Chapter 13. A hole in the wall
{Location: Jasmine Spring. Al's bar}(Morro's POV)[1 year later]
I groan as I wake up. My mouth, gah my voice. I shouldn't really be doing back to back nights. But I've gotta pay Akia by the end of the week. I sit up in my hammock, rubbing my forehead. I shake my head as the stupid pipe drips on my head. I can't afford an apartment but at least my boss lets me stay the closet. Below me is a mini-moat of water, which is why I sleep in a hammock, so I don't get soaked for every 4 hours I sleep.
Gotta get up. Gotta move.
I have an appointment.
I step onto a bucket, opening the door and stepping into the bar.
"Morning," Layla wipes down a table. Her raven black hair is half up in a perfect bun, sparkly brown eyes, and flawless makeup.
"I live here," I very faintly smile as rub my eyes, "How do you beat me in?"
She hums as she abandons the Windex and cloth, "I have a key." She holds my cheek, leaving a small kiss. "You forgot to get me flowers last night on our date."
"We were working last night." I don't think we've actually ever gone on an official date. We just got together because the rest of the staff wouldn't stop thinking of us as a couple.
"Yeah, but we were working together last night. Therefore it's a date," she smiles. Board wrapping her arms around my waist.
I give her a passionless kiss. I like Layla, I really do. But I don't think I love her and I'm pretty sure she doesn't love me. I sigh as I hold her loosly, "Sorry. I'll pick some up when I get back."
"Um..where do you think you're going?" She lets go, getting back to cleaning up, "Our shift starts in a half an hour."
"I'll just be 15 minutes." My head hurts. Mabey I should take a nap during my break. I grab an apple and a water bottle, "There and back."
"Yeah if you don't end up sleepwalking, greenie."
"Hopefully I'll end up dreaming of you." Super cheesy but it'll do. I head out, glaring at the sun. Move faster. I've got to be there soon. Rember, small hill, lone tree, and a picnic table. I can't seem to stop moaning or yawning. I rub my hair, yikes, why's it feel so greasy? I need a bath. Wait when was the last time I-
"You ok?" A little blonde boy peeks out from behind the fruit stand, "You ran into my cart."
"I'm fine." Ok, bath later, meeting now. I rub my eyes, can't stop now.
"Right..." He watches as I leave, "Are you homeless?"
"Excuse me?"
"Sorry. You just... your hair's messy and you look overworked."
"What makes you think I could be homeless?"
"Because you're work clothes look like they've been slept in." He shrugs, "I can go ask my mom if you want to stay here."
I shake my head. It's not that bad. I'm fine. Just desperate to prove I'm right. I walk off, "No thanks. I'm good."
I ignore the kid's questions as I try to avoid any more carts. I weave my way through a market, my it's busy for 5 in the evening.
I spot my meeting spot with the guy I'm supposed to meet. I nibble on my apple as I sit at the table, "Hello."
He turns around, he's older than me but feels so familiar, "Greetings. Are you Nao's friend?"
"Yes. You're the magic guy he was telling me about." I shake his hand. Why does he seem familiar?
He nods, "I am Clouse."
"My name is Morro." Oh wait..wasn't this the jerk I meet on my date with Maya? Shoot. Hope he doesn't remember."
"Yes, I thought you looked familiar." He folds his arms, sharply glaring, "You seem like a far cry from what Wu says about you."
I hid my hands, digging into my pocket to hold my talisman, "You talk with him?"
"Eh," Clouse shrugs, "Garmadon talks in his sleep...or at least he did until he left Master Chen to fight in the war."
"War?" I might actually need a vacation.
Clouse keeps his face stiff, "The one with the serpentine. I just watched a whole battle in the Bearchwood forest." He kicks something under him. I'm assuming he did more than watch. "You don't look so well. Dealing with broken china?"
"No. It's a long story that I don't need to tell you-"
"You're not the green ninja."
I growl lowly under my breath, "About. I believe that Nao talked to you about getting a location spell or something."
"I might have had something."
He looks at his nails, a dark shadow over his face, "Nao won't say a word but he screwed you over. I gave HIM my location tool."
"What!" No, no, no. "WHy?"
"He knows that if you get to the tomb, his money will stop coming." Clouse folds his hands, letting them stay on the table, "I honestly see all of this a futile, why don't you accept the truth that you're not the chosen one?"
"Shut up," I stand up, feeling slightly woozy, "This is over. Go away."
"Why?" Clouse stands up, leaning close, "This was my spot first."
"Don't tell me you're hung up on that." That was years ago...and now I feel old. Awesome.
Clouse grips my hands, I should have seen that coming. He sneers as moves up to my wrists, "You humiliated me. Do you know how long that walk for me was?"
I can play this game too. I lean forward, summoning any strength hiding in me as the wind gets fidgety, "You're wasting my time, just like you're a waste of space."
"I never got to finish my thought last after that moment," Clouse's hands glows a sickly green. Trying to scare me. Good luck. He sneers, "No one humiliates me, ever. Without paying a price."
"What are you going to do, street magician?"
"How does a new spell sound?" His grip turns to iron, his eyes roll back a little and he talks in something I really don't recognize. His hands get hot then cold really fast, glowing brighter.
I...I..don't feel right.
I start shaking terrabily, ""
Clouse's eyes roll forward, "No. Because you deserve this." He lets go, sneering and cackling a little, "Don't ever talk to me again." He walks off
"Fine by me." I massage my wrists, he left busies on me. Something is wrong with me. I feel...bad. I'm probably just sleep deprived. Nothing more, Clouse it just a jerk. I get up, finishing off my appel and sipping my water.
I get up, leaving the table, feeling dizzy. I stumble through the street, I knew I wasn't getting a lot of sleep but I didn't think it wasn't that bad. I slowly push open the door to Al's.
Layla squints at me, pointing to our time sheet.
"I'm going!" I snap. What's wrong with me? I don't mean to snap at her. I'm too tired to snap, so why'd I? I quickly write down my name and time. Heading to grab my rag and Windex. I've got mabey an hour or 2 to clean before the day drinkers come in.
I start to zone out, mindlessly wiping down tables as Layla cleans the stage.
A man walks in, "Excuse me," wow, he's...something. He wears vividly bright colors next to dark black ones. He looks suspicious, raven black hair, steel grey eyes and something about his smile doesn't look innocent, "I and my crew are looking for a good time. Can we come on in?"
I glace at Layla. She shrugs, taking away her mop as I blow dry the stage. I weakly smile, "Of course."
"Can we order drinks yet?" A small crowd quickly comes in, bombarding the tables and kicking their muddy feet up.
"Layla's our bartender. I'm just the night singer." I put away my cleaning tools to help Layla with the drinks.
The man stops me, "Then. Sing." He nods to a strongman type guy, who holds a huge sword. Sword guy stands in front of the door while closing the blinds. The grey-eyed man stares into my soul, "Son."
"Fine." I huff. I glance at Layla, hope she knows I'm sorry. I set up my stage, sipping water before turning the mic, "Any requests?"
I get very inappropriate and snooty shouts.
Ok, time to play along. I smile, "Mabey next time. How about I start with my list then we take requests." I open up my guitar case, strumming it as I hum. Go time. You got this. "Symphony of siiilver tears.
Sing to me and sooth the ring in my ears.
Overcast, these gloomy nights wear on. But I'm holding fast 'cuses it's darkest just before the dawn."
I've defiantly gotten better but I didn't know I could make a crowd shut up like this.
"I sang my princess fast asleep, 'cuase she was my dream come true. Oh, Annmarie, I loved you." I find my rhythm despite my shaky hands. "But now those lonely lullabies, just dampen my tired eyes. Because I can't forget you. Because I can't forget you."
Layla smacks as some cover their mouths. She's heard this so many times she must be sick of it.
Deep breath, Morro. "I'll dissolve when the rain pours in.
When the nightmares take me.
I will scream with the howling wind.
'Cuse it's a bitter world and I'd rather dream." That's sad. Once more. "Dizzy love turned to star Lilly pink. And hung above our lids too flush to blink.
But icy blue, turned the fairtaily cold. Though I treasure you, and you sparkled with someone to hold."
The spotlight finally kicks in, lighting me up.
"I sang my princess fast to sleep. 'Cuase she was my dream come true.
Oh, Anamarris, believed me, I loved you." Stop shaking hands. What'd Clouse do to me? Was it more than a scare...did he...forget him. Something sharp in me fixes my focus. Just sing you, darned idiot. "But now those lonely lullabies, just dampen my tired eyes. Because I can't forget you. Because I can't forget you." Super sad part again. Yay. "I'll dissolve when the rain pours in.
When the nightmares take me.
I will scream with the howling wind.
'Cuse it's a bitter world and I'd rather dream."
Once more.
I stare at the grey-eyed man, hard not to with how he sits in the first row.
Do I know him? I'm just running into all kinds of familiar strangers today.
"I'll dissolve when the rain pours in. When the nightmares take me. I will scream with the howling wind. 'Cuses it's a bitter world and I'd rather dream."
Layla pauses, slowly grabbing glasses and ice.
"Anamaria, I'll never forget you. Remer me? I'll never forget. Rember me?" I strum, waiting for a half second before getting thunderous applause.
"Kid," the grey-eyed man waves me over, "I want to talk with you." I get off stage, sitting next to him, "I'm Kenneth Greymen. I need a singer. My crew is feeling down on their luck and needs someone with your kind of voice to lift 'em up. And don't worry about the money, the pay is very decent."
"What's the catch?"
"I do everything on my train. You'd have to be good with moving a lot." Kenneth smiles. Rubbing his chin, "And hunting. We're hunters. Heading to a couple cities. We won't keep you long, just until the hunt's over."
"I'll...think about it." If the pay is decent, mabey I should take a look. I'll talk to Layla about it, maybe even Al when he gets in.
Something twisted in me cackles at this idea, we can go steal his money now.
What no? I don't do....but everyone I'M paying needs their money. And I'm already behind. Mabey.
Come on, your tired. Working 24/7. How's a small pickpocketing going to hurt this guy?
Why the heck not?
I look up, already at Kenneth's train.
Ok, game plan, sing a little more. Then once Kenneth and his crew have had a few drinks, I'll take my breck and sneck back here. Easy peasy. I head back to the bar, sip my water before hopping up on stage, "Sorry about that. Any requests?"
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