storm for about 2 weeks. Our crops withered up, are water was taken and it was dangerous to go out. A week ago, she appeared. Tired from having to hide her true form in a human and sitting in this chair. And the lighting followed her."
I peek out behind Sensei, a girl about 7 or 8 is tied down to a chair. Her electric blue eyes are sunken in and I can see her ribs through her burnt shirt. Her hair is bright blonde with small spots of light amber brown. When she sees me, she tries breaking free, screaming under a piece of duct tape. I frown, "Why is she tied up?"
"Once we realized who she was, she was frightened, trying to run away. But we can't afford for the storm to come back. We had to tie her down. Another reason we need you, Sensei Wu, to convince her of her place." Luna scowls when talking to me. Probably doesn't like kids too much. She looks back at Sensei, "You seem troubled Sensei Wu."
"I have seen many gods and goddess rise and fall. Most of them being wooden objects, some being a person stretching the truth. A few have been shown to be actual elementals opposed to deities."
Luna frowns, her hands hiding behind her, "What are you saying?"
"I don't think that this little girl is a goddess. I think she has a gift and needs to control it."
"Ridiculous," a guy with a pot belly, looking a lot like Luna down to the face paint gets up, "What kind of element is lighting anyway?"
"One of the elements of creation." Sensei frowns as more get up, "Let her go."
Luna growls, "No. We brought you here to comfort the truth. Not to dishonor the great Wohira."
I half raise my hand, "How do you know her name?"
"Pfft, the goddess told us when Connor was helping her rest." Luna rolls her eyes. Now glaring at Sensei, "If I were you, I'd carefully reconsider your judgment."
Sensei folds his arms, "She isn't a goddess."
Loud yelling breaks out as Wohira pleases with her eyes.
I know that look. A silent scream. Wanting to be free but can't ask for it. I wore that look a lot when I was Hunter.
I have to help her. It's the right thing to do.
It's what the chosen one would do.
I kneel down, finding a small knife for emergencies stashed away. I hide it up against my sleeve, tiptoeing through the crowd. The worshipers are now fully focus on arguing with Sensei. Easy peasy.
Wohira starts rocking the chair once I show off the knife. Lighting nearly barbecues me.
"Shh," I hold a finger of my mouth, "I'm freeing you. Can you direct the lighting away from me?"
She nods, not rocking anymore.
Easy now. I slip the knife between her ropes and her hand, slowly sawing it away before heading to the other. "There's no ceiling above. We might be able to get through that if Sensei keeps them distracted long enough," I free her legs before hiding the knife and readying to pull off her gag, "This might hurt."
She holds out 3 fingers.
I nod, "on 3. 1. 2. 3." RiP!
"OW!" She yelps. Getting on her feet.
Luna and her pals whip around. Her eyes narrow, "YOU stupid CHILD!"
Wohira grabs the chair, throwing it at me. She throws her hands forward, zapping a hole through the wall before bolting off.
Sensei smacks his head, "Morro."
"I can fix this. I'll get her." I jump up, getting the air to support me until I land on a roof. It's not too hard to see where she went, the lighting literally follows her through a jungle. I sprint after her, half running half floating. I want to be careful after the last time I ran barefoot.
It's definitely humid here. I keep following small leafs on fire or scorch marks on trees. "Wohira! Wohira, I didn't mean to scare you! I just want to help you!"
Zap, I stop on a dime, getting a lightning bolt between my legs. Wohira hides behind a tree, "You didn't scare me. But you should be scared of me."
"Why?" She just freaked out, so she won't zap me.
She teases up as I draw closer, "My Curse. I destroy everything where ever I go."
"No. You redirected that lighting into that building. You didn't destroy anything." I step up on a log, trying to get her to face me but she keeps hiding.
She shakes her head to the point of her blonde lock smacking her, "The storm follows me. They were only IN danger because of me." She tries to hide her shaking hands as lighting starts cutting through the trees.
"Why do you think of it as a curse? That's awesome."
"Pfft, sure. A commoner like you can't understand. Step back," she throws her hands out. Zapping and fraying an oak tree. "See? I hurt everything around me."
"I can help you."
She did a number on that tree as it catches fire. I calmly hold my hand out, creating a breeze to put it out. Her jaw drops a little. "Y-yo-you're like me?"
Once the fire's out, I nod. I smile, offering a handshake, "I'm Morro. I'M the student of Sensei Wu. I control the wind."
"I'm Wohira. I guess I control lighting somewhat. And while I'd like to shake your hand," she holds up her showing off tiny sparks between her fingers, "I don't think I can."
"Air shake then." I smile as we move our hand like we're getting someone invisible.
She smirks before hiding her hands behind her back, "So...can you really help me?"
"I think." She can't stay here with the nuts. Mabey Sensei would be ok with another student? If not she can't stay, so first things first get some control over her powers. "Sensei told me that elemental powers can affect one's ."
"Take me. My element is wind and it can shift at a moments notice. Like sometimes I'm super cheerful and happy or others when I'm really mad or scared, it affects my control. Happy and calm equals pleasant breezes."
"And when you're mad or scared."
"You don't want to know." What's lighting all about? Well, it's fast, hyper and you can bearly catch it. I lick my lips as Luna and her pals stomp around us, "What were you like before your power?"
SHe hums, "Donno. I've always had them. Hard to remember a time without, ya know. But things got real when I zapped my pet rock. My family was frecking out after seeing more and more scorch marks around the house on in my bed. They must have thought I was a pyromaniac or something, I don't know. Anyway, I ran and that's when the storm started following me. I now tend to be very quiet 'cuse I'm all by myself and stuff."
I smirk as the bolts between her fingers disappear and the storm starts to dissipate.
"What?" She gasps a little, "You figured it out huh?"
"You're holding it all in," I fold my arms as I try and think of how to get her out of here, "I'm guessing that lighting is very energetic and lively. But you've been so quiet that it's coming out another way." I point up.
"Keep talking, I'm going to see if I can hide you on my ride. Follow me." This might be tough. How and I suppose to get a chatterbox past her stalkers?
Wohira drones on and on about places she's visited (and then destroyed by accident), while following me close behind. The storm disappears, proving me right as we walk out of the dense jungle. I spot Sensei by the cart driver, I scan before waving, "Sensei."
He breathes a sigh so relife before rushing over, "Quickly while the villagers are away." He scoots along with us, opening the door and hopping in. The driver gets his hours going as Sensei moves my bag for Wohira to sit down. He sighs, half smiling, "Next time you want to chase another elemental into a jungle, don't pick Primeval's Eye."
"Woo," Wohira bounces in her chair as the horseman speeds up, somehow now missing all the potholes, "What's that?"
"A dense jungle that stretches for miles and miles. Misako was telling me how she lost a good friend of her when he was trying to map it."
"Ok," look out, seeing no sign of Luna and the nuts worshipers, "Am I ever going to meet this Misako?"
"Mabey one day." Sensei shifts to look at Wohira, "As for you, do you have a family?"
"Yes but they're far." She holds up her sparky hands, a little sheepish as he takes a closer look, "They can't help can they?"
"I'm afraid not." He leans back, "I have an old friend that you can live with who doesn't live too far from my monastery. You can live with her and train with me if you wish."
"Y.E.S!" She squeals.
I catch her contagious happiness, "I can't wait for you to meet Maya or Ray and oh-oh, watch me on the spinjutzu course. You can even help me train."
"Train? Train for what?"
"To be the green ninja!" I step onto my seat, smiling wide and feeling proud, "The chosen one who will defeat the ultimate evil."
Sensei throws my bag at me, nailing me in the gut as I get down, "Right now that chosen one needs to get back to his homework. I want pages 20 to 55 done when we get home."
Wohira snickers at my expense as I prop open the book.
Hey everyone. Happy 2019! Man, it's been a while since one of my notes. Today I'm going to pull back whatever kind of curation there is in my stories. Honestly, the last half of 2018 really handed my butt to me. Between lots of big things changing in my life, I have had a harder time writing. The point of my fanfiction career so far is to be a better writer and storyteller and right now, I don't think I'm capable of putting forth my best. So from now until the first Friday of March, I'm taking a little time to organize my life. I promise that I'll come back and finish but I just need the new year to get a handle on everything.
Thank you for all your support and encouraging comments.
I'll be back.
From, W.R.
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