EXCITING THINGS ARE BELOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
All there is, is a quiet hum around me.
The quiet thumping of the tires hitting the bumps on the tar road.
The occasional thump of some of our belongings in the boot.
The radio playing so softly, that it was pretty much a lyrical whisper. The words of Thinking Out Loud channeling towards my ear drums.
Three other occupied seats. All with the people I love.
Katniss beside me. My three and seven year old daughter sitting in their car seats.
The beautiful sight that I'm surrounded by, reminds me, along with the song, about how much I love my family.
My wife.
Her head lulled against the door frame. Her eyes closed, so softly. Such an angel she is, slightly curled up as she lets slumber take over her form. One arm lying across her lap and the other cushioning her head.
I can tell her sleep is peaceful, by the way her chest softly rises and falls.
My eldest daughter.
Her head against the headrest of her seat, the small blanket she's had since she was born, draped across her lap and legs. Her mouth ajar as she snores, however her settled sleep keeps her beautiful orbs hidden from me.
My baby girl.
Bringing a chuckle and grin to my face, once of her arms spread out as far as it could possibly go. Her mouth slightly sucking on her pacifier as she also sleeps. More so resting on her side. Her favourite elephant toy tightly in her grasp.
As I pull to stop at the traffic light, I gently pull on Katniss' seat belt to loosen it against her neck, managing to not disturb her. I turn back to my daughters and smile over them, while also gushing at my beautiful girls and how peaceful they all are as they sleep.
The smile doesn't leave my face as I turn back and slowly begin driving again, focusing on the road.
This small space:
It isn't silent.
It isn't quiet.
It is busy with love.
p.s: hope you like it
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