Chapter 11. Discouragement
{Location: The Monastery}(Wu's POV)
"I apologize for Morro's actions." I blow on my steaming tea, across from Misako, "He's not normally..."
"Angry?" She sips.
"Not quite I'd say but I supposed." Forces Wu. She's just a friend. A friend with really pretty eyes, curly chocolate brown hair and- Snap out of it. We just need a conversation. Nothing more, nothing attached. I force my mind to think of his actions today, "I'm sure he'll be fine."
"Wu," She sets her cup down, hand folded as she leans in, "You need to figure this out."
"What do you mean?" Morro just got...emosinal. That's all. Just like when he was young and lost a fight or a game.
"I mean that from what I saw today, he still thinks he is the green ninja. He's not. The scroll and words put forth by destiny are quite clear. He doesn't even have his four protectors. I'm not sure why you let this get so far away from you."
"I didn't let this get away from me." I lower my cup, "I gave him a goal to strive for, an idea of what he COULD be. He's just disappointed that it ended up being an idea."
"Hmm, I wonder if you stressed the COULD with him like you just did with me." She folds her arms. Her gentle smile disappearing with a tight line of forces, "I'm not accusing you of anything, and I'm not blaming him for striving to greatness. However, I am worried about his emotional fallout." She leans forward, "And how you are planning to deal with your first student's anger."
"He's not angry," I rub the rim of my cup, "Just disappointed. Disappointed that he isn't the green ninja."
"Yes, because you told him he would be the green ninja. Never telling him that he might not be. What I saw today, is a man angry that he didn't get what he worked for. And I think you need to talk to him about it."
"I've trained Morro for years," 13 long wonderful years full of smiles and laughter, "I think I know when and where I need to talk to him about." Could I be wrong? I'll admit, I wasn't pleased with how he acted. Perhaps I should be more He promised to apologize and he just needs to get back on track, "Besides, he promised he'd apologize."
Maya bursts through the door, breathing heavily and somewhat stumbling in, "Sensei...we've got a problem."
"What's wrong?" I get up, spilling my tea.
Maya swallows, did she sprint all the way up here from her house? She leans herself against the wall, "It's Morro. I saw him walking into the Wildwoods forest...I tried to stop him but he...he was going one about proving the chosen one." She pulls her hair back, "Didn't the golden weapons already do that?"
Misako cleans up my mess, "I don't follow. The problem is Morro's walking into a forest?"
Whoira zips in, running into Maya. Whoira's red-faced with wobbly legs, "HE'S going to FIGHT a GRUNDEL!"
No time to lose. I bolt through them, slamming into a wall before running outside. Don't panic, collect your thoughts. I form a gorgeous white and golden dragon, taking off as the women call me out, "I'll be back."
I refuse to be too late.
All over the forest are dense trees. Bah, I can't see anything. I land, jumping off my dragon and running on foot. I'd call his name out but I'd be more likely to draw a Groundel to me. He can't be far, the forest isn't too large just long. I slow my pace, walking down a steep dirt hill. Let's try to be rational, Morro is a smart man. Yes, he can be emotional but he tends to think things thought. He could have been bosting to Maya and Wohira.
I'm Sure of it.
Until I see Morro walking not too far.
Instead of jumping out and dragging him home by the ear, I duck behind a tree. Watching.
What am I doing? I'm not jumping to conclusions.
Morro's not stupid, he's not hot headed and reckless.
Morro bends down, grabbing a stick in front of a cave's mouth. He throws it in, smirking for a second before a huge, slimy, green drolling Grundel comes out. He turns on his heel, running as the monster follows him.
I spinjutzu up into a tree, finding a rope left behind by a logger. I lasso it to a tree, on 3.
I swing down, scooping him up as the Grundel snaps at us.
We land on another branch.
Hundreds of thoughts from worried to angry flood my mind. What were you thinking? You nearly gave me a heart attack! Why are you out here in the first place?! I raised...taught, you better than this!
So I'm a little surprised when he speaks up first, "You see Sensei," His dark grey eyes clinging to his pride of being the green ninja. "It was destiny for you to save me. I can still be the green ninja."
What do I say?
For years, I told him he was the one to save us all. And the golden weapons that were supposed to prove who the green ninja was, said otherwise.
Perhaps Misako is right. I shouldn't have built him up so that I have to tear him down now. "Did I teach you to put yourself in a dangerous situation? No. Did I teach you to be arrogant about yourself? No! Have I ever thought you that act like a pouty child when you do not get your way?"
"NO!" His smile quickly fades as he crosses his arms, "You taught me TO BE the Green Ninja."
I have no idea what to do. It's been 3 hours since the test and he's spiraled out of control. I need to put my foot down, even if he doesn't like it. "I can't teach those who will not listen." I climb down as the Grundel goes back to its cave, "Come, we're going home."
"To what?" He jumps down, using the wind as a cushion, "Back to where those pieces of crap lied about my true destiny! I don't care what they say. I am the GREEN NINJA!"
"YOU'RE NOT THE GREEN NINJA!" My temper skyrockets. "Those weapons ARE the ONLY way to prove if SOMEONE is the GREEN NINJA! I'M sorry it's not you but this is just the way things are!"
"It CAN'T be the only way!" He sneers at me. At me. He stomps his foot as I turn to walk back home, "THERE has to be another thing that only the next ultimate spinjutzu master can do! AND I'M GOING TO DO IT BECAUSE I AM THE GREEN NINJA!"
"Like what?! Finding my fathers tomb?"
His footstep stop, his eyes light up before returning to something I don't recognize in him. "Yes!"
I raise my eyebrow as I fold my arms.
He's still a little shorter then me, forcing him to use the wind to raise him a few inches, "I will search all of Ninjago in search of your father's tomb if that what I need to do in order to prove myself."
"You want to do the impossible? Go ahead! My father left clues that I and my brother couldn't even put together." I don't want to be harsh but he needs to listen to me. I turn around, walking off, "What makes you believe that you can find it?"
"Because," he snarls, shaking as small tornados form, "I. AM. THE. GREEN. NINJA!"
What do I say?
I quite down as it is a very tense walk back home. There's no way he's going through with this. He's too smart to go back to a life of homelessness and no food. I give it a year before he comes back.
And I'll let him back in with open arms.
{Location: Morro's room}(Morro's POV)
I've got to be quick. How long can I stay in 1 set of clothes? Who cares if I smell when I find the tomb. I grab a few bags of rice, a handful of nuts and a small water container. A simple set of fire-making tools and a thin blanket. Hmm, no tent or sleeping bag. I could ask Ray or Joesaphe for one. It won't matter too much in the long run.
"So," Sensei appears in my doorway, he's been quiet ever since we got back. Mabey he's considering another test with the weapons? No. He firm in that belief, "You really are leaving."
I tie up my small set of supplies, attaching it to a staff, "Yeah." I set the contraption on my bed, grabbing my talisman. Just...a keepsake from home. I stuff it in my pocket, next to my wallet. After years of doing odd jobs and what I kept from the circus will now pay off.
I glance at my bag, how can something so small support me for such a long time?
Mabey I shouldn't leave.
Mabey I should apologize and say that my emotions were getting the better of me.
Mabey...just mabey...I'm not the green-
I have to be.
I'll be fine.
Sensei closes the door, "You're really doing this?"
"Yes." I don't know. I honestly thought..know I am the chosen one. And I know that the golden weapons should reflect that. This is the only home I've really known...but how can I live in the same place as those stupid weapons?
I have to go.
It's the only way to discover my true destiny.
The bag and staff get propped up on my shoulder. I'm all set. Only Sensei blocks the door. "May I leave?"
He crosses his arms, "Morro, I can't change what the weapons reveal or what destiny wrote-"
"SO..." No. I won't snap at him. He deserves so much more for everything's he has done. I will still treat him with respect even if I greatly disagree with him. "So, I'll write my own destiny." I am the chosen one. I believed in it. You believed in it. Why does it matter if some stupid piece of metal says otherwise? "I have a long way to go and the sooner I start-"
He steps aside, "Fine."
"Thank you." Just one last look around the monastery. In case I missed something. I briefly walk through each room, going the take less route. Mabey a weapon? No. I'm better with a staff and my element. I peek at the golden weapons room. This is where I had my first real lesson.
After escaping, (and then napping the rest of that way), Sensei held my head and told me to punch with all my might. It was hard. I worked for each inch I could get.
I set my stuff down, pretending to study the painted dragon when I'm really trying to hold in tears. Why is this so hard? Leaving the circus was easy. For a while I thought they'd come for me but nothing. I left them high and dry, loud and proud.
Why is this harder?
If anything I spent more time alone before. I'm good with being alone. I like it.
So why can't I leave?
Wooden panels creek behind me, Sensei watches.
What matter's more, comfort or my destiny? I scoop up my staff, propping it on my shoulder, half stomping, half waking out. I push open the gate.
I've climbed down this mountain so many times before...why am I shaking to leave it now?
No hesitation. No delays. Bite the arrow and get out there.
I step down.
And another.
Sensei stands in the open gates. I know what's being said if I take the coward's way out and come home... Back, I meant if I were to come back, I'll be welcomed. It's an invitation to reconsider.
I pause when I make it around the bend, out of his sight.
One step.
That's all it is. One step, one turn back, one step away.
Is this a miskate? The tomb could be a million miles away. I could wake up tomorrow in a warm bed, on my back, a roof over my head and food on the table and think, 'yesterday, it was smart of me to NOT leave.'
But then I'll never get back on track of becoming the chosen one.
I force myself to take another step.
It's strange to fight with yourself. One part of me, the word is my bond, the believer, the fighter, wants to find the tomb.
But the other part of me sings, I'm just one step away from coming home. One step away from arms wide open. I don't have to be alone.
Just one small step away.
I wipe strange liquid from my eyes, hardening my already homesickness and moving forward.
This is my choice, comfort or my destiny.
A million-mile journey or being one step away from home.
I freeze again. I don't want to go. I don't want to go. I don't want to leave.
I turn on my heel, climbing before picturing my life there. Nothing but regret. Years of kicking myself for not going.
Verse this, showing everyone that I'm the green ninja.
It makes perfect sense in my head.
So why don't I feel right about this in my heart?
I force myself to jog down the mountain.
This is right. I am the green ninja. I believe and I know. I am. I am. I have to find the first spinjutzu master's tomb to prove it to my sensei. Because I am the green ninja. If he won't come with me, that's fine.
But why, oh why does it feel wrong in every way TO leave?
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